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06/09/2024 04:11 PM 

The Church of Seiros

Full Name: Byleth EisnerAliases: Ashen Demon, Teacher, Instructor, ProfessorBirthday: 20th of Horsebow Moon; Imperial Year 1159 (September 20)Age: 21 (Pre-Time Skip), 26 (Post-Time Skip)Height: 175cm (about 5'9") (Male), 164cm (about 5'4.5") (Female)Personality: Byleth has a very subdued personality and has difficulty expressing emotion. As a newborn, they neither laughed nor cried. People they are especially close to, such as Jeralt, are able to tell how they are feeling despite their limited emotional visualizations. A handful of their students note that their outward expressions hardly vary. Some express surprise whenever they simply smile. According to Alois, this trait of theirs may in part come from their father, as Jeralt does not show his emotions easily either and can also be difficult to read. However, in the support conversations between Byleth and Jeralt in Three Hopes, Jeralt notes how similar Byleth is to their mother Sitri, who like Byleth had difficulty expressing emotion.Their stoic demeanor slowly changes over the course of the Academy phase. Jeralt notices that they have become more expressive over the first few months, likely a result of the bonds they have formed with their students. Despite appearing indifferent, Byleth can be perceptive of their students and fellow faculty's problems and serve as a great source of emotional support for their issues. As the story unfolds, their emotional expression becomes more dynamic, including sorrow, vengefulness, and happiness. Because Jeralt sheltered Byleth from knowledge about a number of aspects of the world, Byleth becomes curious about the influence of the Church of Seiros, the mystery of the Crests, and the dynamic of the three nations once they are brought to Garreg Mach Monastery and the Officers Academy.Byleth has somewhat of a reputation from their earlier years in their father's mercenary corps for being a fearless and skilled warrior, gaining the moniker of 'Ashen Demon' due to the seemingly emotionless ways they dispatched their enemies. This seems to be somewhat of a sensitive subject for them, as they seem uncomfortable when Hanneman mentions their moniker in their C support. It is notable that in the beginning of the game, Sothis refuses to let the player progress if they do not acknowledge their humanity to her, refuting the "Ghost" and "Demon" options, so it can be inferred that Byleth is uncomfortable with the Ashen Demon moniker because it dehumanizes them.Backstory:Born to Jeralt and Sitri on the 20th of the Horsebow Moon 1159, Byleth lost their mother shortly after their birth. She was buried at Garreg Mach Monastery. Some time after her death, Jeralt left the Knights of Seiros, taking his newborn child with him to travel Fódlan, becoming a mercenary in the process and starting his own mercenary company.During Byleth's childhood, Jeralt shared little information about the world, the Church of Seiros and especially his past. Byleth either forgot or never learned their true birthdate, Jeralt claiming they were born years after the fire to a woman who supposedly died of illness. Jeralt trained Byleth in combat, eventually joining his band of mercenaries and gaining a fearsome reputation for their unflinching courage in battle. They would soon be known as the "Ashen Demon" as a result.(Male Byleth)(Female Byleth)Full Name: Seteth (Cichol)Aliases: Hammer of JudgementBirthday: 27th of the Ethereal Moon (December 27)Age: 1000+Personality: Stern and serious, Seteth is a paragon of order and discipline for the Church of Seiros and the Officer's Academy. He is loyal to Rhea and the Church of Seiros, and shares her hostility towards those that oppose the Church. While he accepts her judgment in making Byleth a new professor, he maintains firm skepticism of them until they rescue Flayn. After that incident, he expresses complete gratitude for them and trusts Byleth with Flayn's care. In Crimson Flower, Seteth grapples with Byleth's betrayal but begrudgingly concedes that he still owes them dearly for saving Flayn.As seen with many of his supports, Seteth often offers wise advice to those younger than him despite his stern nature, such as encouraging Felix to interact more with those that care about him and imploring Ingrid to consider herself an individual before thinking of herself as a Crest bearer.Seteth has a talent for writing children's stories and fables, having written some for Flayn when she was younger, and is an aspiring author. He is not a good artist, and as such his stories lack illustrations (which would complement his books), though he may find an illustrator through some supports.He inherited a love of fishing from his late wife. However, he does it to primarily to enjoy the sound of the waves and other nostalgic sensations, and is not particularly skilled. In his supports with Leonie, he tells her that his late wife was the one who prepared the bait, but regardless he does not mind fishing with or without it.Backstory:Seteth is the older brother of Flayn. He became the second-in-command and chief aide to Rhea, the Archbishop of the Church of Seiros, after being summoned to Garreg Mach Monastery in 1159. He respects Rhea's judgment of Byleth, who was unexpectedly offered a professorship at the Officers Academy, though he does not let his guard down around them...While Seteth claims to be a descendant of Cichol, he in fact Cichol himself, and Flayn is his daughter, Cethleann. Though he wasn't present in Zanado during the massacre, he allied with Seiros during the War of Heroes. During an unknown battle, Cethleann convinced Cihol to bring her along. Cihol reluctantly agreed, but was unable to keep a watch on both her and his wife, resulting the latter dying and Cethleann suffering grievous injuries. After burying his wife at the Rhodos Coast, Cihol proceeded to place Cethleann in a restorative slumber and remained in Zanado until Imperial Year 1162.  