A relatively youthful by fey standards and particularly short male High Elf whose parents were healers and druid folk that were put to the sword for being demon worshipers by the surrounding townsfolk. They were in fact not, and were deeply devoted to the magics of nature and life, targeted solely due to local paranoia. Having no home to go back to and steeped in a desire for vengeance, the orphan changed his name to a suitably dark title and swore to travel the lands and forge pacts with demons to become the warlock the town thought his parents were.
However, his bloodline is too tightly connected to the light and supportive arcana, so demons want nothing to actually do with him. Despite this, he swears he has a dark and infernal patron in another realm, the average traveler wouldn't have heard of her, she is far too obscure and ancient for the common folk to know of.
He lives as a traveling bard now, weaving dark and terrible tales about his villainous exploits and great tragedies, playing up the dark gimmick as a focus for his limited magics despite not actually being quite as villainous as he wants to be.
Dark Heart of Lurkwood
Name "T'Nebrus Grimm"
Birthplace The Lurkwood, Northwest Faerûn, Toril
Race: High Elf
Hair & Eye color Black - Muddy crimson
Age & Sex Unsure, Stopped counting - Male
Height 4'4"
Weight 90lbs
Relatives None remaining
Languages Common, Elvish, Abyssal; Spoken only.
Status Wanderer
Magic Illusion, spiritualism, minor mind control
Hobbies Making straw and cloth doll effigies, recounting horror stories, and playing card games.