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Space in my hoyo!?

04/27/2024 01:18 PM 

Space Station and Express Muses

Name: HertaTitles: Number 83 of the Genius SocietyCharacter Details: "Herta space station's true master.As the human with the highest IQ on the Blue, she only does what she's interested in, dropping projects the moment she loses interest — the best example being the space station.She typically appears in the form of a remote-controlled puppet."It's about seventy percent similar to how I looked as a child." — Herta"Character Stories I and II: Madam Herta's manuscripts are extremely valuable assets.Its core rarity is not in how Madam Herta rarely pens to paper, but because to a genius like her, nothing is ever worth recording.Scientific research that would take normal researchers ten years — or even a lifetime — to achieve may be able to shed light on an entirely new domain of research, but they are to Herta as ordinary as turning on a LED light. Who would waste time trying to systematically record such trivial matters?It's not just Madam Herta — any documentation written by a Genius Society member is a priceless treasure. However, Herta is more generous and more understanding toward normal people like us. She leaves her handwritten drafts behind in random places around the space station with as much generosity as she allows researchers to study the Curios she collected.Of course, we all firmly understand that Madam Herta isn't being lazy and just discarding incomplete drafts around the place. It's so she can claim to investors with plausible deniability that "I've finished writing that paper, but can't find it anywhere.""I'm already perfect, so what else should I do?"Herta Space Station Theme -------------------------------------------------------------------------Name:  HimekoTitles: Starward ExplorerCharacter Details: "An adventurous scientist who encountered the Astral Express as a young woman when it got stranded in her homeworld.Years later, when Himeko finally repaired the Express and began her journey into the stars, she realized that this is only the beginning. On her journey to trailblaze new worlds, she would need many more companions...And while they may have different destinations, they all gaze at the same starry sky."Character Stories I and II: The girl is lost.She can't remember when she became lost. She just walked and walked, on and on into the dark night, chasing the sun and the moon, over and over again — until she falls.She remembers what she looked like as a college freshman, remembers her chosen major — interstellar travel dynamics — and now she's lying face down in the mud.She looks up to the stars, and just then sees meteors streaming down: one, two, three... And then more, smaller ones, flickering and flashing ever so finely before a magnificent blaze tore open the night.Her limbs drag her forward, leading her on to where the land meets the ocean. At the shoreline, the waters jostle against her like how the tide treats that stranded Express, alone and lost.She walks in and see the scenery outside beginning to change. The Express shows her a myriad of magnificent worlds. They are faraway, beyond her homeworld, yet also close enough to be a simple train ride.She tries to repair the Express. It starts up only briefly, but it is enough to skid across the sky of her home. She immediately sees the path home. From that altitude, the journey is so short, and even the ocean of her homeworld appears so insignificant.It asked her whether she'd like to travel together. She wonders what kind of journey that would be."A journey to the beginning.""Let's go then." Without hesitation, the girl replied, "Just as you brought me home, so would I take you home, too."Himeko has a suitcase.This suitcase is her treasure trove. Previously, she'd filled it with all kinds of train repair tools to fix up the Express. But now, it's packed with a molecular saw, an escaped satellite, and countless other contraptions — the embodiment of her whims and the proof of her resolute will.No travel companion is more faithful to her than this suitcase. Passengers come and go on the Express, and perhaps not even "the conductor" would be able to accompany her and the Express from start to finish.But she doesn't care. She didn't care when that pretentious blond man left without saying goodbye, just like how she didn't care about her distant homeworld and old friends.She knows that this journey is lonely. Even if she could get to know like-minded travel companions, even if they showed her generous grace, even if she could witness the end of a complete journey with those companions — that's all just a momentary fluke.She knows that this journey is lonely. Nobody can follow in the exact same footsteps as anyone else. Nobody