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Decieved S̶a̶g̶e̶ Blood Knight

05/06/2024 08:52 PM 


Terminology/Glossary: Cursed child: A Superstition A term attributed to those born with Green hair and eyes. It is believed they can bring Ruin and destruction or a great boon to the place to which they are born IF a death of any kind occurs in the visual range of a cursed child before the ceremony of skills, the fall of the locale will happen unless the child is banished or killed A cursed child living to their first birthday is exceptionally rare as they are killed nearly always before their first birthday There currently exists a total of two living cursed children on the continent and five throughout the world at the time of Alimar's exile from the village The creation of the cursed child superstition involves a "hero" who massacred an entire city leaving the object of his obsession's brainwashed children, all green haired green eye people, the youngest being 20 and oldest 40 to attack the royal knights proclaiming it is the nature of all with green eyes/hair to destroy civilization so decree the dark god, Dinhua. Chuolia Herb used as a part of a cure for hangovers, headaches, and vertigo Dinhua The god of deception The god behind why the first hero was killed by a king Hero One destined to save humanity from the upcoming calamity of the time Vixtar Northern most kingdom of the world, isolated surrounded by mountains Home to many human supremacists smallest kingdom Balgar Home to the bat Beastkin one of many underground Kingdoms and allied with the slime kingdom, Muralx Guilds All are legally required to be neutral ground for all Available guilds: Carpenter, Blacksmithing, tailoring, adventuring, merchant, alchemy, magic, bestiary, and hunting Muralx The south eastern slime kingdom situated in a cave behind an underground waterfall

Decieved S̶a̶g̶e̶ Blood Knight

05/06/2024 05:03 PM 


goes without saying the rp Basics go here  No rushing Everyone on here has things to do offsite.  You need to be patient  Take a grenade from Alimar at your own risk. He is not responsible if a cockroach swings at your character  If your character flirts with him, it's very unlikely he'll catch on  I do not mind shipping, but it'll only happen if the characters mesh well It is not mandatory and will require work on both characters' parts Don't be like some of the weird people on here who demand ooc stuff for shipping IE: Sending irl pictures to continue/start a ship, demanding someone be single irl in order to be allowed to ship with you, actually pulling stalker sh*t and hunting down where the picture came from, acting like roleplays are impossible without shipping or romance being part of the roleplay  Don't pull an Adventurous and bash people who like to banter when they're busy irl and can't sit down to do replies.  5+ years and he's still loves to bash people who do it knowing people do it to not only keep the muse going, but also to give people something while they wait for replies to their own roleplays. whilenotreplyingtosh*theoweshimselfoops


05/06/2024 02:39 PM 

Arabella's Brief Bio

  In the shadowed realm of the Southern King of Hell, Arashi Hyakuhei, there existed a beacon of light, a ray of hope amidst the darkness – Arabella Hyakuhei. She was no ordinary princess; her beauty was renowned, with big ivory curls, pale skin, and eyes as pink as the brightest blossoms, a rarity in their kingdom. But it wasn't just her appearance that set her apart; it was her spirit, her kindness, and her insatiable curiosity for the world beyond the castle walls. Arabella's childhood was adorned with tales spun by her father, who returned from his ventures with stories that ignited her imagination. Though confined to the castle, her dreams soared beyond the boundaries, fueled by her longing to explore. With her two steadfast companions, Nortrix and Syaoran, she ventured into the earthly realm, where she marveled at the wonders and complexities of human life. But fate had more in store for Arabella than mere curiosity. A chance encounter with vampires on Earth unveiled her true nature – that of a fire demon. Enthralled by their world, she embraced their teachings, honing her skills until she became a formidable predator, reveling in the thrill of the hunt and the taste of blood upon her lips. As Arabella delved deeper into darkness, a new persona emerged – Ghost, a twisted entity consumed by the euphoria of inflicting pain and death. With each passing day, she distanced herself from her father's light, succumbing to the allure of her newfound power. Yet amidst the chaos, love found its way to Arabella's heart in the most unexpected form – an angel named Cupid. Their love defied all odds, blossoming into a bond that transcended their opposing natures. Together, they welcomed a daughter, Anastasia, into the world, a symbol of their union and hope for a brighter future. But fate is often cruel, and tragedy struck when Ghost claimed the life of Anastasia's mortal form. Cupid, grief-stricken, ascended to the heavens in pursuit of her soul, leaving Arabella to navigate the depths of despair alone. Despite her anguish, she found solace in motherhood, welcoming another daughter into the world, determined to protect her at all costs. As darkness threatened to consume her entirely, Arabella rose to the occasion, assuming the mantle of Queen in her father's absence. Though her path had been marred by bloodshed and sorrow, she vowed to safeguard her kingdom and her family, a testament to the resilience, even in the darkest of times. In the annals of Hell's kingdom, the name Arabella Hyakuhei echoed through the corridors of time, a testament to her indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve. From her humble beginnings as the daughter of the Southern King of Hell, Arashi Hyakuhei, Arabella's journey was marked by triumphs and tribulations, leading her down a path illuminated by both darkness and light. After the heart-wrenching loss of Cupid, her lover, and the subsequent raising of her daughter, Anastasia, in the depths of Hell's kingdom, Arabella's life took unexpected turns. She ventured into the realm of matrimony several times, each union bearing its own blessings and challenges. From these marriages came two more children, Castielle and Sol, who brought both joy and purpose to Arabella's world. Yet amidst the chaos of motherhood and rulership, fate dealt Arabella a hand she never anticipated. Anastasia, her eldest daughter, discovered the gift of magic, a power that would alter the course of their lives forever. In a twist of destiny, Anastasia used her newfound abilities to send Arabella back in time, to an era when her father, Arashi, was but a child. Bound by the laws of time, Arabella found herself in a precarious position, forced to remain a silent observer, lest she disrupt the delicate balance of history. Taking refuge on a distant and vacant star, Arabella dedicated herself to honing her powers with relentless determination. Day and night blurred into one as she trained tirelessly, harnessing the inferno within her until it blazed brighter than the stars themselves. Her fire, once formidable, became a force of nature, capable of illuminating entire planets and propelling her with unmatched speed across the cosmos. When the time came for Arabella to return to the kingdom she once called home, she did so with newfound purpose and conviction. Embracing her roles as both mother and ruler with a renewed sense of responsibility, she vowed to protect her family and her realm with every fiber of her being. (To be cont..)

