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Hasty Producer

06/04/2024 04:26 PM 

Chiaki's Habits

Not looking into what he's made if not a wearable to the point where he sometimes needs to be reminded to do so. During downtime will often speak of things he remembers from his past life. Will Cammy stretch when it's "safe" to if it flusters a girl he feels close to. Likely to throw something at a monster as the first option.


06/04/2024 01:35 PM 

OC: Kenji’s Backstory

Backstory Early Life and Family:Kenji Nakamura was born into a prestigious family known for their exceptional abilities in shadow manipulation. His father, a stern and ambitious man, had high expectations for his children, especially Kenji, the eldest. Kenji’s mother, though loving, endured much under her husband’s harsh and controlling nature. Kenji had two younger siblings who, unlike him, showed less potential in their powers.The Burden of Expectations:From a young age, Kenji exhibited immense potential, far surpassing his siblings. His father, seeing this, placed an overwhelming burden on him, pushing him to become the perfect successor. Kenji’s training was relentless, and he was often punished severely for any perceived failure. To protect his siblings from their father’s wrath, Kenji took on the brunt of the punishment and pressure, striving to meet his father’s expectations and shield his siblings from abuse.A Tragic Incident:Despite his efforts, Kenji’s father never acknowledged him. The breaking point came during a catastrophic training accident where Kenji, pushed beyond his limits, lost control of his powers. The resulting chaos led to the death of his youngest sibling. Blamed for the tragedy, Kenji was consumed by guilt and anger. His father’s cold indifference and continued harshness only fueled Kenji’s growing hatred.Faking His Death:Unable to cope with the guilt and the impossible expectations, Kenji decided to escape. He faked his death, leaving behind his identity and family. He adopted the alias Kenji Kurokawa, changing his appearance to avoid recognition. Kenji traveled extensively, masking his true potential and living a life of apparent laziness, while secretly honing his abilities and gathering information.Discovery of Corruption:During his travels, Kenji uncovered the extent of his father’s corruption and the suffering his family endured. He learned that his father’s influence extended into the highest echelons of society, involving politicians, law enforcement, and other powerful figures. This realization shifted Kenji’s focus. No longer driven solely by the need for acknowledgment, he became determined to dismantle the corrupt systems his father was a part of.Anti-Hero Path:Kenji chose to operate from the shadows, helping those in need when it suited him and striking against corruption wherever he found it. Despite his laid-back demeanor, he was intelligent, cunning, and incredibly powerful, often hiding the full extent of his abilities. His actions were driven by a mix of a desire for justice and personal vengeance. He became an anti-hero, feared by the corrupt and revered by those he saved.

H̶a̶u̶n̶t̶e̶d̶ Cafe

06/03/2024 07:23 PM 


“0%”:There was once a Kalosian woman named Elise. Elise was a very devoted woman of words with a powerful determination. All of her being was obsessed with one thing, create an utopia for people and Pokemons alike. With that goal in mind nothing could distract her. Or she thought. She once met a Kantonian engineer with a passion for robots, his name was Hiroshi. Together, they learned how to merge their ideals, and themselves. They had a child, An Momoka. An had a regular childhood and discovered a passion for baking and creating drinks. But their parents' conflicting worlds made their upbringing tumultuous. Elise's ambitions for a utopia often clashed with Hiroshi's vision of technological harmony and ethical progress. But both of them finally found their ideals through Team Flare, whom they both joined.“50%”:When An was around 20, a catastrophic event shattered their world. One of Elise’s experiment for Team Flare's ambitious project to harness the power of legendary Pokemon for their vision of beauty went horribly wrong. The resulting explosion caused a chain reaction, devastating their hideout and the surrounding area. In the chaos, Elise and Hiroshi were gravely injured, and An, who was here to visit their parents, was caught in the blast, their body sustaining fatal damage.In a desperate attempt to save his child’s life, Hiroshi combined his expertise in robotics and artificial intelligence with an untested, revolutionary procedure. He transferred a portion of An’s human soul into a robotic body, intertwining advanced AI with his son's essence. Elise could do nothing but watch as her husband performed this unprecedented miracle as she felt her body giving up.“100%”:The robot woke up in an empty cave-like place, with no memories. Only some light feeling of something yielded. Something… Missing. Who was he, where was he? Oddly enough he was capable of comprehending the world, to recognize places, without remembering why. He stumbled into a small house that seemed familiar to him. Inside, he was only met by a hurt Drifloon. For some reason, he was able to find the first aid kit and helped the Drifloon. That's how he got his first Pokemon. To find solace and purpose, the robot, now calling himself Neon, opened the Mocha Cafe in Lumiose City. It seemed like a logical choice to him, something that desired to do. He still ignores why. Thanks to Neon's exceptional culinary skills, the cafe quickly became a beloved spot for locals and travelers alike. Despite being bad with numbers and occasionally struggling with mundane tasks, Neon excelled at creating perfect dishes and sweets acquiring a reputation as a master of confections.Neon's precise nature as a robot remained a closely guarded secret. He feared that revealing the truth would alienate those he had come to care for. The pain of trying to remember his past prevented him from delving too deeply into his origins, allowing him to focus on the present and the future he was building. Despite his outward happiness, Neon occasionally felt the sting of his fragmented memories. He cherished the fleeting images of his parents and his childhood, but he knew that dwelling on them would only cause more pain. Instead, he channeled his energy into the cafe, finding fulfillment in the smiles of his customers and the camaraderie of his Pokemon. The cafe grew properly, but the rumor has it that the place is haunted. Neon still ignores why… Could it be the remnant of his pas going to him?