Full Name: Flayn (Cethleann)   Aliases: Benevolent One   Birthday: 12th of the Blue Sea Moon (July 12)   Age: 1000+   Height: 151cm (about 4'11")   Personality: Flayn is a sweet, curious and polite girl who speaks formally when talking with others. Due to her isolation from the rest of society, she is very curious to learn as much as she can; even something as simple as a fish swimming sideways is enough to get her attention. However, she can take rumors quite seriously, as shown in her supports with Sylvain.Her interests include making friends and wandering around. She particularly enjoys fishing, even hosting tournaments in the monastery due to having fond memories of fishing with her mother and father. However, she is not a good cook, as everyone, including her brother Seteth, leaves the dining hall if she ends up cooking. Only Dimitri enjoys her cooking, but this is due to him lacking his sense of taste.Backstory:Flayn is Seteth's younger sister. She began living at Garreg Mach Monastery in Imperial Year 1179. She is not a student, though she wants to become one someday. She lives at the monastery, as Seteth is her only family. She is a gentle and gregarious girl who interacts with others openly, but since her curiosity can make her act rashly, she makes Seteth worry a lot.In reality, Flayn is actually Seteth's daughter. Her mother is buried in the Rhodos Coast. While she claims to lack ties to Cethleann, she is actually the Saint herself. She and her father allied with Seiros during the War of Heroes. Injuries she suffered in the same battle that killed her mother would cause Cethleann to need to enter a dormant state for many years in order to heal. Thus, after the war, she and her father remained in Zanado, isolated from the rest of the world until her father went to the monastery in Imperial Year 1162, leaving her completely alone. Seteth kept her in hiding because he was afraid that others would attempt to use her Crest for nefarious purposes. Having missed out on much of history due to this dormancy and isolation left her surprisingly naive despite how long she has existed.  Full Name: Catherine (Cassandra Rubens Charon)   Aliases: Thunder Catherine, Thunderstrike Cassandra   Birthday: 15th of the Horsebow Moon; Imperial Year 1152 (September 15)   Age: 27-28 (Pre-Timeskip), 33 (Post-Timeskip)   Personality: As one of the most powerful Knights of Seiros, Catherine is extremely loyal and a devout believer in the Church and Rhea, the latter being an attachment. This is due to Rhea taking her in during her greatest time of need, and as such, feels that it must be repaid in full. Her devotion to the Church is so extreme that in a conversation with Shamir, if someone spoke of heresy and she didn't know them, she'd cut them down on the spot. Her loyalty to Rhea is also unwavering, following her to the very end, despite the apparent insanity she falls into during Crimson Flower.Aside from her role as Rhea's bodyguard, Catherine is a fierce warrior with a reputation to back up her skills, being known as Thunder Catherine. While many knights idolize her, she feels that she is not worthy of such praise. She gets along well with fellow knights Alois and Shamir, especially with the latter despite their vastly different personalities, due to having fought many battles together.She is also willing to help others, such as telling Ingrid to resort to dirty tactics as a last resort, as war can be quite dirty and not what the stories make it out to be. She also helps Ashe find closure in the role she played in Christophe and Lonato's deathsBackstory:Catherine is an alumnus of the Garreg Mach Monastery Officers Academy. She is a fearsome swordswoman who wields Thunderbrand, one of the legendary weapons known as the Heroes' Relics, and is completely loyal to Archbishop Rhea. Catherine claims to be able to identify a person's Crest just by looking at them.Catherine was born to House Charon in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus under the name Cassandra. She attended the Officers Academy in the Blue Lions House, alongside her best friend Christophe. One day, she and her classmates were tasked with killing monsters, but they were ambushed and she nearly died. Rhea saved her and nursed her back to health. Some time after graduating, she was implicated in a plot to kill the king and had to flee the kingdom, becoming an outlaw. She sought safety at Garreg Mach Monastery and Rhea took her in, making Cassandra her knight. Cassandra then changed her name to Catherine. During this period, she also was responsible for capturing Christophe and turning him over to the Knights of Seiros for execution, which cleared her of any wrongdoing. However, in response, Christophe's father Lonato pinned a baseless crime on her, making it impossible for her to ever return to Faerghus. The incident would haunt her for the rest of her life.           

