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06/11/2022 11:32 PM 

Fate File Billy

For today, we shall be covering the the archer class servant "Billy the kid", The legendary outlaw of the wild west and a generally average servant. Still his popularity in the west keeps him going strong 

We shall be covering His Class, Attributes, Parameters, Class and Personal skills and abilities, Noble phantasm, followed by his personality quirks and notes.

Identity: William Henry Mcarty Junior
Gender: male
Class: Archer
Attribute: Human
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Strength: D
Endurance: E
Agility: B
Mana: E
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: C


Independent Action A: This is the skill of the archer class, it denotes the ability to operate without making use of the masters mana supply for a certain number of days at a time. In other words, those with this skill store up magical energy like a portal battery. Billy, with this skill at A rank, can operate without his master for seven days at a time without recharge. Uniquely, thanks to his low mana Noble Phantasm, he can use it without really needing to draw upon his masters mana either.

Magic Resistance: A common class skill, however in Billy's case, it has been nullified. He did not deal with the supernatural in life, nor in his legends. As such he receives no innate magical protection from his class.

Riding C+: The primarily class skill of the rider class, it denotes the ability to tame animals and beasts, as well as riding vehicles with inherit and supernatural skill. However Billy the kid can only ride horses with above average skill, and other vehicles with somewhat below average ability


Marksmanship A++: The skill of accurate gunmen and women, which denotes their accuracy and ability to handle and fire firearms. Billy's rank with this skill is so high, it is nearly impossible for him to miss any target he designates. It allows him to practically perform improbable feats such as ricocheting bullets to bounce off the wall and strike through the head of two targets with a single round. 

Quickdraw A+: This skill gives billy inhuman speed when drawing and firing his weapon. At it's rank, he can counterattack the moment his opponent draws or attacks with their weapons. He can easily disarm most foes, or leave sneaky blows for every slash or thrust of his enemy.

Eye of the mind (false) C: This skill gives those who bear it a sixth sense to anticipate attacks and danger, similar to a clairvoyance or future sight ability that is more 'felt' then seen. This skill is borne out of a accumulation of experience through hard work, countless battles and struggles. However the "False" version is born out of a Instinct that cannot be taught, something Billy was born with.


Thunderer, thunderbolt of broken sound: The culmination of Billy's legend takes the form of his near superhuman feat of firing three shots with his Colt M1877 double action revolver at almost the same time. Performed as a servant, the skill reaches the level of magecraft, firing with supernatural precision, range and damage. The NP only needs to be invoked once, then he can utilize it at will for a extended period. Time slows and he gains inherit knowledge on the location and anticipated attacks of his foes. This way, he can counter attack each opponent with three shots each with time to spare. This makes Billy notoriously hard to hit with any attack without getting a powerful counter attack in return, especially at range. The only way to overcome this noble phantasm is to hit him with a blow that he absolutely has no chance of dodging. Either through blinding speed or an attack with a wide AOE. 

The noble phantasm, despite being C rank, only takes the mana consumption of a E rank NP. This allows him to use it repeatedly without draining his master too much, and even with independent action. 


Firearm skills: Thanks to his personal skills, the firearms Billy utilizes become enhanced by his legends. Fired rounds exceed the damage of their caliber by several ranks, Go nearly three times the distance and can fire at speeds beyond the operational make of the firearm. He prefers the use of his beloved revolver and weaponry of his time however

Supernatural Luck: With luck at E rank, small blessings will repeatedly happen. Finding dollar bills, fish snagging easily on lines, minor curses unable to take effect and etc. At D rank ones luck rivals that of those who have fallen into small fortunes and consistently win at life. at C rank ones luck reaches the pinnacle of what humans can have bestowed upon them to being near improbable. At B rank, the rank Billy is at, the luck parameter enters the realm of the supernatural. Fate itself begins to bend events impossibly to keep things in the servants favor. 

A strange thing with horses: A strange and consistent joke, when in danger, a horse sometimes just appears for him to make a get away. He has no disengage skill, but it's likely the cause of his B rank luck. 


Billy the kid, to many is a smiling and jovial man. Well mannered, proper and pauper, he will always keep up a childish and playful façade to those he does not trust. It is a mask he constantly wears, one he is born with. However beneath that is a cold and shrewd man, a observant and educated calculator who will pragmatically approach any situation. For those who are unable to meet his standards, he will keep the mask on, smile and laugh, acting as the gentlemen. But those who he accepts as his equal or friend, he reveals his true self. A brash and brave man, the true example of a gentlemanly outlaw and cautious daredevil. 