' 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒.ᐟ

05/06/2024 04:18 PM 

❛ ʚɞ.ᐟ   relationship hc; hawks.

relationship headcanon; hawks. how she see's him, just a general list since i don't have that connection yet.   ❝ - at first, dove didn't like him due to the fact her grandfather, yukimuru mera, took more involvement in hawks's upbringing / training at the hpsc, than spending time with her. she held a deep resentment towards him for that despite it not being hawks's fault.    ❝ - unbeknownst to him, when dove was six years old, she snuck out of the training room she was in and just happened to catch a glimpse of a younger hawks training as well. seeing someone also with a wing quirk gave her a sense of solidarity.   ❝ - whilst she was six, she had been forced to watch training tapes of him due to being brought into the hpsc as a potential replacement when she grew up incase he had gone rogue or something a little more shady had gone on - this was the hpsc after all. as hawks had mentioned, it's not always above board in that place. something dove knows all too well about, especially with having both a father and a grandfather in the organisation.    ❝ - can't stand being compared to hawks regardless of their similar quirks. despite that, she is indeed, not a bird and doesn't have any bird like tendencies except the wings are just as delicate.   ❝ - dove's 'hero' name (or former hero name) is a mix between her mother's nickname for her and something that matches hawks's.  (ooc note; hawk and dove from dc comics was a huge inspo.)    ❝ - she won't admit this if asked but dove keeps a small plastic red feather with her that she stole from her brothers; the red feather came from a cereal box to celebrate hawks's debut. she's kept it ever since. she isn't quite sure but she's oddly drawn to it. maybe she'll be able to snag a real one when he ain't looking.    ❝ - regardless of everything, hawks always has a way to take her mind off of things in her personal life even if he has no idea or not. she appreciates his carefree nature.   will probably do more in depth one's when i get the connection and get writing with one. these were just general statements.

⚙️ ɢᴇᴀʀꜱᴇᴛ (Hiatus)