Fire Emblem, Character info

Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak

06/09/2024 12:23 PM 

Welcome To Basic HTML 101
Current mood:  chill

So apparently I was asked to teach people who want to learn basic HTML the terms that everybody should know since everybody wants to learn how to manage div layouts ( You want them so I'm taking time out of my day to teach people. )  So in this blog post I'll be going over all of the terms that you need to know at the "Beginner Level" especially if you plan on managing and or navigating one of these layouts so lets get this sh*t.Topic #1: How to establish a line break First of all lets start with the Line Break as it's probably one of the types of html that you'd come across the most in any div layout ( be it from create blog , vicarious, or a layout that's custom made by hand. ) bottom line you need to know this.BR In between the symbols "< >"( is the HTML code for the line break and it has the same function that the return key has when you edit a layout it pretty much adds a line break this is exceptionally helpful when you see the following in your layout. For example take this sentence for consideration we'll use it as an example."Have you heard about the Elden Ring DLC? I think it's pretty f***ing good."Now if this was an actual HTML layout and you wanted to establish a line break between Have you heard about the Elden Ring DLC? and I think it's pretty f***ing good. You'd type it out like this."Have you heard about the Elden Ring DLC?"[ Insert Line Break Code Here] "I think it's pretty f***ing good."In turn this would get you the result of.==============================================================="Have you heard about the Elden Ring DLC?""I think it's pretty f***ing good."===============================================================The original Line Break Code vanishes once you save the layout as it's actually implemented in the actual code but when you go to edit the code it's there plain and simple multiple Line Breaks aka The BR code being posted more than once would result in more spaces. It's a relatively simple concept to understand.Topic #2: How to type the image code in HTML. This is one of the other basic codes you'd need to learn as far as HTML goes in this case here we go.It's the Image Source code for example let me post up a random photo link and I'll teach you how to put that into your layout itself. As an example here is a picture of Ugandan Knuckles a meme character based after Knuckles from Sonic with a Ugandan Accent in a link format.Now if you want to put the source url in a layout as an image in standard HTML it would be done like this.< img src = "YOURURLGOESHERE " >  ( No Spaces ) Which if typed right should come out as this but on Ani you just click the Image part of the toolbar above and slap the url there which gets you this in return when you click the save layout button.You can also use center codes to center the image and other directional codes it's realtively easy to do and it's actually essential in editing a layout you can also manipulate the size dimensions by adding height and width values to the code for example.< img src ="YOURURLGOESHERE" height="200" width="600" > ( No Spaces )  with the URL above would get you this.Topic #3: Understanding Hex Codes.Okay so you want to learn how colors work in HTML you do this by understanding Hexidecimal Codes here are a few codes that are associated with their respective color.for example The Hexidecimal code for black is #000000 and The Hex Code for White is #FFFFFFYou can refer to this page on how to type with the text color of your choice.;s all of the freebie lessons your getting from me. ( I honestly posted this because someone doubted my ability to teach people basic HTML but they f***ed around and found out. Either way I'm not holding it against them cause I got better sh*t to do with my time. ) 

HTML for beginners.

Emperor Nepgear

06/08/2024 02:01 PM 


Apocalypse Start: I play nepgear before she killed her friends, and we play out her adventure to save the world. She had dozens of friends to help her during this- your character(s) could be in her party. But i would typically start this off right as she gets the demon blade. However, i can start off even earlier. Keep in mind that she will be more of a typical shounen protaginist during this, and she will be much younger and weaker. Her powers will be a little toned down from how i usually play her, but her power will grow rapidly in the roleplay.World domination start: I play her 300 years after she starts her quest for world domination, and she travels to far away lands to expand her territory.Rebellion Start: as rebellions are starting to form to fight against her tyranny, Netgear goes to investigate, planning to wipe them out.Duel Start: Nepgear is challenged to a duel, normally it would make more sense to just decline, but she has a lot of pride as a warrior,  so she accepts.Post Apocalyptic: Nepgear is sealed away by a rebellion, ten thousand years pass, and she's finally awakened by someone, or something, because the world is once again threatened with total analation, and she's the only one who can save it.

