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119 years old
Greenwich, Connecticut
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June 05 2024

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About me:
Who I'd like to meet:

Pika Sparx

The beginning of Pika Tale is much like anyone else, there was a mother and a father, her mother was a reaper created by God and the Horsemen death named Hikari Gekkou and her father was the reaper of darkness named Daku Gekkou, she was born with a twin brother named Lucian Gekkou, tragedy struck her family when she was only 5 years old, her mother past away and her father blamed her and her brother. but that is in a past where pika doesnt dare go back to think about. but what she will remember of that past was her mothers sister, who like her was a soul reaper a soul priestess, one that toyed with life and death and could help a soul. she was the one that trained pika into the women she is today. at the age of 16 this aunt of her took her from her abusive father and took her in as her own to see she would be safe from the dakrness growing inside her father. and thats all of the beginning she cares to remember.

At the age of 19 Pika packed up her belongings and ran far from where anyone would know her name and know anything about her, she rather start life over and find peace and happiness. but being from a family that she was from she shut her self down and built a wall around her self without really realizing it. and by the time men took a notice to her she was cold and distance from them, and for many many years pika remained that way. that was till one day while sending souls to there rightful place she met a man name Kai, and though she fought hard to push him away he never stopped looking for her and calling on her. it didnt take long for pika's heart to soften and fall in love. soon after that her and kai married and talked about starting a family no matter how nervous she was she wanted a family of her own. Pika came home one night ready to start planning out her future with her husband to find that he had already started plans without her, she walked in on him in bed with another women, in that very moment pika for the first time got the taste of blood and awoken the unstable power of darkness that ran in her family, slaughtering the woman that slept beside her husband while he stayed tied down watching in horror at the monster she become. she turn to him tears staining her face and blood all over her as she released him and told him to leave. when he was finally gone, pika sat in the corner of her bloody room crying swearing to her self and vowing never to fall in love again that it was only for fairy tails.

But that wasnt the last time she would see or hear from kai. Turn out he was something even darker then she ever imaged, Kai came back turn out he was a demon all along stronger then before he came back months later wanting revenage wanting what she promised him. in this time Pika was struggling with this darkness that was growing in her. she had always played in the light like her mother but still half of her was darkness like her father. Kai broke into her home and took her away to a place that even she couldnt remember where it was, he treated her like a prisonor, taking her taking what he wanted from her and every time that test came back negtive he would beat her and do it again. Pika finally one night called out to whatever was listening and cried for help she couldnt use her light power she struggled with the darkness inside her. Who came before her scared her. The one that started it all for her. The horsemen Death. extending his hand to her he gave her the power to escape in exchange she would train under him, he after all created her parents and had plans for her. She would be his weapon, she would be the the reaper of Balance. Once she got stronger she started her life traveling never staying in one place long enough for someone to get to know her, she was content with being the weapon Death wanted she didnt need anything else, thought death told her she would need to figure out how to blance that darkness in her she wasnt as strong as he would like, Told her to go out into the world and find the answers that would unlock her powers fully, through her travels she came across an unlikely person with and interesting spirit, her name being Senshi. this young girl an angel from a family of Demons, it was strange to pika that such a child would be. but she was strong, and annoying. followed her knowing what she was and asked if pika could train her because she was so pure and wanted to protect her family. Agreeing to this just to see what kind of power she had, To Senshi excitment she told her that the only thing was she wanted her to meet her grandfather Sebatain, Pika wasnt pleased with this but then again to meet a demon that raised a angel peeked her curiosity she agreed, he welcomed her to meet the rest of the family and for a brief moment in time and after so long she finally felt like she had a place were she belonged or at least felt welcomed, which was strange to pika. Pika also knew the risk of opening her self up again and struggled with the thought sometimes even considering leaving and not looking back. One day when she thought she would be training the angel Sebastain Showed up explaining he wanted to show her something, As the drew closer Pika felt it like heat from a fire, it burned her skin the feeling of darkness washing over her, Pika question Sebastain who told her she was not going to see a something but a someone, he introduced Pika to his younger brother Taito. at first the two just stared at each other as if they had some strange thing about them. but still Sebastain and Senshi push for the two to get to know one another and the more the two saw each other and fought the more pika found she enjoyed her time with him secretly she even could say fell for him but never could she say it out loud. but with all things it never worked not to soon after that Taito and Pika fell in love and married, all of pika's fears were layed to rest and she even started the family she long dreamed of having 8 kids, Not counting her 4 step kids from taito whoms she loves dearly

name: Coraline Tuner
occupation: Librarian
Dailia: about me

name: Danya (Dailia) Cassadine
occupation: King's Assassin
Dailia: about me

name:Evangeline (Eärwen) Cassadine
occupation: King's Assassin
Earwen: about me

Pika's Children

Gin Sparx(step)
Lee Sparx (step)
Asako Sparx (step)
Kimito Sparx (step)
Kentaro Sparx
Tsubaki Sparx
Carolyna Sparx
Lacie S. Babeson
Isaiah Sparx
Alice Sparx
Kaiden Sparx
Kane Sparx
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King of her Heart

Her Darkness: Taito Sparx
Taito Well Like many others Pika and Taito where set up together unwillingly I might add. By Taito Brother, Whom met Pika through his granddaughter Senshi. Forcing the two to spend time with each other. To Pika, Taito was a hard headed fool that was a bit of a perv. He seem to take enjoyment in trying to test her nerves and get her temper going. He seem more like he wanted to drive her crazy and push her away rather then even bother to get to know in his words " yet another annoying female" but quickly like pika always does found a way to annoy Taito driving him crazy, and for a while that is how it went ever they were around each other, it became a game driving each other to a breaking point, a dangerous game that Pika found she looked forward to, he would try to ignore her, Called her stubborn and try to order her around but it would never work she would barely listen to her own best friend lana why would she take orders from a man, Pika found it more and more amusing driving him crazy, She loved finding ways to push his buttons all the time. She found herself thinking about about him more and more and it wasn't as hard for others to see as it was for them to see that they were falling in love, and it all took just one kiss for Pika to know she had found the one she belong with, the only one that tamed that darkness inside her, it wasn't long after that, that Taito and Pika got married on Oct 14th 2009, quickly following their marriage their family grew having a total of 8 Children together.<

Life Long Best Friends

BFF: Lana, Aya, Shane, Coco
My girls Each one of these Ladies have come into Pika's life and impacted her so much they changed her for the better, Lana & Aya she met when she was still a teen they are all about the same age but they grew together and became stronger together then what they were apart. Shane & Coco Pika met after she met my husband Taito, Shane showing her the light humor side and never allowing her to be sad or in pain when she had so much going for her, Coco was the best friend to hold her hand and hug her and tell her she always had someone there for her. Pika would give anything to any of these girls and like family they are she would harm anyone that dare break there hearts.

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Serenity Prime Kino

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don't steal a single thing

This layout was coded and styled by Cryptic at SMR. Please do not claim credit for the coding. All other credit goes to name here.

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