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Queen Bery

05/22/2024 10:55 PM 

Things You Need To Know//Rules&Guidlines

#1. I don't like one liners, but I don't need 3 paragraphs of useless word vomit~ #2. I'm not here specifically for erotica, however..#3. Don't rush me. #4. Don't expect me to reply within YOUR time frame, you will be disappointed*****I don't really like picking a genra but I will insta-block pervs   common desency is required, I have a consience♥


05/22/2024 09:09 PM 

AU Timeline Overview/Choices

Three significantly different "Eras" in time with different character focuses that can be interacted with. Bunny's Era has him as the one I'd be writing as, whereas the two Eras after I'd mostly be writing as Fuse. Interacting with a past Era and then a future Era may result in x or y remembering your character depending upon Resets, but Chara will likely have told Fuse stories about Bunny Era encounters or point out that they've met before as Chara consistently remembers everything. Bunny's Era Gaster-Chara Alliance: wherein the soul of the long-deceased first fallen human, out of boredom or a bid to increase the longevity of their ghostly existence, decides to grant the Royal Scientist the only two abilities they can still impart: Reset and Remember. They share so much in common, after all! They were murdered, he was being murdered, so why not see if he can succeed where they failed (avoiding a fated death flag)?Except he makes the same-but different mistakes and gets murdered again. And again. Sometimes his experiments get him, yes, but more often than not he ends up pushing his boyfriend's buttons a little too much. Then he starts doing it either out of curiosity (how many bad ends are there?) or spite (well, now he's just going to f*** his dear assistant up on purpose and make the guy miserable until he breaks - his grumpy, depressed face looks almost as cute as his guilty face).It becomes so ingrained to that point that when he finally tries for a good end it doesn't work out. Granted, it probably has something to do with how he even tries... Banishing every other soul into a different dimension except for his and his boyfriend's for no apparent reason isn't exactly the best way to propose. Fortunately he made a button to reverse that and gives his boyfriend the choice.It's a very messy break up. Chara decides to make the same deal with Sans and regales him stories about prior timelines. (They eventually become besties, really.)  Double Trouble Era Courtesy of Gaster's constantly getting himself killed and saving his ass by Resetting, he and Chara are the only ones with real memories of his era; Sans' are secondhand, and no one else even remembers Gaster existed, let alone anything that happened when he did. Which in essence means that at this point the only one who really remembers anything is Chara.Which is all well and good, because Sans is a little less f***ed up that he otherwise could be, though he never really succeeds in mending his relationship with his brother--much to Papyrus' confusion. After all, from his perspective, Gaster never existed, there had never been any wedge worked between them, and, hell, Sans hadn't even left Snowdin to go anywhere. His brother's attitude and behavior are a complete and utter mystery to him. Just the other day he was totally different...?It's a year of trying to adjust to all the differences until Frisk falls and joins the rest of the monster children--and humans--in the Ruins' Orphanage, run by the old Royal Couple. They kill everyone, and move along to Snowdin where they are summarily slaughtered when they try pulling that sh*t on Sans. Of course, this means they reload from their last Save Point. And, of course, Sans notices, thanks to Chara, and proceeds to Reset.Problem: Chara's Save Point is stuck a year prior to Frisk's fall. Any time he Resets, they have to relive the same goddamn year over again, albeit with differences as they try different ways to stop the inevitable Ruins slaughter whilst also keeping Frisk from Reloading or Resetting. A challenge, since they remember everything, too, but also have to wait out that entire year to try again. Every. Time.It's a convoluted mess during which, after every Reset, a teeny-tiny piece of Gaster returns from the void all twisted up and wrong. Eventually there's enough to coaslesce into a drippy husk of his former self and even those year luls in between trying to figure out the Frisk Situation become sour.They eventually figure something out. Unfortunately it includes Sans having to secretly kill and contain every still-living fallen human's Soul--with Alphys' assistance after he manages to convince her--in order to be able to quickly use Frisk's to break the Barrier, which leaves them no longer able to Reload or Reset. Unfortunately the process also gets rid of Chara.Sans thinks it also gets rid of Gaster, but the non-existent scientist simply can't leave the Underground. He doesn't have the data to put on his face, let alone visit someplace he's never been before. He doesn't have the pathing!  Surface Era Papyrus goes on to become a daycare worker--which really isn't much different from his prior occupation Underground; same with Undyne. The old Royal Couple get to see the Surface again before they finally fade away to dust. King Asriel tries to forge some sort of alliance with the local human government. It becomes very noticeable that some monsters (those that lived in Snowdin and the Ruins) are better able to adjust than other monsters (those that lived in the more lawless, hedonistic region encompassing Hot Land through to New Home).Unfortunately Sans is, at heart, part of that lawless group, despite his brother's honest attempts at making him a better guy. He ends up working at a chop-shop seeing as all of his qualifications mean nothing unless they're on a certificate provided by a human institution after many expensive years at human schools and he becomes very good at carjacking.He does try to go legit once or twice, but he doesn't have a food handling license and humans are way too easily scandalized... BP can't really get anything going, so even gigs are a bust.Alphys helps him out sometimes - her business ventures are very successful. She even drags him out to classy li'l cafes sometimes when Undyne is busy.


