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𝕯emonic 𝕮hronicles

09/25/2014 12:24 PM 

Heath's Blog

Info will go here... since I keep forgetting the guy.

s ʜ ɪ ɴ ᴇ ♛ (Hiatus)

09/26/2014 01:01 PM 

x FL x

F R I E N D S  ♛Count & clearI have a limited friendlist count of 50.So once I meet that mark I either start deleting people to add more,denying friend requests, or friend jailing.To keep track of the people on my friendslist I made this blog.FL Count:48Last Updated 9/30/14@9:30pmFL reads as 53 but two friends don't count towards this list since I am friends with them and cannot make a SL with them and the third being anirp's stupid page B|Sailor Moon MafiaSafe foreverSirius StarDance of FlamesGoddessThe 6thMari BellatorSafeSL set up &/or setting one up currentlyChibiusa - DreamerStoryline set up, writing up starter. + Friend ♥CereCere - FlowerTalking, + Friend ♥Mako-chan - Thunder ThighsTalking, starting discussionMinako-chan - Carefree SpiritFriend ♥Death & RebirthTalking, Discussing, FriendIce & SnowTalking, DiscussingKing of StarsTalking, Discussingゾイサイト ZoisiteTalking, DiscussingSpiritual AdvisorTalking, DiscussingSnapcrackleTalking, DiscussingHeliosTalking, Discussing-EmbraceTalking, Busy with thingsBratty PopstarTalkingThunderboltTalking, disgussingDiamond PrinceTalking, discussingTeluluTalkingCotten CandyTalking?? discussing?? DunnoKou, yatentalkingTigers EyeTalking, Discussing-"snowflake"-Talking, DiscussingAqua NerdTalking, Discussing"Hymn to Selene"discussingEudialTalking, DiscussingDiamondTalkingViluyComment Sent Sep. 30thFirey BeautyComment Sent Sep. 25thSoldier of the HeavensComment Sent Sep. 25thSoldier of SkyComment Sent Sep. 25thSuga BabyComment Sent Sep. 25thSelenityComment Sent Sep. 25thStoic PyreComment Sent Sep. 25thPetzComment Sent Sep. 22ndShock FactorComment Sent Sep. 22ndElysionComment Sent Sep. 22ndPrincess KakyuuComment Sent Sep. 21stZoisiteComment Sent Sep. 20thDepending on how active I see you are or how busy I see you are you will end up on either of these lists.Danger Level 1Safe for 3 weeksDanger Level 2QuickfeetComment Sent Sep. 16thSetsuna MeiohComment Sent Sep. 15thMini MoonComment Sent Sep. 15thWoodenWarriorComment Sent Sep. 15thDeceitComment Sent Sep. 15thMizunoComment Sent Sep. 15thAquatic GraceComment Sent Sep. 14thSafe for 1 more weekN O T E:Yeah it may seem a bit heartless to delete people after only a month however I made this page to roleplay and I want to get as many rps going as possible. I need to keep my friendslist low to do this.If I delete you and you wanted to reply you can re-add me however the third time you get deleted I will not be re-adding.Third time will be the last time.If I made any mistakes please do let me know in the comments below or in a comment.Arigatou!

Culinary Phoenix(Hiatus)

09/23/2014 05:53 PM 

Move List
Current mood:  accomplished

STANDARD MOVE LIST: 1. HOCHIFU: Jam catches any mid-high attack for instant recovery and no chip damage. 2. BREATH OF ASANAGI: Jam summons her Ki power to charge one of her special kicks. Able can store up to three charges for each kick. Increases power, speed, and hits. Adds power to Ryujin, Kenroukaku, and Gekirin. 3. RYUJIN: Powerful horizontal flying dragon kick, literally. Flies up slightly. 4. KENROUKAKU: Upwards flying kick flurry. Great anti-air, great priority so use it for wake-up as well. 5. GEKIRIN: Jam hops up and flings her heel around for an overhead fire kick. 6. BAKUSHU: A low, quick dash. Great in-and-of-itself, it's low enough to duck under projectiles and some pokes from characters like Axl and Bridget. 7. MAWARIKOMI: A short dash/dodge with upper-body(?) invincibility. GREAT for getting behind the opponent for a free grab. 8.ASHIBARAI: Jam does the splits away from opponent and sweeps them with her hind foot. 9.HYAPPO SHINSHOU: Stops her dash and charges up for a powerful-looking backhand with a Ki energy ball enveloping her fist. 10. SENRI SHINSHOU: Looks the same as above but doesn't cease. Instead she dashes one more time then does the attack. Crosses over behind opponent if she's within half screen-length of the opponent. OVERDRIVES 1. CHOUKYAKU HOUOUSHOU: Jam dashes forward tackling the enemy to initiate a 13 hit combo ending in some wierd, yet cool, air tackle with an image of a Phoenix in the background. Awesome to see, but worthless, you can do the same damage with little or no tension. 2. RENHOUOUKYAKU: Jam poses and unleashes a Ki energy orb, pushing the opponent pretty far back. 3. GEKI SAISHINSHOU: Jam charges up for a palm uppercut. 4. TOUSAI HYAKURETSUKEN: She dashes towards the opponent then barrages him/her with a flurry of 99 fast-paced punches then finishes with a upper exposed palm attack; releasing the fiery phoenix from within. NOTE: Instant Kill isn't listed because it will not be used in RP battle since I believe in fairness.

