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[Hiatus ♡]

03/25/2024 12:16 PM 

Effie Information

AppearanceHer hair has remained it's natural color of honey blonde. As a human her eyes were green, once reborn as a celestial they've changed to violet. However, at her strongest they hold a golden hue. Dependant on her form, she has multitudes of eyes, mostly on her visage or hands, opalescent feathered wings, and increased height. Naturally she stands at 6'3'', and is shorter than most of her angel counterparts. Other features include freckles, spanning over her entire body, pale skin with red undertones, and the scars she retained after death, her most featured, the scar around her neck.Canon♡ Euphemia has a scar across the span of her neck. Although it has faded with time she detests the blemish and sees it as nothing more than a flaw marring her skin. She'll try to hide the scar either with makeup, clothing or jewelry. Her body holds a few others that are thankfully concealed by clothing.♡ She holds many hobbies, including: Sculpting, piano playing, gardening, baking, water coloring, sewing and crocheting. From these she excels in baking, piano playing, gardening and crocheting. Everything else is simply a pass time or an indulgence. Always curious, she loves to learn and especially explore.♡ She has never gotten a piercing, tattoo or dyed her hair. While the three options intrigue her, she is rather embarassed and ashamend to seek them out of her own volition. At a young age, her parents drilled into her brain that her body must remain clean and untainted from the world's sin.♡ Euphemia has a dissociative disorder, based on her emotional state, as well as memory retention. Euphemia, the angel, is formidable, all-knowing, haughty, and precise. While holding an air of arrogance, her empathy is still strong, leading her to form strong bonds with the humans/contracts she encounters. However, Effie, the human (put simply), grieves her past life, and cannot handle the guilt from her own actions. This contriteness causes her fall from heaven, inducing blockouts in her memory, uncertainty with her faith, and inoperative abilities. ♡ Euphemia retains all her abilities when in control. Effie is incapable of flight but retains healing, a connection with her contract, and a few white magic spells. A pacifist, she never engages in combat. Euphemia is less forgiving.♡ Despite being the dominant personality, Euphemia hardly ever introduces herself as, Euphemia. Prefering to go by Effie, as an angel's name spoken with magic, holds dominion over them.♡ Although once human, she finds the notion of eating to be pointless and is rather disgusted by it now. However she will indulge in a cup of tea, black coffee, or something sweet. She prefers her tea and coffee as is, with nothing in it. c:♡ A lover of animals she has known to be home many, however if she has company over, she will simply usher them into another room or let them outside. There is not an animal she does not love! Her favorites in particular, cats, sheep, raccoons and rats/mice.♡ Effie's Goddess is not vengeful, jealous or in any way vindictive. As long as one is open to growth and change, she is willing to welcome them into her haven. She is truly merciful and forgiving.♡ While fond of wine, she hasn't preferred drinking it since becoming a celestial. Intent on keeping a impeccable reputation, she is fond of smoking, and tries to keep it hidden. Usually she only smokes in the comfort of her own home, especially when dealing with stressful situations.   ♡ The more her emotions conflict with one another, or provide unwanted memories, can bring forth either Effie or Euphemia. Euphemia prefers to stay in control, since Effie can't seem to able to retain her memories, or properly aid her human contracts. Mentions of her past will stir Effie's conscience and guilt. Until her self-condemnation is dealt with, she will continue to interchange between the two personalities. 

Miyu Ikari.

03/24/2024 04:16 PM 


At the dawn of time, the Elder Gods created the different realms to counteract the death and nothingness of the eternal Void that ran rampant all throughout the cosmos. These realms were able to coëxist and resist the nothingness and devellop into well develloped plains of existance where life flourished and death did too. It was here and then, straight into Drull that Arkaya’s story began. She was born and raised into Drull as one of the few Demon High Lords, a title reserved for only the strongest of demons. Despite this, she wasn’t able to take Drull as her own playgarden as Lucifer turned out stronger. Lucifer crowned herself Queen and reigned over Drull as the one Demon overlord, bringing order to an otherwise orderless realm. This wasn’t fitting of what Arkaya envisioned and after several failed attempts to take over Drull itself, she was banished by Lucifer to Muria and a single private castle back in Drull, due to the respect the Queen of Drull had towards Arkaya. Said respect, despite the animosity, goes 2 ways. Arkaya decided to make the best of it on Muria and found out she can make almost anything happen through a deal, which she considered the most delectible way of using her magic. Through the ages, she used this kind of magic to make deals and stack up favors from mortals and at the same time, build up a business empire, becoming one of the richest people on Muria. ((Keep in mind I can always alter a bit of the story or make her fit in your verse etc.))

