ᵗᵃᶜᵒ KƖƝƓ on AniRoleplay - www.aniroleplay.com/310287 ᵗᵃᶜᵒ KƖƝƓ

25 years old
South Park, Colorado
United States

Last Login:
February 09 2025

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The Close few  (2  photos)
Just an album of everyone who pretty much has something with Dylan. Rather it be friendship, a bond, etc.
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Dylan Victor I am walking rapidly through striations of light and dark thrown under an arcade.

Dylan was born into a teenage birth. His mother Sara was only 15 years of age when she got pregnant with Dylan. His father Joseph was what you would call a delinquent. He was always in trouble with the law, and never followed the rules. He was also 17 at the time. Sara and Joseph would sneak around all the time, and finally it caught up with them when she had found out that she was pregnant with Dylan.

She panicked and told Joseph about her pregnancy and he just told her that it wasn't his and she had been sleeping around and left. She began growing into a deep depression, and no matter if she were pregnant or not. She began doing drugs, and drinking heavily. She even began sleeping around with multiple men, even some women. One day as she was out getting high, her water broke, and she was rushed to the hospital where she gave birth to Dylan prematurely.

Dylan was born with respiratory issues, and was kept in an incubator for a long time. Doctors were stating that he may not make it, but by some miracle he did. When he was healthier, they let her take him home with her. Little did they know, that she didn't want him. She was highly depressed, and she placed the blame of her life the way it was on Dylan.

When he cried at night for a bottle, or anything she ignored him. She only started to feed him when he looked very unhealthy and people were telling her about it. They said they would report her, and she started acting like she would actually take care of him. "My child is not my child, my child was a mistake. You were a mistake, you were a waste. Don't look at me when your demon eyes, you ruined my life. It is all your fault."

Dylan had been continuously abandoned, and his mother continuously did not have a care about him. When he was the age of 3, he was in the bath and she went in bathroom looking to him. Dylan showed her a boat that he was playing with and smiled, and she stood there looking to him. She knelt down and began bathing him, but suddenly she pushed him down and under the water. He was kicking and splashing, as he was trying to get air. She pulled him up and he was just coughing then just cried. She looked to him for a moment and just left him in the tub.

When Dylan was around the age of 9, he was approached by a group known as the vampire kids. He was quiet and kept to himself. He didn't say much of anything, and there were scars that covered his arms from his wrist all the way up to his elbow. Vampir told him that it was a family, it was a place of peace. He could be himself and no one would judge him, it was a get away. Dylan liked the sound of that, and without hesitation he joined the vampire kids.

A new beginning, with a new life. Everything is okay, you are okay. You will never be a waste, and you are forever worth it.
Hold me above the water save me from drowning
With a new beginning, comes a new life. You are that new life, and we are family.

When the vampire kids dispersed and were all gone, he had no escape. He was alone again, and he had no hope of escape. He was once again in the clutches of his mother. She had hit him, tried killing him countless amounts of times, and told him over and over that he was pathetic.
No one loves you you were nothing but a mistake

Take the word of my pulse, loving and ordinary Send out your signals hoist your dark scribbled flags but take my hand

Dylan is now 15 years old, he is still living with his mother, and no matter what she had done to him over and over again. He still helps her and makes sure she has what she needs. He never got a chance to know who his father was, and even though he wants to know, there was no use. His mother is not strung out on drugs hardcore and is living with her boyfriend. Dylan always would come home and she would either be on the couch, or on the floor passed out.

There would either be needles all around, or coke all around. Dylan would spend his time cleaning up after her, and helping her to bed. Still, she despises Dylan, and continues to make him feel like a waste of space.
Hold on because your life is about to change

A silver lining in a black world. Dylan seemed to have met one of the vamp kids again. They were back, only this time, they were not pretending to be vampires. They were actual vampires, and it made his stomach turn. He had made himself a human blood bag for one of the vampire kids. Alec had been the one to befriend him, and the first one he had seen back.

