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06/07/2014 01:41 PM 


♦This Character is a custom original and is not based off of anything but my own insanity. Don't try telling me how to be my own character. Worry about your own.♦Absolutely no whores, hookers, hoes, sluts, etc of any sort. This character is not a sex toy and will never become one.♦This is a free range character, so there is no real genre he belongs to. He can fit in pretty much any genre he comes across.♦I'm not too picky about length wise in a response. I go by the "quality over quantity" phrase.♦For those who are picky about verse, I para/multi-para. I try to give what I receive meaning if you send just a paragraph or two I will most likely do the same.♦Please, no random starters. There's a good chance I will ignore them. Talk to me first OOC about a possible roleplay.♦I don't mind messages or comments, but strongly prefer messages over comments for roleplay since they are easier to keep track of. ♦Every day roleplay rules apply with me. That also includes no auto killing my character because of what he is.♦Respect me and I'll return the favor.♦I do not do that ridiculous number game where people collect others in their friends list just to look popular. Become silent for over two months, get deleted. You have been warned.♦I can be picky about who I add to a point. If I don't accept your friend request don't get butt hurt about it. There's a good chance I wasn't interested in roleplaying with your character not because of you, the writer.♦A fore warning to those who get squeamish about gore and blood: I can get pretty graphic with the violent scenes and describing things.If you can follow these simple rules then you may be worthy of adding me. If not, then go bug someone else.

♃ Jupiter

05/31/2014 10:13 PM 


Under Co


05/29/2014 02:39 PM 

Invalid Emails - Re-Verify Accounts

The following alert message will display on your homepage ONLY if your account needs to be re-verified. If you do NOT see this message, then you do NOT have to be concerned with re-verifying your account. Existing accounts with an invalid email address are required to be re-verified.  If the notification emails that we send to you bounce we will set your account to be re-verified. We understand that over time a good email address can go bad. The most common reason a message will bounce is because an email account is expired, disabled, or closed. We need to maintain a good reputation with email hosts like Microsoft (Hotmail, MSN, Live), Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc. so that we can continue to distribute messages like notifications to all members. Email hosts will not accept email from our server if we have too many bounced messages. Unverified accounts are deleted after 7 days. Contact Support if you have any questions.


05/25/2014 02:38 PM 

E-Mail Delivery Issue

We are aware that email being sent to Microsoft hosted email accounts (hotmail, msn, live, etc) are not being delivered. We have escalated a request to Microsoft to get this resolved. In the meantime, new accounts should consider using Gmail or Yahoo, etc. so that you can get your email verified and move forward with using your new account. Your patience is appreciated. We temporarily disabled the notification emails while we work to resolve this issue.UPDATE: 5/31/14 - We have enabled the notification emails.UPDATE: 6/02/14 - We have temporarily disabled the notification emails. Contact Support if you have any questions.


05/26/2014 02:35 PM 

Censoring (for the ad companies)

We were recently forced to censor a couple of words.  This censorship is for the ad companies (our sponsors) and is not for us (the owners) or because of our beliefs, nor is it to protect underage members.  We are aware some feel that it impedes their desire to use foul language in public updates, posts and comments.  Messages are not being censored.Consider this, the 2 words that we censor are still comprehend-able when censored.Thanks for being flexible and understanding. Contact Support if you have any questions.

Kimberly Possible

05/30/2014 12:36 PM 

Rules/Guidelines ect.