Emperor Nepgear

06/07/2024 11:58 PM 

Extra Character info

Age: 315Mental Disorders: PTSDFighting Style: Spell-Sword/Duel Wield SwordsClothing: In the beginning, she wears a white sailor uniform, along with white and pink striped thigh high socks, and white and blue shoes. After she goes to the dark side, she switches to wearing all black clothes, wearing a formal black, long sleaved dress shirt, and matching black shorts. (See reference pic in my albums)Equipment:Gehaburn: The god eater, a legendary sword used in ancient times by a very powerful demon lord, used to fight angry gods, it has the ability to steal the entire life essence, soul, and powers from gods, literally consuming them into nothing. Legend has it, that the demon lord who used this had its soul locked inside the blade. In retaliation, he uses his power to corrupt anyone to be more demonic and ruthless, the longer they use the blade, regardless of race.When used in combat, it glows a dark purple, delivering earth-shaking strikes so powerful, that even pulling it out causes the ground to shake- its power easily could easily destroy an entire country, as if she has a nuke in her hands. But shes became skilled at controlling its power over time, able to condense its power into harsh slashes of demonic magic.Panzer Blade: A high-tech, blue blade created by Nepgear long ago, when she first became an adventurer. She modified it as she grew up, and now it can transform into a laser cannon, which scales with her magic.Powers/Abilities:Immortality: Thanks to the goddess blood flowing through her veins, she is completely immortal.Reinforcement Magic: with her magic, she can cause any surface, including her own body, to harden like a rock, giving her incredible defenive ability, but she usually wont be able to move, depending on how much of her body she hardens, or if she hardens an object instead.Support Magic: She can buff herself or others with temporary effects,  usually involving increasing speed, attack, or defense.Super Regeneration: Most wounds will automatically regenerate, though it will drain her mana reserves.Healing: She cast normal healing spells as well.Goddess Form: Her power is multiplied 10x over when she transforms, it is essentially her super form. She also has access to some special skills when taking this form.


