β€” 𝓸𝓹𝓽𝓲𝓢𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬 🐟

Last Login:
February 8th, 2024

Gender: Male
Age: 29
Sign: Taurus
Country: Russia

Signup Date:
March 12, 2016


03/07/2017 11:47 PM 

Read this sh*t if you b8

Here's how it goes.

1. Do not get emotionally attached to the writer behind the character if nothing of the sort is inquired; the two are different. An argument, brawl or romance between characters will not reflect the writer's personal feelings. Keep your head straight.

2. Do not solicit personal information from the writer at all times, regardless of whether or not exchange is made on this platform or another. Conversations outside of story writing are allowed, but avoid personal attachment unless consented to. Cannot stress this enough.

3. Writing is a hobby. Please refrain from taunting the writer into responding faster if a delay comes along: juggling with a job(s) and a reorientation of career is no easy task for me, so I implore patience. Otherwise you can f*** off m8.

4. Starting to see a trend? What I do in my life concerns me and myself alone. I may choose to like you or not, if I deem you not of my taste; no offense is meant, but I choose who I want to bond with beyond simple writing. Simple as that. You simpletons.

More may be added later on.

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