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08/16/2019 06:43 PM 

Accelerator's Current Feats

Since some people wanted it, I guess I should give it. I want to pre-face this by saying I don't particularly enjoy RP fights anymore as they're rather boring. I do nerf Accel accordingly though if a fight is necessary for plot progression and if it's an AU of Accel. Anyways...

Well, how do I start this? To begin with, let's start with reflection.
Accelerator's ability is to control Vectors. But it goes beyond that, and it also doesn't follow the full theoretical science of Vectors, as Scalars are still considered Vectors to him. Energy and so forth are considered Vectors. The reasons behind this is Accelerator is not a /true/ Vector Manipulator. Espers are Reality Warpers and their powers are just explained with Science to make them easier to use for them. You can see it as Vector Control being more of a medium than a true manipulation. Never the less, it still carries the same effects but with the bonuses of Accel being able to do far more with them than he should. I'll detail a few quick tid bits of what he can do in each phase of the series.

Old Testament feats

The default state of his ability, and the automatic version of it.
Reflection/Redirection is an automatic process. Anything that he has deemed harmful is automatically reflected at 2x the attacks magnitude. Prioritizing the vectors and kinetic energy behind the attack, if the attack lacks kinetic energy, the vectors itself will do just fine. Also, speed, force, etc does not matter. You can't overcome the field with pure speed nor strong enough attacks. In NT22 for example, Coronzon attacked Accelerator with an attack that had enough power to blow away 1 billion universes as it was an attack comparable to Othinus's Gungnir which did just that, and he shrugged it off. Meaning magnitude of attacks is irrelevant to his automatic defenses. 
This also gives him Dimensional defense against attacks attempting to infiltrate his field from outside dimensions. Teleportation, Telekinesis, etc has no affect as it blocks out any matter from attempting to enter from outside the dimension. This also means you cannot manipulate his own energy as the barrier will deny it from the inside. Mind manipulation also will not work, as transmission will be denied unless he allows you access through his filter. 

Filter List: 
Accelerator has a Filter of what he deems harmful and not. It is possible to trick this filter if you have analyzed his ability, however, that would mean creating matter that literally doesn't exist in the universe like Kakine Teitoku did, but even Accelerator can simply put in a few key phrases and patch that hole. His versatility is in his ability to rewrite the ways his ability works on the fly. If he interacts with an unknown vector, he can cross-reference it and force it into his filter so those attacks can no longer prove effective. 

Forces that Accelerator is able to manipulate via vectors:
Sub-atomic particles
Nuclear energy 
Electromagnetic waves
Brain fluids
Nerve signals
Electrical Signals 
Kinetic Energy
Rotational Energy
4 Fundamental Forces 
Temperature Resistance
etc, if there is an element in the world that exists, he can manipulate it. I think I repeated a few things here but who cares. The point is, if you're attacking him with a force that exists in the universe, it will not get through.

Vector Control: 
This is the manual application of his ability. It allows him to have greater versatility and taking control of the forces of the world, so on and so forth. With this he can manipulate the forces to do what he wants, whether it's a torrent of wind, Razor sharp leaves, needle Water, so on and so forth. This ability has many, many, MANY applications and implications that I can't cover them all. 

Vector Change: 
Accelerator is able to change and input vectors onto attacks. If an attack, for whatever reason, lacks vectors, he is able to enforce vectors onto it to make it intractable for him. He demonstrates this several times in the novel, most notably is with Qliphah's metaphysical Contract. So long as he understands something, he can control its vectors, even if it's metaphysical/non-corporeal.  

Magnitude Amplifying:
Accelerator can amplify the magnitude of whatever he is manipulating. This includes Sound, gravity, etc. Theoretically this means he can amplify enough kinetic force and mass around a punch to punch a hole in the space-time continuum and create a black holes or other absurd sh*t. He has several methods to create black holes besides this such as compressing plasma until it's dense enough. In a sense, this makes him a bigger One Punch Man than One Punch Man. The reasons why this is not explored more is simply due to wanting to conserve the area and to not kill. After OT5, he has always used as much force as necessary to end a fight, so simply punching with enough force to blow away the planet would be counter intuitive. For starters, he'd f***ing die. 

Analysis and Analytical Prediction:
Accelerator is able to analyze the properties of the body of anything he is able to touch with his vectors. This includes everything down to the very atoms and chemical that make up your body. 