𝑫𝑪❜𝒔 𝑮𝑶𝑫 ™

09/22/2014 06:42 PM 

Year Zero: Episode 1: Prologue.

ooc; Hey, Lord Superman here.Time for an update!As you may know, I was planning on a big return,and I began making moves to prepare on Monday, Sept. 22nd.The plans I had for YJU, which won't be happening,(we'll just call it creative differences)will be rescaled smaller, and I'll be putting them out in open starters[Present Day.][Justice Lords Watchtower; Laboratory.][Alternate Earth 12.]"Welcome To The Laboratory, Lord Superman."The recorded introduction was the same whenever he entered, but it always brought a smile to his face, when the metallic doors opened, and he got a first glimpse at his project. Covered completely by a tarp, was a rather large figure, resting in the center of the floor. There, technicians and scientists lined up in front of it, in their all white coats, gloves, boots, and goggles, to salute their malevolent leader."SIR!"A female, relaxed, unnerved by the Lord's presence, took center stage in front of the others. She was Alicia Jameson. A world renowned scientist, and as beautiful as she was intelligent. Placing a hand onto her chest, she instead bowed to the Lord, her soft black strands floating down. Rising her head, she gazed over her shoulder at the rest of the men and women, telling them to return to their dorms for a few moments."B..but why Ms. Jameson?"One questioned, and it would be the last time he dared question her in the presence of Lord Superman. The Man of Steel gripped the weak scientist and effortlessly lifted him off of the ground, his hues quickly transforming from baby blues to a furious crimson.Just the heat from them caused the scientist to sweat."I..I'm sorry sir! It won't happen again! P-please!!!"Pleading.Something Lord Superman practically gets off on. He released the male, who dropped to the ground with a thud, before scrambling out after the others. When the door finally closed again, the Lord of Justice and his head scientist began to converse....Preparing His Throne...Alicia Jameson"You didn't have to do all of that, for my sole attention, sir.I'm sure he would of left with a simple command.Lord SupermanYou already told him once, and once is all that should be enough. Now, he knows better.Alicia JamesonWell thank you, your Lordship. Though, I know you didn't come here to test my leadership abilities...Lord Superman"Correct, so let's get down to business.How is it coming along?"Alicia Jameson"It is amazing, your Lordship. I apologize for the earlier delays you've been experiencing."Lord Superman"20 years. It's been a long time coming. We're almost there."---Here we are, inside the universe of the Justice Lords. A parallel Earth that visually was a carbon copy of the world you live on. The same people, places and things all exist.But[Flashback; 20 years ago.]Wally West, better known as the Flash, was executed and the world was on a brink of a Third World War.By President Lex Luthor.The Justice Lords, a parallel version of the Justice League, were on their way raiding the White House to stop him.Superman arrived first, and when confronting the President, was put in a compromising position.Stop Luthor temporarily with jail, or permanently.Luthor gloated, how only death would truly stop him, and that Superman didn't wanna stop the cat and mouse game.Which was truly more important?The love of being a hero? Or actually providing results?Realization Kicked In.The smell of charred flesh flowed through the vents and into the noses of Wonder Woman and Batman, who joined him.Now, a new brand of justice was to be revealed.[2 years later; 18 years ago.]The Justice Lords discovered the League's universe, and entered it, after tricking the League into a trap. They were ready to deliver their totalitarian justice onto the new world, whether they were ready for it or not.The Justice League wasn't going to take this lying down, however. With a bit of help from a remorseful Lord Batman, the League was able to return to their own world. There, they made a deal with the Lex Luthor of their universe.A pardon of all crimes.Lex quickly devised an experimental creation, a power disruptor. The Lords didn't know what hit them.In complete shock of being taken down by Lex Luthor, the man he killed personally in his own time, Lord Superman made sure to make it clear that whatever happens next is on the League's head.The Lords returned to their own world, powerless prisoners.[Secret History.]Attacking the League's world with a straight on onslaught was a failure. Lord Superman was a tactician, however, and that plan was only the one he told the other 5 members of the Lords. Him and Lady Wonder Woman created their own plan in case of failure.When the League entered the Lords' world and was taken out, Lord Superman switched places with the standard blue boy scout. And instead of sending the standard version of him in his place, he sent one of his android duplicates.The Real Lord Superman stood back and watched the chaos while pretending to be the good guy all along. When the final battle took place, he simply hit a switch on his belt which 'stopped' the android's power.Now, he returned to Lois Lane, who just had the most amazing news for him.He was to become a father.Putting his plans for world domination on hold, he began to actually care for this new world and the family he was creating. The beautiful girl was born 9 months later on March 18th, and named Laura Lane Kent She was also giving a Kryptonian name of Lai-El.The world embraced the new child.The Lady of Steel.