Help & FAQ
Why do I have to verify my email address?
We require email verification to safe guard your identity.

Why have I not yet received my verification email?
Confirm that the email you signed up with is valid. You may want to check your spam or junk email folder. The most common reason for not receiving a confirmation email is the domain used to sign up was not the same as your actual email address. Example: using instead of ... or ... instead of ... or ... instead of

How do I add colors to my homepage?
If you wanna add colors to your homepage just go here or click "Page Colors" on your homepage.

How do I add layouts to my profile?
If you need help adding a layout to your page go here and pick a layout you like most then click "Add To Profile" under the layout.

How do I add layouts to my blog?
If you need help adding a layout to your blog go here and pick a layout you like most then click "Add To Blog" under the layout.

Can I set a custom URL for my profile?
Yes you can set your URL here.

Can I change my profile URL?
Yes, if you're a Premium member. Basic members can set their URL only once. Premium members can reset/change their URL anytime.

How do I post videos in my Status Stream?
Copy the URL of the YouTube video and paste it into your Status Stream.

Why was my photo deleted?
We do not allow nudity, partial nudity, pornographic or sexually suggestive photos. We also reserve the right to delete accounts which break our Terms of Use. See our Terms of Use for further details.

Why was my account deleted?
If your account was deleted it was due to a violation of our Terms of Use. Please review our Terms of Use if you wish to create a new account.

Can deleted accounts be restored?
We don't restore deleted accounts. This also applies to accounts that had Premium.

What can I do if someone is harassing me?
You should use the Unfriend or Block user options.

What should I do if someone is sending me inappropriate messages or asking me for nudes?
You should Unfriend them or Block them. Please also report them to Support.

What should I do if someone posted innapropriate content on their profile?
Please report their profile. We do not allow nudity, harmful content, partial nudity, distasteful imagery, pornographic or sexually suggestive photos.

What should I do if someone has posted pictures of self-harm on their profile or are talking about committing suicide?
We recommend they seek help. You may want to refer them to our Suicide Help and Prevention page.

How can I block someone that has a layout which hides the block link?
Copy this link and paste this link into your browsers address bar, then press enter - --- Replace Member_ID_Number with their member ID.

How can I report someone that has a layout which hides the report link?
Copy this link and paste this link into your browsers address bar, then press enter - --- Replace Member_ID_Number with their member ID.

How can I unblock someone that I accidentally blocked?
You will find an option to unblock users in your account settings Block List.

How can I unhide someone that I hidden from the Status Stream?
You will find an option to unhide users in your account settings Users Hidden from Stream.

How do I disable email notifications?
Watch this video.

How do I use animated gifs as my Profile Photo?
Make sure your gif image has a width of 90px or smaller. Try using a gif resizer to accomplish this.

How do I post animated gifs to the Status Stream?
Make sure your gif image has a width of 250px or smaller. Try using a gif resizer to accomplish this.

Why does my account say pending approval?
This procedure sometimes occurs when you first create an account. This may take up to 1 business day to complete. Thank you for your patience.

Inviting friends to your Group
First step is to go to your friend's profile. Then click on the menu - User Links > Add to Group. Alternately you can click on "Add to Group" in the Contact Box. See these two images.

Embedding YouTube videos:

Get YouTube video ID


video id --> ksevcw3dGfY

When embedding HTML you will need to use the "Plain HTML" editor. Click "Use Plain HTML".

Normal YouTube Example:

<object width="560" height="315" type="text/html" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" data=""> </object>

Notes & Tips:
- AniRoleplay will only take action on content that displays identifying information (e.g. full name, phone number, email address, social security number, driver's license, etc.)
- Please utilize your profile privacy settings in order to control who views your profile, and who contacts you on AniRoleplay.
- If you are a minor, and you know who the person is that is harassing you, please let a parent or teacher know so they can make sure it stops.
- If your profile was deleted by AniRoleplay, it was due to a violation of our terms of use. The profile will not be restored. Please review our Terms of Use if you wish to create a new profile.
Contact Support:
If you have other questions or need our help contact Support or email us @ [email protected]

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