He has no qualms with how things ended up in his life, and is just thankful for the chance to experience new adventures. He yearns to go into crazy and unexplored territory or into the thick of danger, thriving in the chaos, but not to the point of causing unneeded suffering. He just truly wishes to experience something dazzling, something that will wow him. 

He gets along with many servants, especially those from america, and oddly is a good drinking buddy with fellow outlaw, Robin Hood. 


He is a pretty average servant in all honesty, although every servant is powerful in their own niches, so calling a servant "Weak" is foolish. Despite having the superhuman durability of even the weakest servants, he cannot really take any serious blows and is unskilled in any form of CQC that does not involve shooting your ass. His temper can also get the better of him despite his personality. If he does not approve of his master, he can be pretty snide, and one would likely not know it. 

06/11/2022 11:30 PM 

Fate File Gorgon

For today, we shall be covering the Avenger Class Servant Gorgon, the pinnacle of Medusa and the oldest iteration of her, the queen of magical and demonic beasts and scourge of the gods. 

We shall be covering Her Class, Attributes, Parameters, Class and Personal skills and abilities, Noble phantasm, followed by her personality quirks and notes.

Identity: Medusa
Gender: Female
Class: Avenger
Attribute: Earth
Race: Magical beast, Divine spirit, corrupted goddess
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Strength: A++
Endurance: A++
Agility: B
Mana: B
Luck: D

Class Skills

Avenger B: This skill represents the anger and resentment the servant has towards the world, as well as the anger and hatred directed towards her. The more damage inflicted upon her, the angrier she becomes, the more anger directed towards her, the more powerful she gets. Statistics begin to raise.

Oblivion Correction C: This skill ensures that the wrongs and sins committed upon the servant are never forgotten and remain at the forefront of their mind. The events are fresh in their minds and never allowed to emotionally heal. This allows them to inflict critical damage automatically towards those their anger is directed towards. Should someone manage to connect or ease the avengers suffering, this skills rank will drop around the individual.

Self Replenishment A (Mana): This skill ensures that the servant accumulates mana from the world and environment around them, allowing them to exist and maintain themselves even without a master. With gorgon at Rank A, she is practically a generator for mana.

Personal Skills

Monstrous Strength A+: This skill allows one to temporarily increase their strength rank by one magnitude for a certain amount of time based on the ranking of the skill. This allows servants to reflect or borrow power reflecting demonic beasts and monsters. Ana and Medusa have access to this skill to temporarily increase their power to incredible decrees at risk of becoming gorgon. Since Gorgon is already herself, this skill is in permanent activation.

Demonic Mutation B: This skill is for those who were a hero or god that had degraded or transformed into a demon in life. It is a composite skill that vastly increases Strength and Endurance to levels beyond human capability. Ensuring holders of these skills surpass those who had human origins like hercules in physical strength and endurance. The skill also contains a extreme form of battle continuation and self modification granting gorgon high regeneration and conceptual immortality. She can also alter her body to adapt to situations to a degree.

Mystic Eyes A++ (Cybele): This skill denotes the use of mystic eyes to the holder, In gorgon's case, she has unlocked the full power of her mystic eyes. Those she stares upon have their magical energy drained and fueled to her. with a glance she can paralyze anything in her vision. Those she stares at will be instantly petrified with Magic Resistance B or below and those with A rank will begin to petrify, putting them on a timer. Those with EX rank will be immune but become slowed, their stats reduced.

Scream of Fear A++: A bellowing scream only capable of being unleashed by the queen of magical beasts. A shockwave attack capable of cracking the earth, those who hear this roar will have all manner of curses afflicted upon them and their parameters diminished for a short time. 

NOBLE PHANTASM: Breaker Gorgon, Sealed temple

This is the first of Gorgon's noble phantasms, which it's physical form takes the shape of a blindfold over her eyes. It acts as a seal, able to nullify her chosen magical abilities such as her mystic eyes. She normally senses through vibrations, touch, scent and magic without having to rely on sight. However the NP can be activated as a long range curse in the form of a bounded field on the brain of her chosen target. Those afflicted will have their Skills and abilities sealed, rendering them 'normal' while putting them in a dream of sublime pleasure and horrid nightmare.

NOBLE PHANTASM: Pandemonium Cetus, Forced Seal - Pandemonic Temple

This noble phantasm comes in two forms. The first is her rider's skill "Bloodfort Andromeda" amplified to the extreme. Activating the first portion is instant with a small cooldown, allowing her to superimpose the shapeless isle and her blood temple into a designated space, creating a powerful multilayered bounded field. The shapeless isle is a large land mass from the age of gods, with roaming snake based phantasmal beasts and other creatures, as well as rocky terrain and vegetation along with a palace in the form of a temple. Those who walk within are placed under the effect of the bounded field "Those who enter the island are under the effect of my eyes" which amplifies the effect to even Magic Resistance EX, putting servants on a timer to defeat her, and those below Magic Resistance A unable to contest her on the island without other rare means. It will instantly melt humans and other creatures to blood and fueling gorgon. Gorgon can choose who is affected by the temple

While gorgon is within the temple, she has near infinite access to mana and her parameters are boosted even further.