[19 years later; 1 year ago.]The picture perfect life began to break apart the closer Laura came to adulthood. She was perfect.Too Perfect.Lord Superman had wanted his offspring to have a bit of his true tendencies, a rougher edge, yet she was uncorruptible. And Lois wasn't having any of his sh*t, as slowly he began to revert to his normal, true self. At first, it was just being a bit rougher with criminals. The masses didn't mind.Then, came the return of the black suit.The masses lost their minds.He tried to quell their riots, reminding them that Lord Superman was gone, and that while he seemed evil, he was more misguided. That some of his tactics were actually plausible and can be used without the world going into a death dive.While there were a few outspoken voices, the majority agreed and he continued on his turn.Lois and Laura, however, were getting a bit tired of his act now. These past few years, Lord Superman would leave for longer and longer periods of time to 'take care of business'. In reality, he was returning to the Lords' universe, making preparations for his eventual domination.Wanting to know the truth, Lois, Laura, and Batman, who also wasn't too satisfied about the situation, decided to do a bit of espionage, spying on the leader of the Justice League.His stop was S.T.A.R. Labs.Inside, he entered what appeared to be an elevator car, a free standing metallic box hooked up to dozens of electrical equipment. With a huge surge of electricity, a plume of smoke, and a loud scream, the doors reopened to reveal him gone.The three then entered the laboratory and demanded answers.Batman"Where did he go?!Where's Superman?"As they conversed with the scientist for more answers, the naive Laura began to prove that she wasn't so innocent. Tapping on the caped crusader's shoulder, she stopped his interrogation to give him some important news.Laura; Lady of Steel"T..that is a teleporter... it crosses the void and takes you into another universe...While Lois was impressed with her daughter, Bruce was annoyed, wishing he had known.The scientist also wished this information was known.Because the scientist was Alicia Jameson.Knowing Lord Superman would have her head if someone knew about his plans, she began to get close to Laura, angrily scowling.Alicia JamesonYou little wench! You're ruining everything!Lois, wasn't going to let anyone get near her daughter, and leaped into action. A small scuffle occurred, as Batman tried to break it up, but Laura couldn't wait for cooler heads to prevail. She entered the machine and flicked the switch. Moments later, she was now on the other side, the Justice Lords Universe. As the door opened, a few feet directly in front of her, was the man she called her father, Lord Superman. And a few feet beyond that, was another man. Wearing the costume her father once wore when they were younger. But, it was tattered, almost destroyed. The man looked like her father, but he was bruised, his hair had grown out and down, and he hasn't shaved in forever. Bound by the wrists and legs with heavy glowing shackles, his head hung low, and his breathing was barely there. Laura didn't know this man, but she felt an innate connection with him...When Lord Superman realized someone was behind him, he turned around to see his wide eyed daughter, petrified.Lord SupermanLaura.. I didn't want you to see this.Laura; Lady of SteelWho is that man, papa? And why does he look just like you?Lord SupermanRemember how we once told you about the Justice Lords? The bad versions of us? He's one of them. He's the bad version of me, and I was just finishing him off.Laura; Lady of B-but I thought you said you weren't going to do that anymore! You promised!!!Lord SupermanLaura, this isn't the time, go back to Lois, I'll be home soon and I'll explain everything.Lois LaneWhat the hell, Smallville?! Why are you coming here and...The reporter and Batman had bound Alicia to a chair by this point, and forced her to watch as they activated the teleporter, entering the world of the Justice Lords.Before Lois could berate her hero, she stopped in her tracks. On the other side of the man she lived with for the last 18 years and raised a daughter with, was another. He was hurt, battered, bruised, barely a shell of his former self. But like Laura, there was this innate connection with him, as if they had spent a lifetime and then some together. Was it really...Lois LaneC-Clark?!The sound of her voice. The smell of her perfume.The weakened man raised his head, and gathered all his strength to gaze into her words weak, frail, but it was enough.Lord Superman tried to stop her, but Batman came prepared, wearing an exoskeleton double packed with strength, to hold him back. Lois knelt down and touched his cheek, the rough whiskers, and the bruised flesh.It was him.Lois LaneDon't worry, we're going to get you home...Lady Wonder WomanTch, I don't think so.Arriving on the scene now was Diana, Princess of Themyscira, better known as Lady Wonder Woman, the only other Justice Lord free and powered at the time. Hearing the commotion on the comm links, she arrived to see what was going on. Grabbing Lois, Diana tossed her aside, Lois scrapping her knees. While Laura didn't have the heart to attack the man who appeared as her father, taking down the woman who hurt her mother would need no extra justification.A battle was about to ensue.To Be Continued...

