About me: Hello! I'm not new to roleplaying, but I have been out of the game for about a year or so because of school and general life things. However, I've been doing it for around 10+ years. I hope we can have fun!
Ow! Ow! How’s my dirty bitches doing Tooonight! Thank you so much for accepting the request and looking forward to our story plan. whenever you are ready no rush.
You can call me Beelzebub, or short Beelze >D
Drinks on me! OW! OW!
Let’s have a blast! PARTY! Until we drop!
OOC: Thank you very much for the add. Please take all the time you need to respond, no hurries. I can’t wait to begin our discussion ^.^. You have yourself a nice day.
//Send me a Pic (Just a face) of your character in messages. Please? I got Melanie in one of my contact boxes that has info. It will be expanded with more as the story goes on but I wanted to do more on my profile a bit.
occ: Hello Luna. Thank you so much for the add. I really appreciate it. I do hope that we get the chance to talk soon and maybe even start up an rp. Sorry for the short generic greeting, I am horrible at these. Never know what to say. Lol. Anyways, thanks again and hope to talk with you soon.