Blood flow and Nerve manipulation: 
This was said already, but to add to this, Accelerator is able to instantly explode your organs and reverse your blood flow should you touch his automatic field even once or he touches you. This also allows him to shut down your nervous system and/or send specific signals to your brain, so on and so forth. 

Biological manipulation: 
Similar to the top, accelerator is able to manipulate his own biology inside him. If someone were to split him in half, he could keep all his organs and blood flow pumping through invisible vector tubes (this HAS happened, though it was not a straight 100% split, his organs did have the chance of falling out even so if he had not kept his body together.) 

Kinetic Energy and Heat: 
I wanted to specify these things as it allows him to do the very special ability of stealing an opponents kinetic energy and heat with a touch. With your kinetic energy and heat drained, your body will stop moving and you will come to a complete halt.  He is able to do this remotely as well, meaning with range. 

Accelerator's Range is as far as it needs to be. The entire planet that he stands on is technically his range as he is touching it constantly, meaning he can lift all the humans off the Earth by reversing its gravity should he feel like it. Reasoning behind this is he has taken kinetic, wind, and rotational energy from the planet countless of times. His range as of NT22 is Universal entirely with the Clonoth. 

Remote Vectors: 
Sometime in Old Testament, Accelerator gained the ability to control vectors remotely. This is usually done with a hand motion, but technically he can do it so long as he thinks, meaning so long as he can calculate the spatial coordinates, he can control the vectors of anything, anywhere. And yes, theoretically, that means if he knew the coordinates of you on mars, he could do it. 

Calculation Power: 
Absurd. The way his mind processes calculation and thoughts can barely even be quantified. For starters, he was having a real time fight with Kakine Teitoku who was changing 25k energies every milisecond to get through his field, and he had to constantly keep updating and blocking out specific energies in that 25k amount in fractions of a milisecond.  All the while he steered KAkine out of the way of civilians and more or less manhandled the entire fight so no one got hurt in their blow-out in the streets. 
And this is all at less than 50% of his max calculation capacity. The time it takes to produce a thought is likely, to throw an absurdity out there, at the speed of light even when relying on the Misaka Network which is less than half of his calculation power.  

Accelerator gains Access to special Wings. Black and White Wings. The Properties aren't exactly clearly defined, but they are foreign matter. Both of which represent Accelerator in a specific mind-set. Both wings are able to grow to about over 100 meters, can disintegrate matter on contact, and if it hits someone, it is able to negate the regeneration of the target. He is able to shoot 10s of thousands beams from these wings and create thousands of wings from those wings. Call it a bullet hell that you don't want to get hit with. Currently he has a new set of Wings, however, I'll get into that later.

Accelerator can theoretically go as fast as he wants with Vectors through magnitude amping. I imagine though he cannot perceive things around the speed of light at his current calculation capacity, but that problem is solved with the Clonoth. 

Durability Negation: 
Remember how I said he can basically explode you with a touch? There is actually a deadlier technique to this. To put it simply, Accelerator's formula acts on an enemies opposing force. To put it in power level perspectives, say there was a villain with...i dunno, Galaxy level durability?
If Accelerator were to punch him with the rotational energy of the planet with his vectors, that punch would wound that person and bypass their durability through abusing their own opposing force and vectors. The damage scales with how much more durable they are. To break it down for you: The punch hits the Villain. The villain is superior to the power of a planetary punch of course, right? So he will be enacting an opposing force against his fist to shrug it off. This will interact with his field automatically and reverse the very same force and kinetic energy of that villain back into him with that same fist in an instant. This will allow the fist to scale to the same force and durability of the villain and that punch will reach him and mess him up good. Worst case scenario if he's actually trying to tank it, that fist can go right through their body. He has demonstrated this in OT13. He placed his hand against a building, and it sunk into it like 'tofu'. The building had an opposing force to Accelerator touching it, so his field automatically reflected that force conservatively to how much it was opposing, and his hand sunk in naturally into the building. 
In theory, this let's him be able to have fisticuffs with a being on any scale. But I mean, why do that when you can just explode their heart with a touch...? Yeah, I don't use it often, but he can do it if he himself isn't stress-testing on an object. 