can experience for someone else everything that happens along a journey. All she can rely on are her own two eyes and feet.That's why she stores inside her suitcase all the sights her eyes have witnessed, and all the footprints her feet have left behind."Alright, crew! This world is the target of our next trailblazing expedition!"Himeko Theme-------------------------------------------------------------------------Name:  Welt Yang (Joachim Nokianvirtanen)Titles: In the Name of the WorldCharacter Details: The wise and sophisticated former Anti-Entropy Sovereign who inherits the name of the world — Welt. He has saved Earth from annihilation time and time again.After the incident with St. Fountain came to a close, Welt had no choice but to venture with the initiator of the incident to the other side of the portal.Perhaps even he didn't expect the new journey nor companions that awaited him there.Character Stories I and II: On the way to the portal, Welt took out a pen and started outlining a sketch. For the eight years prior to that moment, he'd been repeating this job.Going back further in time, he would construct objects in a different way, as long as the images could be pictured in his mind. But he could never regard that as "creation," because they were just the way the original is. Those had nothing to do with his mind.This is just the duty of the man who inherited the name of the world. If the world needs him to save it, then he will become that hero without hesitation. He has fallen down many times and been mocked even more, but he will always stand before everyone either in the past or the future — he will never change.Only now, he finds himself embarking on a new journey.When Welt returned to that dangerous cosmic battlefield, he could feel his blood start to boil once more.Even when his spaceship lost power and was drifting aimlessly through space, he joked casually with his companion: "The end of one adventure is often the beginning of another."When a passing-by Himeko managed to save them and informed them that they couldn't go back home, he kept up his jokes: "This is like something out of a cartoon, and it's far too coincidental to be real."Life really is this coincidental.Since he can't find his way back home and can't live out a peaceful existence for the time being, why doesn't he take up arms again and fight?This time, there is no burden or destiny to bear. Everything shall obey his own will."The galaxy is vast beyond compare, containing an infinite number of possibilities. An individual's fate shouldn't be limited to a single path ordained by heaven."Welt's theme-------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: March 7thTitles: (It's March, what do you want me to say, huh!? I have nothing to say about her! Shut up!)Character Details: A spirited and quirky young girl who is into all the things girls her age are interested in, such as taking photos.She was awakened from a piece of drifting eternal ice, only to find that she knows nothing about herself or her past. Though initially feeling dejected, she decided to name herself after the date of her rebirth.And thus, on that day, March 7th was born.Character Stories I and II: Why does March 7th take photos?"First of all, girls like me should like this kind of pastime.""Besides, I won't forget anything that I keep a photo of."What has March 7th come to learn about photography?"Number one, when taking pictures of terrible cuisines, all the details must be clearly visible on the pictures because 'Taking pictures of food is equal to eating them. Every detail matters.'""Number two, as long as you take a picture with your eyes closed, you will be able to capture an expression of your subject with their eyes closed."Why is March 7th always wearing her camera?"Because if anyone ever seals me away in ice again, at least I'll have my camera with me!"So why doesn't March 7th just use the camera on her phone?"Oh yeah, why not — hang on, it's because of that sense of formality!"March 7th's ability is "Six-Phased Ice", but she has always insisted that it is not ice but some kind of condensed crystal."Come on, ice can't be this beautiful."The bows and arrows March 7th uses in battle are also made of the Six-Phased Ice, but she is not satisfied with the fact that her weapon is a bow."Great warriors never use bows!""Besides, if I use my ice arrow to attack my ice shield, nothing will happen at all!"March 7th has also worked hard to practice a unique skill called "Star Crazing: Glass Greatsword," but she never succeeded."March, judging by the name, it should be a greatsword, right?""Well, but it doesn't feel as good as an ice sculpture... smash.""Well would you listen to that! I saved everyone without causing any trouble! You're pretty awesome, March 7th!"March's theme