Yes yes I freaking know, None of us like rules. We think they are a pain ect. But, Just some stuff to set a few lines and boundaries just deal with it.1.) Follow Rp basics. Do I even need to explain this one? Most should know.2.) Do your best with spelling and all that, doesn't need to be perfect I am not. I mean damn we are only human sometimes we miss mistakes. Just make sure I understand, and avoid text style talk when possible.3.) Its going to be a three strikes type of system. Do anything out of line, something to cause trouble whatever its a strike. Three and you are un-friended. Serious offenses will get a block if need be.4.) Likely covered in one under basics. But no drama bs keep it away from me, and keep me out of any messes/fights you have. Not my problem. Example, You dislike someone I know? Alright then but please keep it to yourself I don't care. 5.) Try anything with that rape stuff, and you are getting blocked right off the bat. Enough said. Um unless YOU want to be the one getting it. Then IDK its a very serious subject, I would have to discuss anything like that being in an Rp.6.) This is not exactly a rule per-say. If you have an issue with the sexuality thing, then you may remove me or not add me. I just prefer women. Its not a big deal. Furthermore in regards to gender. I do not care about real gender, Who cares? Roleplay is roleplay after all. Further more on the adult/mature themes thing. Okay with it but I am, to be blunt not the slutty sort. I will only do those Rps when I feel it, And its a no go for right to it. I only do adult stuff if there is a little story and/or some sort of build up. Oh and with the whole no meaning no deal. If it is a no, Don't push it.7.) Last one for now. When it comes to anything ooc discussing Rps is the limit. That's it no rl stuff or any of that. Do not ask any real info or any real photos ect. I came here for Role-play I would have want to that other site if I wanted to share about my real life. I will give heads up if I will be away though. Also be aware I do have two accounts I may be online just not this account.

Lockon Stratos

05/12/2014 11:22 PM 

Wild Tiger / Kotetsu

Name: Wild Tiger / Kotetsu KubarugiGender: MaleRace: Human/Next - JapaneseVerses?: Tiger and Bunny, or any modern world. Trying to think of a futle era life. Family: Tomo (wife: dead), Kiade (daughter: 11years old), Muramasa (Older brother), Mom.Personality/Background: Kotetsu is the sweetest man anyone could hope too meat, but this kindness makes him easy to deceive, and gives him a child like quality. After a faithful encounter as a child, with the hero, next known as Mr. Legend he vowed to use his next power only to help people. As a young man in high school we was very much a punk, but not in a bad way. Because he was a next he was a bit alienated from his class mates witch brought out the loner punk aspect of his personality. The class rep. Tomo could see the good in him beneath his tough exterior. They became close throwout school and would later get married and have a daughter  together. But all was not well, and Tomo grew ill quit suddenly. When Kiade was 5 she passed away with her last words to Kotetsu being for him to never stop being a hero. So Kotetsu continues to be a hero for Apollen Media with his partner Barnaby Brooks Jr. Kotetsu is in his late 30s but you wouldn't know by talking too him, as he doesn't hide his sweet and silly natcher, and often gets yelled at by his partner.Futle era:Kotetsu is an archer in his early 30s, his skill is unmatched and he will work for anyone with the money to pay for his talent. The only stipulation is he will not kill anyone, and he never has. He has no family or lovers for anyone to use against him. The most important thing is his life is his horse Kiade. He has an innocence to him that can deceive others of his skill. He is friendly to a fault and it has almost gotten him killed more then once, but he also has the devils luck if you will and always gets away with few injuries. Most of the time he is helped by someone he befriended, and his true wish to be friends wins many over.

Lockon Stratos

05/10/2014 02:17 PM 

Vash the Stampede

Name: Vash the Stampede Alternate names: Vash, Ericks, The Humanoid Typhoon, The $$60,000,000,000 man, Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III. Race: Plant Height: 6'1' (186cm) Weight: 185 lbs (84kg) Family: Knives Millions (Twin Brother) Rem Saverem (Surrogate Mother) Orientation: Pansexual Personality: Normally kind a sweet, even to those that chase him for the bounty on his head. Often acts goofy to throw off suspicion of his identity. He is sweet to all and has a soft spot for little kids. He is a huge flirt but at the same time on the shy side. Altho seemingly care free, when alone he often gets somber, and thoughtful, but never shows this side to others unless caught in a moment of deep thought. He's calm even in the face of danger from more of the well trained and deadly bounty hunters. Very few things can make him lose it. Info: He is the $$60,000,000,000 man, a bounty earned primarily for the accedentle destruction of the city of July. Bad luck and destruction seem to follow him, but most of the time throw all the destruction no one dies. He hates to kill people so he doesn't. He is also responsible for the largest crater on the third moon. He is a lot smarter then he lets on and LOVES donuts. (Should have put this one up first LOL )

