
Last Login:
June 4th, 2024

Gender: Female
Age: 31
Sign: Virgo
Signup Date:
March 24, 2024


03/26/2024 02:20 PM 

like lets hold hands (หต โ€ขฬ€ แด— - หต ) ๐Ÿ’•

warning: horror, dismemberment, delusions, blood

The shrill scream from the television screen, the height of orchestral music as the chase began between the masked serial killer and the last girl. Purely living because of plot armor, chance, and not having had sex at camp we-should-have-left-the-mountain-folk-alone. It was a B movie and had some gimmick camp kills. Minami thought the toss into the campfire coated in chocolate and marshmallows was a sweet way to go. The thrill was there; that was all she needed for this date night. 

"Oooh, she's gonna trip!" She whispered, feeling the warm hand squeeze at her exposed thigh from her bejeweled mini-skirt.  "See!" A sickening crack of bone, a whimper from the last girl, crawling desperately as the killer crept at an agonizingly slow pace--was he trying to have her away or what? Finger playing with the hem of the jean skirt, her breath did catch a moment she tried to keep her focus on the movie--how could she? 

Finally, the stars had aligned and she was alone with them! Not only that, but they'd hit it off and made dinner together! We played a quick card game and were snuggling down for a scary movie! Minami had promised herself to take it slow, not to rush, and....that she wouldn't feel so desperate to kiss them. Then why was there a strawberry-flavored sheen to her lips, an extra button popped down from her light pink cardigan to expose tantalizing cleavage, and even as the movie went on, she was nuzzling closer--she had to act a little scared, right? That was the normal thing to do during a date with your crush!

A muffled scream disrupted the illusion, the dream, and she scowled a bit. She glanced briefly over her shoulder from the couch, the light from the television set casting her shadow against the wall, before she turned back to her date. "I'll be right back, 'kay? Lemme know if she gets got, huh?" She giggled, brushing her thumb across the palm pressed to her thigh before placing it on the couch.

There was an extra skip in her step as she made her way down the hall; the walls were decorated with her accolades throughout her life and some family photographs. The vastness of her shadow melded into the hallway's darkness the further she got from the living room. The bookcase stood at the end, with a vase beside it, and she lifted it up to set it down onto the ground. The muffled noise was louder now, clearly a voice:


Pale blue fingernails, cut coffin style, were decorated with white wisps and small, shiny stones as she grabbed the spine of the book. It gave way and the bookcase popped open like a door, she stepped inside as her palm slapped against the wall within the room. A few pats and the lights finally flickered on, revealing the woman's look on her face. 

"You can't even like chill for me to enjoy the movie, huh?  Friggin' lame-o!" She yelled down at her crush, and the reality set in again--her reality.

Her crush was a crumpled mess over a soft pink table, arms outstretched over the length of with their right hand cuffed, it was clear their nails had dug into the wood of her favorite armoire piece, too! The clanking of the metal handcuffs, the chain suspended up on the tiled roof. A ridiculously sterile-looking environment aside from the dark crimson that slid down from the table, there was a medium-sized puddle of the ichor there, and her crush began to scream again. The blood came from the stump of an arm, a butcher's knife coated in blood cast off far out of their reach. How else was she supposed to enjoy her ideal horror-movie date with her crush while holding their hand when they were so uncooperative?!

The action happened before her brain could rationally decide what was the smartest decision, she had stormed into the kitchen while her crush yelled expletives at her and had chopped off their hand in a single, powerful wack as they begged to be released. Her weakened crush was sprawled out on the table, bloodless and struggle would exhaust anyone, and she stepped forward into the single bulb of light in the room.  Their fingers spasmed, brushing up against their hand momentarily, she scoffed.

"Now, you wanna hold my hand? L.O.L" Offended, she yanked her hand back and stomped off. Grumbling to herself, a garble of words that only she could understand she took her seat back on the couch. The severed hand was leaking against the armrest, she took a shallow breath before she hesitantly reached out to the disembodied hand.  The television was already showing the credits to the end of the movie; her aqua-colored eyes grew wide.

"You gotta rewind! I didn't think I'd miss it, don't spoil!" Picking the hand up, she set it back against her thigh, a gentle sigh--this was fine. It was fine.

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