Magic/Power sensing: 
Accelerator is able to read the vectors in the area to get a feel for what is there. Call it like a sixth sense. His reasoning for this is "If I wasn't able to do sh*t like this, how could I survive nuclear fallout?" and of the like, implying that if there is an attack he is unaware out, he can feel it in the atmosphere with vectors. 

Mind Manipulation: 
Through manipulating the bioelectrical signals in the brain, Accelerator can overwrite a persons entire personality and memories with a single touch. This requires intense calculation power though and leaves him defenseless depending on how far he is going with it, if it is a simple brain-shut off it's instant, if he is actually deleting or changing the personality, it could take a few seconds without his field on. 

Invisible Vectors: 
Vectors are conceptual in nature, that much is obvious, however he has demonstrated the ability to use pure vectors to slice at things. The exact method to how he does it is unknown, but it is an invisible attack that can likely carry the same formula to ignore durability and implode your body if touched. 

Vector Shooting: 
Through touching an object, Accelerator can extend his vector influence into them. So even if he is not touching them, he can still control their vectors. He did this to control metal beams and toss them at Touma, as well as keep blood flowing through Yoshikawa's artery, even after he collapsed with brain damage. 

Now onto New Testament Territory. This will mostly encompass NT19-NT22R since his new feats are there. 

Contract/Power Reliant/Conceptual Manipulation:
Accelerator is able to interact with invisible and conceptual energy. If someone is receiving power from an external force elsewhere, if he is aware of this, he is able to use his vectors to forcefully cut off that supply and leave the opponent without anything to supply from or draw from, and worst case, even die. His ability also seems to work on Conceptual/Metaphysical concepts such as a Metaphysical Contract, as he manipulated it to break off Coronzon's control from Qliphah. Accelerator's power is conceptual in nature, so this is not surprising.

Madness Manipulation: 
Not so much a feat of his as it is Qliphah's, Accelerator can use Qliphah to induce Madness in others through just the sight of her along. She is also able to passively cause opponents to get more aggressive and physical which works in favor of Accelerator, causing them to be more prone to thinking illogically. Accelerator is unaffected by this though as mind manipulation doesn't work on him. 

Accelerator is able to use magic to its full extent as of NT22 and NT22R. Using the Misaka Network, which is invisible AIM that exists throughout the entire world, he can transform that into a magical spell of invisible spears that, if it, can negate regeneration and erase their soul. It is an attack similar to Crowley's, where he imposed his will on a Magic God and erased them from existence. However, since this spell is so OP, the drawback is there is too much magic recoil for him to negate that he will gain internal damage, so he can't spam it. 
He can, however, use lower level spells like projectiles and the like without magic recoil now, as he used them against Elizard, the Queen of Britain.  He has gained immense magic knowledge through crossing the Abyss with Qliphah, and if there is an unknown attack to him, Qliphah can translate that Abyss knowledge for him to instantly counter. As of currently, Magic can no longer touch him if they belong to the Three Aeons. Meaning magic born of Gods such as Paganism, Christianity, etc can no longer reach him. There is likely going to be exceptions in the future, but as of right now, that's what it is. 

Platinum Wings/Law Manipulation/The Clonoth: 
After Crossing the Abyss, Accelerator has powered up due to all the knowledge he gained and he seems to have the ability to write Laws. The Misaka Network is actually a third Tree separate of the Tree of Life, The Sephirot and its reverse tree, the Qliphoth. These are metaphysical conceptual trees that exist as one with the universe. The Misaka Network was a Tree without any laws, however, Accelerator used his new found knowledge to implant the Misaka Network with Qliphah's help into the Universe. This spread the Misaka Network's influence throughout the entire Phase/Universe, and with it, he wrote the Hierachical Laws into it based on Humanity's Ascension through WILL and not spiritual means. 
The Law Manipulation is likely not combat applicable as of right now.
When he is connected to the Clonoth, his Calculation power is boosted extremely significantly. Likely surpassing even his original calculation power, and he gains Platinum, Tree-Root like Wings. 

Advantages of the Clonoth Include;

Soul Manipulation:
When Accelerator planted the Tree into the universe, it shook the universe to the ends of the galaxy. Accelerator was able to manipulate that phenomena, the Universe, and forced all of that force onto a single object, Coronzon. Through that, he was able to manipulate her very Soul and force her into an Astral Projection. Theoretically the way Accelerator's power works, if he understands something, he becomes imperverious to it through updating of his filter. Through showing knowledge of the soul, it is likely he can now redirect and defense against Soul Attacks. 

