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Age: 23
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May 17, 2024


05/17/2024 03:18 PM 


I have broken the Cannon (and some change of fates points into Fates), Which are all joinable plot points that may (or may not) help us build a story again. We do NOT Have to use these jumping points. They are suggestions, nothing more, and some will be added and changed as time goes on.

I am ALWAYS willing to discuss, and there are also a few opening blanks in my blogs if you just want to roll into it.
I will also accept relevant random starts so long as they are functional. If they are not I will reach out. 

(Fate 1) lvl 6
Alone in the cage, she suffered the fever that would have killed her, gaining. Four levels, putting her at level 6. The child sits alone in her cell as she did before, underweight and ragged. She waits for a buyer. She appears 5 years old.

(Fate 2) lvl 8
A fight with another child tossed in her cage forced her to fight for the meager food offerings. The pair struggled together for months until the blond fox demi-human was purchased, leaving Raphtalia alone again. The struggles for food pressed the girl's level from 6 to 8. She now appears 10 years old

(Fate 3) lvl 9
It's been a long while now. The slaver, sure this child was not going to sell and is a waste of space, has decided to sell her at a discount at the next fair.

(Fate 4) Lvl 11
She didn't sell at the fair. A beating followed that left her body broken and bruised. She was left with the fair owner, a monster of a man, aware of what she was and how she levels, who started throwing her in cages with monsters and forcing her to fight for entertainment.

(Fate 5) Lvl 14
The fights have gone well. The raccoon dog draws a crowd with her battles. A surprise as she was not supposed to survive all of them. She is becoming a slave of the blade. Though some offers to buy her, or even jus rent her, have started to come in.

(Fate 6) Lvl 16
Raphtalia has suffered much and survived it all. She still holds to the second enslaver; no one has bought her, though a few have rented her for the night. The fights are often now, she has been moved to a monster pit. She is drawing a large audience now.

(Fate 7) lvl 20
A powerful warrior, She fights with speed and efficiency her skills with the blade is traveling. She is a lovely woman who is often painted with other beasts' blood. She is given some privileges now and allowed to wander the pits. The slave crest won't let her leave anyway.

(Fate 8) lvl 25
The waves have become a problem. The heroes are struggling, calling upon adventurers, warriors, and even battle slaves like Raphtalia to help with the one arriving soon. Raphtalia is called to the front lines, and the Slave crest ownership is transferred to a military commander.

(Fate 9) Lvl 29
The waves have stopped. A curse upon the land and a giant turtle wanders, crushing villages easily. Called again, Raphtalia battles the spirit turtle. Joining the small party that ventures within. She pairs well with the group, leaving her home realm and being pulled into another.

-Warning Season 2 Spoilers - 

(Fate 10) lvl 1
Child again, a prison locks her down with some of the party and a new hero. She is weak, though she will work hard to regain her levels, much to her irritation.

(Fate 11) lvl 10
Escaping the prison was not so simple. She was separated from he group she arrived with after the portal rejected her. Imprisoned, she is bound again in a new world she doesn't understand. Alone once more, she is transported to a new hell.

(Fate 12) lvl 11
With the help of others in the cargo hold, Raphtalia could break free of the transport and, much like the others caught, ran. She would not be caught again, she decided.

(Fate 13) lvl 50
She made it to the city. A scene was unfolding as someone was becoming a hero. Hiding in the crowd, she watched. As a familiar face, the same who had been at the portal that rejected her. To her surprise, the blade chose her, appearing in her hand when he reached for it. The blade was too large for her, and the crowd turned against her. She ran. Her body changed as she moved. Pain danced through her. Her Slave crest burning off. 

-I will only post what is in the anime if you want to discuss further plot points. It will be in private. I will not post light novel or Manga information publically I am a nice person, after all- 


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