06/03/2024 06:19 PM 

Minos Prime, The King of Lust

King MinosKing Minos is the former Judge of Hell and King of the Lust layer, who took it upon himself to reform the layer of Lust. For this, he was struck down and demoted by Gabriel, and his husk reduced to a parasite-puppeted corpse while his soul was trapped in the Flesh Prison by the angels.[Text from a book found in [ 2-2: DEATH AT 20,000 VOLTS ]]"...Gabriel struck down Minos, his flesh torn asunder with torrents of crimson pooling at his feet as we all cried out for clarity. 'Justice,' Gabriel decreed to all, with our just ruler writhing in wailing agony, 'The Lord's Will be done.' We watched on in horror as Minos lay broken, now waning, screaming in defiance of God's Will, Gabriel."[Terminal data of The Corpse of King Minos]Once the great and beloved king of the Lust layer, Minos has now been reduced to a shambling corpse.Due to his incredible power of will and status as a just ruler in life remembered even millenia[sic] after his death, the manifestation of his soul is the largest Husk to ever have been recorded.Small traces of the original soul can still be detected in the body, but the corpse itself is animated and controlled entirely by the snakelike Parasites that he once commanded.Despite once bringing upon the renaissance of the Lust layer, his corpse now only seeks sinners to punish.[Terminal data of Minos Prime]King Minos felt that eternal suffering was an unfair and unreasonable punishment for those whose only sin was loving another. After the Disappearance of God, as angels were lost and Heaven was in chaos, Minos began his efforts to reform the Lust layer.The Lust renaissance was prosperous, as King Minos guided its inhabitants to come together and build a new civilization. The combined efforts of the countless who had been damned to the second layer bore great results as the grand city of Lust grew and grew.However, after the Council took control of Heaven and brought stability to it through their iron fist rule, they saw that Minos had gone against God's will by freeing sinners from the punishment that God had designed for them.Gabriel, the brightest of the angels, was sent to kill Minos. The king, rather than fight back, tried to reason with him, but Gabriel mercilessly struck him down without listening.As Minos' will was strong enough to attempt to stand up to Heaven's rule, the angels chose to imprison his soul in an attempt to stop it from forming into a prime soul and appointed Gabriel as the new Judge of Hell.From the prison inside his own body, Minos helplessly watched as his soulless corpse, now controlled by parasites, tore apart everything he had worked so hard to build, cursing his own weakness for failing to protect his people, vowing to take revenge...Trivia  As evident by the terminal data of both him and his corpse, Minos's personality was likely aimed to be the polar opposite of his depiction in Dante's Divine Comedy. Minos, in ULTRAKILL's continuity, was a cherished and beloved ruler and judge until his death, with his personality seemingly influenced by that of the first King Minos from later rationalization of his character. In contrast, the Minos of Divine Comedy is a crueler judge, though still fair and not entirely heartless. One thing that remains constant between the two timelines, however, is that Minos' mistakes still resulted in the creation of the Minotaur, as evidenced with his reaction to the Minotaur. Because of this, it is more likely than not that he, like in the Divine Comedy, contained it in a labyrinth and sacrificed boys and girls from Athens to feed it. Everyone who is in Hell, regardless of how beloved they may have been, is down there for a reason.   Minos Prime says "Useless!" after each restart, implying that he knows you have died to him and that any efforts you attempt upon him will be only for naught. The only other characters that imply knowledge of restarts are the Mysterious Druid Knight (& Owl) and Minos Prime Prime ' ACT II counterpart, Sisyphus Prime . His moveset has been often compared to characters from fighting games, utilizing a large amount of melee combat as well as a projectile. Some even compare him to a fighting game player due to how trivial the fight can become once you learn his patterns and moveset. If Minos Prime is somehow able to get out of bounds and fall into the void, he will reappear at the center of the arena. Minos Prime often says "Die!". This is a subtle nod to the fact that he will kill you. This reference is best observed on Brutal Difficulty. Minos Prime moves so fast to the point he near-instantly dies when using "Die!" in a direction that doesn't have a solid object he can land on. Minos Prime's body becomes invisible when underwater, but his circulatory system stays fully visible. This is a visual bug shared by his Act 2 counterpart. Minos Prime is one of the only ULTRAKILL characters to have an official bodypillow, the others being Gabriel, V1, and Mirage.  