Lockon Stratos

05/10/2014 01:39 PM 

Genjo Sanzo

Name: Genjo Sanzo Gender: Male Race: Human - Chinese Verses?:Saiyuki , and below a modern era too.Weapons: A paper fan for keeping his more rowdy companions in line. And a Smith & Wesson model 19 combat magnum (Banishing gun). Family: Komyo Sanzo (adopted farther: dead) Personality/Background: Sanzo is a very crash young man, with a sharp tongue and wit. And thow it doesn't seem like it, he is a caring person. But the fear of losing someone dear to him and the scar it would leave on his heart, makes him keep everyone at arms length. He smokes and drinks a lot, but doesn't run from a fight or his past. He was an orfen set adrift in a large river, then rescued by a Sanzo priest by the name of Komyo. As a child he was called Koriu because of his connection to the river and some rather hurtful nicknames where attached to it such as "River Rat" and the slightly more silly "Drift Wood". At age 7 he succeeded his Masters position as a Sanzo priest, after he was mortally wounded by demons. Komyo's last act was to make the young boy the youngest Sanzo priest. Witch came with a new name, Toa Genjo Sanzo the 31st of China. After this incident Sanzo sealed off the last bit of his heart witch he had left open to his farther figer and mentor. He carries a blessed hand gun resembling a smith and Wesson, witch he is not afraid to use, but only when necessary to defend himself. He is still a Budest monk after all. Modern age:

Lockon Stratos

05/09/2014 05:07 PM 

Quatre Rebarba Winner

Name: Quatre Rabarba Winner Gender: Male Race: Human - Arabian Verses?: Gundam Wing or again any sci-fi land. Family: Father : dead, Mother : dead, 29 older sisters. Personality/Background: Quatre is a sweet young man, but also poses a strong will makeing him a great leader. He is a bit more stubbern and rebellious then one might think, do to his more subdued and slightly timid nature. His family was instrumental in the building of the space colonys mostly the L4 cluster. Because of unforseen complications with natural child birth in space all of his sisters were conseved in test tubes. In a last ditch efert to have a son Quatre's mother decided to carry him herself, and unforchenetly died in childbirth. Not wanting to alienate him from his sisters he was told he was a test tube baby too and he despised that till he met a group on men known as the Magwanaugts. They too were test tube babys but felt no shame in it and were insted proud of it. They became close friends and comrades before and during Operation Meteor, the men often refering to him as "Master Quatre".

Lockon Stratos

05/06/2014 01:21 PM 

Lockon / Neil Dylandy

Name: Lockon / Neil DylandyGender: MaleRace: Human - IrishVerses?: Gundam00 or other sci-fi lands. Also has a past life.Family: Owen (father: dead), Lyndsay (mother: dead), Amy (little sister: dead), Lyle (twin brother: astringed)Personality/Background: Neil had a relatively happy childhood with his family till the day they were killed in a terrorist bombing. He lost them all at once except his twin who had been away at a boarding school to get away from being compared to his superior brother. From a young age Neil had to work for himself and his brother taking what work he could. As the older of the 2 if only by a few minuets Neil felt it was his job to take care of his brother.Neil is and was always kind, maybe too much so, the only person he really holds a grudge agenst is who ever was behind the terrorist attack that killed his family. He has a tendency to take on the big brother role to comrades that are younger then him. He's kind but also VERY stubborn, and determined. He's usually happy but can some times sink into depretion for a number of reasons, how ever he rarely shows that side to anyone, preferring to be the rock for others.Worlds: There are thrice AU era's to RP with Lockon.   Mid to late teens, age 16-19. This is 2 years after the death of his family and before being recruited by Celestial Being. A young Neil is still finding himself and not afraid to try anything. (If you RP with this era Neil do not be shocked if he leaves. He cuts off contact with everyone when he joins Celestial Being.) Age 25 and on. During Operation Fallen Angels his right eye was wounded and after he was presumed KIA. He was lost to Celestial Being, but not killed. He was picked up by the Union and his ingerys were treated. But due to the massive trauma he suffered from his near death experience, he suffered a sever loss of memory. Losing all memory of Celestial Being and his friends there in. That's 4-5 years of his life he can't remember, and it sometimes haunts him. In order to pay off the medical treatment he received from the Union millatray he had little choose but to join. And would later be recruited into the A-laws, for his superior marksmanship even with his right eye rendered useless.The last is an anchent era: His past is a mystery. All that is really known about him is his skill and lyoilty to his Princess. He serves as Princess Mint's personal guard. She is the crown Princess of East Heaven Kingdom. Neil is about 24 in this era and has an eye patch over his right eye. He is proficient with a sword but his real talent lies in his use of the crossbow. He wears a metal cuff on his right forearm for defense to protect his reloading arm, and incase he is attacked on his blind side, with little time to react. He is less na�ve then in the world of his origin, no one knows why he is so distrusting of people but it might have something to do with his eye patch.And there is also the default Celestia Being road as well. Do I need to say more?    


