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April 23rd, 2024

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Gender: Female
Status: In a relationship
Age: 30
Sign: Pisces
Country: Japan

Signup Date:
January 15, 2022


02/27/2023 10:19 PM 

Drabble: A Chance Encounter

Moriko sighed as she flopped back into the grass, her head filled with various tasks her elder brother Hashirama currently had her working on, and with Tobirama breathing down her neck she hadn't seemed to have gotten much work done. "Always butting in..." She mumbled. The breeze seemed to blow through her long hair, the sound of the tree leaves and grass of the meadow resounding throughout her ears. "So sleepy...." She mumbled. The young woman hadn't gotten much sleep as of late, having been plagued with nightmares, or perhaps they were memories that had been long forgotten. Either way they had been keeping her up at night, and she wasn't quite sure what to make of them. As she laid there, starring up at the sky, she slowly began to doze off, forgotten memories slowly coming back to her as she fell asleep.

"Where could it have gotten to?" A young Moriko, seemingly talking to herself, mumbled as she searched the grounds high and low. Little had she known however she had wandered into Uchiha territory, focused on the task at hand. And little did she know there was someone watching her, hidden within the shadows. The slight rustle of the leaves seemed to catch her attention. "Hello?" She called out, making a move to grab a kunai at hand. However, she noticed an Uchiha emerging from the shadows and slowly lowered her hand. "Oh...thought you were a Senju for a moment. Sorry about that." She had giving off a nervous laugh. 

Folding her hands behind her back she looked at the man who now stood before her. The man before her gave off a powerful aura, his Sharingan no doubt giving him away. He belonged to the Uchiha Clan. He had long spiky black hair and carried a gunbai on his back. 'I could swear i've met him before....but where...?' She thought to herself. "Who are you...?" She asked curiously. The man just seemed to stare at her in silence before speaking, his voice low and deep. "Me...? I should be asking you that. You're in my territory...." He said though his face didn't show much emotion it was easy to tell he seemed rather amused by her aloof and lack of where of. Moriko seemed to blink in recognizition. "Oh...didn't know I had crossed over into Uchiha Territory. Sorry about that." She said as she scratched her cheek, sticking her tongue out in a rather cute manor. "My names Moriko....Moriko Senju. What's yours?" She asked.

The man seemed to be taken aback by how straightforward she was. "Madara...." He said as he continued to study her. "You say you're a senju, but I don't recall ever seeing you around...." he said, doubt in his voice. Moriko simply smiled. "Yeah they kinda keep me hidden away....not really all that special but I don't get to venture out to often. I was just looking for a bracelet I lost....someone who rescued me a long time ago gave me that bracelet and it's very important to me." She said. Little did she know however, the boy who had given her that bracelet was now currently standing in front of her. Her eyes seemingly traveling around her until she noticed what seemed to be a deep wound on his right side. 

She thought for a moment before removing her tool belt and slowly began approaching him. "Hold on a minute...." she said watching him. He looked tense but she couldn't blame him. Not only was he wounded but he was standing in front of someone, who he knew little about. "I have no interest in harming an Uchiha so...." She said quietly before moving his hand away from the wound and placing her own two over his own. Her hands began to glow, radiating a warm aura as she quietly healed the wound. "There....that should help. I'd hope anyway." She said as she stared up at him. "Your eyes...." She mumbled. Madara seemed to glance off to the side. "What? Afraid of me are you?" He asked and Moriko simply giggled. "No. Your eyes are just really pretty that's all....they remind me of someone I once met....he had the same eyes as you." She said before looking down. However as she looked down she noticed a bracelet in his hand. It was her bracelet. 

Holding it out to her, Moriko looked back up at him. "That's my-" She started but he just gave a small shrug. "I noticed it fall from your bag when you were training in the field over there, across the river...." He said staring down at the bracelet as she took it and put it back on around her wrist. "You carry that with you do you?" He asked. Moriko looked down at the bracelet, a fond look in her eyes. "It's very special to me...but I'm sure you'd know that." She said looking back up at him. 'He's the boy that saved me...' She thought to herself. "Thank you-" She started but was once again cut off, the sound of the Senju elders, as well as her father reaching her ears. "Oh no..." She whispered. "Sorry but...but I gotta go." She said. However before she took off she stood on the tips of her toes, kissing his cheek. "Thank you...." She said quietly before making a handsign, the area surrounding madara seemingly veiling him in a genjutsu, hiding him from the Senju that were fast approaching. 

The memory seemed to fade and she was left with the recurring nightmare, her father and the senju council seemingly erasing her memory, time and time again in order to keep her in the dark...but as to why she wasn't completely sure until the dream itself dove into darkness and she had awoken with a start.

As she awoke with a start, the dream now only a fading memory she found herself collding with someone. "Ow!" She said rubbing her forhead, before her gaze looked up to meet none other then Madaras. "Welcome back from dreamland....you looked to be in a rather peaceful dream. Until the end....care to share?" He asked as he rubbed his own head from the force of collison, a deep chuckle resounding from his chest. Moriko simply blushed. "Oh be quiet you." She mumbled however there was a hint of a smile on her face. "I....memories have been coming back to me little by little as of late. Like whatever jutsu was used is starting to wear off..." She said. Madara just stared at her in curiosity. "Oh....and what did you remember?" He asked. She simply smiled and held up her bracelet. "The day you returned the bracelet I lost...." She said and Madara tilted his head. "Right...the day you aimlessly walked into Uchiha territory because you were so focused on finding your precious item." He said before going quiet. "I'm surprised you still have it...." He mumbled. Moriko simply smirked. "I told you it meant a great deal to me....this bracelet is staying with me, even when i'm no longer breathing." She said.

Before she could say anything further however, the voice of her twin brother seemed to carry on the wind, causing the white haired kunoichi to groan. "Seriously....that man never gives up. And I don't got any of the work Hashirama assigned me done yet..." She mumbled. "Of course not...you were out here napping in the meadow." He said and though he sounded serious, she could hear the teasing tone his statement took. "As far as you know you never seen me." She smiled, kissing him. "I'll bring you Inarizushi by later. If Tobirama asks I was never here and I'm at the house finishing up the work Hashirama gave me." She whispered as she seemed to disappear with the wind, but not before hearing Madara's laugh, as it resounded throughout her ears, causing her to smile. Now all she had to do was get caught up on that dreaded paperwork Hashirama had stuck her with. 'The things I get myself into....' She thought to herself before quietly sneaking into her home, a sense of happiness she hadn't felt in days coursing through her as she rememebered the memory, a memory she planned to cherish, just as she cherished the bracelet, as well as the man who had given it to her all those years ago, ever so dearly. 


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