They became friends, and then he started to meet other vampires all around. After awhile, he was no longer a blood bag, but turned into a real vampire. He craved blood a lot, and he felt more alive than he had ever felt in his life. Even so, he still is there for his mother. Just now he would not be able to die with what she does.

Comic Open South Park Cross Over Mysterious
My hands are knotted in the rope and I cannot sound the bell. My hands are frozen to the switch and I cannot throw it.
Sed consectetur enim a urna congue mollis. Nam in erat eget metus posuere suscipit. Phasellus semper consequat dui id fermentum. Donec viverra dapibus viverra. Vivamus sit amet orci maximus, posuere nibh a, consequat tortor.

Aenean id faucibus dolor. Aliquam rutrum ut nisl at scelerisque. Sed consectetur enim a urna congue mollis. Nam in erat eget metus posuere suscipit. Phasellus semper consequat dui id fermentum. Donec viverra dapibus viverra. Vivamus sit amet orci maximus, posuere nibh a, consequat tortor.

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Aenean id faucibus dolor. Aliquam rutrum ut nisl at scelerisque. Sed consectetur enim a urna congue mollis. Nam in erat eget metus posuere suscipit. Phasellus semper consequat dui id fermentum. Donec viverra dapibus viverra. Vivamus sit amet orci maximus, posuere nibh a, consequat tortor.

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We know each other, crack and flaw, Like two irregular stones that fit together.
SKYPE CONTACT: buzz.diirty.two.me
Copyright 2015. All rights reserved.
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Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis tristique in ligula sed tristique. Sed aliquam enim vitae enim mollis sodales. Nullam et neque et nunc lacinia malesuada sit amet quis neque. Duis pulvinar risus nec condimentum tempus. Praesent a nulla sagittis, fermentum ligula id, bibendum mi. Duis gravida arcu ac efficitur porttitor. Mauris sit amet porttitor dolor. Fusce ac lobortis nisl. Nulla tristique sagittis nunc non cursus. Curabitur mattis nulla non quam pellentesque pulvinar. Proin facilisis erat vel lacinia luctus.

Maecenas efficitur leo id volutpat commodo. Donec nisl urna, suscipit eget feugiat sit amet, pulvinar quis nibh. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lorem nunc, convallis sed nulla sed, maximus molestie sapien. Sed laoreet magna tortor. Praesent id velit at augue maximus volutpat sed vel ex. Suspendisse erat metus, pulvinar ut quam sit amet, laoreet finibus urna. Suspendisse non viverra nulla, vitae laoreet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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The loneliness of the liarliving in the formal network of the lie.
Personality Traits
Novelty seeking Impulsive, exploratory, fickle, excitable, quick-tempered, and extravagant. Associated with addictive behavior.
Psychoticism Psychoticism is a personality pattern typified by aggressiveness and interpersonal hostility. High levels of this trait were believed to be linked to increased vulnerability to psychosis such as schizophrenia.
Obsessionality Persistent, often unwelcome, and frequently disturbing ideas, thoughts, images or emotions, rumination, often inducing an anxious state.
The personality traits listed above are samples from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trait_theory#List_of_personality_traits
Other Information
Likes Tacos
Dislikes Closed minded people
Habits Picks scabs, and bites nails and lip till it bleeds
The Devil is in the details
Legal & Physical Full Name: Dylan Erin Victor
Nicknames: Dy, Vic, Erin, Lee
Aliases: Dracula
Date Of Birth: October 20th
Place Of Birth: South Park
Current Residence: South Park
Ethnicity: Asian
Hair Color: Black with red streak
Eye Color: violet
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 155
Birthmarks/Scars: Moon shaped mark on his right hip. Family & Relationships Mother: Sara Victor
Father: Joseph Victor
Sister(S): none
Brother(S): none
Other Family: unknown
Sexual Orientation: unknown
Relationship Status: Taken
Current Relationship(S): Connor
Past Relationship(S): none Education & Employment High School South Park Highschool
College not there yet
Major N/A
Degree N/A
Occupation: Student
Job Description: N/A
Employer: N/A
Skills: making tacos
๏ฟฝI wanted to choose words that even you would have to be changed by๏ฟฝ
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Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis tristique in ligula sed tristique. Sed aliquam enim vitae enim mollis sodales. Nullam et neque et nunc lacinia malesuada sit amet quis neque. Duis pulvinar risus nec condimentum tempus. Praesent a nulla sagittis, fermentum ligula id, bibendum mi. Duis gravida arcu ac efficitur porttitor. Mauris sit amet porttitor dolor. Fusce ac lobortis nisl. Nulla tristique sagittis nunc non cursus. Curabitur mattis nulla non quam pellentesque pulvinar. Proin facilisis erat vel lacinia luctus.