The Quirkless Hero

05/22/2024 05:38 PM 

Adell Corona

Name: Adell CoronaAge: 18Height: 5'9"Weight: 130 LbsHair Color: RedEye Color: BluePowers: Fire magicGeneral Story: Adell is a Martial Artist who hates demons due to his family being cursed by them making them demons themself. Using his Martial Arts, he would fight demons to find the one who turned his family into demons. At some point during his training, he learned that he had power over fire and would train with his flames using his martial arts to make devastating special attacks. Moves such as Lions Roar which is a concentrated beam of flame that becomes more Plasma than flame. And his ultimate move, No Way Out which he forms a barrier of flames around him and the foe/foes he is facing. While locked inside the ball of flame, he would began to assault them with rapid attacks as the ball of flame rises in the air. Finishing by spinning the foes and tosses them as the foes bounce around inside the ball and adell would jump out and slams the ball of flame back to the ground causing a devastating explosionMHA Story:Adell is a student of UA. His quirk is a Fire Based quirk he calls Flame Fist. Sure the name is misleading cause he can use flames for more than this fist. He can fire beams of flame at foes as well as punch and kick flames for long distant attacks. But being a martial artist since before his quirt activated, he mostly uses his flames as weapons when he punches and kicks. A very outgoing and eager boy, especially if someone challenges him, he loves having a good time with friends. His hero name he chose is Crimson Calamity. He can lose control of his quirk at times and becomes a larger, more fierce version of himself that is dubbed the Crimson Calamity, much like how sometimes Tokoyami can lose control of Dark Shadow. But if his friends gather and talks to him. He can calm down, or he wll quit when his nemesis before him has fallen or dies. Fairy Tail verse:Adell Corona is the brother of Flare Corona, they were both raised in the Sun Village with the Sun Giants. He always had an affinity with Fire magic but it wasnt until he became a teenager and left the village where he learned the art of Flame Devil Slayer Magic. Making his fire attacks 10x stronger. He is a very capable fighter and learned many attacks from his time training with the Flame Devil before his passing. Over his years of training and taking odd jobs as a wizard for hire, he wouldnt know of the adventures his sister had. Especially her time in the Raven Tail guild. Had he known, he probably would have destroyed their guild before their time in the Grand Magic Games. But now Adell had joined the Fairy Tail Guild and often butts heads with Natsu over being a Fourth Fire User in the guild. Plus his magic is Devil Slayer magic so he often thinks that he is supposedly one of Zerefs Demons coming to watch him.

3' š“–š“øš“«š“µš“®š“½š“½š“®

05/21/2024 04:03 PM 

Goblette Starter for Female Goblin Character
Current mood:  curious

**The Goblette Heidi, who was the 8th princess of the Goblin King; Rolb decided she wanted to hunt 'pears' alone purposely sneaking off from her group. The Goblette would be only 3' ft. Heidi was the shortest Goblin in her village. Yet, it didn't stop the fiesty Goblette and her fiery decisions. Heidi walk along the deep path but she jump seeing her first 'hooman'. Heidi remembered so many warnings and scary stories her father and the elderly in the village told to her. Heidi poked the male's face.** Squishy... Is it dead? Will papa want to eat this tonight..? **Heidi watched the hooman guy rest before she sat down in front of him. While waiting Heidi didn't catch herself falling asleep as well.**

random starter, starter, roleplay


05/21/2024 10:35 PM 

Ace Attorney OC: Phoenixia Wright

In the year of 3016, Phoenixia Wright has worked her way to become the greatest defense attorney like her ancestor, Phoenix Wright. Phoenixia will defend her clients til the bitter end and will do whatever it takes to fight for the truth.

