I accept all serious writers that is prepared to share ideas for story plots as I will also. If you are not serious about writing a story; please keep it moving. If you are one of those people that have a little more time on your hands then others please understand I don't and patience will be required. If you cannot be patience please keep it moving.
26 years old
San Antonio,
United States
From the Writer
Writing Style
I am a para to multiple para writer.
Special Note
I accept all serious writers that is prepared to share ideas for story plots as I will also. If you are not serious about writing a story; please keep it moving. If you are one of those people that have a little more time on your hands then others please understand I don't and patience will be required. If you cannot be patience please keep it moving.
High School/College
Age: 14-17 (High School) 18-22 (College)
Current Residency: Group Home in Children Services/Dormitories
Personality Traits: Girlie Girl, Strong, Tough, Manipulative, Self Centered, Both Intellectually Smart and Street Smart.
Likes/Dislikes: Getting her hair, nails, and make up done, going out to parties, Hanging out with friends, Being Admired, Shopping, and Jewelry of all kind. Dislikes being ignored, not getting what she want, and not being treated like a queen.
Short Bio: (Kiyomi appears in this verse at 12 years old). Kiyomi is on the cheerleading team and is one of the most popular girls in school. While many think like most popular people her grades would be struggling, they were not. For she was very intelligent had her grades showed that very much. On the outside looking in, Kiyomi was perfect everyone loved her and her life was perfect. That being said, for Kiyomi everything was not perfect. Growing up in the streets and being picked up by children services she lives a tough life outside of school that most no nothing about.
Fantasy (Witch)
Age: 25
Current Residency: Crescent Valley
Personality Traits: Serious, Strong-willed, Caring, Supportive, Manipulative, Revengeful, Loyal, and Intelligent.
Likes/Dislikes:Likes helping other witches that are wronged and misjudged, studying magic and becoming stronger, hurting others and taking revenge upon those who treat her and her kind wrongly, snakes, and visiting other places that will accept her. Dislikes those who judge her and others for what they cannot change, greedy people, people being loud and disorderly, and being confined with very little space.
Short Bio: When Kiyomi first arrived in this fantasy realm she learns that she is a witch. Branching out to surrounding areas in which she entered the realm she was shun for being a witch. In fact, she was wronged and judged many, many, times and is wanted in many surrounding areas. Later becoming more cold-hearted and to herself, she had earned enough money in the realm where she had purchase land in which she had began to build up eventually forming her small village of witches called Crescent Valley. In Crescent Valley she owns her own magic shop called Spell Cast that is visited by both witches and travelers in search for magical assistance. When she is not working in her shop she trains and work with witches helping them to become stronger building her own witch coven to any who desires to join.
Aliases/Nicknames: The Pokemon Sage
Age: 14-24
Hometown: Traveler/Adventurer
Personality Traits: Coming Soon
Short Bio: Kiyomi appears in this realm when she is 12 years old. Stumbling upon the creatures known as Pokémon, Kiyomi was intrigued by them desiring to learn as much as she could about them. Not having any parents, Kiyomi was forced to learn how to take care of herself in this realm. As time go buys she become great at finding places to stay whether that is outside or inside. She is also great at finding her own food and or making money through odd jobs. Having a rough start in the Pokémon world, Kiyomi had to learn about Pokémon first hand watching them and spending much time with them as well reading books that she was able to get her hand on. From time to time she had also gain knowledge from those from the Pokémon center as well as gyms leaders and assistants working alongside of them for a period of time.
Kiyomi does not get her first Pokémon right away due to her rough start, Kiyomi doesn't get her first Pokémon for about a year later when she is 13. That being stated, having all the knowledge that she obtained through people, books, and first hand she was quite great at being a trainer. It did not take her long for her to build up teams of 6 Pokémon. Kiyomi tend to train her Pokémon along among themselves, with wild Pokémon, and with gym leaders and assistants not going for a badge or anything. While, Kiyomi was interested in all Pokémon she did have a type that she had loved in general that she had always captured. It wasn't a physical type but more of appearance type. For she loved to capture the ones that most would say look adorable and cute.
