1. Drama is a no go. Don't bring it to status posting or messages with me. I don't care about it, so leave it with your little head. Here to roleplay right? Treat it as that, it's only a matter of respect at the end of the day.
2. Always IC. OOC will be shown appropriately when needed. Mainly for discussions, otherwise you will get him at all times.
3. I prefer to discuss over just some random messages or starters. So if your going to message me, have some kind of idea. I won't message you unless I feel we can make a story happen.
4. I am busy outside of here, my replies may not always come immediately, but I will reply as I am able to and with the free time. Rest assured I am not ignoring you.
5. If there is fighting then be proper, adhere to fair rules and don't be an idiot and try to auto me or god mode me. I am a long time veteran of the rp fighting scene as well as been a judge for fights multiple times across rp. I will know and I will instantly end the fight or story outright and not put up with it. May be one warning may not be a warning at all. I reserve the right to decide.
6. I almost always give multi-novella style replies if you prefer that. I can work with a single paragraph but anything less, no just don't bother.
7. I want the story to be pushed not just by me but by the other I am roleplaying with. So don't let it become one sided or I will simply end it outright. I don't want to lead the story entirely. That get's old and it's a frustrating thing.
8.This is not "Let's get busy immediately" type of account. Story is always going to be the top most number one thing for me. I know a lot of you out there assume since I am an orc I am wanting to bed women consistently. No I am not interested in that kind of thing. In a story setting maybe but it's not a hard requirement for me to enjoy story lining.