About me: Kazuki Xento is the Son of a trickster and an Ice goddess. His parents pretty much left him the age of 16 to live for him self. He didn't know if it was because it was to test him to prove his worth to the world or maybe they were just bad parents. So Now at the Age of 30 he just wonders the worlds looking for something fun to do.
This takes place in modern settings. (Magic isn't limited to the past people )
Skills: "Doopel-bombs" He makes a copy of himself that will blow up depending on how much magic he puts into it the bigger the bang. Sometimes he will enchant them to deal some ice damage to them. "Cyro-weapons" Just as the name sounds like he can make any weapon he needs.
"Cyro-Therapy" Also how it sounds he could use his magic to heal. It will be a cold touch but wounds will heal and as well as helps Relax. "Absolute-zero" It is his last ditch effort in a mission or a job to freeze things. This still has a chance to freeze him as well if he isn't careful. "Castle" This one might throw you off a bit. However it is a chess move. He will swap him self with something to either get closer or to avoid damage. He mostly uses it for his Doopel-bombs. "Shadow walk" Like rogues in D&D this ability lets him walk threw the shadows for a deadly sneak attack. "Ether-Blade" A lot similar to the Cyro weapons. He mades a blade above his wrist like in a game {Assassin Creed} The blade is able to fight off spirits.