Psuedo-Omnipresence sensing:
Before he had done this, Accelerator stated that he could /feel/ the Misaka Network as he was crossing the abyss. When the Network spread around the Universe, he easily zero'd in on Coronzon and established a connection to her Soul, despite not knowing where she was on the ship whatsoever. This implies that he is able to lock on to someone and sense where they are so long as they are in the present Universe. Whether they're moving, he can sense them through the Network, or through a telepathic forced Link and spiritually. 

Universal Macro-to-Micro Attacks: 
The way Accelerator pushed Coronzon out of her body to force Astral Projection, he had manipulated the universe to focus itself on a single target with a single thought. Similar to remote vectors, this means if he can sense you, he can force the mass of the entire Universe onto you to either kill you, or force you into Astral Projection. Potentially more with a single thought. 
Now remember when I said he had insane calculation power? And now it's tripled?
Basically, you better hope you're one strong mother f***er or Omnipreseent, because you aren't going to move fast enough to escape Accelerator's speed of thought. 

As to memory, this is the extent of Accelerator's current abilities. This is not counting his Arsenal from Academy City he now has access too as the Superintendent.  There may be some things I missed, so if there are any questions, feel free to drop them here, though I doubt many will read it. 

I guess I'll make this into a blog too just in case. Thanks for reading. This has been your daily Accelerator wank for the 15 days it will be up.  

Power Levels are Bullsh*t, remember that. Now here, have a Qliphah.

05/19/2019 06:45 PM 

Accelerator RWBY AU:
Current mood:  adventurous

I've done a lot of RWBY RP's with various AU's, but I've never really written down an actual AU version for Accel. Since I'm getting further into RWBY I figured I'd finally get this sh*t done for any future RWBY RP's, whenever they may be, if ever.  

I'm essentially creating an OC out of my Canon character for the verse, so he will take place in some events and liberties taken with the plot. I'll probably put chars who he affiliates with often at the bottom but I will /not/ be forcing this on anyone's char either. 

His relation to the plotline of RWBY and its characters is in no means to be taken seriously and is considered fan-fiction in its essence. It's only an outline of ideas that I had fun putting together, in the event of an actual RP, these events will likely never have happened aside from his backstory unless it's agreed upon. I will not be forcing any of this onto anyone.

The dynamic of the chars in an actual RP will not be necessarily reflective of what I put on this note, it's simply how I imagine they'd be affiliated and a vague understanding of their friendship. (Note that these will be constantly changing when it comes to RP's but this is how I place him in the timeline (As of S5 as I'm not done S6 yet. Will update it when I finish it.)

S1-3 Theme: Wanna Be Crazy (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zs53PfgVN4)
S4-Onward Theme: Big Blast Sonic (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kwqyckF4a8)
Name: Accelerator. True Name: N.A
Year: 3rd Year
Team Name: ATAM (Leader of Atom)
Team Members: Tsuchimikado, Awaki, Mitsuki
Stance on Faunus: Indifferent, his life style didn't exactly give him much of a reason to look down on others. 
Semblance: One Way Road
Accelerator's Semblance bares a slight similarity to someone like Yang's, however where she takes the damage in, Accelerator pushes the damage back into his opponent. When attacked, his Semblance immediately shoots the damage right back into the opponent at x2 the power. In a sense it's more akin to a control over direction as the force of the attack heads right back in the direction of the target rather than a simple act of damage exchange. This also works in junction with his own force, allowing himself to use his Semblance to increase his own speed and attacking power, albeit using it on himself can grow taxing for his body so it's largely used for pin-points fatal strikes or to avoid attacks he fears he cannot endure. The pros to this is it's hard to tell how hard a swing will be and how fast depending on whether he is Accelerating his force or not, a simple swipe could turn into a guillotine  out of nowhere, however using it in quick succession wears down his body. 