Culinary Phoenix(Hiatus)

09/21/2014 10:46 PM 

RP Rules & Guidelines
Current mood:  accomplished

Hello! Welcome to my profile! ^_^  I'm one of the many roleplayers who migrated from to Aniroleplay. I look forward to creating roleplays with new and old friends along with establishing bonds. But before we get started, I kindly ask to please read the rules I have listed below. This is to provide understanding and a better atmosphere for everyone. I will also read all rules/guides you may have as well, though I'm aware of the basics. Note: A *(asterisk) by the Rules or Guidelines means it has been updated or re-written. RULES   1. NO GODMODDING/AUTOING: Godmodding is when someone creates a scenario to make his/her character superior by default instead of exchange of attacks between roleplayers. Autoing is similar to Godmodding, but with the addition of prior knowledge about the person's character they should not know otherwise and no room for the other roleplayer to respond.  Example of Godmodding:  *Bob dashes at Joe with uppercut then tosses him against the wall and wins the fight.*  Example of Autoing:  *Bob blocks all of Joe's attacks and knows all of his future attacks along with his weaknesses. Bob has all abilities and powers with no weaknesses so he delivers the final blow to Joe who died instantly.*   Godmodding/and or Autoing once will be warned, but deliberately continuing to do this will instantly get you deleted.   *2. BEING ACTIVE/PATIENT: After a friend request is accepted by either you or me, I hope for us to begin a fun RP and chat. I don't mind giving people plenty of time because everyone has their own pace, needing to get to other things, feeling drained, etc. The only reason I may ever approach someone about a roleplay/starter if there's a very long pattern of no notification and repeatedly not following through. I think if there's healthy communication and fair compromise, there should be no worries.This also relates to with myself on hoping for patience too. There may be times I won't be able to get to everything right away due to real life, etc. I babysit my 2 nieces on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays. Sometimes even on Saturdays, but other days I'll likely have more free time. I'll still do my best to not make you wait to long and/or find a way to work things out.  3. NO DRAMA: What I mean by "drama" isn't in RP because that's normal and to be expected. A person who genuinely needing comfort and/or vent isn't a problem to me at all. I like to listen and help. Drama is unfairly harassing others or me, spreading false information and publicly shaming people with it, cyberbullying, etc. Those who do this deliberately and I know about it, will be deleted. If there is an issue between us for any reason, I believe communicating(this means more than just talking) to work things out. 4. PLEASE BE LITERATE:  Literacy to me means I need to be able to read and understand what you sent to me. If your response to me looks like a GameShark Code or like this,  "Watz up m@t3!!"  Then this is illiteracy. It's not to be confused with simple mistakes in typing or you have trouble spelling certain words due to English not being your first language or etc. that type of thing is natural so please don't feel bad. This rule is towards those who should know how to type properly. Illiterate responses will be ignored.     *5. RP STYLE: I'm the type of person who loves detail and to be fully immersed into my roleplays so my main style of RP is Multi-Para by default. Novella style is something I do have experience in, but I'm a bit rusty in it since I haven't encountered many people who still do it. The lowest style of RP I will go is 1 paragraph because I believe that is fair. I won't do or accept one-liners nor semi-para unless it's through Status or a casual RP through Comments. By casual, I mean it's just something random that really doesn't lead into an actual plot.5a. I won't reply to starters or replies that lack quality and not invested into the RP. I'll give some examples of what I mean.1. Greatly lacking detail.  Like the scenery, the weather, what your character looks like, what he/she feeling, etc.  2. Giving me 2 sentences going like, "Here, I got it over with."  3. Putting or creating a moment to purposely "Skip to Next Scene", "Fade to Black", etc. Like having your character randomly having a magical rock to teleport us where it was clearly evident they're not suppose to. Any or all of these I'm going to cancel the RP or/and delete.  6. PLANNED RP vs. SPONTANEOUS RP: Although I usually go with "discuss a storyline first" rule, I totally welcome spontaneous RP because I think it can be equally fun. If I'm the one to provide a random starter to you, I always try to consider everything carefully so it can be good. I don't mind being sent a random starter as long as it doesn't break rules #1, #4, and #5. 7. About MATURE/ADULT RATED RP:  Mature/Adult rated includes everything from blood, violence, nudity, etc. I'm not bothered by RPs with mature content in it so if it fits the essence or/and believe it will enhance the RP experience then I happily welcome it; I love detail. But if you're underage and/or very strict about the content allowed in RP, then I'm probably not the ideal person to be RPing with.     GUIDELINES 1. FRIENDLY TERMS:  This a fundamental guideline for me. I wouldn't want to roleplay with someone who's mean and difficult to get along with so OOC chat is encouraged to be comfortable with each other. Plus, it'll make our RP more fun! ^_^  2. TYPES OF ROLEPLAY: I'm open to roleplay in almost any fictional universe and roleplay types like adventure, mystery, etc  However, there is certain types of universes I will reject like My Little Pony.    3. ROMANTIC  RELATIONSHIP(rewritten): I'm a huuuggee romantic! ♥  I love the mushyness, the steamyness, and etc. so I'm the type that believes in "It's either all the way or nothing at all"(this is mindset in general too). However, I'm super duper picky about who I allow to win Jam's heart.    *4. MESSAGES & COMMENTS:  I prefer RPs in Messages(it's easier for me to keep track there than comments). For OOC, it can be either Comments or Messages, I don't mind. ^^   And the last rule is to have fun! ~