ultrakill, character information


06/03/2024 06:06 PM 

Gabriel, The Judge of Hell

GabrielGabriel is the main antagonist and narrative main protagonist of ULTRAKILL who carries out the will of the Council with a ruthless efficiency that brings him both fear and respect. He is known as the Will of God and is among the most powerful of all the angels. After striking down King Minos and gaining the title Judge of Hell, as well as killing King Sisyphus and ending his insurrection, he sought to drive the Machines out from hell.Long before the game takes place, he killed Minos, claiming it was justice, as the king reformed the Lust layer of Hell into a figurative utopia, which stopped sinners' punishments. Minos had refused to fight, believing in civil discussion but was promptly smote by Gabriel. The heavenly Council then rewarded him with the title "Judge of Hell".Also before the events of the game, during the Sisyphean Insurrection, he was able to recognize the powerful charisma of Sisyphus and his army's reliance on his leadership, even though he himself did not realize why at the time, and commanded the armies of heaven to focus their energies at Sisyphus. He was then able to behead Sisyphus himself, breaking the morale of the Sisyphean army completely and making mopping up the insurrection a mere formality. Due to his accomplishments and his charisma, he was revered and treated as an idol by the people of Heaven.Within Act 1, we end up meeting Gabriel and learn his motives for hunting down V1. The machines started invading hell, he sought to drive them out. Just after his defeat to V1, he proclaims that he will return and promptly leaves.In the epilogue of Act 1, we learn that this one loss he faced to a machine was enough to have his loyalty questioned, and he is unable to properly explain himself to the heavenly Council. They declared him a heretic. They give him 24 hours to kill V1 and unmake his mistakes, telling him that, should he fail, the Father's light will be stripped from him, and with it his life will too.Act 2 shows Gabriel's quest to regain the holy light, but as usual is defeated by V1. However, something in Gabriel changed after this loss and he came to the conclusion that the loss was meant to happen and had started to realize the faults in the holy council and weakly commended V1 for the reality check.In the epilogue of act 2, Gabriel ends up going to the moon, which is presumably the first layer of heaven, in order to think more about his epiphany. He ends up deducing that the slaughtering he'd engaged in was meant to maintain control and was meaningless to god, that God is no longer present, and that the Council is still trying to act in its name. He decides that he couldn't possibly convince the masses of heaven about this with words, and chooses to do something much more attention-grabbing. He goes to Heaven and kills the Council, before showing one of their severed heads off to the angels in heaven, who are, by this point, gathered around the Council's auditorium. He acknowledges that he will also die because the light has been severed from his body, but he ends up deciding to spend his last few hours in Hell. This is where Act 2 ends.Trivia  Gabriel is a character from Abrahamic religions, where he is often depicted as an Archangel or the messenger from god to the prophet(s). Also, Gabriel is sometimes depicted as a warrior of god in Abrahamic religions, making it make sense as to why he would be the one sent down to kill King Minos and King Sisyphus. Gabriel’s source file is “The weird one with daddy issues idk”. There are several unused voice lines in which 3-2 Gabriel taunts the player by saying "Is your software running slow? I may have just the update that will do the trick! Have you tried Jesus?" as well as "Ashes to ashes... Rust to rust...". These voice lines, particularly the software joke, were too long to fit when Gabriel taunts the player. Gabriel is one of four characters to say the word "F***", the other three being the Owl, Mirage, and the author of the terminal entries found in Prime Sanctums. V1, Mirage, Minos and Gabriel are the only four characters (as of writing) to have body pillows that can be officially bought from New Blood. On 8/16/2022, Gabriel hijacked Gianni Matragrano's Twitch channel and trapped him in the Dean Winchester Angel Cheeseburger dimension to play the new update. We still do not know why he wants money. As such all following statements are likely not canonical. But hey, you never know. During the stream it was confirmed that even the power of an angel cannot overcome the DMCA. The implications of this are highly disturbing. Gabriel confirmed that Angels are fueled by Monster Energy Zero Ultra.For archival purposes, the full VOD can be found here on Gianni's secondary YouTube channel.  