06/07/2024 11:18 PM 

The First Conquest

When Kravenn awoke in the new world, he felt as though he had been lost in a dream up until that moment. Just like a dream, he tried to remember what it was about and only got bits and pieces. Before he could try and decipher those pieces, words began to fill his vision. Survive in this Wild World, was what the words said before fading out. Kravenn stood up, the cool breeze of the untamed wilderness brushing against his skin. The message lingered in his mind as he surveyed the dense foliage and distant sounds of creature’s unknown to him. Instinct kicked in, guiding him to a nearby river where he cupped his hands to drink the fresh water.The  sun began its ascent, casting golden light through the canopy above, Kravenn took in his surroundings. His silver eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any signs of civilization or other inhabitants. The call to survive echoed in his thoughts, urging him to explore this new world and uncover its mysteries. With a confident stride, Kravenn set off into the depths of the Wild World, his senses alert. The rustle of leaves and distant howls of beasts became his background music, the thrill of the unknown fueling his every step. This world was ripe for exploration, and Kravenn was ready to embrace the challenges it would throw at him…but why? Something about all of this felt strange to him. His name seemed foreign to him, and yet he was so confident about what he should be doing and where he should be going. Despite his efforts to take a moment and reflect, there was always something that demanded his attention. His own thoughts became less important as the focus shifted to survival.As Kravenn ventured deeper into the heart of the untamed wilderness, the vibrant tapestry of nature surrounded him with its verdant hues and hidden dangers. Lush foliage brushed against his arms, releasing fragrant scents that mingled with the earthy musk of the forest floor. Every step he took seemed to echo through the ancient trees, a symphony of rustling leaves and crackling twigs accompanying his journey. The air grew thick with anticipation, a primal energy thrumming beneath the surface of this new world. Kravenn's senses sharpened as he navigated through the undergrowth, his mesmerizing silver eyes scanning for any signs of movement or lurking threats. It was then that he heard it—a series of eerie chittering sounds that sent a shiver down his spine. Emerging from the shadows of the dense foliage were dromaeosaurid creatures, the sight of them somehow seeming familiar to him. These monsters moved with a feral grace, their razor-sharp claws glinting in the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy above. Their amber eyes fixated on Kravenn, hunger and aggression gleaming within their predatory gazes. Kravenn stood before the ferocious beast in nothing but a loincloth, feeling completely unprepared for battle. He frantically searched for something, anything, to defend himself with. Finally, he settled on a sturdy tree trunk that he could wield like a clumsy club. Not exactly the ideal weapon, but it would have to do.The dromaeosaurid creatures closed in on Kravenn, their sleek bodies moved like shadows in the flickering light. With a primal roar, they lunged towards him, claws extended and jaws gaping wide. Time seemed to slow down for Kravenn as his instincts took over, his body moving with a fluid grace that surprised even himself. Ducking under the slashing claws of the first creature, Kravenn spun around and delivered a powerful blow with the tree trunk, sending the beast stumbling back with a pained screech. His muscles tensed and flexed with each movement, his senses hyperaware of every detail in the chaotic dance of combat. The next creature leaped at him from the side, but Kravenn sidestepped effortlessly, feeling the rush of air as its sharp claws narrowly missed his skin. In a seamless motion, he brought down the makeshift club on the creature's head, crushing bone and sinew with a sickening thud. More of the creatures surrounded him, their hunger driving them into a frenzy. But Kravenn moved like a force of nature unleashed, a whirlwind of primal power and unmatched skill. His silver eyes blazed with determination as he anticipated their attacks before they even struck, dodging, and weaving through their onslaught with preternatural speed. He was winning. It was odd; these abilities and physical prowess felt both unfamiliar and natural to him at the same time. If he had always possessed such strength and speed, shouldn't he have been more confident from the beginning? Again, another last second dodge broke him from his thoughts. Oh well, there was a time for thinking and there was a time for thwonking, and thwonking was feeling very very goodAfter Kravenn had finished defeating all the monstrous creatures, he casually walked over to one of their carcasses and effortlessly produced a hunting knife out of thin air. It was such a natural movement that he almost didn't realize how strange it was that he hadn't had the knife on him before, yet now it seemed to magically appear in his hand. Before he could question one thing, he was greeted with yet another odd interaction. With steady, practiced hands, he expertly dismembered the beast, his knife glinting in the sunlight as it sliced through skin and sinew. He knew exactly where to make each careful cut, extracting the best meat and materials from the kill with precision and efficiency. The pungent smell of blood and sweat filled the air as he worked. The action might as well have been autonomous. For some reason he had known exactly what to do and…no this made sense. Of course he knew what to do! He was a skilled hunter and had been for as long as he could remember. More words appeared in his vision now. Materials acquired. Kravenn saw a list of all the parts he had collected from the dead creature. “Nice.” He said simply. “My gear is trash. I’ll have to make it village smith and see if I can get some better armor and weapons.” Just like that, His instincts were leading him towards the nearest village, and he knew deep down that it was where he needed to go next. The trees began to thin out and eventually gave way to an open clearing. In the distance, Kravenn could see a small cluster of buildings, surrounded by a wooden fence. Without hesitation, he made his way towards the village, and that’s how his journey in this new world began.  

Aurora “Rory” Vitalis

06/07/2024 10:27 PM 

Writing Length Information

1. If you’re a one-line roleplayer, I won’t write with you. 2. If you’re a semi-para roleplayer, I won’t write with you. 3. If you’re a Single-Para roleplayer, I’ll write with you. Expect receiving 2 Para length replies from me. 4. Multi-Para is welcomed. Minimum of 3 Para and Maximum of 8 Para. 5. Novella is welcomed above all else. This is where my writing heart exists.

Miles Hart (single)

06/06/2024 09:04 PM 

Miles info and limits

Name: milesAge looks 19-25Hair dark brownEyes blueOrientation: biSpecies wolf or human depends on rpPiercings: ears, d*ck and tongueTattoos arms and chestPersonality: quiet and stubbornLikes: booksDislikes: bulliesBio always different in the roleplay-Rough sex-Nothing to do with toilet/feet/bondage/master-slave/animal(nekos are welcomed)/-mpreg welcomed (when done right. nothing to do with demon rituals or anything weird like that)

Miles Hart (single)