05/06/2024 10:56 PM 

Anything Goes

Writer's Note: This was a starter written for Scoundrel. Liked it so much I decided to make it my sample. Please be aware I don't write this much normally. Was just feeling inspired and letting the muse flow. Enjoy![ ANYTHING GOES ]Another day, another dive.Yet today wouldn't be so predictable.Janet and Guts had just been doing a routine sweep. Clearing debris, looking for supplies. You didn't survive out here without being proactive. They'd get more than they bargained for in the basement of that unnamed facility. The upper floors had been picked through, but the real prize awaited them in the half-crumbling shipping bay. One of the rusted white cargo crates hiding a hatch inside. A familiar logo etched into the yellow painted bulwark: Vault-Tec."Wait-" disbelief stifled her only moments before it clicked. "Holy hell!! Guts, get over here!" Within seconds a saw whizzed to life, rushing closer. Gruff robotic tone barking out tensely "Hostiles?!" The grey Gutsy paused to scan the interior of the crate. Giving a grunt of disapproval."Janet.."The cautionary manner didn't stop her. Janet already clattering to her knees, examining it's integrity. "Janet we don't have the intel for this diversion. It's too risky. Let's stick to the plan." Fingers traced the beveled logo until she swiped a pressure switch. The hatch groaning to prop open on it's expandable tracks. Janet sliding back just in case company lurked below. There was only silence."Janet we need to keep moving. We haven't met our target parameters and it'll be dark soon." She'd smirk, pulling herself up to stand. "Then we best hurry up huh? Whatever's hiding down there could blow our usual scraps out of the water." Guts didn't hesitate to retort. "Whatever's down there could blow you out of the water, dumbass." She was already stepping down the unveiled stairs of the hatch. "For a Gutsy you sure don't have any." A sudden light flashed downward to illuminate her path. "Beats having a flimsy skin suit. Move, i'll lead."Stepping underground they'd arrive into a large dark cavern. The pan of Guts' light barely locating a walkway. It almost seemed like the space hadn't been fully completed. A short trail would bring them to a station. The cubicle sized domicile having a few terminals and leftover shelves inside: a checkpoint. Another cursory wave of the light exposing a massive door, sealed by machinery. This was... a vault?!"A true blue vault, Guts! Can you believe it?! Imagine what might be in there!!" For all her travels this had been her first time seeing one up close. She expected most of these to have already been cracked open. Lucky them. With a few audible clicks she'd crack their encryption and find the unsealing protocols. Authorizing their entry before pressing the large red button beside it.One loud clang caused an ominous hiss from the bulkhead. Warning lights and sirens blaring. Air rushed from the cracks as that iconic cog whirred to life. The intercom's feminine voice calmly expressing gratitude. 'Thank you for choosing Vault-Tec.' Janet couldn't help but stand in awe. This moment felt.. surreal. A surge of excitement and uncertainty rushed her senses. He would have loved this. With one more echo of the turning locks it would swivel to the side. Exposing the entry."Weapons hot. We don't know what's in there." Guts' logical command brought Janet out of her daze. "Right. Let's go." She'd pull the laser pistol off her belt before stepping forward. What would Vault-Tec be hiding? She'd heard the stories. About how much of a gamble these places were. Sometimes you walked away with enough supplies to last you months, others you didn't walk away at all.Here's hoping it'd be worth the risk.As they breached the vault it seemed to detect their presence. The entire interior suddenly lit up, making Janet flinch. "Easy. I'm not picking up any targets yet." Guts' reassurance made her trigger finger loosen slightly. "Ok, let's look around." The Gutsy would hover down the hall, letting his sensors sweep the area for threats. But it was... quiet. Too quiet.Janet spotted hall markers right away. The first few were fairly standard: bunks, mess hall, storage. Typical things you'd expect of an underground living facility. But then one sign sent her speed walking. R & DNow they were speaking her language.Keeping an eye out for any surprises Janet would wander the vault. The surroundings made her feel.. off. Little clues keeping her on guard. Skeletons, signs of struggle, furnishings tossed and destroyed. Something happened here, but what? Her robotic sibling came speeding