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03/05/2019 10:58 AM 

[RP Advice] RolePlayers With Disabilities (Take A Steady Approach)
Category: Blogging

I know I haven’t posted in a while, but I needed a break from all the typing. Anyway, I wanna cover this topic for a few reasons.

During my 14 years of RP, I have noticed there are lots of us who have disabilities. These disabilities are often why people lack amazing RP partners, but it’s not their faults in any way. Many RPers have learning disabilities, which hinders their performance when it comes to typing properly. I want to put an end to this, because a lot of people dislike those who make spelling errors.

I myself am dyslexic, my brain processes things faster than I can function. I tend to make tons and tons of typos, because I think faster than I can type. Often times, I was told to go back to school for a few typos I made, lol. But, I learned to embrace this side of me, it can make for some funny conversation starters. My friends even tease me over a majority of my typos, and it’s honestly fun.

Some of us have disabilities to where it takes us a while to respond. Don’t grow impatient with those who take a long time to type their response. There are others that have it so rare, that just about their entire grammar is thrown out the window. Don’t get frustrated, no matter how bad it becomes. Talk to them instead and help them learn, help them improve.

Now, I’m not saying that people need to use this as a crutch. I’m just trying to make some obvious things come to light. You should never NEVER use your disability as an excuse for anything. You CAN help yourself, you CAN get better. Every time I write with my partners, my own writing improves, even the smallest bit.

Please take things into consideration, not every partner will tell you that they have a disability. Many of them are actually afraid to tell us, because they’ve been judged and ridiculed so many times.


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