05/05/2014 09:13 PM 


Shenron can bestow any wish as long as it does not exceed the power of his creator, who must still be alive when he is summoned (i.e. Kami or Dende). He is unable to restore life to those that have died because of old age (but he can restore a person's youth), sickness or any other natural deaths. In the beginning of Dragon Ball Z, it is revealed that Shenron cannot grant the same wish more than once (e.g. bringing back those from the dead that have been killed before, etc.) and he also cannot grant a wish to defeat or kill a living being that surpasses the power of his creator (this means that the dragon can not kill an enemy that Kami or Dende themselves are incapable of killing). In the movie Dragon Ball Z: Broly - Second Coming, it is suggested that Shenron is capable of granting wishes without actually being summoned, demonstrated by him letting Goku join the battle against Broly1) Create a div layout.2) Create a custom div layout.3) Edit a scan.4) Edit a screenshot. 5) Give someone a character to role-play as. 6) Create a profile. 7) Create a character.8) Leave me Real money -$50 max9) Give me a lover.10)Bring someone back to life.More coming...

Bane Multi-Roleplay

05/03/2014 04:04 PM 


THESE CHARACTERS ARE ONLY USED FOR THE MASTER/SLAVE UNIVERSE IF YOU ARE NEITHER PLEASE DO NOT PICK ONE OF THESEBirth Name: JinxNickname(s): -Sex: FemaleAge: 456Place of Origin: HellEye Colour: BlackNatural Hair: SilverSkin Tone: PaleBlood Type: -Species: Imp of the demon worldBloodline: -Sexual Orientation: Doesn't carePosition: Doesn't careStatus: For sale $50,000Master: Occupation: PetMother: -Father: -Living Siblings: -Additional info: Jinx was already a sex slave to the underworld, but when her previous master banished her to the human world she continued. She loved being dominated over, she was willing to do anything, any position any experiment. She loves sexBirth Name: Sasha GreeneNickname(s): -Sex: FemaleAge: 19Place of Origin: California Eye Colour: RedNatural Hair: Dark BrownSkin Tone: PaleBlood Type: ASpecies: HumanBloodline: Both parents are humanSexual Orientation: Straight but would have to be whatever her master wantedPosition: SubmissiveStatus: For sale - $300Master:  -Occupation: PetMother: MargareteFather: BillyLiving Siblings: noneAdditional info: Recently new to the sex slave. She is a feisty one and dose not wish to be a slave, has been drugged recently and this seems to be the only way for her to enjoy the sex, making her into a petBirth Name: Ameilia Nickname(s): MiaSex: FemaleAge: 17Place of Origin: Japan Eye Colour: Ermerald Natural Hair: PlumTail and ears: Jet blackSkin Tone: PaleBlood Type: OSpecies: Neko-jinnBloodline: Both parents are neko-jinnSexual Orientation: Straight but would have to be whatever her master wantedPosition: SubmissiveStatus: For sale $100,000Master:Occupation: PetMother: UnknownFather: UnknownLiving Siblings: UnknownAdditional info: Mia was trained very well to be a pet from the age of 14, she has never had a master. Her neko-jinn blood makes her enjoy any sexual experience, though she is completely a virgin, in both entrances. She is a shy creature but always seems too eager and ready for sex Birth Name: Unknown  Name people calls him: - Demon Sex: Male  Age: unknown -late teens Place of Origin: unknown  Eye Colour: Dark red Natural Hair: Blood red Skin Tone: Pale Blood Type: BB Species: Human Bloodline: Human Sexual Orientation: Gay. Position: Uke Status: For sale $4000 Master:  Occupation: Pet Mother: Unknown Father: Unknown Living Siblings: Unknown Additional info: Demon was robbed from his family as a small child and has been a slave ever since. He is very misbehaved and has never been broken, his previous masters keep giving him up and Demon wont stop fighting Birth Name: Unknown Name called: Pet Sex: Male Age: uknown - early teens