to catch up, reprimanding her. "Are you trying to die.. Stick together."Rounding another corner Guts would suddenly rush in front of her. Making her bump into him. "What the hell!" His frontward optic would scan the blast door up ahead. RESTRICTED AREA painted on it's face. "I'm picking up life signs in that room. And several more below it." Below it? So this place went even deeper?!"Got it." Acknowledging his warning they approached slowly. A panel on the wall seemed to be the only thing keeping them out. "Watch my back." She'd set to work, clicks and beeps filling the space once more. This one was stubborn but Janet's hacking skills proved better in the end. The black and green screen blinking as a vault boy popped up, thumb up and smiling.The door would rise to expose a more advanced chamber. Tables cluttered with tools and parts, racks packed with containers, and last but certainly not least- a bulky metal suit the likes of which she'd never seen before. Her heart nearly stopped in a comical moment of love at first sight. "Well hello beautiful~" Was it some kind of power armor? An unreleased prototype maybe? The possibilities made Janet happy as a brahmin in a razorgrain field!"Janet." Once again Guts snapped her back to her senses. "What's-" she didn't even finish her sentence before spotting exactly what he did. Far on the opposite end of the r&d lab a large ceiling conveyor sat. And latched into the securing frame? A hulking man in a pod. Though she wanted to enjoy studying the suit it would have to wait.Glimpsing a terminal beside the rig she'd step up. Taking one more look at the seemingly frozen man before searching for files. Strangely this terminal seemed to be scrubbed clean of everything except one file. Selecting it a sheet was pulled up. A majority of the information had been redacted or deleted but for a small blessing it did have one thing: a name. "...Tychus Findlay. I'm guessing that's you, big guy..."Without warning red alarm lights would begin blinking. An ear piercing alarm sounding through the lab. 'Threat detected. All residents please proceed to your homes. Security lockdown will be initiated in FIVE. MINUTES.' Janet's heart sank. "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t! Did I miss something?!"It wasn't Janet and Guts that caused the alert.At the rear of the lab was another blast door, noticably more durable than the one they'd entered through. So imagine her surprise when a roar rippled from the other side. A sudden slam actually putting a dent in the barrier. "Janet! We need to retreat, now!" Guts was ready to drag her out if necessary. Another slam made that dent deeper. Enough so that a gap had formed at the bottom.Black metal fingers would suddenly curl through it. The door screeching as it was forcefully lifted. Resulting in sparks and metal groans of resistance. It would give soon enough. The thing standing behind it left Janet frozen. She'd seen a lot of things in the wasteland, but this? This was unheard of.The remnants of a man, not unlike the one frozen beside her, stood there. More metal than flesh at first glance. Robotic parts had been surgically integrated onto his body. The torso resembled a T-45 power armor piece, an Assaultron head fastened into the central chest cavity. His left arm was human, the right another extension of assaultron hardware. It was his lower body that really shook her. He didn't have legs anymore. Just the lower section of a Sentry bot carrying his mass.She almost didn't see the head charging up."JANET!" She'd gasp from Guts shout and dodge. Narrowly avoiding becoming a pile of glowing ash. She'd take shelter behind the pod as Guts fired upon the cyborg. Hovering back to force it to follow him into the vault. Hoping to buy her time to escape. Panic stricken Janet attempted to formulate a plan. Only one came to mind.If that strange armor meant anything of value, it was that it could help their situation. Rushing over to it she'd desperately search for a release. Something to allow her to enter just as power armor did. But this was foreign technology for her. Some parts she recognized while others felt like they were straight out of a science fiction comic.That's when it hit her.This MUST have been the sleeper's suit. Why else would they both be in here? Maybe that thing went nuts before they could wake him up. She wasn't about to lose Guts making their mistakes. She'd bound for the terminal and find the cryopod menu, pausing at the confirmation prompt to look at him one last time."..This better not bite me in the ass.."'Begin unfreezing process?'>>> [ YES ] <<<