Kiyomi was the kind that would not only take odd job for herself but along with her Pokémon as well to be trained in other odd job that would strangely sometime aid them in their battle unexpectantly. Kiyomi later become a Pokémon sage. One able to speak and fully understand Pokémon. This happens to do an adventure where she assist a legendary Pokémon called Cresselia and in returned gave her a luna blessing that allowed her to speak and understand Pokémon. This was the first time Cresselia had ever used the luna blessing on a human and resulted as such. Cresselia and Kiyomi are close and ally with one another when there is such a need. Kiyomi also works with other legendary Pokémon in the same matter. Other legendries that Kiyomi are connected with are Celebi, Jirachi, Articuno, Mew, Suicune, Virizion, Glastrier, Enamorus, and Spectrier.
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This page contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author. I am not the person in the photographs. This profile is for creative purposes only.
About me: -----------------------------ABOUT ME---------------------------------
Who I'd like to meet: -----------------------------LIKE TO MEET---------------------------------
Fantasy - Supernatural - Mafia/Crime - Open
Para to Multi-Para, Third Person POV
Princess Kiyomi resides in a futuristic world called Celestix where she is the princess of her people. Princess Kiyomi loves her people and shows them as much care and support that she can speaking up for them rather frequently in royal meetings and seeing to it that their needs and desires are seriously considered. Princess Kiyomi is a fair, caring, loyal, and strong will young woman that wants not only the best for herself but her people as well. While Princess Kiyomi was loved and adored by both the people and her family she didn't quite feel that way when it came to her family. For they were extremely protective over her and what she had done making it to where she could almost do nothing. While she was trained to fight and had exceptional skills; one of the best in fact it didn't matter as her father and mother would never actually allow her to serve as the warrior she had wanted to be or for that matter nothing else other than just a figure head. Princess hated their way of thinking and always thought about how it could be if she would only get a chance.
One day, in Celestix they were greeted by another universe; another world by some catastrophic accident. It caused so much confusion, senseless bloodshed that left the people of Celestix frightened of what and who could actually be out there. It was due to this incident that the royal scientist of operations had gone to work in order to make a machine in which would connect to other worlds and verses with intent on secretly visiting them to learn what they could about as many different verses that they could. Not only that but to research and found out those most compatible with them that could work with them and be allies. Being among some of the most intelligent of her people, Prince Kiyomi assisted with the project working among other scientist. Truth be told, Princess Kiyomi knew that her parents would never ever allow her to be the one to test it and adventure out using it. It was due to this that she had plotted and planned to be the first to use it once it was done without permission. Although when it was finished, she didn't think about how she would get back. Especially no one knowing that she had even entered the machine.
Princess Kiyomi knew how to maneuver around the verses but she had no clue of how to return home. Each verse she would cross into would change her DNA to match those of that particular verse having the abilities and features of the those people in that particular verse and or world the moment that she had appeared into the verse. In some verses, she could keep her tan skin while others she would have lighter fairer skin. Some verses she would have one color hair and then the next she would have something else. The only thing that had seem to stay consisted while moving through different verses was that her eye color would remain blue. Her personality and likes would also remain the same no matter the verse she would end up in at least that was depending upon the time and how long she had been there as with time and certain circumstances personalities do change. That being said, if she was to ever return home, she would return back to normal. Who she was originally.
Age: 25 Years Old
Birthplace: Celestix
Current Residency: Traveling through the universe
Personality Traits: Caring, Supportive, Kind, Loyal, Moral, Strong-willed, Courageous, and Intelligent.
Likes/Dislikes: Like helping others, going out to fancy parties, shopping, swimming, hoverboarding, playing video games, learning new things, and rock climbing. Dislikes other people taking advantage of others, bullies, people whining and complaining, and insects.