Star Rail, Character Information, HSR


04/26/2024 09:28 PM 


Warning. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events, or actual organizations is purely coincidental.DECLASSIFIED File No. D846710Code Name: "Angel-Dust"Paragon Times ArticlesOn August 18, the Paragon Times published the first installment of a two part-part series of articles concerning polvo, the National Intelligence Bureau (NIB), and the Ravencroft crime syndicate. The introduction to the first installment of the series read:For the better part of a decade, a San Nicolas Bay Area drug ring sold tons of angel-dust to the wealthy and elite of Paragon and funneled millions in drug profits to a European crime syndicate under the aid and protection by the U.S. National Intelligence Bureau, a Paragon Times investigation has found.This drug network opened an everygrowing pipeline between Ravencroft's cartels and the high class neighborhoods of Paragon, a city known as the "dust" capital of the world. The polvo that flooded in helped spark a dust explosion in elite America...and provided the cash and connections needed for crime families to buy automic weapons.The two-day series of articles, entitled "Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Dust Explosion," told the story of a Paragon drug operation run by James Woodrow, described sympathetically as "a disillusioned 19-year old...who, at the dawn of the 1980s, found himself adrift on the streets of Northeast Paragon." The Dark Alliance series recounted how Woodrow began peddling small quantities of polvo in the early 1980s and rapidly grew into one of the largest drug dealers in Southern Iona until he was convicted of federal drug trafficking charges in March 1994. The series claimed that Woodrow's rise in the drug world was made possible by Marcus Antony Ravencroft an individual with ties to the Fuerza Templaris Internacional (FTI), one group comprising the European mafiosos. Ravencroft reportedly sold tons of polvo to Woodrow, who in turn converted it to angel-dust and sold it in the upper echelons of Northeast Paragon. Ravencroft was said to have used their drug trafficking profits to help fund guerilla armies around the world. 

𝓑𝓵𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓡𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓢𝔂𝓷

04/26/2024 05:09 PM 

Black Rose Syndicate

A crime syndicate based in Las Vegas, just on the outskirts of the city. Their main base located in an old mining town that was converted on the inside to house their weapons, money and tech. The leader is a young girl that only goes by the alias The Princess. Most of the Princess' enforcers are cybernatically enhaced. While the lower ranked members are only trusted with the most basic of weapons.

ᅠ ᅠᅠ𝐌𝐀𝐃 𝐃𝐎𝐆.

04/26/2024 03:08 PM 


  ────────────────────────────── 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 &&⧉ Automated, copy paste greetings are and will be instant delete. Call me a hard-ass about it, but I've witnessed the age of their conception, and I've always thought they down-played writing. Sure its a hobby, I understand that, people have lives and don't have the time to remember all the people they've added and/or let alone send them all a 'personal greeting' because it is 'too much'. See how silly that sounds? If you can't handle the amount of people you added to give them a greeting, then what makes you capable of writing with that many? On a serious note: No, I understand we all get busy, just not a preference for me. Nothing against anybody personally, but its just not my favorite slice of cake.⧉ Patience is required when expecting anything out of me, much like the last rule: we all do have lives, where some of us take the time to send things out, some find a more automated route, but for me? I'll get to you, but I am not opposed to nudges. I can be very forgetful, so nudge me, remind me, just don't rush because there's a difference.⧉ Shipping isn't something I am currently open to, personal reasons and I quite like to think we can all have a good time without the idea of pinning our characters together. Fluff is nice, romance, slow burn, all lovely things but I'd rather stick to my guns about keeping it off the table for the interim. Less messy for myself, for the other party, I feel like role-play doesn't have to always be about mashing lips, aiming to rub genitalia on each other.⧉ OOC/IC will be determined by ">" or "OOC", but please note that I am 99% in character, and don't take any snarky, rude like comments to heart. Please let me know via message, side comment, parenthesis, I will always be happy to oblige. I am not here to be in character just to have an excuse to abuse people, but it keeps more focal point to role-play than OOC banter.⧉ I prefer discussion over spontaneity, even if we don't discuss the entire role-play out. I prefer to figure out the crossover, or the canon events; I prefer to build a foundation, direction, theme, and we can jump right in rather than just hit me with something random.⧉ To pair with the last rule: I will not respond to random starters, or even starter prompts unless its mainly a small, banter based writing. I enjoy crack writing, one-liners (gasp, who'd a thought?), multi-paragraph, serious based, etc., but I do not enjoy random stories being tossed my way. Just not my speed, but it won't get you deleted. I'll just be grumpy the entire time having to link my rules to you. Because obviously you didn't read them.⧉ Discord will be given at the comfortability of the mun, not a moment sooner. I don't mind getting to know people, but I'd like to keep it here until there's actual effort from someone before I go, and allow you into my personal space. Plus, role-play tends to fall off when discord adding happens, and that's not what I'm looking for.⧉ I will not write with anybody under the age of 21 years old. Personally, 18, 19, 20 years of age are far too young for me to even consider for friendship (should it ever get to that point). I'm far too old to have anything in common with an 18yr old, so please if you're under 21, delete me, and block me. 𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐮𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐮𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞.