05/05/2024 03:46 PM 

OC: Roxas Atlas

Name: Roxas AtlasAge: 21(even though he looks younger than that)Height: 5'11"Weight: 190 lbs.Hometown: Chroma City JapanBody Type: TonedBlood Type: OPower 1: EnergyPower 2: MaterializationRoxas Atlas is a protector of the anime & video game worlds. He goes to the selected worlds in case villains from one world wants to take over a different world. He also posesses energy powers and a super form where his hair turns silver and his eyes turn red.


05/05/2024 01:19 PM 


Disclaimer: I don't own K Project or Nagare, nor do I have any affiliation with the creators.    one — Quality>Quantity. I consider myself multi/novella, but it's really all about what suitis the post for me.    two — I'm all for discussions or just starting something to see what happens.  three — I'd prefer my writing partners to be at least 21.    four — This is a multi-storyline character, meaning a storyline with Person A will have no effect on an existing storyline with Person B unless it's discussed and agreed upon by all parties involved.    five — I really shouldn't have to say this, but no OOC drama. IC drama is A-okay though.    six — I can either reply at lightning speed or snail speed and no in between. I apologize in advance. ;o; I'll always make sure to give writing partners a heads up on extended absences and hiatuses.


05/04/2024 08:39 PM 

Rules Fresh off the Presses

The Golden RULES: Don't ask me to change my OC/aspects of them to fit what YOU personally want, ex: I WILL NOT PLAY MY MALE OC AS FEMALE JUST BECAUSE IT IS -YOUR- PREFERENCE/ETC! I do have AUs of my OC where some are different species, but beyond what I have prepared for this, any other 'adjustments' for YOUR sole Benefit are a Solid No. Work with What I've Got or NOT AT ALL! No Means No means NO. It does NOT mean Keep Pushing Your Luck. Attempts at continuing to Try to Persuade me will ALSO result in a block.1. You add, you message me, simple as that, however know I also reserve the right to not interact with you at all, either for breaking any of the rules below, or other discomfort. If you don't message me within 24 hours of being Accepted, I have the right to Remove you. Feel free to re-add me again, but Repeats of Adding without at LEAST a Hello will get you blocked.2. Straight-up do not try to add or message me if you are a minor. I interact and roleplay with adults here ONLY, ESPECIALLY if you're attempting to contact me for romantic roleplays. If you repeatedly attempt to add me while being under-age, you get a block.3. I am a casual roleplayer, please do not pester me for replies, especially if I'm busy IRL or if I'm hitting a writer's writing block or burnout. This also ESPECIALLY includes Guilting me to Reply, if you try to be manipulative you get a block. In the case of writer's blocks and burnouts however I'm generally open to plotting or discussing future interactions to help alleviate said writing block but it could still take time.4. I'm more about chemistry over quantity/quality. I've found over the years, that even if you're the BEST Roleplayer in the world, it doesn't mean a thing if the chemistry in our stories just isn't there.5. Actions in Roleplay have Consequences in Roleplay, do not be shocked if my OC reacts negatively to your OC mistreating them in any way. This does NOT mean you're NOT allowed to mistreat my OCs, BUT if you're trying to earn their trust or romance them, acting Coldly or calling them names might not be a good start-albeit it also depends on who's interaction and the situation.6. Generally speaking, I'm not my OC. OOC is OOC and IC is IC. I HIGHLY PREFER THIS DISTINCTION RESPECTED.7. As stated on my profile, Cicero is polyamorous/open to more than one relationship/Other Ships are treated as Seperate Universes, unless I state otherwise. Please don't be Weird/Posessive about shipping, this will be an auto-block.8. JUST because our OCs are dating, does NOT mean you and I are dating!9. Rules on MATURE RPs:> I'm open to One-Offs if we're not looking for Romance, even friends with benefits is acceptable!> That said, I'm also craving more buildup and even more Platonic RPs with Cicero too, please feel free to discuss ideas with me that aren't JUST romance!> As always I reserve the right to say NO to whatever kind of MATURE roleplay you're asking for, ESPECIALLY if it makes me uncomfortable.> NO! Underage, Incest, Non-Con, Death, Gore, Vore, Scat, Watersports, Feet.10. No Real People/Celebrities/Photos, please. Actors representing fictional characters is fine however (Ex: Iron Man, etc)11. Regarding any kind of combat, I'm not into Powerplay/Power Levels/Trying to Constantly One-Up Each Other. If there's any kind of combat, I prefer it for the sake of story and moving the plot along.12. No Metagaming/Your OC Knowing ALL about my OC In-Character even though they've Never Met before. I'm open to discussing our OCs being previously accquinted, however.13. No Railroading/Controlling/Writing my OCs for me. This is grounds for an instablock!14. No One-liners/One Word replies, you Get what you Put in as far as effort goes with replies, and if there's no Chemistry despite this, I'm definitely going to lose interest. Additionally, I honestly would prefer some DECENT grammar and spelling. If I'm not feeling it, you might find yourself removed, I'm sorry :l15. Leave the Drama for your Mama, I'm here for fun and casual interactions and roleplay, do not drag me into immature Bullsh*t and arguments with other people, ESPECIALLY if I don't know you OR them, etc. I will however consider if you have any gentle warnings about dangerous people to avoid.16. Shoutout to Simpleflips

' 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒.ᐟ

05/04/2024 09:33 PM 

❛ ʚɞ.ᐟ  writing masterlist.

writing / drabble masterlist. all my writing in one easy to find list. hover over the link to get a synopsis.   solo pieces. ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0   + other characters. ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0   multi muse monday. ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0   misc pieces. ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0 ❛ title | part 0 of 0  

' 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑒.ᐟ

05/04/2024 09:24 PM 

❛ ʚɞ.ᐟ   headcanon masterlist.

headcanon masterlist. a full list of all dove's headcanons.   personal. ❛ Wings; sfw | nsfw.❛ linkity❛ linkity❛ linkity❛ linkity family. ❛ linkity❛ linkity❛ linkity❛ linkity  + canons. ❛ Hawks; one❛ linkity❛ linkity❛ linkity  nsfw. ❛ linkity❛ linkity❛ linkity❛ linkity 


05/04/2024 11:22 PM 


Normally I wouldn't put up rules, but I just think I need to, but these are simple rules. If you have read this, tell me your #1 favorite video game or anime.1. Please have some respect and some common sense when you message me. Don't start in character. I like to plan out a RP before we start.2. No god modding. I like to control my own characters. It's no fun to control someone else's characters.3. Please be literate. If you make a mistake in your replies, I understand. I've done that before. Just don't type something I can't read.4. No one liners PERIOD! It gives me nothing to work on.5. Don't spam me. I do have a life outside of this. If I don't reply, don't spam me with a lot of messages or block me when I'm busy. I'll get to it as soon as I can.6. This is a very important rule. We're here to have fun. Don't take the RP seriously. It's like a game and we're all here to escape from the world. So, please, let's all have fun.