"I know who I am...do you?"
I am UNSTOPPABLE! Not because
I did not have
failures or doubts; but
because I continued on despite them.
Life doesn't get easier
we have to choose
to become more stronger
and more resilient!
Be stronger than your excuses.
Marvel/DC Comics
Hero Name/Citizen Name: Queen of Diamonds / Kiyomi Yamaguchi
Age: 22-28 Years Old
Personality Traits: (Kiyomi's personality remains the same in this particular verse to her original).
Likes/Dislikes: Designing and selling jewelry for couples, helping people, shopping, going to theme parks, going to the beach, Motorcycles, and Dogs. Dislikes: Coffee, Holidays, Closed in spaces, Immature People, and being bare footed with the exception of being on the beach.
Short Bio:Kiyomi appears in the DC universe around the age 21 where she lives a normal life for some time. She works as a jewelry store manager in a local mall. A man down on his luck by the name of John Constantine comes into the store with a strange glowing bag. A bag that he claims to be magical diamond particles. He attempted to sell her the bag in order to get some money since he had nothing and was going through tough times. Kiyomi was very skeptical about it and didn't believe in the slightest. With his consistent begging though he had felt bad for the male that shrink with cigarette spoke and decided that she would give him $500 of her own money hoping that he would get his life together. At least find a place to stay and get some food for a bit.
Kiyomi ended up working late that night to about midnight. Just as she was getting ready to leave a massive meteor crash into the mall taking out the jewelry store with Kiyomi in it. The next morning the police and rescue believed that everyone within the area didn't make it sense everything was turned to ash. Everything but a hand in which was underneath ash that a emergency personnel had found. He ran over to it in the protective clothes and gear. He pulled on the hand and lifted it realizing it was a body of a woman. Shocked, they had began to believe that maybe their way more survivors. Kiyomi was taken to the hospital where she later was strangely completely fine. She was released but little did anyone know that she wasn't completely find and had developed very unique abilities. Finding them fascinating and training them she began to think that she could actually do some good with her ability later becoming the hero known as Queen of Diamonds.
Age: Unknown
Current Residency: England
Personality: Sweet, Kind, Supportive, Manipulative, Controlling, and Analytical.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes to pretend to be human to get what she wants, finding valuable people to help assist with her plans, nighttime flying, being romanced, reading, the moonlight, stars, and believe it or not werewolves. Some werewolves. Dislikes being discovered, being challenged, anyone or thing bothering her clan, bright sunny days, planes, and other flying objects.
Short Bio: Arriving in this realm, Kiyomi learns that she has the DNA of Dracula but is not sure of her age. Unlike Dracula and other vampires, Kiyomi's appearance is one that is rather normal to human. She gives off a sweet, kind, and supportive demeanor going to school, work, etc. She is immune to the sunlight and does not burn but indeed needs blood to survive. Kiyomi is just as strong as Dracula with similar abilities. Kiyomi is truly one of the best kept secrets as she feeds and selectively changes those she wish to become like her and join her within her vampire clan.
Fantasy (Dragon Fairy Warrior)
Current Residency: Adventurer/Traveler
Personality Traits: Kiyomi's personality remains the same in this particular verse as it does in her original.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes Magic, Flying, Dragons, Shiny things, Meats, Sweets, Gold, Traveling, Helping Others, and Cliff Diving. Dislikes books and reading, crowded marketplaces, Cocky people, and alcohol.