04/25/2024 07:41 PM 

updates about my IIH and CSF

hey everyone i have done all my appointments and test i will be going under surgery in 14th of june 2024 and 3-5 days hospital stay maybe longer if my leak have not gone away i will be in for another surgery due to internet when i am going to surgery in 14th of june 2024 you will need to add me on discord or snapchat because hospital internet is sh*t where i will go in it will be 2 weeks for bed rest and then i have 3 months to recovery slowly i will keep everyone updated about my surgery or if it pushed up forward meaning i could have it early so if you wish to be my friend on discord then it is maggiedarkness if you cant find me then join my server but if you do join my server dont just leave if your trying to find me give the server a try if its not for you after you give it a try then welcome to leave if you wish to know more about my surgery or what i have  (CSF) (IIH) which is Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension brain fluid comes out of my nose and going through my throat making me choke and cough badly i will be going into a high risk surgery  getting worse i am on  category 1 was a category 2 but moved up to category 1 i could have any problems in this surgery It is known that the side effects can include:Blindness or Double Vision with increased visual impairments at older agesPermanent Dry Eyes with lifetime intervention from eye dropsStroke and/or SeizuresSerious Migraines IF pressure still remainsSleep ApneaPhotophobia (Light Sensitivity)TinnitusOn-going Serious NosebleedsLoss of Smell i will also need intervention from an Ophthamologist as well as a Neurologist to determine pressure of CSF behind the eyes and within my skull.This surgical procedure is deemed a High Risk with significant side-effects/conditions that could occur/arise either during or post-surgical procedure.If there is no surgical intervention, there is high-risk of Meningitis developing in the brain tissue so right now i am getting alots love and caring as well  the support for me i am enjoying my life and doing anything i  wants to do before the surgery i am trying to think positive I’m glad there is people that loves me and care about me as well spending  a lot time with me thank you for not putting issues and problems as well drama i can’t handle it due to pressure of my braini will undertake investigation for Gastric Band Reduction as well and then getting tested for sleep apneaeven if i am not on here i will always be checking but i am maining on discord , snapchat and facebook at the moment so we can still hang out and still roleplay it just wont be on here   


04/25/2024 12:49 PM 


Living Dollsubspecies info Assumed in the past by Humans to be cursed or haunted objects, and otherwise assumed to be a type of Ghost Monster, "Living Dolls" are not at all undead and can be better likened to snails or molluscs. Their external body is not the true Monster, but a protective house that grows around them. As such, their "skin" is hard to the touch, and their natural DEF tends to be rather high.Extracting the Monster from its shell is a surefire way to kill it, and it is very much a one-way process in that there is no way to put them back in in a way that will save them. They can survive for a time if the extraction process is not "too" physically traumatic, but becoming dust is inevitable.Every "shell" is different. Some are more or less humanoid; some have and some lack detatchable parts.In Bunny's case, he lacks a "true" face. Each "face" is a magically created mask, of which he has many in reserve for a variety of expressions, but getting stuck on one that doesn't match the situation at all happens often. A moment of obfuscation is required to change expressions lest the nature of this physical quirk (and exploitable weak spot) become noticeable to anyone with keen observational skills.It is possible to forcibly remove his "face," but it is highly inadvisable as it is a surefire way to make an enemy out of a mad scientist.The black spots on his external shell are also weak points. They're places where his internal body isn't covered by the shell, and as such, they're soft to the touch.