05/04/2024 02:38 PM 

My Rules

>. You add, you message me, simple as that, however know I also reserve the right to not interact with you at all, either for breaking any of the rules below, or other discomfort.>. I DO NOT SHIP WITH MINORS FULL-STOP! I don't mind adds for characters like Dipper and Mabel for platonic interactions and stories, and being in a mentor role, but attempts at overstepping this boundary will result in an immediate block.>. No Means No means NO. It does NOT mean Keep Pushing Your Luck. Attempts at continuing to Try to Persuade me will ALSO result in a block.>. Don't ask me to change my character/aspects of them to fit what YOU personally want, ex: I WILL NOT PLAY MY MALE CHARACTER AS FEMALE JUST BECAUSE IT IS -YOUR- PREFERENCE/ETC! I do have AUs of my character where some are different species, but beyond what I have prepared for this, any other 'adjustments' for YOUR sole Benefit are a Solid No. Work with What I've Got or NOT AT ALL!>. Regarding any kind of combat, I'm not into Powerplay/Power Levels/Trying to Constantly One-Up Each Other. If there's any kind of combat, I prefer it for the sake of story and moving the plot along, and there will be Consequences for Stanford regarding Serious Injury. Be mindful that he's still very much Human.>. I am a casual roleplayer, please do not pester me for replies, especially if I'm busy IRL or if I'm hitting a writer's writing block or burnout. This also ESPECIALLY includes Guilting me to Reply, if you try to be manipulative you get a block. In the case of writer's blocks and burnouts however I'm generally open to plotting or discussing future interactions to help alleviate said writing block but it could still take time.>. DO NOT WASTE MY TIME/EFFORT WITH A SETUP! If I put in a lot of build up for a reply and it's disregarded entirely for you to rush along to something else/another scene without any rhyme or reason, then the roleplay is going to feel VERY one-sided VERY fast. If you want to write fanfiction, go write fanfiction. Do not LITERALLY brush over what I put forward just to skip to the next day/scene. If you want something quick and simple for a starter, YOU write the starter.>. I am willing to play some side-characters for the sake of moving the plot along.>. I'm more about chemistry over quantity/quality. I've found over the years, that even if you're the BEST Roleplayer in the world, it doesn't mean a thing if the chemistry in our stories just isn't there.>. Actions in Roleplay have Consequences in Roleplay, do not be shocked if my character reacts negatively to your OC mistreating them in any way. This does NOT mean you're NOT allowed to mistreat my OCs, BUT if you're trying to earn their trust or romance them, acting Coldly or calling them names might not be a good start-albeit it also depends on who's interaction and the situation.>. Generally speaking, I'm not my character. Though some things I have in common with Stanford, please do not act like we are completely one in the same person, In-character is in-character, and OOC is OOC.>. I'm Mainly here to RP Canon-Complient Stanford Pines, However feel free to Ask me about my AU Versions of Ford.>. ANY KIND OF INCEST SHIPPING GETS YOU BLOCKED ON SIGHT.>. JUST because our characters might be dating, does NOT mean you and I are dating!>. Rules on NSFW:For the time being I'm going to not accept Roleplays for the SAKE of it. I'd prefer more buildup and interactions.>. No Real People/Celebrities/Photos, please. Actors representing fictional characters is fine however (Ex: Iron Man, etc)>. No Metagaming/Your Character Knowing ALL about my Character In-Character even though they've Never Met before. I'm open to discussing our Characters being previously accquinted, however. Exceptions of course for Bill Cipher/Other Characters Ford knows in-Canon.>. No Railroading/Controlling/Writing my Characters for me. This is grounds for an instablock!>. No One-liners/One Word replies, you Get what you Put in as far as effort goes with replies, and if there's no Chemistry despite this, I'm definitely going to lose interest.>. Leave the Drama for your Mama, I'm here for fun and casual interactions and roleplay, do not drag me into immature Bullsh*t and arguments with other people, ESPECIALLY if I don't know you OR them, etc. I will however consider if you have any gentle warnings about dangerous people to avoid.>. Shoutout to Simpleflips


05/03/2024 10:35 PM 

classes and "work" **[[ prompts ]]

