Black Listed

Last Login:
January 18th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 32
Sign: Scorpio
Signup Date:
November 08, 2022


11/09/2022 10:37 PM 


Name: Desmond Castro

Age: 31
Sex: Male
Hieght: 5 feet 10 inches
Weight: 225
Skill: wouldn't you all like to know

Bio: Desmond was a boy who was born into foster care system he never knew his real parents. When he was 5 years old he found his first few families. He went from family to family bouncing around as he grew up. He was a kid who always got into trouble found it easy to steal things and was a very effective scrapper from 5 to 10.  At 10 Desmond was just a calm child who enjoyed fighting and sharpening his mind since no else was doing for him. Guess you could say he grew up to a man to fast not having much of a childhood tho he doesn't talk about it. Parents who abandoned him and in an out homes. It wasn't until he was 12 he was taken in by a family where the man of home was a golden glove boxer. A man who was so skilled in boxing that he wasn't allowed to fight but to coach. The man's name was "JB" guess you could say he was a man who didn't give much of a f*** about others but he took an interest in Desmonds abilities to fight. But unfortunately for JB over the years not much changed about Desmond until he was 17 living in the inner city with JB but JB was tragically shot during a a store robbery gone wrong and Desmond had come to the store where JB was sh*t he had some last words with him. "Stay strong don't give in to the evils of the world." So it was then his career into the military at the age of 18 and right out of high school. Dispute his past Desmond is surprisingly intelligent for his up bringing. Charming handsome it was a scary combination for a man who had a flexible morals. During his training due to his boxing training he picked up his training fast. It wasn't long that he aimed for special forces of the Navy Seals. Once he was on missions it was king where he was discharged as his contract was up with him now being recruited by the CIA tmfir taking care of black list tagerts and for 10 years he served his country then found something out about the CIA director but after that no one knows what he knows about the director or as to why he killed him then made a massive criminal empire from a man named Raymond Reddington being his teacher for the underground.


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