Daddy (18+)

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April 15th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Status: Swinger
Age: 37
Sign: Taurus
Country: United States

Signup Date:
June 14, 2014


06/18/2014 04:05 AM 

Category: Blogging
Current mood:  full

Starter #1: Zombie Apocalypse
*Waking up with a terrible hangover, Damien crawls out of bed and looks around to see where he was at. Judging by the mess all around the room, he just realized he stayed the night at a hotel after a cd release party hosted by one of the local bands he saw the night before. Walking towards the window, he opens the curtains as light shined the room.* "Seems like just a cloudy day." *Damien said to himself as he turns around to see the mess. The tv left on as the news was on, but in a low volume. Going into the bathroom for while, he freshens up by doing his business & afterwards showering. Walking out in his average white t-shirt, blue jeans & black boots, he grabs his leather jacket from the bed to notice the spot next to him was also used.* "Did I sleep with someone?" *He said to himself as he then remembered he brought back a woman who was at the concert. A young woman who was flirting with him as she begged him to get her drinks in exchange to sleep with him. A light chuckle escaped his lips as he opened a box of leftover food plus iced coffee from the mini fridge. After finishing his so-called breakfast, he makes his way down the hallway as he was on the fifth floor. Some of the doors were left open as pieces of trash were all over the hallway. Must have been one hell of a party. Suddenly he hears heavy foot steps along with some raspy groaning sounds. Turning around, he couldn't believe what he saw. It was the same woman he slept with as he recognized her long curly brown hair & lower back tattoo of a black widow in it's web. But all she wore were a black thong & black high heeled shoes.* "Hey, you forgot to say good morning!" *Damien yelled out as he laughed. When she turned around, he was shocked at what he saw. She was completely pale, eyes were foggy white, mouth running with blood that dripped over her large bust & toned abs, then walking like she was disabled as she now made her way towards him.* "You got to be f***ing kidding!?" *No doubt about it, the first thing that came to his mind was...'zombie'. From his jacket, he pulls out an icepick as he ran towards her, tackles her down to the floor & without hesitation, impales her in the temple* "Even as a zombie, you still have a stunning body." *Damien said to himself to lighten the mood after just killing an infected woman he hardly knew. After cleaning his icepick, he makes his way to the first floor as people began running out of the hotel while more zombies appeared. Laying against the corner as he could not believe it was happening. The dead have walked the earth.*
Starter #2: The Beach
*The sun shined over the beach as Damien was relaxing in a beach chair with an umbrella over it. Wearing nothing but black camouflage swim shorts & sunglasses. On his side was a bucket of iced refreshments he got from the snack bar. Some including beer, juice & water. Having a long, exhausting week, he decides to ride across town & stay at a resort near the beach. With his sunglasses on, he could watch others without them noticing him. It sure was a lovely day to cool off & have a good time. Though he couldn't help but feel left out since he was alone. Next to him was another chair under an umbrella, only no one was in it. With a deep sigh, Damien continues to doze off & hopes something interesting would come his way.*
Starter #3: The Club
*It was a nice calm night in the city and Damien had just gotten out of work. Feeling dirty, he heads home, takes a quick shower and dresses up like Neo from The Matrix as he was in the mood to go out for the night. Getting back on his harley, he drives off back to the city and cruises around for a night stroll. He soon comes across a nightclub as it was packed with young adults. Parking behind the alley of the club, he makes his way inside as this was his first time in an actual club. Sitting in a corner of the bar, he orders a shot of jager along with a beer. After taking a drink, a young couple walks up and orders drinks when the young male looks over to Damien and criticises him.* "Hey grandpa...the bingo hall is down the street." *Said the male with a ridiculous laugh as his girl laughed along before taking their drinks and leaving. Damien gave him a death glare before turning back.* "F***ing kids." *He grunted softly before taking a big drink of his beer.*
Starter #4: The Hospital
*It was a dark and cloudy day in the big city. The streets were packed with people and traffic. Loud noises echoed everywhere in the concrete jungle. Damien was wandering down the street as it was his day off. He had just gotten out of a coffee shop and held a big cup of iced creamy sweet coffee as it was half empty. He had no plan for today since he was just taking a stroll through town. Putting his cup to his lips, he chugs down to the last drop of his coffee. Right when he threw the cup in a trash can, a car suddenly appears along with some loud sirens. There was a chase of two police cars going after a pickup truck. As the citizens cleared the way from all around, Damien was unaware that the vehicles were approaching him from behind. The pickup truck made a close turn around the corner as it drove onto the sidewalk. Suddenly, a big impact came over Damien as the truck hit him full on. Launching him against the marble wall of a bank. As the truck passed by, one of the police cars stopped as an officer ran up to Damien as he was unconscious. The officer immediately called for backup along with an ambulance as Damien was soon taken to a nearby hospital. Hours later, Damien slowly opens his eyes along with a long groan to find himself lying in a bed, wrapped in bandages and needles injected into him. Confused as to how he got there, he was too distracted to even think as he was doped up on medication fluids to heal his pain. Looking to his side, he sees what looked like someone sitting next to him.* "Excuse me......what the hell just happened?" *Damien spoke in a numbing way due to being so drugged up.*


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