modern / school / & crime focused. respond with the prompt # you'd like& message OR comment preference.several prompts have additional options to choose from.2-3 paragraph posts will be sent with room to expand.                                       concepts are flexible. ★ one.   Welcome to Shōkugan High       ( school / slice of life )Congratulations, you have just been transferred to Shōkugan Preparatory High School! The leading school for DELINQUENTS. Yes, the students of Shōkugan Prep have little interest in academics. Violence occurs in the halls on a daily basis. And classes are ruled with an iron fist by rowdy gangs with ridiculous names.Only one class stands as the exception, where all the delinquents are suspiciously well-behaved: Home Economics with [ MIURA-SENSEI. ]Perpetually tired, but physically imposing, there's no clear reason why all these dangerous students straighten their backs when he passes them in the halls. But word on the street is, you better stay on his GOOD side. Or else."Welcome to Shōkugan Prep. Study hard and... stay out of trouble, okay?" [ TAKING STUDENT & TEACHER APPLICATIONS. ]★ two.  Enforcement       ( school / slice of life )When school lets out, the students of Shōkugan High are infamous for their extracurricular activities. MIURA-SENSEI has heard some nasty rumors that go beyond the typical afterschool brawl. Rackets, shakedowns, threatening bystanders until they purchase cigarettes and alcohol for 'em!"There's no way MY students would do somethin' so rotten."But it's the unfortunate truth. And when he sees [YOU] in the thick of it, he steps in to do what any responsible adult should.VICTIM ROUTE [S]: You can't remember the last time you used your lunch money for FOOD. They call it 'protection tax'. So long as you're a student wearing school colors, they'll refrain from beating you silly. But when Miura-sensei catches some boys putting the squeeze on ya, how will life at Shōkugan High change for you in the aftermath?VICTIM ROUTE [A]: Getting bullied as an ADULT has to be the lowest point of your life. 'Just call the cops', 'complain to the school!' You tried, but it feels like these kids can get away with anything short of murder. Some of them are so freakishly huge, fighting back might cost you dearly.You've been buying them cigarettes for the last month to get them off your back, but this is going to land you in hot water soon. Yet, everything changes when HE intervenes. ( Is it normal to be terrified of your savior? )BULLY ROUTE: You've got a sweet gig going. You collect money from other students, fork over about 70% to your benefactor, and BOOM, you get to pocket the rest! Everything goes smoothly so long as you don't miss your quota, but that hasn't been a problem [yet...]          DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT. THAT DAMN TEACHER.MIURA-SENSEI caught you in the act. Worse still, he confiscated every last cent. With your back against the wall, will you call in the muscle and fight back against your teacher OR do you take a gamble and ask this lousy old man for help? ★ three. Dragged Back       ( crime )Bzzt. bzzt. bzzt. The sun is setting. He hears that familiar buzz from the flip-phone he keeps stashed in his desk. 'Don't call this number.' It's what he told his old contacts, yet he keeps it powered on. God knows why.Miura makes his way over. The draw slides open. BEEP. He's stone-faced. A man void of emotions. "Kazu? Wow, you actually picked up. Short on cash? Ha. Anyway, I won't jerk your chain. I got a job and can't have some amateur f***ing it up. The pay's good and my commission's the same as always. C'mon, one more time won't kill ya."Maybe he's not cut out for a 'normal' life.CLIENT ROUTE: Money doesn't buy happiness. But it can net you a lot of extra muscle. KAZUYOSHI MIURA. You pulled quite the reliable name in this business. It's not his place to ask questions. Just give him:                                          [a name] and [what needs to happen.] Sure, he's been out of the game for a little while. But how TERRIBLY WRONG could one little job go?VICTIM ROUTE: It's nothing personal. Some sh*t went down, now you owe BAD people A LOT of money. Maybe you don't have it all right now, but you're going to find a way to get it. Do your understand?He's firm. He seems almost... reasonable. But this man is still terribly frightening. Do you fold to the demands of criminals or plead to the bit of humanity still floating around in Kazuyoshi Miura's heart? ★ four. Smoke Break       ( school )"I do hope you understand, in the interest of keeping students away from bad habits, we've elected to turn ALL areas of the school into a 'smoke free zone'. That won't be a problem, will it?"Call it weakness. Call it addiction. He didn't make it more than his first week before he found a spot behind the school to light up. Now he's no better than these delinquents, sneaking around for a quick smoke.But it looks like BOTH of us share the same dirty secret."Didn't think you were the type. Needless to say, this stays between us.". . ."Need a light?" ★ five. In Session      ( school )MIURA-SENSEI teaches Home Economics. So what do his classes actually entail? Well, let's just say his teaching methods are a little unorthodox."What, are your fingers broken? You don't need a damn machine to sew. I better not see you touching those things. We're doing this the old fashioned way. I swear, kids are always taking shortcuts. Alright, depending on the size of the wound, you wanna get it in--"'Sensei, did you just say wound?'"Huh? Fix your ears. I said tear. No talking."..."Alright, we're cooking today. On your desks I have placed a pack of ramen noodles, a bag of corn chips, pepperoni sticks, and Kraft singles. All the major food groups. So first, you'll want to fill up your electric kettle and--"'Sensei, we have POTS, you know!'"Huh? Pot? We're cookin', not talking reefer. Now pipe down, I almost got this thing working."  OPEN TO STUDENTS AND TEACHING ASSISTANTSLESSON PLAN MAY VARY★ six. Familiar Faces       ( bit of everything )Someone you really care for is attending Shōkugan High. Their grades aren't the best and it's one of the few places that would take them. You worry for their safety every day.Thankfully, that wretched school might finally be getting its act together! Who's responsible for such a drastic change? Well based on the stories you hear at home, it's gotta be 'Miura-sensei!'The school's holding a Summer Festival and when you volunteer to help run a booth for the kids... 'Look, look, that's the teacher I was telling you about! Miura-sensei, come over here!'Huh... that face looks awfully familiar.WAIT, I KNOW THAT SON OF A BITCH.Maybe he shook you down in the past. Maybe he hassled someone you loved. Hell, maybe YOU were the one with a wild side and drifted in similar circles.They'll let any old scumbag be a teacher these days, huh? Even if people CAN change, you're still going to give him sh*t.  [ RELATION TO STUDENT & SOME BACKGROUND REQUIRED. ] ★ seven. Living for the Weekend       ( slice of life )It's Friday night and there's moonlight to burn. The bars are lively, everyone is catching a buzz. You're finally starting to feel the atmosphere when something snaps you right out of it. "Is that... Miura-sensei?"You hardly recognize him without his dingy gray suit on. But now that you get a good look, some ratty old jeans and a white t-shirt are much more his speed. He's working his way through beer cans and smoke billows from his lips. Long sips and even longer drags. Will you hide from his tired gaze?For: skittish co-workers / troubled students / old work buddies.