06/06/2024 09:04 PM 


1) I am on my phone the most I can do is 1-3 paragraphs. Hell no to one linears or novella. I try my best to be very detailed. 2) don't control my character or pretend you can never be hit. 3) discussion first. Knowing how we can start and so forth will make the roleplay go smooth 4) if you haven't respond to me within a month with no warning of why than I will delete you 5) keep the romance between characters just with them. Don't take it as real life 6) I work a lot if I can't respond I will let you know

Miles Hart (single)

06/06/2024 09:02 PM 

Ideas for stories

1) the ex lover x ex loverBoth characters dated in high school but family got in the way. They break up to go off to college. They meet back up at 5 year reunion and they are married or single. Old feelings come back from the memories that come back. Now both being in the same town they run into each other, get into arguements blaming each other for what happen and going through the pain to restart there love2) undercover cop and innocentThe cop job is to protect the innocent. The family or job that involves the innocent is being investigated for gambling or whatever and in order the cops to do there job they need the innocence out. Cop gets close to the innocence to get them out only to start getting feelings for innocence as they have to run to stay protected from harm3) the in closetBoth characters aren't out being gay or bi. They are dating girls. At a party being drunk Both characters end up kissing in the bathroom. Making it awkward for them at college or public. Arguments when there alone they end up experimenting when there alone together and not with the girls to learn more about themselves to eventually coming out to the girlfriends4) psych wardFor different species roleplayWaking up in a strange place not knowing how they got there, they have tontry to escape before things get bad. But as they eat the food and recieve medicine they start to lose who they are and get weaker. The place plays with there mind. If they get out they have to go in hiding together. They need each other to be able to surviveFor human roleplayCan be patients, people that work there or psychtrist one character. They get through the craziness togetherstories that don't need a explanationbabysitter x clientteacher x studentBoss x employeeSibling x siblingMaid x headmaster

Aurora “Rory” Vitalis

06/06/2024 05:04 PM 

Luminari Technology

An enlightened race known as the Luminari are living on a bioluminescent planet. They developed technologies that harmonize with their environment, blending organic and synthetic elements. They developed a unique material science that incorporates bioluminescent organisms, or their genetic code (DNA and RNA and chemical makeup of non-living material (Hardened Obsidian and Steel) mixture), creating a new class of "living" materials. These materials would be capable of absorbing and channeling the planet's bioluminescent energy. Their metal blades are infused with microorganisms from Xylophia-IV’s collective DNAs and RNAs, Flora and Fauna alike, that produce a luminescent protein, which react with the planet's energy to generate a plasma flame. This flame would be sustained by the bioluminescent energy, eliminating the need for traditional fuel sources. Their technology also involve: 1: Bio-inspired circuitry that mimics the planet's natural energy pathways. 2: Organic-synthetic hybrids that merge living tissue with advanced materials. 3: Energy harvesting systems that tap into the planet's bioluminescent fields. 4: Advanced nanotechnology that integrates bioluminescent molecules into metal structures. This fusion of bioluminescence and technology would not only create remarkable weapons like plasma blades but also innovative solutions for energy, transportation, and architecture, blurring the lines between nature and technology.

⭒ˑ∙ 𝓜adame 𝓓racéne

06/06/2024 02:21 PM 

Rules and Guidlines
Current mood:  inspired

If you are here, I thank you and I appreciate you for being so meticulous and considerate.            I will be thorough~✦         Genres;- Adventure, High Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Erotica+Romance(with story!), Fiction, Science Fiction, Creative Fiction, Slice of Life, Horror, Thriller, Folklore, Myhtology- everything in between. Intorduce me to new genres!✧         Lengths;- Open to one-liners, as long as you can consider it banter; not story based. Single paragraphs are also not story based, I consider it banter. Anything longer than that is considered story based writing. I am capable of upwards to 5 paragraphs. If allowed, I may also consider writing my partner’s character into Chiro’s story. ✨✦         Discussions;- Open to discussions when requested. I will always offer a short summary of my character. If we are to discuss I expect the same from my fellow writer. I am not unreasonable and am an equal opportunist writing partner. However, if you don’t give me much to work with, I am afraid we will not be able to write together.   Always in character. As annoying as it might be for some. I am adamant in playing my character. She is much like me, so I will play her as I see fit. If you send a greeting out of character, please make sure you specify in the subject line of your message. I will do the same. [ex: ·°⭒✦ ooc ━ for when I am speaking out of character.] My schedule is pretty flexible. However, I have a family, a job, and I am very tired almost all of the time. I run on Central Daylight time. I also run on Brown People Time; so if I say I will reply soon, please allow me 24 hours. /joke I am a multi-shipper. Romantic interests will stay in their stories and in private messages. Call me a literary whore, but romance is my favorite genre. –Insert uwu.- I do have favorites, and the best stories will be acknowledge on Chiro’s profile. They will be the golden standard. Discord available on request, I may even offer it in status posts. If we have not written a story or established a connection, do not ask for it.

