Fell of a being such as her may not be truly named, only given labels. Murderer. Criminal. Monster. Death Incarnate. What fair deities of creation even had the awful oversight of allowing the likes of her to simply be?
From what ungodly hole she crawled out of, no one knows. Whether born of malice or nurtured by it, she showed a talent for treachery and torment. Deceit, discord, devastation, their egregious exercise is hers to exact and enact.
She bathed in blood, drowned in it. Savor the well of life in one so much so that it became an addiction. Even the flesh and bones of her victims, she devoured delightfully and even fashioned a slew of unsightly apparel and trinkets on.
Muster vigilance and courage. Muster them well. For when the likes of horrid her do come, sorrow and savagery shall follow with a loud and proud symphony.
True Name: -E X P U N G E D-
Alias(es): Lady M, Mistress M, Mistress, Huntress, Fiend, Murderess, Hag, ๐ฑ๐๐๐๐, Monster, Demon, Fell-Form, Unkind, Disaster, Calamity, Mistake, Beyond-๐ฑ๐๐๐๐
Age: -E X P U N G E D-
Birthplace: -E X P U N G E D-
Gender: Prefers to be Female
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Dispositions: Think of the many tyrants and serial killers that had ever lived and put their combined tempered wisdom in a corporeal humanoid form along with a god-like patience that can mingle with the last atom to live in a dying universe.
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Logic Defiance
For eons stretching beyond trillions, the Monster has grown accustomed of defying reason, from cause and effect to physics within a certain cosmic domain or universe. Things that should affect her does not do so. And if the phenomena and their factors are persistent enough, she is incredibly resilient to them. This seemingly-omnipotent ability has been achieved well enough after meddling with many paradoxes in the Old Domains that could mangle and shatter realities. Her corporeal form may lose its integrity down to the sub-molecular scale, but actual death does not embrace her. She can use her sheer disrespect to reason and logic to negate chemical manipulation done to her and vigorously deflect the concussive trauma up to that of a hypernova, even several detonating within light-seconds from her physical proximity, the latter requiring plenty of focus lest she has to regain a physical form in the domain or universe again.
Transcendent Science
Part and parcel with her Logic Defiance skill and despite her being quite the occult-looking creature, she actually uses mad science to enact such astral activities that can rival cosmic entities. She does use Magic from time to time, but the god-like science in her feats to move matter from different places across the cosmos and even alter molecular behavior to bring a desired effect of her choosing are often disguised as Magic. This is used mostly to amass energy to travel through space and time, project destructive and deflective force, regenerate physical deterioration of different kinds and even audio-sensory mimicry and illusions.
Phantom Pain
This skill is one that also took her eons to even achieve its adept level: to relocate physical and psychological pain she undergoes into other sentient beings. This was taught to her by a few primordial entities from the Old Domains, one of them being a powerful dark goddess known by many as the Damsel of Deceit.
Horror Embodiment
An entity that can instill dread to such a divine degree that she may as well be horror itself, the Monster has amass many facets of what it means to be feared, from inducing intense psychological terror to severe physical strain leading to the debilitation of other beings out of inescapable deep fear, even death from shock.
-- Impatience towards waiting for replies is something I have zero tolerance for. My writing length default is multi-para. Consider those details as you will.
-- I do not greet. We discuss briefly or we start the story as soon as possible. You drag the conversation further, I will remove you. If you cannot find the time to read profiles and make a constructive remark at least from your end of the spectrum, leave me be and go and bother others.
-- Circumstances in the stories will not be kind and respectful to our characters. I intend it to be so. I will see to it. This being I put onto the digital paper is someone--or something--I would personally and thoroughly revile if I ever meet them or know they actually exist. If you are looking for something light-hearted to write about, you best leave my friends list. There are plenty out there that would suit that criterion.
-- Thank you for your time. Now, let us write.