Short Bio: Kiyomi receive the DNA of a dragon and fairy in this realm. She arrives in this realm when she appears to be 18 years old although no one knows for sure how old she is in this realm. Realizing that had powers and abilities that she did not understand, Kiyomi ask the locals where she could find a dragon or a fairy. She was directed by one of the local where she could find a fairy. Arriving in a fairy kingdom she spoke to a fairy guardian that made her small like a fairy in order to meet the fairies. Kiyomi was ultimately amazed my the fairy kingdom and had quickly made friends. In the fairy kingdom she learned of a fairy that was in love with a dragon and had gone to meet them. She learn more about their relationship and thought that it was rather sweet. Later Kiyomi had become more close to the fairy and the dragon and was later taken in their trainee and mentee. Kiyomi trained and learned both dragon and fairy skills from the fairy and dragon couple. She was even taken to the dragon kingdom where she learned even more from other dragons. After time had gone by while Kiyomi enjoyed both the fairy and the dragon kingdoms, she still felt like she just didn't fit in. For in the fairy world she wanted to be herself and be large and in the dragon kingdom she had desired to sometimes fly small but found it dangerous. Kiyomi had come across a traveling hero and learned of their adventures and thought that this two could be something that she could do. Deciding to be a traveling hero it has brought great joy to Kiyomi allowing her to meet all kinds of people and learn much about so many societies in the realm. In this realm, Kiyomi can appear as both a fairy and a dragonkin form but cannot go into a full dragon form. Appearance is different when she appears as a fairy versus a dragon-kin. As fairy she appears as a fire fairy and as dragon her appearance is more of an ice dragon-kin. (Photo can be seen).
Fantasy (Elf Mage)
Age: Appears to be 24 years old
Current Residency: Kingdom of Elverion
Personality Traits: Personality is the same as her original in this particular verse with some differences since she is able to do more in this realm then in her own realm due to her parents being more protective of her.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes Berries, Writing, Rain, Swimming, Wolves, and Gems. Dislikes Dishonesty, People taking advantage of others, Traveling Alone, Getting Lost, and Being Late.
Short Bio: Kiyomi arrives in this realm as an infant abandoned on tree stump. When a woman had come across the baby girl after a day of shopping in the market she had great compassion upon the child. She decided to take her home and convinced her husband to adopt the baby girl and raise her as their own. Kiyomi was raised by the Elven King and Queen of the Elverion kingdom. Growing up as the princess, Kiyomi learns to love and care for her people very much. When she had become of age, she had began to serve as the kingdom's ambassador keeping the peace between their other nations and ally nations. Kiyomi is a strong skilled warrior and is very protective of her people whether she is in her kingdom or out of her kingdom. She is the kind of person that treats allied kingdom as if they were her own people also being protective over them if they are ever working together on a mission. Kiyomi even changes her appearance to appeared as her allies to make them feel comfortable when she is in their land.
Modern, Crime, Mafia
Age: 18-32 Years Old
Personality Traits: Compassionated, Modest, Kind, Attentive, Orderly, Disciplined, and Adventurous.
Likes/Dislikes: Likes Horses, Banana Icees, Tea, Water, Swimming, Clothes, and Shopping. Dislikes Winter, Cold Temperatures, Insects, Reptiles, Peaches, and Jack O Lanterns.
Short Bio: Kiyomi appears in this verse when she is only 5 years of age. She is adopted by kitsunes on an unknown tropical island where she learn their kitsune culture and learned to live by it. Later when she is around 18 years of age she takes a boat and ends up in Florida. In Florida interested in the new world that she tumbles upon she quickly takes in the city of Miami. In some versions of this verse she becomes a mob boss herself and in others she works closely with a mob boss. Depending on which version we are writing in Kiyomi's personality will be different. If she is the mob boss she take on a personality of a mob boss while if she is not the mob boss continues her personality that she develops being raised by the kitsunes which is listed above. In the event that she is a mob boss the story is...she assist and comes close with a mob boss that takes her under his wings. She learns his way and later he dies leaving everything to her as she becomes the new mob boss. In the event that she is not a mob boss, I will work her into a story with your character to create this background.
Aliases/Nicknames: The Mysterious Shinobi
Age: 10-35 Years Old (Depending on time period)
Current Residency: Hidden Cloud Village/Hidden Leaf Village
Personality Traits: Kiyomi's personality is the same as it is in this particular verse as in her original verse.