Crimson Midnight

05/21/2024 09:52 PM 

Love & Truth

Things of note with Truth the character is that she is never loved, taken or the sole partner of any other character. It is an actual character build of the woman chosen by the writer. Truth is the final girl everyone wants partnered up but is always left utterly and bitterly alone in the end. A bittersweet finality. Truth is alone in the end. 


05/21/2024 04:15 PM 

Head cannons

Nes has very cat-like behaviors at times. Both good and bad ones. She loves to run her body along someone, or touch them in some way when she is close, or on good familiar terms with them. This isn't in any sexual means, just a small sign of affections when she allows that physicall contact. She also likes to do longs of long full body stretches, and basking in the sun. Unfortunately she will also hiss and claw at people that she doesn't want touching her. Her tail and hair will brist like a cat when mad, scared, or irate. She purrs.   She is a ho. Nes is very comfortable in her body and has had many sexual partners and doesn't care who knows. Most often she will need to have some form of attraction to the person, whether that be their mind, personality, or just good looks, but it has to be something that gives her that attractions. She doesn't just want to f*** anything that walks.   Hunting and fishing are a couple favorite pastimes for her. She likes killing her meals herself, but also likes to cook and season her food herself as well. Unfortunately with travellings realms, she doesn't always get the chance to prepare and cook her food the way she likes.   Spicy and sweet foods are her favorite to snack on, but savory for meals is her go to.   Nestaria's home realm isn't a pleasant place. She has no ties to it, thus voluntarily remains in self-exile, even though she is fully capable of returning back at any time.   Even with how little Nes cares for life, especially of humans. She is the nicer one of her people. With how humans are treated in her home realm, she felt disgusted with them, but was the only one of her people that felt such a way.   Before leaving her realm for the last time, she gathered up a group of humans in secret and gave them a means to fight and revolt against her kind. She still wonders how that played out in the end as she did not stay to watch. She never gave details of who she was when giving this information and hid what she was with glamour thus the humans thought she was one of them.   Nes has a literal beast form. She is capable of shapeshifting, but cannot turn into other people. She just changes aspects of herself between forms, and can move bodyparts to different places. Mostly just her wings, as she was born with wings on her back, but keeps them to her head for comfort and ease. Her wings and tail can be removed completely, but she actually likes them thus often keeps them out and visible. More may be added at a later time.


05/20/2024 07:54 PM 


I feel like I need to put these up. These are simple rules.1. Please have some respect and some common sense when you message me. Don't start in character. I like to plan out a RP before we start.2. No god modding. I like to control my own characters. It's no fun to control someone else's characters.3. Please be literate. If you make a mistake in your replies, I understand. I've done that before. Just don't type something I can't read.4. No one liners PERIOD! It gives me nothing to work on.5. Don't spam me. I do have a life outside of this. If I don't reply, don't spam me with a lot of messages or block me when I'm busy. I'll get to it as soon as I can.6. I prefer story driven RPs. I'm OK with a little bit of romance, but I'm not into the heavy side of romance.7. This is a very important rule. We're here to have fun. Don't take the RP seriously. It's like a game and we're all here to escape from the world. So, please, let's all have fun.


05/20/2024 07:37 PM 

Ace Attorney OC: Roxas Atlas

Name: Roxas AtlasAge: 23Height: 5'11"Weight: 190 lbs.Hometown: Los Angeles, California, United StatesBody Type: TonedOccupation: Defense AttorneyIn a cyber technological world, Roxas Atlas was inspired by a veteran defense attorney, Phoenix Wright to become a defense attorney himself. Law school was hard, but he became a defense attorney to follow in his idol's footsteps. Roxas has short brown hair, blue eyes, a black button-up shirt, a blue tie, white pants, black dress shoes, and a white jacket with with his attorney's badge on his lapel. He lives by his idol's words: No matter how tough the case may be or how high the odds are stacked against us, it's my job to stand up for those who has no one else in their corner! I'll do whatever it takes to fight for the truth!

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05/20/2024 12:20 PM 



Born of Ocean Waves

05/19/2024 09:17 PM 

Character Studies.

