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September 27, 2021


09/28/2021 05:48 PM 

O v e r t u r e .
Category: Stories


Forward goes a left foot in ugly black leather. At its descent, pressure per angstrom of ridiculous proportions is imminent to make a mess. C r a c k ! The ground beneath is torn asunder! Apart from the surprise crater wide and deep enough to fit a town in, large chunks of earth are displaced; some take flight! The grand hall of breath on this wasteland under a lovely blue summer sky is rattled something vile and fierce! What madness of a burden accompanied a mere step?!

There in the heart of the crater she stands in a hunch, humming a long ear-clawing guttural melody of a predator so delighted and ready for the onslaught. It is proud enough to challenge the tenor of the tremors she instigated with her whispered stomp. Garbed in dust, soot and raven feathers, neck to heel, this lone biped is summoning a legion into this fine foul hour. No, not summoning, she is inscribing an astral edict of attendance for this formless horde that could melt body and fray minds should such an indescribable stampede traipse without care through so petty a being as a mere mortal flesh and consideration.

From beneath the long-beaked ivory bone mask that tilts to face the beautiful blue canvas, she issues a horribly mighty roar! An eldritch aria perverts tens of miles of air so powerful that it could lacerate poor ears and skin itself should the corrosive notes lick the flesh! Hell, the ground itself is bubbling by sudden unseen swift carvings being done to it spanning a few miles, an influence of this unholy song. Dirt is rising as a great crowd of smoke. In this earthly blanket, arms raise in concave gestures to her side; long sleeves of the same odd thread are also embracing them. Hands in straw, leather and dried bone gradually curl but enough to stay the form of fist, still revealing a bit of both curved palms. The stiffness of each bent finger is intense, nearly trembling both agents of dark deeds beyond count!

Through this perilous mega-drama of earth, air, voice and flesh, she is blissfully violating the laws of nature. Pillage countless priceless riches: cosmic powers from stars and nebulas near and far! Be within this vicinity too tiny for such an astronomical army of intense pressurized energy to just sit in. The stampede cometh. But what is the purpose of all this hysteria both so heavenly and hellish to pull power worth of a million competent gods, goddesses and hellspawns? What is this monster so eager to accomplish with these devastating theatrics?
A  r  t  .

And this is merely... a prologue. The overture.




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