Semblance Weaknesses: The Semblance relies heavily on Accelerator being able to handle the attack damage to begin with and he still feels the pain of the attack. If his aura is too low his Semblance will lose most of its effect and can only mitigate damage at most. If the attack itself is strong enough to knock him out in a single blow, the attack will not be redirected as his semblance is gone upon loss of consciousness. Thankfully he has a large amount of Aura to him despite his frail looking body. If attacked with projectiles, he will redirect every projectile, however they do not home and need to reach the opponent so it's possible to out-range him in a drawn out battle so long as you're aware the projectile will be redirected at x2 its speed and power. 

Weapon of Choice: Scythe, collapses into twin sub-machine guns with chained sickles at the bottom for whip attacks and close combat, and for easier construction of the scythe in melee form. 
Weapon Name: Black Death

Backstory & Role in the AU Story (subject to change between RP's, just a rough outline really): 

Accelerator was born to a family in one of the remote villages in Vale. His family was poor even among the villagers, and just barely scraped by. His father was a deadbeat, washed up Huntsman who complained about not being able to do his job due to various 'incidents' happening. Needless to say, it was a rather abusive household, so at a young age he learned to hate his family. A mother who didn't have the guts to kick him out or fight back, and a man who would complain yet not do anything about it and waste his life away.  He was considered to be a monster, an irregularity by the other kids in the village due to his albinism which distanced himself from people.
At the age of 8, their village had one day been raided by Bandits who had been thwarted by visiting Huntsmen and Huntress's, however the fight had attracted Grimm who would go on to overrun and swarm the village. His parents would go on to be slaughtered infront of him, but Accelerator showed no fear in his eyes. In a sense, it was what he wanted to begin with. A fresh start. Due to this, his Semblance had come to fruition. There was no going back and he could move forward down this road of life. Using his new-found semblance as well as his lack of fear which was replaced with a sense of liberation, he had easily been able to escape the Village. The very same faction of bandits who had raided the area had found him, covered in dirt and blood. When asked for his name, he simply made one up on the spot to fit the speed of which he had escaped the village. 'Accelerator'. It was similar to how his Semblanee made him 'accelerate' down the One Way Road of life. 

He would go on to be raised for several years until the age of thirteen by the rogue Hunters and Huntresses in the camp. Participating in raids himself, though one day, he had simply gotten what he wanted from them. He felt no attachment to this group who had taken him in and taught him how to fight. As far as he was concerned, they were a means to make him stronger. From there on, Accelerator explored and wandered alone. Honing his skills on Grimm for sport, even hijacking hunter missions to earn him a reputation.  Eventually he had been known as the 'White Death of the Wild" until the age of 15 where he was scouted out by some Beacon advisors. They offered him refuge and a place to further hone his skills, and any crimes he had committed would be overlooked so long as he worked to benefit the world from now on. 

Naturally he didn't give a sh*t about the world, but more power was all he wanted at the time.From there he would go on to pass through most of the exams with flying colors. Team-work, however...he wasn't good at whatsoever. 
Events of S1-S3 (Due to change depending on RP

As of the events of S1, he is the leader of team ATAM (Atom) at the age of 18 while being a third year at Beacon. His life was rather simple, and he was consistently one of the top students in terms of mission results and academics. His mind took in all of the information in the Library very quickly over the course of the years. To him, even knowledge was power and he adapted quickly.

However, he had never really found a /reason/ to have power.  While he had a desire to become stronger, he didn't necessarily look down on the weak. He was indifferent to them, but he believed even the weak had the potential to grow, as he was quite frail as a human himself. But his pursuit of power was just that. A pursuit. It wasn't born out of being better or overcoming something, he lacked a goal and a reason. It wouldn't be until later that he'd find a use for 'power'.

While he has not been part of team RWBY's exploits during the events of S1-S2, he did participate with his team during the Breach as they were already in the area. During the events of S3 in the Vytal Festival, his team participates in the tournament, though loses in the doubles due to lack of coordination with his teammate Awaki Musujime due to their semblances not being a good fit for eachother. He's disappointed he doesn't get to fight Team RWBY,  or Cinder's team, who he pegs as being unnaturally strong.

He participates in the defense of Beacon with his Teammates but are split up in the aftermath. The failure of losing Beacon had affected them, wondering what the point of all his progress was for when they failed in the end. 