05/03/2024 07:41 PM 

Asami Suzuki

Name: Asami SuzukiAge: 18Birthday: October 13thHeight: 5'3Cup Size: BRace: AsianNationality: JapaneseAsami is a very confident and multi-talented young lady. She can play instruments, she can speak several different languages, she knows different dancing styles, people adore her and think very highly of her. She's very bubbly and has a knack for fashion. She's rich, she's pretty, she basically has everything! But, the one downside to Asami's life, is that she is incredibly sheltered.She's been homeschooled from a young age and she's never really had any actual friends of her own. She's barely even allowed on the internet! Her parents thought other kids would create too dangerous of an environment for her, so they kept her at home a lot of the time, schooling her, setting up private lessons for different skills to keep her occupied, and just keeping her inside. When she did go out, she wasn't allowed out without a bodyguard with her. But, after months of begging and pleading, her parents caved in. They gave her unrestricted internet access, as well as signing her up for a public school. Despite their worries, they're positive Asami will make good choices. The only issue is, due to Asami being as sheltered as she is, she doesn't really relate to a lot of things her peers like, and she's very easily manipulated into doing things. Her parents didn't teach her a lot of things due to them wanting her to have an "innocent mind", which they succeeded in, so it's very easy to talk Asami into doing things, because she probably doesn't even know what it is!But really, how wrong could allowing her into public school be?Plots I Like:ClassmatesTeacher x StudentStrangersBrother x SisterSister x Sister

The Anarchy Sisters

05/02/2024 11:45 PM 

Stocking Anarchy

Name: Stocking AnarchyAge: 18Height: 5'0Cup Size: DDKinks: titf***ing, facef***ing, teasing, overstimulation, creampie, pegging, public sex, public sex, humiliation, spankingRole: Switch (more of a top)  Stocking is a levelheaded, lazy, but intelligent girl, though she can be rude if provoked, especially towards her older sister, Panty, or when she is not able to get the treat she wants. Stocking also possesses a cynical, cold and sardonic demeanor. Stocking does not share Panty's obsession with sex. She shows interest in somewhat masochistic sexual ideas (although her sexuality is not an important part of her personality; any potential fetishes change her character very little). This is ironic since she constantly insults the demon sisters and Corset, by calling them 'BDSM loving freaks'. Stocking claims she has very special standards in men, and would rather have a genuine relationship than a one night stand. She strings men along not wanting them to believe she is 'easy', but would never cheat on someone she truly loves. However, she has been shown to have a very strange and twisted vision of what being attractive is, but she also seems to judge people by what's on the inside instead of out. Like her sister, Panty, who represents Lust, Stocking represents Sloth with how her passions are only brought out in extreme situations or when Panty is picking on her. Stocking seems to be obsessed with food and sweets just as much as Panty is obsessed with sex, her favourite hobby is trying different sweets and delicacies from both Heaven and Earth, but seems disinterested in engaging with the rest of the world around her. Although Panty lets her obsession for sex control her to the point of not doing her job as a ghost hunter, Stocking is seen to be more self-aware of her obsessions and doesn't let her laziness/slothfulness get in the way of doing her job, which allows her to defeat enough ghosts to be allowed back into Heaven. Stocking hates spicy food, just as much as Panty hates sweet food. She does not get along with Brief, either. Stocking is sometimes overshadowed by Panty when in larger audiences, such as "Sex and the Daten City" and "1 Angry Ghost". She is almost always seen carrying around a plush cat, Honekoneko (named "Bone Kitten"), whose expressions often match Stocking's mood. She loves Honekoneko dearly and won't let anyone touch him. She is sometimes referred to as a big boobed angel warrior hottie. Like Panty, she is considered to be attractive by many men and women.

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