04/24/2024 05:52 PM 


MODERATE activity level. please don’t rush me for interactions. as a working adult with a full time job, my online activities are limited! patience is a virtue.✱ i tend to keep my writing fairly casual & banter—focused to alleviate this, but don’t let that deter you from prompting deeper discussions or storylines with me! if i’m invested, returning the effort that i receive is a given!DRAMA is a no—go. i don’t care about the whos, whats, whens, wheres, & whys, don’t approach me with it. if you take issue with someone i’m interacting with, that isn’t my problem. i will treat everyone fairly until i’m given an actual reason to disassociate from them. the only battles i want to fight are my own, and i’m otherwise entitled to my comfort just as anyone else. thank you.✱ additionally, don’t act based solely upon assumptions. it hurts a lot of feelings, drags a lot of people into conflicts where they don’t want to be involved, and overall just isn’t fair to anyone who is minding their own manners & business.keep anything POLITICAL out of my space! if roleplay is escapism, then i believe it’s a given that most of us don’t want to hear it. oftentimes, political subjects are weaponized in online communities when people don’t get their way in any given situation … i won’t tolerate it.this should go without saying, but absolutely NO SHIPPING. as bailu is very much a child ( even in vidyadhara terms, ) she should not be romantically paired with adult muses. needless to say, this also bars any & all EROTIC CONTENT. if these are your intentions, you’re gross & you need help.✱ alternatively, familial & platonic relationships are welcomed & desired! i do love creating dedicated connections to other characters, including those met in crossovers!any PERSONAL INFORMATION OR CONTACT is kept under lock & key. i very seldom offer my discord, and if something like that is a deal breaker for you? then i don’t feel comfortable interacting with you to begin with. i would love to be able to establish friendships, but there are too many people here that are either malicious or creepy.✱ there’s also too many cases of IC & OOC boundaries just not being respected, and i’m absolutely not interested. 


04/24/2024 11:25 PM 


-Nobody under 16! That means players and/or characters!-Don't try to force romance!-Adder usually starts unless discussed otherwise for some reason!-No god modding and the like!-No random starters!-Might add more later!