Miyu Ikari.

03/24/2024 04:02 PM 

Miyu Ikari.

Miyu lost her parents a young age. Meaning that she started to live her aunt instead which was a far better alternative to an orphanage. Her aunt was always there for her and loved her dearly. She lived on her aunt's farm where they sold eggs for an living. At some point in Miyu's life she discovered that she seemed to had a natural gift for stealing. This came from her stealing from traveling merchants who would often try to put local business out of work when they came by. Not to mention she food the stole when the egg sales weren't enough to make ends meet. One day she just decided she couldn't spend the rest of her life being a petty thief and selling eggs. So after a certain event took place which caused her to leave town she decided to become a professional thief instead. Now out on her own Miyu started cons and thieving to a higher level. Until one day she messed up and tried to rob the wrong person this woman could have killed Miyu without a second thought but she didn't. Instead she invited her to work under her as her apprentice in the guild she helped run. Miyu stayed with her for years despite how shady and frankly criminal this guild was. Miyu didn't leave the guild until she kicked out. What for? She was never quite sure of.Now she's on her own again. Hopefully she can prove herself to the guild and get reinstated or atleast find out why she was kicked. Until then? Well of course she's only been sharpening her skills. P.s. She tells a lot of puns you've been warned ((Can be edited, such as what time period, If she has powers or not ect...)


03/24/2024 02:14 PM 


Please leave Rya and I alone. We are conjoined at the heart.Emotional vampire and I am a psychic one. We sense you, David. We sense you, Brook.

harrassment charges

Kalisa Moon

03/24/2024 10:07 AM 

RULES! Need I say more?

Do I really need to say more? No, okay.  1) NO ROMANCE! I am in a committed relationship, enough said. I DON'T care that this is just a hobby, I will not go into romance related things. Examples? NO "mating" with Kalisa! Anything along the lines of kissing. Touching in private places. Sexual things. Things I am okay with: Hand holding. Hugs. Locking arms. Head on shoulder.> > At your own risk, you can try to take things go further... But be prepared to be disappointed.> > Kalisa is a kitsune, meaning she is part fox. They are KNOWN to be cunning and manipulative... BUT also innocent, timid and shy. Affectionate if they trust you. Take all of that into consideration when roleplaying.2) Combat between characters. I have never tried my hand at combat related things, but that doesn't mean I won't give it a try. You have to understand and be okay with the fact it might not be great.3) My characters are originals and do have general storylines, they will not be changed to please you. Check blogs for information on them if necessary.4) NO forcing my characters to do things that you think will be funny or "fun". Meaning? Don't speak for them or move them in a way that will make me uncomfortable. I will stop messaging back, possibly even unfriend you.   The rules/ guidelines will be changed as needed. They will remain simple as long as people respect them and myself. Don't like it? Then just unfriend me and move on with your day.


03/24/2024 04:12 PM 


-Skilled swordsmanship-Weapon mastery-4 principle Elemental magic -enhanced speed/strength -mana enchantment  

𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬 & 𝐌irages

03/23/2024 10:14 PM 


⠀⠀⠀"Subject Alpha 6-3-8. Connection successful. Duration maintained at 29 hours. Deceased. Cause of death: Heart attack."⠀⠀⠀A lithe and calloused finger relinquished the depression it had placed upon a sole toggle, though lingered in a gentle massage of flesh on plastic, as thoughts proceeded to tarry and permeate the dense zephyr. One could say it was the steady percentage of cadavers that filtered through this lab alone that presented such virulent breath, but it was done in the name of science, and therefore, overlooked. The implore for a single vent once more consumed these thoughts, tangling amidst the very stagnation that brought them forth in the first place, and were once again thwarted through reason and understanding, yet still, such a minor luxury in the face of such degradation would be a welcome respite. Pale was the hand that set aside the small recording device after the results were properly logged, as the zipper of the HRP was pulled, sealing what remained within devoid black. Blue were the eyes that found the device responsible for yet another snuffed life, the sounds it adorned so mechanical, yet somehow reenacted the very pace of human lungs almost perfectly.⠀⠀⠀"This thing should be unplugged...."⠀⠀⠀"And why is that, Miss Fallia?"⠀⠀⠀The tensity that stole sharp features framed in auburn was grossly apparent, garnering audible breath from observing nostrils.⠀⠀⠀"Are you not pleased with the advancements we have made?"⠀⠀⠀"I-- it's not that, sir."⠀⠀⠀"Then please, enlighten me."⠀⠀⠀To be put on the spot, a tactic this man used far too often, for one knew it was almost always a psychological success. Many were never properly prepared or capable of maintaining themselves enough to skirt by with whatever lie they opted to tell. And she was no different, despite her intellect, so she opted for the truth, a dangerous attempt.⠀⠀⠀"I see very little use in registering more corpses than successes. There has to be another way that we can properly screen these individuals instead of, for lack of a better phrase, sending them to the slaughter. We don't even know what's causing them to perish. If their connection is successful, then they should be able to maintain it. We need to run some diagnostics, sir. Something is wrong and you know it."⠀⠀⠀Could stagnant air grow even more still? Strangling what remained and silencing all sound? For it sure felt that way, to all involved. The opinions were all the same, yet none had approached their Administrator with their concerns, until now. The gaze that befell her was practically serene, coupled with the subtleties of a smile as hands remained held at his back. Yet, no response surfaced. He merely stared, causing the corner of her lips to twitch in an awkward manifestation of a mimed expression, for she knew not much more to add, especially considering the circumstances. He spoke naught, turning from her then and approaching the exit of the lab containing their prized S.T.E.M. system, before tossing back a glance.⠀⠀⠀"Thank you for voicing your concerns, Miss Fallia. We will begin a proper investigation into these matters."⠀⠀⠀Before relief could properly take her, the man snapped his fingers, calling upon two security figureheads to approach her. The grip in which they stole her very physical essence from where she stood was the most solid and painful she had ever experienced, and they did not quell in the slightest as her form was stripped of its badge and surface cloth. The pair then delivered her into one of the chambers situated along the perimeter of the machine's core, strapping her down and holding her still as the needles inserted into her neck, penetrating muscle and bone. It wasn't until the serum had taken affect that their hands left her now bruised and motionless body, the man still maintaining that expression as he left the room.⠀ ⠀⠀⠀"Sir?"⠀⠀⠀"I assume you agree with her?"⠀⠀⠀"Yes and no. While I believe our research calls for sacrifice in such a degree, the increase of failed connections is a concern. There is talk of malfunction in the machine itself, for everything on our end receives the green light. Perhaps we should consider nullifying tests, and instead sending in recon."⠀⠀⠀The Administrator turned towards his advisor, inviting him to carry on as they entered the elevator to his office.⠀⠀⠀"We can use the same methods, and even perform our normal surveillance and research during the trial, but the subject must be chosen carefully, and with the advancements we've made in being able to intervene with what happens inside the system, we should be able to protect such a subject."⠀⠀⠀"Do you have one in mind?"⠀⠀⠀"The file is already on your desk, sir."⠀⠀⠀"Thank you."⠀⠀⠀The second rescinded on the next floor, leaving the man alone to ascend to the top, and enter his rather lavish office, strewn with modern stone decor and art pieces. For many would step foot here, and it needed to be rather inviting. The file was plucked as he sat down, tilting his head slightly upon reading the hand written tag on the manilla's display tab; ████████.A few moments were spent reading through the pre-gathered knowledge all collected and organized so cleanly that it was difficult to believe this was truly a person. People were... messy, their lives a spider web of bad choices and unruly decisions that placed them on ever winding and dimly lit pathways. He then picked up the phone, and dialed out.⠀⠀⠀"Hello, is this ████████? I have a proposition for you."