Likes/Dislikes: Studying Jutsu, Training, Special Weapons, Rock Climbing, Relaxing in the Hot Springs, Engaging in Social Events, Rare Manifests like Lunar Eclipse, and trying New and Different Foods. Dislikes: Cocky People, People who tell her that she cannot Achieve Something, People who does not Respect Hard Work, Talkative People, Snow, and Cats.
Releases: Lightning, Wind, Fire, Scorch, Lava, Earth, Magnet, Yin, Yang. (Depends on the time period)
Short Bio: Kiyomi arrives in the Naruto verse at age 10. Upon arriving in the Naruto verse she has not only the futuristic item to send her to another verse or back home, but a vile in which she injects herself with giving her the dna of two random shinobi. Upon arriving in the Naruto verse, it was not long before people had began to take notice to the mysterious shinobi. For people could not understand how she was displaying unique jutsus in which came from a shinobi from the village hidden in the clouds and the Yamanaka clan. Arriving in the universe, she first arrived in the village hidden in the clouds where she was taken to the Raikage's secretary being that she was displaying similar to jutsus to her own unique release. Mabui did not recognize or know anything about her; unsure if she was related to her but decided to take her under her wing. Kiyomi studied and trained as shinobi there in the Hidden Cloud Village, At least that was until they had began to notice that Kiyomi not only had unique release to Mabui but to also the Yamanaka clan. They began to suspect that maybe someone from the Yamanaka clan had mated with someone from Mabui but this could not be proven and still many was puzzled about the young girl. Learning of the unique release from the Yamanaka she too trained and spend time in the Hidden Leaf Village working alongside the Fire Country as well. Kiyomi is very discipled and is known for being a hard worker. She is also known for her strong ability to control her chakra; she works very hard to calculate her attacks not to use unnecessary chakra wasting it having a great understanding of chakra and her chakra network.
Yeah, I'm just about caught up and should be getting to your reply tomorrow. I have been here for about three years, which is a good while but not nearly as long as many others. I'm just extremely adaptable and I am big on respecting the boundaries of others, and I believe in being super friendly, so that always generates more willing to write stories with me. I send requests out at least once or twice a week, and I will send out greetings to all of them. Truth be told, it's easier for men to get stories since there are a lot of good female writers that are willing to do a diverse kind of stories. It's harder for females to find men who want to do stories that aren't based on...well, one thing lol. I'm sure you know what I mean.
Good to know you have been well. I've been well too, although I have been quite busy. That's good that you have been getting out more and doing things with family. I've been doing more outside things too, and I have been working on some literary deadlines for some writing I am doing, so it's kept me quite busy, but in a good way.
Hello, thanks for the comment back. Yes, I am still interested and should be replying soon. My apologies on the lateness of my reply. I am working on catching up since the holidays left me a bit behind all-around. I have managed to get my replies down to just under 30 right now so I should be getting to it soon. Hope you have been well. :)
(Well I did get the comment from you as a whole and I am alright with it by taking our time and such while not minding what is going on roleplay wise.)
OOC: Well I am glad that there is no rush. And I did in fact get the comment that you sent me and it was a good comment, I do agree on you that it is rather tough to get roleplays going though in my perspective over some time it feels IMPOSSIBLE. I always try to get back to people as well and try to be as consistent as possible with my partners because that's what I want from them as well while having a diversity perspective as well and character wise.
OOC: Well the wait is okay when I saw this from you. And hearing about your family member undergoing surgery and you have been taking care of them that displays the good in your heart to me. The date is about five days so I would be on my day off when it comes to your availability. And things could be going better for me on a physical sense but also in a roleplay sense as well but I won't bore you with the details of that.
// hey there! sorry for sucha generic thing but I've a bunch of greetings to get to and I'm just trying to get my account back up off the ground. I already have a few ideas depending on which of your characters you want to write as so just shoot a comment back and we can get to discussing :)