🐝𝕼𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝕭𝖊𝖊𝖑𝖟𝖞

04/24/2024 09:40 PM 


🐝Guidelines were created on 9/08 back in MySpace. I wanted to show my guarantee for taking the time to read through these guidelines.  I'd role-play 9/2008-present years.🐝 I. I'm unprejudiced with drama, started through role-playing. Please separate Role-play and Real apart, I asked nicely.Red Flag:  Judgmental, cyberbullying, Arrogant, harassing, Mixed RP/RL. Seeing these actions will consequently removed.Note: I'm here for presentations, to make friends, and to be creative. Do my BEST Rp by Beelzebub, even though there isn't much about her, but in one episode. Please don't test my acknowledgment. I'm not here to show off.   Helluva boss/Hazbin age acceptable 18/21+ Adults only. Bad Language, Sexual content, etc.  Deny underage. If I find out, you will be REMOVED.  Super Selective Add! II. Becoming friends? Sure, I love making friends. I can be vigilant when it comes to asking for information suddenly without not knowing each other. I don't need to get involved with drama because it's none of my business. I couldn't care less if I have someone on my list you hate. Currently here to get along. I'm not here for favoritism or picking sides. III. About my Personality:  Empathizes, imperturbable, devoted, amiable, concord Will not tolerate gibberish. Please do not take me personally! For goodness' sake. No God mod; Do it that makes me do it back at you and remove u >3 You don't f*** with this bitch. IV. My RP skills are exalted at best as to whether or not to show it off. It can be slothful when my days come from being unmotivated. If you're strident, I can easily ignore you because I am careless. Action speaks words. Paragraphs, Multiply Novella. Crossover is welcome. It all depends.  Role-play through wall statues often. Please keep Real drama out of it!  If there is a story plot you are dissatisfied with, please let me know for a re-discussion.  Greetings and chat welcome Msg/Comments. Discord: Rare to give out to anyone who's going to start trouble. I'm being careful to whom I give my discord out. Use Discord for Rp and Chat mainly.V. Edits & Layout: I do edit and layout for close relatives/ friends :3.VI. Here is some genre list that I'm here for: Adventure, Action, Thrilling/Suspense, Slice of Life, RP Drama, Horror, Creepypasta, Fantasy, Video Game, Spar/Fighting, Anime. Not Interest is Romance, Smut/Maniac.  Flirt is okay only in RP since it's Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel.  VII. I do have a LIFE. Being online 24/7 isn't going to happen all the time. Please understand I have responsibilities. Occasionally, be online ASAP. Do not RUSH ME! I devoirs everyone's delays. Please do the same.VIII. My Where about Retirement can occur if dealing with circumstances outside. Return when life settles down. Going on a hiatus for the emergency will only give a brief notification when I return. IX. Beelzebub is one of the 7 sinners of Gluttony. I DO NOT accept any other furries that aren't part of this verse. I basically go by the episode. The only demon furry acceptable is Vortex, Loona, and a couple shown in episodes in Gluttony. If I receive a pervert rper will be removed. I will do my best to rp by Beelzebub for Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel. Beelzebub isn't a SLUT for your kind. I stay in IC for Beelzebub to my BEST abilities. Go find another Beelze to screw around. Not me! Not my IC.WARNING: If I receive furry that's NOT for the verse will be deleted. X. About the Relationship:  If I get smut, manica, you will be removed. Here for friends and RP fun. I'm done with RL relationship. I will focus on RL, and RP to have fun, and play games. Don't even bother asking me out RL. RP date. I accept only in Hazbin/Helluva characters, but please don't take it seriously. XI. Grammar is a Must: Insist using grammar & literacy. Understand when it comes down to making an error typo. Don't accept perfectionism. You all are here to have fun. I'm dissatisfied with unnecessary grammar. XII. I've known by Role-play Code Conduct since back then. I know the valuable meaning of RP. I know the limits. Therefore, please don't treat me as inferior.Competition: I hate being this type of Queen Bee. I didn't expect search sh*t to go over the edge. Please Ask. There search sh*t, I may accept, may not. However, I do stay in IC and fully respect Queen Bee in IC and how she should be respectfully treated. If you have an issue, go find another Beelze to do that too. If you don't, I won't stop releasing my full demonic until you realize that next time, ask or GET THE F*** OFF MY PAGE OR I WILL. I take competition basic off of the Bee episode. Here is the following list I will NOT accept. (May add more if coming across an issue).NOT ALLOW IN COMPETITION: No deal of Slave Bee then make her look like a SLUT and change the contract No, take over her gluttony. Bitch, Gluttony belongs to QUEEN BEE BITCH BABE! No Rl/RP deal, such as being your lover. Like I said, this is MY IC. F*** off. Note: If you do not see anything else listed, it's okay for now. I whether you ask. Please. Don't make me bee a victim or a bitch. That just ruined my vibe and everyone.  🐝Thank you very much for your patience in going through the guidelines and understanding. You better make me that mother f***ing honey ;) This bitch! Going to throw a wild PARTY!🐝