09/20/2014 10:11 PM 

Show your appreciation

Show your friend how much you appreciate them. Give them a Premium membership. Only $3 for 1 month.


09/18/2014 01:34 PM 

AsianRoleplay - Coming Soon

Thanks to all the requests for an Asian roleplaying website, we're happy to announce the creation of AsianRoleplay.  It's a social network for fans of all things Asian, including entertainment from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and many others.  (Asian Genre/Verse)We believe that K-Pop, J-Pop and other east asian entertainment stars are popular in this genre.Sign up to be the first to know when we open AsianRoleplay.  -----> We are giving everyone the opportunity to create banners for the homepage of AsianRoleplay. If you're interested in making a banner, consider what you think the banner would look like based on the theme of this website. The image needs to be exactly 950 x 275 pixels.  Ideally banners created should be submitted in multiple with the name of the website - with the name of the domain - AsianRoleplay.comboth should have the same background.  At this point we don't know which format we will use.Send feedback and image(s) to [email protected] Follow AsianRoleplay on Facebook & Twitter ===================U P D A T E :AsianRoleplay is NOT about segregating Asian people. It's just another place for people who like to roleplay Asian Genre/Verse.  It's a social network for fans of all things Asian, including entertainment from Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, and many others.  We believe that K-Pop, J-Pop and other east asian entertainment stars are popular in this genre.We understand that some people don't roleplay Asian verse, but there are many players who do and they've asked for AsianRoleplay. 


09/16/2014 01:06 PM 

My Rant For The Evening. {Please Read}♥
Current mood:  sleepy

Normally i am not one for such things. But i find it absolutely  'PATHETIC' How this person join(s) the site and acts like she is top shit and being disrespectful to other member's who have been here 'wayyy' before she showed up. Common now. The girl don't know me. And she only joined this place to start drama with me and probably other(s)! Seriously, She is beyond pathetic and childish. Stealing my display name? Slandering my edit saying they are crap? Well honey news flash for you.. My images are edited BY ME And mine and you'rs are NOT similar in anyway...  ? If my images are so crappy why are you so butt-hurt by them and have to make status's about them and take my display name like it's such a big deal? OBVIOUSLY WE ALL SEE WHO IS THE JEALOUS, COPY-CAT. Do we not? :) This is 'ANIROLEPLAY' NOT 'ANIEDITPLAY' Dumb ass. Get a life darling. I'm 20 year's old and you're 25? i'm guessing? Act you're age. LMFAO! ^ You're only making you're self look more pathetic and stupid! XD This Person is who im referring too... ---> https://https:// im done Ranting. And shall not discuss this matter anymore. Feel free to block or report this childish, Impostor! Have a nice night everyone! ^^