S4's Events (Subject to change in RP)

Accelerator goes his separate way with his team. His journey lands himself in Anima, where he comes across a Little Girl hiding in a recently destroyed village. He is reluctant at first, but her position reminds him of himself when he was a child. And despite his intimidating appearance he chose for himself, she seemed happy to see him. He allows her to tag along for now. While camping, he figures out she can't remember her name and some of her memory is foggy, but just that there was 'someone waiting for her' at Mistral, more importantly Haven Academy. The trauma seemed to have messed with her mind a bit, so Accelerator decided to name her 'Last Order'. 

While on his journey with her, Accelerator runs into a group of Bandits who named themselves the 'Branwen Tribe'.  He recognized the name from one of Ruby's tirades about her Uncle but he wasn't sure if there were any actual relations. It turns out they had just gotten down raiding a village of supplies, which sets Accelerator off.  During the fight, he easily dispatches the rest of the squad, however this draws the attention of their Leader who had been accompanying the raid. The woman seemed interested in his  prowess and decides to test him, giving her name out to him, being known as Raven with an off-hand comment of "Scythes are so unsightly nowadays."

Accelerator fights a losing battle. The battle is almost equal until Raven figures out the ins and outs of his Semblance and begins to use that to her advantage. Eventually he is forced back and Last Order attempts to cheer him on. For some reason, he feels a sense of invigoration from being relied on in such a way. In a sense, it felt less that he was fighting for himself and for someone else. 

Raven wastes no time in closing the gap, however, since she seemed to understand his combat style, all he had to do was show her something completely new. He allowed her to disarm him, and from the surprise of such little resistance, Accelerator used his semblance to accelerate the direction of his fist for an extra impact and sent it directly into her mask. The act alone had been with enough force to knock it off, to where her face would be shown to him.  Accelerator would comment that a face like that was oddly familiar and punchable.

She'd praise him, but reiterate that it was just a test and that if they ever met again, he should consider joining her tribe, to which Accelerator 'politely' declines. she rounds up everyone and simply leaves from there. For once in his life, Accelerator had felt a strong emotion well up from him after that. 

From there, he would eventually cross-paths with Team RNJR shortly after their encounter with Tyrian. Last Order would plead to Accel to tag along with them to help their uncle, to which he'd (begrudgingly) do. The rest of S4's events play out as Accelerator plays a role in helping them during the battle with the Nuckelavee, as they're picked up by Mistral Patrol and brought to Mistral. 

Events of S5 (Open to changes in RP cuz once again, this ain't said in stone, literally fan fiction)

Accelerator arrives in Mistral with everyone else. He learns everything from Oscar/Ozpin but is unsure what he really wants to do. For now, he decides to remain undecided for his priority was to find Last Order's 'someone'.  During the events of S5,  he is given help by various members of the team occasionally to help look for Last Order's guardian. With no luck, they weren't too sure what to do. Accelerator did some sparring with the team here and there, coming out with more wins than losses due to already having prior CQC experience, of course against Ozpin he barely held out.

The rest of the events of S5 played out, and Accelerator  takes part in the trap set up by Lion, Raven and Cinder. Raven has a subtle comment towards Accel on the offer still being on the table, to which he simply gives her the finger and she shrugs, as he's not a priority here. He contributes to restraining Hazel as best as he can, however both of their semblances are a poor match as no matter how much damage is sent back, Hazel is able to keep powering through and he is pushed back along with everyone else.

As the events of S5 come to an end, Accelerator is observing the scene of Haven Academy, where he meets someone who has a familiar face to Last Order. She asks if he's a student signing up  and complains about how her enrollment might take longer due to the circumstances. The girl reveals herself to be Misaka Mikoto, and turns out she is the older sister of Last Order who moved to Mistral a year ago to work and apply for enrollment in Haven Academy. 

Accelerator reunites her with her sister, which allows her to begin gathering some of her memories back. Mikoto thanks him for looking out for her, offering a place to stay in return since he had nowhere else to go. Accelerator is tempted, but remembers Ozpin's cause and group. The fight just days before had taught him that power was best wielded among others and not just with one individual. Because of this, he decides that the path of power he wants to pursue is one of protection rather than destruction, but is conflicted on who to protect. Last Order, or...

Last Order shakes her head and says that they need him more than she needs him now, and to keep moving forward on his Road of life. Saying that, down the line, they may meet again and she will always be waiting. 

Upon hearing that, Accelerator decides to join Ozpin's cause and tags along with everyone else to Atlas. 