The Quirkless Hero

04/24/2024 02:02 PM 

Dragon King Kamui
Current mood:  bored

Kamui originates from the game, Fire Emblem Fates. For the male version of Corrin, i prefer the Japanese name to separate him from the female Corrin should i rp with her as Kamui. I have a couple stories for himFantasy based:Kamui is the King of the Kingdom of Hoshido. A peaceful kingdom with an ancient japanese theme. Dont get it wrong, he may be a peaceful kingdom, but the kingdom wont just sit around should a war break out. He is a kind hearted king who has the blood of a dragon. Able to shift from his human form to a half takeover form, as well as go full dragon. His dragons element is Water.Fairy Tail based rp:Kamui Lockhart is the Water Dragon Slayer. He is a new generation recently discovered, Generation Alpha. Much like First Generation Dragon Slayers, they are humans who trained in magic to kill dragons, however, he didnt have the antibody that prevented him from transforming into a dragon himself. Thus he transformed into a Water Dragon himself. But through sheer will, he has been able to shift back to human form. He is a very kind and caring man, but he gets quite irate when his friends are in danger. Making him a perfect fit for Fairy Tail.RWBY based RP:Kamui Lockhart is a member of the Atlean Army. Working under Winter Schnee. He is the last remaining Dragon Faunus. His semblance is one of the few discovered Advanced Semblances. His Semblance is Transformation. What makes his advanced is that he can shift into a form that is human but has dragonic elements. Combining his human with dragon as well as transform into a full dragon. Being a Water Dragon, he is able to Fly and stay underwater without an issue. Making him a key weapon for the Army. However, being in the army for so long, hes fully aware of the Armys intentions, he is not a fan of it at all and intends to leave the army, even at the risk of his own life.MHA Based RP:Kamui Lockharts Quirk activated much earlier in his life than his friends. His Quirk is called Water Dragon. Much like the Pro Hero, Ryukyu, he can transform into a dragon fully, however unlike her, he can combine his human and Dragon forms into a hybrid form which lets him use a completely different moveset. Being a Water Dragon, he is very usable in both Water and Aerial situations. He can go into both Salt and Fresh Water. If injured. If he is doused in purified water, it can help him recover much quicker than normal. 

Peregrinating Guardian

04/23/2024 11:08 PM 

rules guideline... thing.

Uska will treat you like how you treat his companions and himself.  He isn't too familiar with many societal norms and as a result he lacks in areas.  Personal space is something he doesn't have much of a concept of. <s>Blame the lamia, gorgon, harpies, goblins, Alraune, Nymph, and dryad for that</s>  He will put his companions over people he's just met. More to come, but these are probably the more pertinent ones you need to know.


04/23/2024 08:34 PM 

My default starter! Feel free to reply to this as a way to greet me!

The branches of the trees whipped by my face as I frantically and blindly pushed through the foliage. The burning in my lungs came from more than the breakneck pace I was maintaining. The heat in my chest was only contrasted by the burning heat between my legs, aching with a dull throb that wouldn't leave me alone. I needed to find somewhere safe I could calm down and collect myself! Fast too, before I lost my window. So I pushed through the last of the foliage, breaking out into what looked like a small park. The moon overhead provided plenty of light to see the run-down swingset and slide combo. A seesaw sat on the far end of the park, old and rusted. It felt like no one had used this place in years, maybe a public playground for a neighborhood? My eyes widened as my wondering focus sent alarm bells off in my head. I immediately made to turn and resume fleeing from the demons after me, but a wall of warmth stopped me. I slammed hard into a solid brick wall, or at least what I thought was a brick wall.Slowly looking up whoever happened to be unlucky enough to be here. I took a moment to assess, having noticed everything else in the park but them, and then running face first into their chest like a blind idiot. I stared up at the figure for a moment, my face flushed with desire, fear, and confusion. "S-sorry I didn't see, I was running and, there are people chasing me, and-" My eyes darted around frantically but my words fell silent once I met their gaze. "H-hi... I'm Yurael."