Ranting# GoodNight#

Tomei Kyrstelious

09/12/2014 05:37 PM 

Current mood:  adventurous

Leader of GAME Gem is very serious when it comes to fighting Evil. Unbeknownst to the rest of her team she was a member of the white fang and even pushed for violence. Being part of the White fang she was a franus. Leopard to be exact. She is also the younger Half sister of Cynder Fall and as such has her powers as well. Her Sembelence is Elemental ManipulationAindrian like Mikru is very spontaneous but is able to keep a clear head. Her most interesting feature is her hair. Depending on Season its a Orange, Black, Yellowish Blonde with black streaks or Brown. Her and her Sister both hate when people mess with their hair and will become very angry. Her weapon is the Multi Purpose Match Gauntlet, or MPMG. It can fire slugs or power up a Fiery punch and can shoot a grappling hook to use to climb. Her Sembelance is creating a Fiery Black AuraBeing the Middle child Mikru was treated fairly. She is very Rambunctious and will pick fights with whoever she wants. Her weapon is the Reaper Claw. Hand held Claws that can fire 5.45 Ak-12 Style bullets from on of the 10 finger claws. Her Sembelance is shock-wave creationEmily Garnet is the most Childish out of GAME. She also has a temper like her sister Aindrian, but unlike her its only when her Hair is messed with. Her weapon is known as Ruby Death, as its a High caliber Sniper in the form of a giant Reaper scythe. Her sembelance is speed and magnetism

Submissive Heroine

09/12/2014 12:08 PM 


1.    I love receiving random starters, but I prefer for them to interact with my character. However, please don't change my character to suit your starter. Examples being making her your mother, sister, daughter, babysitter etc. I shouldn't have to post this but I've seen all of the examples given to me at one point... 2.    I prefer 18+ style roleplays, blood, gore, violence, horror, erotica, etc. Though I can still enjoy lighter roleplays, but I generally get bored a lot faster. 3.    I don't like discussing storyline before hand, but if you feel it is necessary, please give me suggestions, I usually go blank at the thought especially when people have nothing on their profile. 4.    I hate comments, Messages only for both OOC, and roleplays. 5.    Please have some patience I'm busy with school, and friends in real life especially towards the weekend! I will try to get to you, and I don't mind a reminder, but don't spam my inbox asking where your reply is please. I'll probably ignore you intentionally at that point. 6.    No drama period. 7.    My character may be incredibly submissive, and she will be. As long as you are not too forward with her, she will be just like a normal girl. However she becomes incredibly weak to the point of helplessness if you push her too much. For example name calling, and degrading her are easy ways to defeat her massive strength. 8.    Have fun! That's what we are all here for right?