Maecenas efficitur leo id volutpat commodo. Donec nisl urna, suscipit eget feugiat sit amet, pulvinar quis nibh. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lorem nunc, convallis sed nulla sed, maximus molestie sapien. Sed laoreet magna tortor. Praesent id velit at augue maximus volutpat sed vel ex. Suspendisse erat metus, pulvinar ut quam sit amet, laoreet finibus urna. Suspendisse non viverra nulla, vitae laoreet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis tristique in ligula sed tristique. Sed aliquam enim vitae enim mollis sodales. Nullam et neque et nunc lacinia malesuada sit amet quis neque. Duis pulvinar risus nec condimentum tempus. Praesent a nulla sagittis, fermentum ligula id, bibendum mi. Duis gravida arcu ac efficitur porttitor. Mauris sit amet porttitor dolor. Fusce ac lobortis nisl. Nulla tristique sagittis nunc non cursus. Curabitur mattis nulla non quam pellentesque pulvinar. Proin facilisis erat vel lacinia luctus.

Maecenas efficitur leo id volutpat commodo. Donec nisl urna, suscipit eget feugiat sit amet, pulvinar quis nibh. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lorem nunc, convallis sed nulla sed, maximus molestie sapien. Sed laoreet magna tortor. Praesent id velit at augue maximus volutpat sed vel ex. Suspendisse erat metus, pulvinar ut quam sit amet, laoreet finibus urna. Suspendisse non viverra nulla, vitae laoreet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis tristique in ligula sed tristique. Sed aliquam enim vitae enim mollis sodales. Nullam et neque et nunc lacinia malesuada sit amet quis neque. Duis pulvinar risus nec condimentum tempus. Praesent a nulla sagittis, fermentum ligula id, bibendum mi. Duis gravida arcu ac efficitur porttitor. Mauris sit amet porttitor dolor. Fusce ac lobortis nisl. Nulla tristique sagittis nunc non cursus. Curabitur mattis nulla non quam pellentesque pulvinar. Proin facilisis erat vel lacinia luctus.

Maecenas efficitur leo id volutpat commodo. Donec nisl urna, suscipit eget feugiat sit amet, pulvinar quis nibh. Nulla facilisi. Praesent lorem nunc, convallis sed nulla sed, maximus molestie sapien. Sed laoreet magna tortor. Praesent id velit at augue maximus volutpat sed vel ex. Suspendisse erat metus, pulvinar ut quam sit amet, laoreet finibus urna. Suspendisse non viverra nulla, vitae laoreet lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

I am a boy in the teens of life driving his dead poet in a black Rolls-Royce through a landscape of twilight and thorns.

     ᵗᵃᶜᵒ KƖƝƓ's Details
Status: Single
Orientation: Not Sure
Hometown:South Park
Body type:Slim / Slender
Education:High school
Characters: Dylan Victor (Background Character)
Verses: South Park
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Genre: Adventure, Crossover, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery,
Member Since:February 17, 2017

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