The second portion is Pandemonium Cestus, which unleashes the full totality of her mystic eyes at a target by abandoning the last vestiges of her identity of medusa temporarily. This is at such extreme power, it can instantly petrify even those with Magic Resistance EX, and if by some means her target survives (like Tiamat), they sustain immense damage and debuffs.


Immense strength: Gorgon's movements are powerful enough to cause earthquakes, her strikes can cause ravines and cause explosions like bunker busters. The strength of her blows can even rival that of lesser physical noble phantasms.

Immense Durability: Gorgon extremely durable, her main body nearly unable to sustain damage, and any damage she does is quickly healed through self modification causing regeneration. She had tanked several noble phantasms unfazed by the damage. 

Immortality: Gorgon is immortal through Demonic Mutation conceptually and cannot be killed, even slaying her master will not bring her down. One would need a immortal killing weapon or something that removes immortality, both of which are rare for servants to have.

Snake Hair: Gorgon's hair can form into snakes, each one rivalling a phantasmal beast of Demonic Class. Their bites contain powerful venom which double as acid and a single blow has enough force to bore a great hole in the earth or destroy a building. They can launch blasts of magical energy rivaling Age of gods magecraft.

Unique Blood: Gorgon's blood acts as a powerful venom and acid, capable of ignoring the endurance parameter and durability of things. Should this blood be spilt and linger, it will form into Snake Monsters and Phantasmal beasts like lamia. The blood can also be used to create a potion that can revive the dead.

Bloodfort Andromeda: Gorgon can deploy a small scale version of her noble phantasm to instantly melt the lifeforms of most things in her vicinity and convert it into magical energy.

Magecraft: Gorgon is a adept magus from the age of gods, able to cast spells that can locate objects, turn the ground to her own venom/acid, control animals among other things. Within her temple, she is capable of casting higher tier spells, like the creation of various avatars that rival her in power and can be restored easily.

Size Alteration: Gorgon at base is around 10ft, however can alter her size and increase her parameters to their depicted states to the size of a mountain reflecting her actual size. In this state, despite her size, she moves with incredible speed catching many off guard. Her snakes are capable of swallowing busses in this state. However this form causes unneeded destruction and only uses it to stretch and fight. 

Inhuman Intellect: Gorgon is beyond human and mortal, she possesses an intelligence that surpasses mortal genius's. However being a monster beyond human comprehension, it gets away from her sometimes, and leads to blind pride. 


Gorgon, like most Avenger class servants, is a angry, violent a**hole with utter hate and contempt for humans and the gods. She relishes in the torture and death of heroes and other life but her anger is not so much directed at animals or otherworldly creatures. Most of this is due to a combination of Oblivion correction and the Avenger skills however which keep her from being able to emotionally heal from all the pain and trauma she has suffered through. Gorgon is consumed by a deep self loathing/guilt that she is a monster and no one can love her. She especially holds this true, as she was the one who devoured her beloved sisters. 

Despite this, human masters who somehow manage to connect with gorgon and lower her Oblivion correction rank will cause her to be less of a literal ass-hole towards them and more of a figurative one like a Tsundere. However she makes it abundantly clear, she will still kill them in the end, but this time she will do so gently and likely save them for last. 

She loves her sisters and family dearly, and does not want to be seen by them as what she is, she also holds a special fondness for her younger iterations, hoping they can experience happiness she cannot. Gorgon believes she is undeserving of love, a monster so evil that she is a plague on the world. She has shown a soft spot for horses, and does dwell on the fate of her offspring and descendants.

Recently, aside from her family, the servants Ibuki Douji, quetzalcoatl and Mochizuki Chiyome have bonded with her, leading to Gorgon to develop feelings of affection for them, although begrudgingly.

She also retains shreds of her earth mother goddess self 


Size: Gorgon's max size, despite still retaining great speed and durability is cumbersome and makes her a easy target for attacks. Should those rare servants actually be capable of wounding her, they don't have to aim very hard.

Unreasonable: Gorgon is a violent servant and a grump. She will likely attack her master if they made no effort to try and ease her pain or bond with her. She may even harm you for doing so. She also is unlikely to listen to orders and go off on her own.

PTSD: Gorgon suffers from PTSD, like all Avengers, and will lose it if her emotional vulnerabilities are attacked, causing her to rage.

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