09/11/2014 11:42 PM 


Ryan's move'sCategory: UncategorizedDoujutsu :Level One (develops around ages 12-14) - In this stage the eye has entered the kekkai genkai. Though they can't really do much with it. In this stage the eyes see objects in slow motion. Usually the body is trained so they can counter-strike and make it look like they can see into the future. Along with that ability the Clan Member can transport their opponent to a special plain (or field). Because the eye is level one all they can do is transfer the opponent to the field without any other affects besides strenghting their doujutsu a bit. Level Two (develops around ages 15-19) - In this stage the Clan Member truly enters the Kekkai Genkai. With the same abilties as the 1st eye the 2nd Level transfers their opponent to a special field. Once inside the plain the user's strength and Kekkai Genkai taijutsu abilities become almost twice as strong and effective. Level Three (20-25) -In this stage the users abilties are futher heightened. The opponent and the user are tranfered to a special field. Once inside the Taijutsu abilities grow in power 2 times. Also in the field the user and the opponent feel a strong impulse on thier body that shocks them both. After the pulse the gravity feels like it increased making them both feel slower but this is just from the pulse that weakened their muscles. They also have the ability to slow down time in their head greatly making the fastest opponents seem slow enough to see. The eyes gain an ability to have a slight insight giving them the ability to notice things easier, they often use this with their slowing down ability making it easier to dodge attacks. Level Four (???No recorded users) - Though the eye doesnt look different the abilities are heightened to thier max. The opponent and the user are tranfered to a special field. Once inside the Taijutsu abilities grow in power 4 times. Also in the field the user and the opponent feel a strong impulse on thier body that shocks them both. After the pulse the gravity feels like it increased making them both feel slower and weaken both thier reaction times but this is just from the pulse that weakened thier muscles and shocked thier nervous system. In this stage the eyes also gain great insight helping them alot when used with the slow down time in thier head ability. With this active all clan techniques take half the normal chakra needed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chakra control :Level One : The clans 1st level of chakra control. Its extremely basic. It allows basic chakra control. (Genin)Level Two : The clans ability to control chakra is greated to the point where they can tranfer thier chakra into items such as weapons. Along with the ability to utilize chakra into the hands and feet for quicker actions or movements. (Chuunin)Level Three : The clans ability to control chakra is maxed out. With this they have the ability to focus chakra from every point on thier body along with the ability to place a great amount of chakra into weapons etc for powerful combos. (Jounin)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ninjutsu :Enter the Plain (Level One - Level Four)Ninjutsu/ DoujutsuRank C-SThe user and his opponent his tranfered to a plain where the user and the opponent suffers the disadvantages (listed in the doujutsu). Level One : The user takes a special position where they move thier left foot up and their right foot down to the side and then they bend down one hand is near the thier face the other is paralel to there leg. They then activate thier doujutsu and for 20 meters around the body the sky turns tan and it would seem they are standing on water that reflects the sky everything within the 20 meters would be affected.Level Two : The user takes a special position where they move thier left foot up and their right foot down to the side and then they bend down one hand is near the thier face the other is paralel to there leg. They then activate thier doujutsu and for 40 meters around the body the sky turns tan and it would seem they are standing on water that reflects the sky..everything within the 40 meters would be affected.Level Three : The user takes a special position where they move thier left foot up and their right foot down to the side and then they bend down one hand is near the thier face the other is paralel to there leg. They then activate thier doujutsu and for 75 meters around the body the sky turns tan and it would seem they are standing on water that reflects the sky..everything within the 75 meters would be affected.Level Four : The user takes a special position where they move thier left foot up and their right foot down to the side and then they bend down one hand is near the thier face the other is paralel to there leg. They then activate thier doujutsu and for 100 meters around the body the sky turns tan and it would seem they are standing on water that reflects the sky..everything within the 100 meters would be affected.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dimensional CloneNinjutsuRank : AThe user creates a clone of the opponent that copies the jutsu the opponent used last (bloodline skills included). Used to counter the opponents jutsu. After that the clone is useless for other ninjutsu...just taijutsu. After countering the attack the clone image then turns to the user allowing them to use clan taijutsu.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dimension StepNinjutsuRank : CA move similar to flash step where the clan member uses thier chakra control to increase their speed briefly. For genin they have a temporary burst of speed equal to the 2nd Gate, Chuunin 3rd, Jounin 5th, ??? 7th.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dimensional PortalNinjutsuRank : SA portal opens used normally to absord any ninjutsu and the user gains the chakra of the technique--------------------------------------------------------------------------------True Dimension StepNinjutsuRank : AThe user would seem digital like as they disappeared from reality. This is a extremely useful jutsu to use when dodging an attack.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dimensional RiftNinjutsuRank : CA space time ninjutsu that allows the user to punch, kick, stab etc into the air and that part of thier body would disappear and reappear near the target hitting them from a distance.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Genjutsu :Ryusui no Ugoki(Flowing-Water Movement) This is moving technique where Ryan moves around silently, rapidly alternating between fast and slow movements and confusing the opponent due to the fluid motion & continuously changing speed. It can be beaten by watching for the moment the user attempts to strike.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Taijutsu :Bushido Elemental Style : The user focuses thier chakra into thier blade and the blade takes certain properties of the element. When slashed by fire the opponent is burnt, wind the opponent is sliced deeply, lightning the opponent is paralzed temporaryly, earth the opponent body part is crushed, water the opponents body becomes frozen. The stronger the shinobi the stronger the effects are. Genin+Bushido Taijutsu Style : The user fights skillfully with thier blade usually used with Repent the Beast. The user can also spin thier blade extremely quickly then throw it like a shuriken causing a tornado to occur. The stronger the shinobi the stronger the attack. Genin+Repent the Beast - A taijutsu move where the user becomes extremely light on thier toes giving them the ability to move quicker to dodge techniques better or to attack quicker. GeninDimensional Fist - The user punches into the air and the attack is carried to the opponent with the full impact. For genin the opponent feels the full impact and as they rank up the punch/kick is strenghtened.Dimension pushRank:SDimension push- The user uses all his chakra,toward his or her opponent where he or she can not doge as this move frezzes you in time and space.Killing you from the inside..This move places you and your opponet in a nother Dimension rippen time and space apart.Can not block this move as this move already stop's his opponent in time,really to say paralyze state.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------NinjutsuRank BDimension LightingDimension Lighting is a move that make's the user use the power of lighting in hand's and feet and if wanted can place all dimension in a five foot rang of his opponent.With in this five foot rang the user can make a wall of lighting around him and his or her opponent.Elemental Fist - JouninFire : The fist are covered with fire that are separated from the hands with their chakra control.Wind : The punches and kicks are carried by the wind to thier opponent. Similar to Dimensional FistEarth : Same as fire except its earth. Can easily crush bones.Lightning : Same as fire. Can paralyzeWater : Same as fire. Can freeze.(Bunshin No Jutsu) - Clone TechniqueRank:EType:SupplementaryRange:ShortChakra Cost:5Damage Points:N/ADescription:A clone made of the user that can move but(cannot use any jutsu)This clone is merely an illusionary projection of the user.Note:The clone jutsu can be made with different elements and is a D-Rank jutsu under its own element(Mizu/Water Tsuchi/Earth Sumi/Ink)(Bikoku Ninjutsu) - Shadow Stealth TechniqueRank:EType:SupplementaryRange:ShortChakra Cost:5Damage Points:N/ADescription:This jutsu lets the user follow the target covert by concealing the users presence.(Henge no Jutsu) - Transformation TechniqueRank:EType:SupplementaryRange:ShortChakra:5Damage Points:N/ADescription: Henge no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique, which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents.(Gokan Sakusou) - 5 Senses Confusion DisorderRank:EType:SupplementaryRange:ShortChakra Cost:N/ADamage Points:N/AThe user throws an explosive kunai at their target and the mist spreads threw the air.This jutsu causes the opponent to be hit by attacks even though they think they dodged it or countered it.This effect lasts for 2 turns.(Kawarimi no Jutsu) - Change of Body Stance TechniqueRank:EType:SupplementaryRange:ShortChakra Cost:5Damage Points:N/ADescription: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themselves with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.(Nawanuke No Jutsu) - Escape SkillRank:EType:SupplementaryRange:ShortChakra Cost:5Damage Points:N/ADescription:Using chakra the user can escape from being tied down(only works with non-chakra ropes).(Kakuremino No Jutsu) - Magic Cloak Of Invisibility TechniqueRank:EType:SupplementaryRange:ShortChakra Cost:5Damage Points:N/ADescription:The user will pull out a cloak that is pre designed for their use.Then by using ninjutsu they make the cloth blend into the background(Konohamaru used this to follow Naruto in episode 2 and got caught because he was holding the cloak wrong).Skilled ninja can see through this jutsu(Rank c and above)