Events of S6 (Will be filled out eventually.)

Clothes of choice out of uniform (S1-3): Grey and white horizontal striped shirt with jeans, matched by ankle belts and a black choker. 

Clothes of choice: (S4-S5) Black and white hoodie with white lines to simulate bones across the rib-section. Same pants, occasionally wears a black cloak. (First pic for reference) 

Clothes of Choice: (S6-ongoing) A white/grey  winter jacket that hides black and grey stripped shirt beneath it.

Affiliates: Ruby Rose: (Not by choice, but forced Scythe buddies)
Yang Xiao Long (Proxy by Sister, can't stand her puns)
Weiss Schnee: (Met her in the Library researching Dust. Occasionally study together. Gets along with her the most out of Team RWBY)
Blake Belladonna: (Not much contact nor interaction, he's unaware of her being a Faunus during the events of S1-3 but doesn't have much thoughts on her being one afterwards.)
Jaune Arc: (Fought the guy once in sparring class, felt bad for the easy win. Tolerates his attitude but doesn't hate him. Thinks he's /extremely/ dense sometimes. But has somewhat a sense of respect for him  after seeing him grow.)
Nora Valkyrie: (Possibly his worst match. Extremely annoying and hard to tolerate. Took a melon to the face from her once.)
Lie Ren: (Doesn't mind him, one of the rare individuals he can hold a conversation with. Relates to him during the events of S4.)
Pyrrha Nikos: (Fought her once and came close to a win. They were nearly evenly matched and her Semblance was countered out by his own due to his semblance affecting his weapon with it and preventing the effect of Polarity. Lost out due to overusing his Semblance and getting cocky. Won't admit he was affected by her death.)
Sun Wukong: (Annoying, but more tolerable than Nora at least.)
Coco Adel: ( Done joint missions with her team once. Wasn't quite appreciative over her dissing his fashion sense, tends to form competitions with her in fights.)
Glynda Goodwitch: (Thinks she's a prune and a pain in the ass, despite this he doesn't try to talk back to her though. In a sense, he knows his place.)
Velvet Scarlatina: (He doesn't want to admit it, but he finds her ears to be cute and are generally the center of his attention sometimes, which can cause misunderstandings.) 
Ozpin: (Doesn't trust him, he has s somewhat distaste for adults who hide secrets, but has empathy for Oscars position.)
Qrow Branwen: (Seems to have a distaste for him due to the nature of his Semblance, not to mention him being a drunk doesn't help.)
Raven Branwen: (Lost to her once, not a fan of the Bandit Life and thinks she's a pretty sh*tty mom.) 
Cinder Fall: (Had a brief encounter with her once at Beacon, considers her to be just another Pawn for Salem and even pities her reason for wanting power.)  
Salem: (Has never encountered her, but doesn't fear her existence even when witnessing Emeralds illusion, though he comments she's unsettling.) 

That's about all I got so far, everything is subject to updates and changes. Reminder that none of this can reflect or influence actual RP's aside from the initial backstory, as I don't like to limit people in such a way, so every RP will be flexible. Me having Accel have some sort of foot-in-the-race just helps me come up with ideas and scenarios for RP's, and everything else can be considered to be literal fan fiction

I had fun doing this, dunno if anyone will read it but I'll continue to update and tweek it. For those who do read it, lemme know what you think and your thoughts, any suggestions on more Semblance Advantages or Weaknesses, etc.

08/17/2017 03:45 PM 

FateVerse: Accel's Servant Classes

Accelerator (Real Name: Unknown) : A qualified Heroric Spirit of the Archer class for his deeds done later in life. A human with special abilities known as an Esper, he was the Strongest one of his kind. Living a life in the darkness of humanity, he eventually climbed out and fought for what values he believed in and for the people he loved. However, due to his past actions in his life, he is qualified for a Berserker class and Avenger due to his misdeeds as well. 

5-STAR: Archer Class: Based on the deeds Accelerator did later in life, as an Archer, he doesn't technically use a bow, however his fighting style is more projectile based by converting his previous esper abilities into a magic formula. Using magical energy to send objects, no matter the size towards his opponents, and even construct them.