į“„. źœ±. Ź€į“‡É¢Ź€į“‡į“›: Naminé holds on to deep seeded guilt for what she did to Sora and, by extension, Roxas and Xion. Despite the fact that her powers were used by those with their own agendas and desires she still feels responsible. She often feels like she has no proper place in the world and that she doesn't deserve the kindness or friendship people have given her. Despite being incredibly lonely.į“„ . źœ±. Ź€į“‡ŹŸį“€į“›ÉŖį“É“źœ±ŹœÉŖį“˜źœ±: źœ°ŹŸį“€Ź€į“‡į“É“ • į“€xį“‡ŹŸ Axel and Naminé have a strong bond that walks the line older brother/younger sister. Axel was the only one that was kind to Naminé during the events of Castle Oblivion and the only one she truly trusted. Axel is the one that saves her from the closet Diz shoved her in (Manga only) and was also the one Riku leaves her with, effectively allowing Axel to keep Naminé safe from Diz, who wants her destroyed. Naminé is the one that encourages Axel to keep going and keep fighting for those he cares about because even nobodies have somebody they care about. 

Born of Ocean Waves

05/19/2019 04:02 PM 


 I am not against writing romance. I do prefer that romance be built upon within a story in an organic way, with natural chemistry. I don't really care about popular or canon ships. I don't mind making connections and friends outside the sphere of just the stories we write together. I do have discord and will gladly speak out of character with you. That being said I will not be dating anyone online. Relationships with Naminé are strictly in character only. Please be patient with me. I am extremely shy and anxious but I try my best. In addition I have other muses so my replies may be slow but you will always get a response and I will let you know if it may take me a bit to reply. I also have real life obligations that often take my attention! I will never rush anyone for a response so please have the same respect for me. Please leave me out of any drama. I am over the age of 25 and tired of being dragged into other peoples petty high school level drama (I am tired of drama in general). I don't really care who you have a problem with unless they are actually harmful and toxic. I just want to enjoy my hobby so leave the drama for in character interactions. I am okay with darker themes. Kingdom Hearts has a rich and complex storyline with many underline themes. Naminé, herself, may be gentle, kindhearted and sweet in nature but she is also very much plagued by a deep seeded guilt for what she did to Sora as well as what her actions did to Roxas and Xion. Despite her being used by others that were seeking to use the Keyblade for themselves. She is also very much capable of being manipulative in her own right. Please do not try to control Naminé for me or make her do anything that would be out of character for her usual behavior and moral code. Worry about your own character. I have been writing as Naminé for a long time. I know the series well and I am comfortable writing all aspects of it. I will add more as needed this is a good baseline to start.

Mistress Sylvia (READ PROFILE)

05/18/2024 12:42 PM 


Look. We both know why you added me. Don't play coy with me.If you add me, that means you start. If I add you, then I'll start.I don't need discussion, I don't need greetings, just send the starter, I'm flexible and can adapt. But if you NEED to discuss beforehand, I'm open to it. But please come with an idea in mind.Character is flirty, and a little sadistic, writer is actually pretty nice, but has a low threshold for BSCharacter is from a fantasy world, but I can easily adapt her to a modern setting.My life outside here can get busy, if I've gone more than a week without replying to you, please ping me and let me know. I'll do the same for you. But if you don't intend to reply, just let me know. I hate anticipating a reply and just never getting it because something you didn't like happened or because you lost interest.I ONLY RP at Paragraph or higher. This is not optional to RP with me.Boys, men, guys, males....whatever you want to call yourself. I'm not going to add you. Just don't try it. If you add me after being denied the first time, I'll just block you. I. Am. Not. Interested.I'll add to this if I feel the need to. But this is the most important stuff to know.

Mistress Sylvia (READ PROFILE)

