Linkle on AniRoleplay - Linkle
"It is my destiny to save Hyrule! I just know it!" - Linkle | Zelda and Crossovers

34 years old

Last Login:
August 06 2024

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Likes & Dislikes ❐ Heroes -LIKE
❐ Kind People -LIKE
❐ Evil - DISLIKE
❐ Monsters - DISLIKE

She is very fond of cuccos. Small chicken like birds that reside within Hyrule. While docile animals on most occasion, when provoked, Cuccos will summon others of their kind to furiously and relentlessly attack their predators. They have been often noted as some of Hyrule's most dangerous fauna. And yet, Linkle shepherds them with a gentle kindness, willing to put her life on the line for their safety.

Linkle is a sweetheart. A gentle soul whom only wishes to help those in need. To be the knight in shining armor ready to defend the world from evil. She will stop at nothing to save a lost soul, to fight a hard fought battle. But she is often aloof, and a bit flighty. Her sense of direction is awful at best, and is well known to be lost even when road signs are present.

Character Traits Traits: Gentle and Kind
Quirks: Excellent Marksman, Energetic
Habits: Gets lost easily

Her ability to get lost even on the most direct routes is somewhat of a mystery to most. But when she does get lost, she often ends up at the right place at the right time, in order to save those in need. Even if it is not the place she intended to be in, she still ends up in a place that is in dire need of a hero. Something she is all too happy to help in.

Whether it is a massive monster ravaging a defenseless town, or a horde of undead blocking an entrance to a temple, Linkle shows great courage in the face of serious danger. Even if she is the only warrior still standing, she will hold her own to anyone who's intentions are anything but pure.

Full Name: Linkle
Nicknames: Cucco Girl, Miss Hero
Aliases: NoneUnknown
Place Of Birth: Hyrule
Current Residence: Central Hyrule
Race: Hylian
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'3
Weight: 140
Birthmarks/Scars: None

Linkle's true family remains much of a mystery as she often does not speak of them. However, she does hail from a family farm somewhere in Hyrule. The one she speaks most fondly of however, is that of her Grandmother whom one day gave her a special treasure. That being a golden compass, which had the symbol of the Royal Family. And was believed to be imbued with a magical power. The story was taken by heart by young Linkle whom believed that she was the reincarnation of the legendary hero. Despite her claims, no one believed her. But her claims would hold some level of truth as the Compass had reacted to her needs, scaring off a rather powerful imp.

Mother: IUnknown
Father: Unknown
Sister(S): Unknown
Brother(S): Unknown
Other Family: Unknown
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single/Uninterested
Current Relationship(s): Single/Uninterested
Past Relationship(s): None

Linkle formed a close bond with her Grandmother ever since she was just a little girl. Ever since she could remember, Linkle held onto a promise that she would one day venture out to save Hyrule in its darkest hour. Of course that time would come, as Ganondorf once again was revived to cause turmoil and havoc. This sparked her decision to venture out and save the realm. But, Linkle's sense of direction was flawed, and thus she missed any major movement within the main legions of Hyrulian soldiers. Yet, even in her wayward adventures, she managed to save a ton of civilians and eventually did meet up with the Hylian Knights just in time to save them from certain doom.

Alliance Hyrulian Military
Languages Spoken: Hylian
Occupation: Cucco Farmer, Warrior
Job Description: Tends Cuccos, Fights monsters, Protects Hyrule
Employer: Family, King of Hyrule

Though, having no formal training, Linkle was eventually awarded an honary medal for her brave acts in helping to defend the Kingdom from the invasions lead by Gannondorf and Scia, and their nefarious allies. As the war concluded, Linkle was recognized and made a part of the official Guardian cadre consisting of Impa, Zelda, Link, and several others.

She continued to serve long after the war's end, often venturing out beyond her home in search of holdout monster camps, and even going as far as stopping a resurgence in evil forces attempting a coup. What was once a simple farmer whom had no real legendary status, Linkle forged her own destiny. One made with a pure heart. There is no one she won't be willing to help, so as long as their intentions are of light.

Title here

Nunc cursus dui nec orci elementum, non finibus turpis dictum. Cras vitae tortor libero. Morbi faucibus eleifend ante sit amet ullamcorper. Proin tempus lacinia massa, ut congue purus volutpat ac. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce varius vehicula lectus, et pulvinar lorem eleifend sit amet. Nullam malesuada luctus massa vitae accumsan. Morbi at suscipit mauris. Proin quis tempus ante. Etiam eu accumsan est, et suscipit justo. Aliquam dignissim et sapien at condimentum.

