Despite being only 10 years young, Manon is a Goet, something which is both feared and revered in the ever-expanding land of Marignon. Naturally, being so young, she's only been granted the rank of a Goetic Adept, but that title alone lends one more rights than most, and she's been diligent to use them to their fullest.Though exceedingly immoral, those of Goetic titles are allowed to own slaves and use them as they see fit, experiment on them, or sacrifice them to the God that leads Marignon. It is not an uncommon to see children owning both adults and other children.
Adepts like her are allowed to command a guard of about fifteen soldiers, that is not counting whatever unholy creatures they may summon through their ill magical arts, nor any offensive or defensive spells they've learned - so needless to say, they are quite well protected, and are more than equipped to take any common folk they desire as slaves, whether they belong to an indigenous people/species that Marignon conquered, or hapless villagers of the mainland itself.
Though she is still a very unsafe kind of person due to just... learning and experiencing the arts and magics required to earn her position, she is not as cruel as most of her peers are. She is, however, exceedingly "well-developed" in bodyparts no girl should have - of course, they were not always there, it's just that after spending such a long time messing around with darker arts, her body had to change here and there outside of her control...