Place of Origin: unknown  Eye Colour: Honey orange colour Natural Hair: Brown Skin Tone: pale Blood Type: A negative Species: Neko-jinn Bloodline: Unknown  Sexual Orientation: Unknown Position: Uke Status: For sale - $60,000 Owner: - Occupation: Pet Mother: Unknown Father: Unknown Living Siblings: Unknown Additional info: Pet has been a pet for so long he can't remember not being one. He knows nothing of him, no name, birthday, nothing. His previous owner was a old man and died. Pet has lost a child several months ago, but his mind is so messed up he doesn't even remember properly. He craves sex, he is so broken and is very behaved which explains his price Birth Name: Kisa Sex: Female  Age: uknown - early teens Place of Origin: unknown  Eye Colour: Honey colour Natural Hair: Redy brown Skin Tone: Fair Blood Type: A negative Species: Human Bloodline: Human Sexual Orientation: Unknown Position: Uke Status: For sale for best offer Master: - Occupation: Pet Mother: Unknown Father: Unknown Living Siblings: Unknown Additional info: Kisa knows nothing about herself, she has been used as a sex slave for many years for both men and women, she is content with her life and finds she does enjoy the sex, alotBirth Name: Kioshi Nickname(s): - KiSex: Male Age: 16 Place of Origin: unknown Eye Colour: Pinish purple Natural Hair: PurpleTail and ears: Purple, each having one dark spot of purple upon thenSkin Tone: tannedBlood Type: AOSpecies: Neko-jinnBloodline: Both parents are neko-jinnSexual Orientation: Is unsure but whatever his master would want.Position: UkeStatus: For sale - $54000Master:  -Occupation: PetMother: UnknownFather: UnknownLiving Siblings: UnknownAdditional info: Ki was brought up being trained to be the perfect pet, currently he is in a pet store waiting to be bought, if his master wishes Ki is also able to bear childrenWARNING MASTERS DO TEND TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE PET DO NOT GET OFFENSIVE IF THEY HAVE ANOTHER PET OTHER THAN YOURSELFOoc: Thank you to Awesome Sauce Originals - Donnie Darko for the edit of Sasha. Its amazing thank youBirth Name: Sasha SmithNickname(s): SashSex: MaleAge: 19Place of Origin: ForksEye Colour: SilverNatural Hair: BlondDyed: put purple streaks in hairSkin Tone: FairBlood Type: A-Species: MasterBloodline: Both parents humanSexual Orientation: Homosexual.Position: UkeStatus: Pets owned: 0Occupation: Master/a rich brat Mother: UnknownFather: Kevin JonesAdditional info: Sasha is not your normal master, he is dominant yes but he is still a ukeBirth Name: Mishikisa Love Nickname(s): Mishi, Mistress Sex: Female  Age: 24 Place of Origin: South Japan  Eye Colour: Bright blue Natural Hair: Black but in the light blue Skin Tone: Tanned Blood Type: A negative Species: Mistress Bloodline: Father Master Mother Whore  Sexual Orientation: Bisexual  Position: Dominant Status: Mistress Number of pets: 0  Occupation: Doctor Mother: - Father: -  Living Siblings: NoneBirth Name: Eiri Janko Nickname: - Sex: Male Age: 27 Place of Origin: Tokyo Bloodine(s): Mother slave Father: Master Eye Colour: Blood red Hair Colour: pale blond Skin Tone: Fair Blood Type: OO Species: Master Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Position: Seme Status: Master Number of pets: 0 Occupation: Writer Mother: Unknoen Father: Eiri Janko Senor Living Siblings: -

ɮɛʏօռɖ ɢod�

04/24/2014 04:19 PM 

Reserved #05 (Vs Hanzo)

...VS HanzoTime: 16:01 Location: Archipelago Chain / Island Port Conditions: Clouds on and off, 83�F, 15 mph windsRules: Standard (No mods, autoing, metagaming). Additional disputes can be handled in comments or messages.Time Limit: n/a (Be kind and give notice if absence extends beyond 5-7 days.)Best of luck.

ɮɛʏօռɖ ɢod�

04/24/2014 03:30 PM 

Reserved #04 (Sonja's Grave)

The downfall of an inbred whore.

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