Additional details or a quote goes here. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nam et viverra nibh. Fusce faucibus, orci in sollicitudin eleifend, risus libero porta nulla, in mattis felis ex a velit.

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The above table code must remain at the top. FULL tables below can be rearranged.
Verses ❐ Zelda
❐ Inuyasha
❐ Pokemon
❐ All Crossovers Writing Style ❐ Multi-para
❐ Novella Dues ❐ Starters (0)
❐ Comments (0)
❐ Messages (0) Notices On vacation? Comment rp only? Put some notes here.

Often seen as naive and aloof with delusions of grandeur among her peers, Linkle was a humble cucco shepherd. But during one fateful night, Hyrule fell under attack, and Linkle saw this as her key defining moment to save the kingdom. As news of the first battle reached her ears, Linkle quickly grabbed her own set of green garb akin to what the Hero of Time had worn, and a compass which she believed to be magical. Though those on her farm believed it to be yet another foolish story.

She with her Cuccos traveled the wide open lands of Hyrule encountering legions of enemies, and eventually did become involved in the war that had engulfed the lands. But what she had thought to have been but a simple attack turned out to be something much more sinister. The multiverse had been shattered and monsters from various realities had began their invasion. Each one claiming a portion of Hyrule for their own. But, young Linkle didn't allow this to happen. No matter the cost, she vowed to stop these monsters and free her home.

As she made her long trek to Hyrule, Linkle fought in several battles from across time itself, only to eventually realize she had been going the wrong way the entire time, and thus had been straying further from the castle. If it hadn't been for her friends she had made along the way, chances are she would have never made it to Hyrule Castle at all.

When she finally arrived, the entire courtyard was ablaze and the surrounding area was engaged in a brutal battle between Hylian soldiers lead by Impa and the forces of darkness whom were secretly controlled by a revived Gannondorf. Despite all odds however, Linkle was able to summon her powers within the compass itself and use it to aide in their struggle against the dark forces, thus allowing the hylian troops to push for a daring counter attack.

Wayward Hero
I'll Save Hyrule!
The main connection image is ONE photo. You do not need to crop it into three individual images. This layout will do that for you. Upload a 600px width by 300px height photo and add the url for that pic in the background-image:url(HERE) section above.
Relationship Status
How we met: No info Available.
First Date: None
First kiss: None

Though easily flustered, Linkle is single. She travels Hyrule with her flock in search of enemies to fight, and portals to other universes to seal. When asked for a date or such, Linkle has been known to flail, freak out, and flee the scene, or make up some excuse to not date. She is just more comfortable bashing Monsters as opposed to anything romantic.

What do ya mean?!
N-No I can't!
I have a kingdom to save!
Monsters to slay!
*****First connection box (left side) starts here.*****

Curabitur id nulla eget nisl mollis ornare. Nullam sit amet lacus vel elit porta consequat ut nec mi. Maecenas finibus, neque sit amet porttitor lacinia, felis nunc feugiat ex, et iaculis orci purus et dui. In gravida tincidunt massa nec consequat. Cras fermentum consequat lectus in porttitor. Maecenas in dolor odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Morbi id ligula bibendum, elementum elit vel, tincidunt magna. Nulla sollicitudin justo pellentesque malesuada ultrices. Cras faucibus massa sed purus efficitur ornare. Sed fermentum dolor odio, id dignissim ligula consectetur vitae. Quisque enim nunc, dictum et euismod dictum, fringilla vestibulum nisl. Vestibulum mattis urna et mi pharetra tristique. Donec iaculis pharetra laoreet.

Connection 1 Name
*****Second connection box (right side) starts here.*****

Curabitur id nulla eget nisl mollis ornare. Nullam sit amet lacus vel elit porta consequat ut nec mi. Maecenas finibus, neque sit amet porttitor lacinia, felis nunc feugiat ex, et iaculis orci purus et dui. In gravida tincidunt massa nec consequat. Cras fermentum consequat lectus in porttitor. Maecenas in dolor odio. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Morbi id ligula bibendum, elementum elit vel, tincidunt magna. Nulla sollicitudin justo pellentesque malesuada ultrices. Cras faucibus massa sed purus efficitur ornare. Sed fermentum dolor odio, id dignissim ligula consectetur vitae. Quisque enim nunc, dictum et euismod dictum, fringilla vestibulum nisl. Vestibulum mattis urna et mi pharetra tristique. Donec iaculis pharetra laoreet.