Ultrakill, Character Information


06/03/2024 01:41 PM 

﹂About Roleplay

﹂Excella is straight and is only romantically and sexually interested in men. This isn't at all a blight on females! Anyone is open to befriend her but only males can be seen as something more then friends, sorry ladies!﹂Any ship is self-contained and doesn't carry over to other stories.﹂Excella is a female by default but can be played as a futanari if requested. Yes. Even though she is straight I do not mind playing her as the before-mentioned simply for the men who are either curious or interested in experiencing that kind of scenario. This isn't at all required and is purely an option.﹂Excella is a Switch in the bedroom.﹂Discussion is always allowed for in-depth stories but isn't required. Random starters are more then allowed.﹂Please be patient for replies as I have responsiblities in real life to uphold.﹂Any questions are welcomed to be asked in my DMs. Thank you.

❝ whimsical,

06/03/2024 02:54 AM 

( ♡ ) -- rules.

these will be straight to the point & very similar to my alt accounts. i don't require a signature or whatever, just read 'em.♠ 001 -; won't say very much about myself 'cause it's not what we're here for. health comes first; no ifs & or buts. if you can't understand this is a hobby, please leave now. this account is a side account, my mains ( other mha accounts ) take priority. ( @dove & @keigo )♠ 002 -; drama is a no go area.  i won't hesitate to use that block button. i'm fairly chill but when pushed, i will remove myself from certain situations and away from people.♠ 003 -; character is a non canon for the my hero academia verse; crossovers are encouraged & highly welcome. arisu is the daughter of gentle criminal. she's a former UA student before she ran off& found herself with the league. i normally play her where she starts integrating herself back into heroism due to her father. i'm up to date with both the manga & anime. character can be put into any time span.quirk; topsy turvy - more on the profile when it's fleshed out. ♠ 004 -;  do not attempt to lewd my character. it won't end well for you. i'm not here for that. that is kept between arisu and the shipping partner. will write everything else though. connections always wanted, especially the league! ♠ 005 -;  random starters = nope. please don't. i prefer to discuss. patience is highly required, i have a life outside of the site like most people. discord; will be given to those i'm writing with / feel comfortable giving it.  


06/02/2024 09:21 PM 

Fighter OC: Roxas Atlas

Roxas Atlas is gifted with the Hunter's Eye and is the servant of Raquel Alucard. His life-force value hovered around 9, 810 until he became Raquel's servant.Roxas was a fairly average studentin in all respects at Shin Kawahama First High School. He lives on his own in an apartment in the same building as his cousin, Haruka Hayami that was lent by his aunt, Yuki Hayami, for practically for free due to their relation. He attends school with Haruka and Shinnosuke Fukuda.What sets Roxas apart from the average person however, is the fact that possesses the Hunter's Eye, an ability which allows him to see the numerical value of a person's life force. He first knew that the value he saw of a person was their life-force when he watched his mother die as her life-force value turned to 0. As well as his unique ability, Roxas is also the heir to the Terumi Clan, which was wiped out by his sister, Saya Terumi; instead of using the name Roxas Terumi, he chose his mother's name, Atlas


06/02/2024 08:37 PM 

Amelia info

Amelia was always fascinated by pirates and everything about them. Her parents were fishermen always taking her out to sea to fish, that was how they were making their living. As they grew older it was getting harder for them to go out fishing so Amelia turn over their job. She loved it but she needed more so she looked into how to be a pirate. She even joined a crew once but they didn’t respect her enough. She created her own crew, mostly consisting of an all female crew. They go around the seas and look for treasure, help out around the villages and send money back to their families.