rules, guidelines

David Campbell

06/06/2024 02:02 PM 

NEW PROFILE: David Campbell

Full Bio Here (even if it says it's WIP): Profile: Name: David - Middle Name: Seamus Surname: Campbell Age: 25 Sex: Male DOB: 21 September 19XX Species: Kitsunemimi Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Marital Status: Single - Relationship Status: Single Hair/Fur Colour: Brown/Brown, or Chestnut. May or may not end up being a tinge of red. - Facial Hair Colour: Same as Hair/Fur Colour. Eye Colour: Hazel Brown Skin Colour: Caucasian Height: 181cm (5' 11") Weight: 80kg (176lbs) Build: Lean with enough muscular tone, has visible body hair, and a bit of flare at the hips. He also bears very distinctive canine features on key parts of his body. This is a result of his previous career plus genetics. Interests and Hobbies: Music, drawing, computers, food and cooking, exploring, video games. Personality: He shows general qualities of most people, though the few things that really stick out about him is his occasionally mischievous, flirty and perverted behaviour. In social aspects, it can vary depending on the type of crowd, but he is generally welcoming to most strangers, unless he senses or has reason to not be as receptive. In times of inconvenience, he may also come across as a little gruff and may say things that may irritate some people despite him not intending to. Abilities: A formidable fighter, he often excels at stealth, has enhanced hearing and smell (due to his species), and is also a generally intelligent and competent person. He is a great listener on top of that, and uses it to help reciprocate his thoughts and feelings to others much to their benefit. On the side, his musicality is a great ability.   – Bio in Brief – David had a difficult life in the grand scheme, facing plenty of social hardships at the time due to his species. Growing up wasn’t also just as easy for him because he struggled to find ways to both cope with the pressures life threw at him, including the problems back at home. His father is generally insensitive, but found merit where his son could achieve, and his mother found ways to encourage and help David get back on the right track, and rewarded him when he succeeded in both his ambitions/desires and the things he needed to do. During the time when he was going to college, David found it difficult to keep up with the demands that his college provided, and so as a post-high schooler, he realised he was wasting his time, especially since the field he chose to pursue was almost never coming to fruition past the classroom. This caused him to join up a private military company (PMC) under the advise of one of his closest accomplices that, without his knowledge, obviously had plenty of ulterior motives. Though, his recruitment was apt due to both his sense of desperation in trying to rake in any money for himself to eventually live on his own, and the fact that there had been an ongoing opioid crisis in both the country he lives in, and outside of it; the abuse of it being the illegal trade and distribution of such. His PT days in the PMC were predictably like high school: hazing, harassment, and just a long-term general distaste to his kind of species. Though upon each sortie after he graduated PT, he was able to flourish over the handful of years that he was employed for, thanks to his natural abilities to use his hearing, smell and other of his heightened senses to excel in stealth missions, especially including recon. And, naturally, with every achievement David had, his parents—without question—rewarded him well for his efforts. Things went downhill after his last few promotions as his most recent sorties became increasingly risky, most notably his last sortie where they were assigned to harass and assail innocents. Accepting this task, albeit reluctantly, was the worst mistake he’d have to bear for possibly the rest of his life, as they barely found anything of value, and the overall morale of his squadron, with very few of his squadmates knowing him well enough, dropped, including their overall respect for him. This eventually led to his swift resignation, as he could no longer see himself being employed under them, which he also built quite a lot of resentment towards them. He left as a Staff Sergeant, got his pay, and took with him that last painful sortie home, which he tried to keep inside, until he had to seek therapy for it before it ended up destroying him from within. Post-therapy, he ended up pursuing a degree in culinary arts, and after graduation, got a well-paying job (after a handful of attempts at different restaurants) working at a mid-tier restaurant as a line cook, and eventually took what money he had earned overtime to purchase his own home in a suburban neighbourhood, finding more respite there after all of what he had to go through. The changes in society, most of which being positive, are what enabled the recovering PMC veteran to pursue what he had originally wanted, and now he faces a newer chapter in his life, where he may face more achievements and struggles.