04/22/2024 10:40 PM 

Queen connections that queen can have for her main or her characters.

this blog is only for the connections that i can be with in my characters this is not a plot its just connections only if  you wish to have relationship type with me this is about the connections that i can have this blog is only for the connections that i can be with in my characters this is not a plot its just connections only if you wish to have relationship type with me•daddy (only as a dominant types just not daddy as a family )•friends with benefits•master•dominates•secret lover•partner•lover•husband•divorced partner•best friend•drunk friend•enemies•secret friend•soulmate•sirebond•desire bond•mutual jealousy•roommate•co-worker•Mafia ( i will not be a mafia so that is a male role)•student and teacher (but i will only being a student but the student will be from 20-year-old so other words its Tafe or college)•have mutual friends but don't get along.•professional relations, e.g. a boss, professor, or other work relations.•drug dealer but you will be the drug dealer•ex bf/ ex husband/ ex boss/ ex mafia/ ex bodyguard / ex knight / ex teacher / ex fiancée/ ex dominate / ex king / ex prince • love triangles relationship• affairs

Heraldic Traveller

04/22/2024 08:45 PM 

Lore Respect

made bigger for mobile and those with poor eyesight: Friendly reminder that if you want others to respect your oc's lore you must respect the lore of others be they oc or not.Demanding changes to a character's behavior or actions because they may make your oc look bad or incompetent even when it's well within that character to do that is you showing that you feel your oc's lore should be put above any other character's lore.  You know the saying, respect is earned not given that being said, you still should treat the lore of other characters with the same respect you want yours to be treated.Throwing a tantrum because someone's character did something well within the character to do and demanding a retcon shows you don't care for the lore, but want things your way.  Thus voiding any "feats" you'd like to tie to your oc as a result of your roleplay.  It also calls into question any and all "feats" prior to such making them default voided.  Yes, there are people who feel the need to do that as a way to fellate their own oc and brag "in character" to others about them which is kind of sad.  Never forget that the basic rp rules of no modding and all that still apply to story rps,  something people who demand their lore be respected while not respecting the lore of others in kind tend to constantly short: respect the lore of others like how you want others to respect yours. the roleplay fight rules still apply even to story roleplays.   Unrelated to the meat of the blog, but needs to be said apparently.  I've seen these go down:  Don't hold grudges against people over roleplay actions, it's really stupid and pathetic showing that you have trouble keeping rl and rp seperate. If someone doesn't want to continue writing with you, leave them be and don't stalk their account like some of y'all do. (Tied to 2) It says something about you if you replace a writer with someone else rping the same character and having the replacement portray the character exactly like the one who left because of YOUR ooc actions. If you're not part of the private roleplay between two others, but get mad at one or both parties because of actions within the roleplay... take a break from rp, you're getting far too invested/attached should go without saying, but some people on here... Don't talk sh*t behind a block or where you're positive the person you're sh*t talking cannot see. should be this simple, but some of y'all Ignore the hate profile made on you, but especially don't have people making accounts to counter or defend you.  The reason why should be obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills. With that, I conclude with this: Don't eat the yellow snow :D

Ari Yoshihara

04/22/2024 03:55 PM 

Introduction of myself and my OCs.

Hello there, you can call me Lovaa. I'm SFW, semi-para/Para. (Hoping to reach Novella one day.) I'm interested in most any RP, however, if I feel the vibe shifting to dirty you will be blocked without hesitation. I do have a discord and I'm willing to add to my server. There's no one in it yet...but don't let that discourage you. Now, as for my OCs I have many and I do plan in time to add posts with full descriptions. My main OC is named Ari Yoshihara. She's 26 yrs old. Together with her best friend and sometimes protecter, Maruga Dragoon, they basically go around on designated and specially assigned assignments...and then they kinda murder targets. Ari's weapon of choice is whip and dagger combo, which means she has acrobatic abilities. No shipping her though, she does have a love interest named Marcus Dragoon. Maruga's brother, both dragon/Human hybrids. Ari is also a Neko. Ari's father is named Shiki, step-mother is Chizuka and her little sister is named Aña. I know that was a mess and I do apologize. I promise my ability to carry on a decent RP is not this sloppy. Please, I do request some time to reply. I do mean days, I'm currently at the beginning stages of renovations to my home. So please, bare with me.

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