  • STRENGTH: Rank C++
  • LUCK: D
  • ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral
NOBLE PHANTASM: Wings of Horus. An EX rank skill. White angelic wings materialize from Accelerator's back. These wings are made of a special magic that bypass durability and most skills. Using his wing's, Accelerator will practically disintergrate any magical energy it comes into contact with, including Servants, and is able to produce this attack within a range of 100 meters.  It symbolizes the moment Accelerator's mind shifted into the Aeon of Horus. It grants him to ability to control and defy the world as he see's fit by letting him mess with the laws of the world such as gravity and the air itself. However, using this nearly drains all of his mana and has a time limit, so it's best used as a trump card. 

  • Magic reflection: A. Similar to magic resistance, Accelerator can however reflect any types of magic below that level right back towards the user so long as he's aware of it. A skill Accelerator has been able to use before he became a Heroic Spirit.
  • Flight: B. Accelerator is capable of psuedo-flight using mana.
  • Independent Action: A
  • Item Construction: A
  • Advice of the Strategist: A. Accelerator's intellect was about 1000x smarter than even Einstein and other intelligent historical figures. Applying this to his servant, he's able to calculate the battle and give advice to his master depending on the situation and how to handle it. Giving it an extremely high chance of the advice being correct.
  • Affection of Horus: C
  • Calm and Collected: A

4-STAR: BERSERKER CLASS: Based on the various points of madness Accelerator has gone through throughout his life. His speech is still the same, however, it has a more cocky feel to it along with more aggression. Within this class, Accelerator's combat changes, as he's more up close and physical based. Using his body as a weapon itself, he buffs himself with the use of mana to destroy things without an external weapon, another aspect similar to his ability when he was a human. 

  • LUCK: C
  • ALLIGNMENT: Neutral Chaotic

NOBLE PHANTASM: Mana Spiral. Similar to the event where he converted wind into plasma, Accelerator's Noble Phantasm allows him to gather mana residue from all across the world, and converge it into one point. Taking the shape of a large ball in the sky, enough to even blot out the sun. The destructive capacity is similar to that of a full power Excalibur Noble Phantasm. The reason for this being his Noble Phantasm is due to the historical significance it had at the point of his life. 

  • Magic Reflection: B. While Accelerator's special skill still works, it doesn't work on as high of a level as his Archer counterpart.
  • Madness Enhancement: A. When used, Accelerator will lose all morals, and all stats will increase. However, he is nearly impossible to control, and should only be used to quickly end battles. 
  • Flight: B
  • Independent Action: B
  • Torture Technique: A

4-STAR: AVENGER CLASS: Accelerator qualified for this because of his intense hatred for Academy City and the World at one point of his life, during the time before he entered the Aeon of Horus, when he was the Aeon of Osiris. As this class, his fighting style is more similar to his Berserker class. His personality is more aggression than before and snappy. 

  • AGILITY: B++
  • LUCK: D
  • ALLIGNMENT: Chaotic Lawful

Noble Phantasm: Wings of Osiris: Similar to Archer Accel's Noble Phantasm, Accelerator instead sprouts Black Wings. These wings produce the same properties of Archer's NP, but on a smaller and less destructive scale and range. However, he's much more violent and erratic using these. His agility is doubled  as well as all stats, and one swipe of his wings can erase all mana that comes into contact with it. The form doesn't last as long as Archer's NP, as it drains mana fast and taxes the mind. It also doesn't allow him to control the laws of the world, limiting its variety. Best used as a last ditch effort. 

  • Magic Reflection: B
  • Flight: B
  • Torture Technique: A
  • Avenger: D


Accelerator has a few Craft Essences related to his character, about 4 to be exact.

Wings of Horus: 

On the snow white battlefield, against all odds, a revelation is made and a new pillar established. The black wings disperse and make way for a holy white light. A new age has now dawned.

A Refreshing Summer:

A vacation is something we need once in a while. The cool summer breeze blows through. Summer wear is brought out, and the tropical vibe gives off a radiant feeling through the summer heat. It's time to cool off. 

The Strongest Espers:

The Seven (6) Strongest Espers of A Certain Timeline. Manipulating the laws of physics to their will, their abilities defy even magic. Forces of science made in the darkest depths of humanity, their intellect and strength are unmatched when banded together. 

Family Slumber:

Sleep mends the fatigue of the mind. For the thinker and the warrior, it is one of the best kinds of medicine to heal after a battle. 

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