06/05/2024 11:22 PM 


Plot ideas:Cannon Start: She will just be on some assassination mission, or be training for one. Your character can be her target, or a witness.Bodyguard: She will be your body guard, assuming you have the connections necessary to hire her.Recruitment: On orders, she kidnaps you and forces you to become an assassin, just like her. From this point on, you will be her assistant- helping her to kill people.Fugitive Start: She tears Inferno apart from the inside, killing three of the four mafia bosses that control Inferno by the end. With his empire gone, before he dies, the final one puts a hit on Phantom, as well as tipping off the police about her recent actions. She fights for her freedom, gunning to at least see the grasslands of Germany before she dies. With her currently in America, California, it will be a long trip.Supervisor Start: i play her after a failed escape attempt, shes let off with a warning and your character must watch her 18 hours a day.Child Assassin: I play her from the very, VERY beginning, when she first becomes an assassin, and your character would be her mentor. She will be 8 years old during this.Cyborg AU: Instead of her usual background, she will be transformed into a cyborg, her modifications updating as she grows older. The durability of a tank and superhuman reflexes, she becomes a unstoppable killing machine, along with a greatly extended life span thanks to many of her organs being replaced by artificial ones.Fantasy AU: Her backstory would be mostly similar, but replaced with an assassin guild and trained to be their ultimate weapon. She will be able to use shadow magic, granting her the power of a phantom- in other words, a ghost, making her body invisible and invulnerable to physical attacks for a short time.

Cassia Nakamori

06/05/2024 05:52 PM 

Electric Trainer

The names Cassia Nakamori and well im an electric trainer now my character does vary in different series so im open to crossovers and mains. I am multipara/novella writer so hope that wont be to much, this girls from the old MySpace Days.

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06/05/2024 09:09 PM 

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LOW TO MODERATE activity level. please don’t rush me for interactions. as a working adult with a full time job, my online activities are limited. patience is a virtue.✱ i tend to keep my writing fairly casual & banter—focused to alleviate this, but don’t let that deter you from prompting deeper discussions or storylines with me. if i’m invested, returning the effort that i receive is a given.DRAMA is a no—go. i don’t care about the whos, whats, whens, wheres, & whys, don’t approach me with it. if you take issue with someone i’m interacting with, that isn’t my problem. i will treat everyone fairly until i’m given an actual reason to disassociate from them. whether or not we've had previous experiences with each other, i don't care as long as myself & my friends are left alone. but if you're so tired of drama, maybe don't instigate it or insert yourself into it? i don't start fights, but i can & will finish them.✱ additionally, keep anything POLITICAL out of my space. if roleplay is escapism, then i believe it’s a given that most of us don’t want to hear it. oftentimes, political subjects are weaponized in online communities when people don’t get their way in any given situation. having experienced this firsthand through someone blatantly stealing my work, i won’t tolerate it.SHIPPING is based upon chemistry & written development. i don't vibe with instantaneous shipping, as it removes the fun and natural feel of the dynamic. while this account will be multi―ship unless specified otherwise, i am highly selective with potential partners due to uncomfortable past experiences. do not pursue a ship with me if you prefer to single―ship ( and don't lie and say it's fine when it clearly isn't fine ) or push expectations onto me. i am open to eventually single―ship if the connection is there, but realistically, it's unlikely.✱ as far as erotic content goes, i definitely don't leap for it. i do portray lingyang as an adult, as i confidently feel that he is one, but this isn't an open invitation for sexual encounters. if it feels right, then it does. but i'm not routinely comfortable with it. if your account is clearly geared towards erotic content exclusively, i will likely block you whether it's your first attempt to add or otherwise.any PERSONAL INFORMATION OR CONTACT is kept under lock & key. i very seldom offer my discord, and if something like that is a deal breaker for you? then i don’t feel comfortable interacting with you to begin with. i would love to be able to establish friendships, but there are too many people here with malicious intentions.✱ there’s also too many cases of IC & OOC boundaries just not being respected, and i’m absolutely not interested. as cold as it may sound, it's best not to convince yourself that we have any form of relationship, platonic or otherwise, outside of rp. we don't. i can be your acquaintance and maybe a friend down the line, but nothing more.& JUST BECAUSE I'M PETTY, if you're on your soapbox about anyone entering a new verse being a "broke ass trend chaser" & ruining the game for you, grow the 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 up. no one likes a miserable prick. either touch some grass or stay in your basement, my dude. 

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