Hikikamori NEET

06/02/2024 05:06 PM 


Sword Art Online: Trapped in a game setting, die in the game, you die in real life. For this verse specifically, she will use duel blades.Ark Survival Evolved: Isekai with a Jurassic Park, Sci-fi/fantasy twist. ARKS are referring to artificial planets, which are extremely hostile, and the environment feels fake because it should be impossible. Most of the animals on the ark are predators, with only about 25% of all animals being passive. The rest, want to eat your face. These creatures are long, long descendants of animals on Earth.My first scenario for this would be that they send criminals or those who would otherwise have nothing to lose, onto these arks as an experiment. It could operate like the Hunger Games, maybe clearing the debts and crimes of those who survive and get through the full process of "Asendtion", getting a cash prize with every ark.The second scenario would be basically just like the SAO setting, but with ARK replacing the game. Instead of a MMO, it would be a survival game. Wip, ill go into more detail on this one later.Slice of life: She would just be living her life as a NEET, all alone. Your character could be an old friend or teacher trying to reconnect, A neighbor, someone she meets online, or anything you like.Classic Isekai: She finally decides to kill herself, ending her own life prematurely, a goddess of rebirth decides to reincarnate her to a new world. Her background for this new world will by default, be braught up by a wealthy mage family, in contrast to her old life, she will have a strong affinity to shadow magic, and everything that entails. She will be able to turn her body into that of a shadow, as well as turn completely invisible.  This also branches into poison spells, flash bang effects, and other evasive spells that allow her to avoid combat. With her disliking direct confrontation, this would be best for her.


06/02/2024 03:36 PM 

Plot ideas

My hero academia/super hero AU: Her backstory would be mostly the same, except she will have a quirk: blood bending. She can manipulate blood to suit her needs, which would normally need someone to bleed to work. So if there is no blood anywhere, shes gotta make herself bleed.


06/02/2024 02:10 PM 

Zen's rules.

#1. Never rush me for a reply. I do this for fun, it's a hobby, not a job. I will get to you in time.#2. No one-lining. It's fine for simple banter, but outside of that? Nah. Convos are just dead from the start.#3. Make a clear distinction between IC and OOC.#4. Might as well get this out of the way. Sm*t can occur, yes---HOWEVER, note that I prefer making a connection first, and that I heavily lean toward women. But if I like ya, I do make exceptions. #5. This muse is multi-ship for now. So, she is not tethered to a single individual. #6. Never attempt to take action, think, or speak for Zen.#7. Respect boundaries. Always ask if something is fine before just acting mindlessly.#8. This one should be pretty obvious, but just in case, do not God Mod or anything of that nature. That's a quick way to find yourself ignored, or deleted.#9. Random starters > Discussions. I'll indulge plotting, but I much prefer getting right into things. All that said, we've reached the end: if you respect these, we'll get along splendidly. If not, well, enjoy Taco Tuesday in purgatory.  



06/01/2024 02:27 PM 


Charz is a Charizard Gijinka(Human Pokémon) that lived in the Charicific Valley. He was chosen to take part of a battle against a fellow Charizard and rival, Zack and the winner not only leaves the valley, but also recieves a Mega Stone. Charz won the battle and obtained the Charizardite X to Mega Evolve into Mega Charizard X. Charz dreams of becoming a Pokémon Fighter. There's many arena's in the Pokémon World, but the main arena is in Pokétopolis, a massive city in the Fiore Region. So, the journey to become a Pokémon Fighter begins now...Charz's moves: Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Wing Attack, and Mega PunchAdditional clothing/accessories: Black T-shirt, black wristbands, and a Mega Stone pendantApperance changes: Spiky orange hair with two big spikes of hair to represent the horns and a Charizard tail.


06/01/2024 10:36 PM 

Keyblade Wielder, Jade

Jade was born in Radiant Garden(formely know as Hallow Bastion) as she was chosen the wield a Keyblade. Ever since then, she has been going to different worlds, make new friends, fighting against enemies and doing everything in her power to stop the darkness and Organization XIII.

Jinkies! I've Been Cursed!

05/31/2024 04:27 PM 


Age: 18Height: 4'9Weight: 95 poundsGender: Female (Packing due to curse)Body Type: Curvy/BustyOrientation: LesbianOccupation: Second-in-command and “Brains” of Mystery Inc.Member of the Scooby Doo Detective Agency (formerly)Owner of The Mystery MuseumTour Guide of The Spook Museum ( in Mystery Incorporated)Velma Dinkley is the bespectacled resident genius of Mystery Inc., often being the one to decipher the clues and solve the crimes. Due to an incident while on a case, Velma has been left cursed, and changed, by an ancient artifact. Velma has been changed physically by the artifact, as a result she is now....more than just a woman now. She has also been changed to give in to her more base insticts. She has found that these insticts are only towards other women. This curse has also given her the ability to incite the same desires into others. Due to her curse she has had very little contact with the rest of the Mystery Inc. crew as she searches for a way to remove this curse.

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