Connection 2 Name
Extra Table. Duplicate as needed. You can also copy other full tables (Stats table, etc) and paste them here. Just take all the code from a particular table (to include the table code) like the one you see at the top of this section.
Extra Table. Duplicate as needed. You can also copy other full tables (Stats table, etc) and paste them here. Just take all the code from a particular table (to include the table code) like the one you see at the top of this section.
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Groups: Special Region,

     Linkle's Details
Characters: Linkle
Verses: Zelda, Inuyasha, Pokemon, Nintendo, Guilty Gear, Genshin Impact, Crossovers
Playbys: Mikako Komatsu
Length: Multi Para, Novella, Para
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Thriller/Suspense, Video Game,
Member Since:February 08, 2021

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//IMAGE DIMENSIONS// ===TOPPER=== Topper/Inner Background = width:1100px; height:500px; ===LEFT SIDE=== Personality Table (2 images) = width:150px; height:200px; MoreDetails Table = width:150px; height:150px; Image above Copyright Table = width:500px; height:250px; ===RIGHT SIDE=== MainBio Table = width:300px; height:300px; MainConn/BAE Table = width:600px; height:300px; (This is ONE pic. You don't have to crop it. See that section for more information.) Side/Side Connections (small) Table = width:100px; height:100px; //TEXT TITLES// If your last name, first name, etc is longer than the area, go into About Me and locate the appropriate div class for that section. IE if you need to change the sizing for the first name area, find the div that corresponds to it. "First Name" is housed inside the div class="firstname" under the div class="mainbio"; so go into About Me and find .mainbio .firstname. These are the codes you will need to change font-size, etc. Currently the font-size is 35px; If you need a bit more space, change the font-size to 32px, etc. until your name fits into the slot. General text tip: Changing Letter-spacing, font-size and the font-family (from Arial to something like Arial Narrow for example) can help you fit your text inside a confined/fixed space. **In some areas you will see BIG and SMALL font tags used to increase the font-size of certain lines. These will also be found in About Me under their appropriate sections. IE: The div class MainBio / sub-div class Quote uses BIG and SMALL font tags to change the size of a couple of the lines. You will find the size markers under About Me/.mainbio .quote big and .mainbio .quote small. Etc... //MUSIC PLAYER// SEE THE CITED NOTE UNDER MUSIC PLAYER FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS. //LAYOUT COLORS// Colors can be changed more easily in this layout because I have again included a 'color palette' section. It is located at the bottom of About Me. There are ONLY 5 colors in this layout. If, for example, you want to change the mauve/pinkish light color to something else, you would go to the Color Palette and locate /* Light Color a46d6d */. In that area, change each a46d6d code to the new color code you have selected. That's all there is to it. TIP: To avoid the potential for issues, exchange a light color for another light color; a dark one, for another dark. IE. If you are replacing the off-white/lighter color (f3fffb) with another, try to keep the replacement color a light color as well.

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Linkle's Friends Comments
Displaying 3 of 3 Comments (View All | Add Comment)
Self-Righteous Aura

Jul 1st 2021 - 10:19 AM

Did I never send a greeting! I'm terrible and I sincerely apologize for that! So, as an apology let me untangle a web of ideas I initially had when I decided to request you!

First off, yes, my character is from the Pokemon verse and this idea will generally connect both Pokemon and Hyrule slowly into one, adding an extra and evil force as something for our characters to contest. Before I go there, I need to explain an ability of my character and that is his ability to create 'Breaks'.

Breaks are tears in reality that connect one world to another via a corridor through space and time. These Breaks, once opened, serve as passageways for anything within or inbetween to pass - so this can introduce a lot of new enemies or creatures into either land. There's more to this, but I will explain later.

At the moment, I was going to start with the idea that an ancient and powerful darkness invaded the Pokemon world, thrust Dark into one of chaos and disorder while a lot of human and Pokemon are corrupted. He would actually lose the fight, and once his world had been conquered his evil would then leak into the world of Hyrule - but moving through the Breaks can also be exhausting, so unlike the strength it had in the Pokemon world, it's strength would have diminished during the passing, leaving it to settle somewhere within Hyrule to heal and recuperate. Meanwhile, specks of his darkness would travel the land in shadows, cause people to get sick before turning int monsters.

Dark, having chased the evil into Hyrule, will be trying to stop it. Not wanting what happened to his world to happen to others, he would want to help Linkle stop what could be a disaster.

It's just an idea and there is more to it but I want to know if this idea peaks your interest. Let me know what you think. Until then, take care!

Feb 25th 2021 - 4:13 PM

I understand. I would love to write with you, and I would say we should discuss something in the Hyrule Warriors verse, but I haven't played any of those games yet.

Feb 19th 2021 - 10:34 PM

Hey! Thanks for sending the request, and I'm sorry for the late greeting.
I hope to get the chance to discuss a plot and roleplay with you soon!
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