09/11/2014 06:30 PM 




Guardian Coven.{MCRP}

09/10/2014 01:23 PM 

God of the SKy

 Horus was the son of Isis and Osiris.After Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth, Horus fought with Seth for the throne of Egypt.In this battle, Horus lost one of his eyes. The eye was restored to him and it became a symbol of protection for the ancient Egyptians. After this battle, Horus was chosen to be the ruler of the world of the living.Horus made a secret pact with a  certain atlantean goddess of destruction,were she to have a child of an interesting heritage she would be his in exchange for her freedom to roam the world with out having it destroyed.he patiently waited for eons almost giving up that the deal would go trough when he felt the stir of the one for him coming into existence.Raice:GodStatus:Taken/Promised

𝕯emonic 𝕮hronicles

10/15/2014 09:27 PM 

The Dawn Assasin


09/01/2014 04:18 PM 

Guidelines or Ways to win me over (MUST READ!!!)

Okay, let me start off by saying thanks for stopping by. I noticed that most people block or ignore without a reason being given. I believe it's because I don't cyber with them right away, so I'm making rules.1) I am not a strictly sex role player, that shit don't work for me. Now if that's what you want, be prepared to entertain my demands. You gotta pay to play2) I roleplay Lilica as a care free, kid at heart type. She loves playing games and making friends and I don't mean sexy freaky games I mean real ones. Dress up, pretend fights, video games, ect.3)You will be deleted if you send horny replies and starters. I don't block people, I find it more fitting when they can stalk me and see what they missed out on.4) If you tell me "I do any kind of storyline or I do all kinds of rp." I'm going to ask you what is your favorite genre because that will be the one I choose. I find easier to rp with people when I know what they like.5)Please for all that is sane and good. Use some detail, it ain't gotta be a book. I can't stand this *Smiles at you* that shit is a no no here. My kids write better than that.6) If you have a bullshit 24 hour rule. GET THE FUCK OFF MY PAGE. I have a life beyond this RP hobby. Two kids and mother to take care of, I may not be on everyday and I send out friend request from my phone at work. So I may not get back to you the second you add me. 7)Discuss a story line with me before you send a starter. I may not be into what you just sent meFollow these rules or leave. The choice is yours

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