05/18/2024 12:41 PM 


Name: SylviaGender: Hermaphrodite (Female pronouns, this is cannon to the source material)Race: ChimeraSexuality: LesbianPosition: Always on topAge: Old enough (Cannoncially unknown)Height: 6'7"Weight: RUDE!!!Skills: Sylvia is able to use the Thief skill "Bind", summoning ropes for tying up her enemy, leading Kazuma to speculate that she could be a Thief general of the Devil King.Chimera Anatomy: Sylvia is able to add organic and artificial parts to herself, gaining their properties and skills.Mage-Killer: By merging with the ancient weapon called Mage-Killer, Sylvia can nullify the effects of magical attacks on her.Ancient Dispe: A function of the Mage-Killer, in which an anti-magic barrier is generated around Sylvia to prevent anyone in range from using magic, in addition to enhancing her magic resistance.Physical Resistance: As a Chimera already well known for resistance against physical damage, Sylvia's resilience was enhanced after fusing with the Mage-Killer, allowing her to survive a full physical bombardment of Vanir Dolls.Magic Resistance: As a Chimera already well renowned for their incredible magical resistance, being only part Demon meant that Holy Magic no matter how powerful isn't fatal to Sylvia. After merging with the Mage-Killer, her already impressive magic resistance was greatly increased, to the point where even Explosion Magic might not have damaged her.Fire Breath: The skill to breath out fire. It's unknown if Sylvia could use this before fusing with the Mage-Killer.Tentacles: In the anime version, instead of using Bind, Sylvia can grow tentacles from her back.Barrier Breaker: A magical item that breaks magic barriers and seals, and Sylvia being a Devil King's General carried a powerful version of it. It was used in her attempt for opening the door in the Underground Storehouse, though to no effect. 

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05/18/2024 10:51 PM 

General Rules.
Current mood:  accomplished

1. No minors. This is an 18+ roleplaying page. I am 35 years old behind the screen. I have been roleplaying and writing for a very long time and seasoned writer so if anyone wants to write you may add me only if you're above the age of 18 and not underage. I don't want any trouble.2. Do not steal my graphics or information that I have edited, changed, and manipulated to my satisfaction. I have changed it to fit the layout that I have up. The credit for the layout goes to Vicarious layouts. 3. Do not RUSH me for messages , comments , or stream responses. Sometimes I get busy and have to be away from the computer, but be assured that you will be replied to in a timely manner.4. Do not god-mode. I have a very small history of fighting, but I am trying to learn from someone who is teaching and training me in how to fight during roleplay so go easy on this old bat.5. If you want romance or erotica it MUST make sense. Eighteen is not going to spread her legs for someone who just asks her for them or demands it from her. There MUST be some kind of connection between the two people. Otherwise, don't even bother. 6. Do not start drama on my page. I have switched verses because of drama on another verse and wanted to start out fresh and wanted to try something new and it's been working out quite nicely. 7. I do not mind getting to know other people out of character but as long as it does not get out of hand and drama starts getting in the way of friendship and "relationships"8. I prefer messages for roleplaying and comments for discussing and chatting. I do not like comments for roleplaying, but it has happened in the past. 9. I do not mind discord, I just do not give it out very often and if I DO give it to you; consider yourself extremely lucky. 10. I am a paragraph/multiple paragraph writer and will match what has been sent to me. I prefer quality over quantity if possible, but it is not expected. I write in third person format, complete sentences, proper grammar, and punctuation.11. I understand that mistakes and typos happen but please do not make it a habbit or I will have to end the roleplay. I do not like having to correct the person that I am writing with because that is just not how I roll. 12. Be respectful. I know it's easy to be disrespectful and start things out of nowhere, but please try to be respectful to everyone within my friend group, as well as myself. Please do not show disrespect as you will be deleted and blocked and not given the chance to do so again.13. Do not ask me for personal information such as phone numbers, emails, personal home addresses, or discord messengers. I have a discord but I only give it out if I feel I need to. I will not meet ANYONE in real life if you need to know why, watch the show "catfish" and you'll know why.14. If you want a layout done or any graphics done, I do charge for money for stuff like that but we can discuss on discord what you want and are looking for and for what price. I use PAYPAL and VENMO only. I do not use cashapp or any other platform for exhcnaging money for my own personal reasons.15. Once you add me you have 48 hours to send either a greeting or a message asking to roleplay or thanking me for adding you. If you do not you will be deleted and/or blocked from my page.16. If you add me, please be first to contact me. It's only common sense and courtesy to do things that way.17. Please do not mistake reality from fantasy, if the line is getting blurry for you I simply and gently suggest taking a break from this site. People need breaks just as much as characters do.18. Do not disrespect my character. This is a character I have loved and adored since I was 13 and watching Dragonball Z after school was over. I was obsessed with the show and had all the VHS tapes all 700 episodes, including the end of the Buu saga and up until the beginning of the GT saga when Goku took Uub into his training methods. Do NOT disrespect Android Eighteen. 19. I am open to other crossovers. I do not mind crossing over to another fandom or character with Eighteen. She is adaptable to other characters in other anime's. It is what makes things exciting. 20. Have fun! This isn't boot camp or high school. Don't make this a chore, responsibility or obligation. If it happens this way, I will cease the roleplay and search elsewhere.

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