𝐌𝐢𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫𝐬 & 𝐌irages

03/23/2024 10:09 PM 

𝐒𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖗

<center><a href=/MirrorsandMirages><img src=;</center>


03/23/2024 06:28 PM 

Writing Template 2

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I'll try to find her in the chaos. And when I do... I'll find some way for you two to be together again. It really feels like the end now. Soon it will be over." - Hope's promise to Lightning to find Serah's soul"It's been dying for 500 years." -Lightings lamenting over her situation as Savior"I wasn't talking about the world." -Hope Estheun falling to Bhunevelze"Then what?" -Lightning questioning Hope's earie end to his promise"Nevermind, time is short. Every minute's precious now, so let's not waste any." -Bhunevelze puppetiering Hope's corpseHope remembered every last bit of it. Being trapped in a corpse reverted back to his child-like appearance to mess with Lightning's emotions through nostalgia. He had been her guide and Bhunevelze's weapon against her all at the same time. She who had stood up and raised him in Nora's absence, however brief would have a reservations about killing Hope if she had truly understood the boys predicament.He had never been in complete control once the world had started to crumble. He had always had God latched onto his very being, corrupting him from the inside to wrest control over the body from him and when he had made Lightning that promise. God had decided to smite him rather than toss his soul away like trash. It was a fitting punishment after all for defying God, to be forced to watch as you were forced to attack your friend. Trauma was nothing if not crippling but as Hope had told Lighting. It didn't matter how many times you failed so long as you eventually succeeded. And he was trying to do that now. Living his life to the fullest wasn't easy but this was his first step in the right direction. Maybe not directly confessing his feelings for Serah but through his actions letting them be known. They were both pawns of now dead gods and sure they'd been around for longer than most would've expected, Hope technically being around for 500+ years and Serah being kept in a sort of Nobody like Lumina, something to hold on to Serah's soul and heart until she could be saved from the end of all things in a new world.The Executor of the Path of Etro had no idea how much she had meant to The Executor of the Path of Bhunevelze but he would show her eventually. "A hike," the words lingered in his mind for a little bit as he took her hands into his nearly dropping the flowers when he did so he set them aside on the table, "There was this new place I observed on the Ark called Italy. I was wondering if you'd like have dinner there with me? We can go for a hike after, I promise. There's a gate there near this cool leaning tower that looks like it came straight out of Valhalla.""It probably did," Lightning interjected her arms crossed and leaning on the wall, "Well are you going to give her those flowers kid or are you trying to pick me up because I'd have to turn them down. Sorry but I'm a little too busy for date's and things like that."It wasn't a far off thing for Lightning to do, sit there and watch over Serah and also Hope like this. Her maternal instincts did kick in with the both of them though surprisingly not so much with Vanille... likely because that was Fang's forte... taking care of Vanille. Hope gave a snort releasing Serah's hands and took the flowers up from the coffee table, "These are for you," he said with a shy smile, "I do have an job offer for once the Academy is done being rebuilt but that's for another time."Hope's viridescent eyes met Lightning's eyes and then went back to Serah's and locked on. He wondered what she'd do with her life now that she had been free to do whatever she liked? He had after all been devising ways for Serah not to have need of her visions, like the device he now called an imbaru engine. From what was left of his proto Fal-C'ie blue prints he'd construct something different, something safer. An AI hooked into the Ark's systems that could predict various outcomes based on what was going on with the world in the present.With that, Serah could simply relax and allow it to do the work of a seer and possibly use it in place of the latent power of Etro she had been gifted or cursed with. It all depended on how one saw it he guessed. Yuel had seen it as both a blessing and a curse due to conflicting emotions and confusion.after all. For all her endless bullsh*t Lumina had helped them. It was a shame she had to die so that Serah could continue to exist. "Behold! The Graduer of a new world born before your very eyes!" Bhunivelze: God of Light & Salvation  

🌴 𝐵𝓁𝓊𝑒 🌴

03/23/2024 04:47 PM 

Bio: Extended

Uuh... Anywho, I am the last of my brethren monks. By now they've all left the nest to live their lives and explore the outside world. Even though they insisted I go with them, I chose to stay and smell the roses in solitude, safe from the drama of humanity.I must inform that I am into ladies, no dudes unless it’s my own initiative. Anyway, don't let my bubbly appearance fool you, I'm a literate writer and I know what I'm doing. Know this island like the back of my hand but even then I wish I had some help now and then. I will write more later. In the meantime, have a cocktail! 🍹(Attention Readers)For any of you roleplayers whether or not you're interested in bonding with me, hear me out! I can teach you the easiest way to personalize your profile using HTML like adding spaces between your profile paragraphs! You'll thank me later!


03/21/2024 08:30 PM 

Status Share Image

This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress. This is in progress.


03/21/2024 08:21 PM 


1. If you are a minor in real life do not interact with me. I'm an adult.2. My character won't have a one and only overall. If for that roleplay sure, but I don't like limiting myself.3. I'm very forgiving on length and such. Please don't one-line. Try to pull off a semi para. 2 or 3 sentences and give something to work with. Even if it isn't perfect try some sort of punctuation and use something to separate actions from the character actually speaking.4. I do adult things in roleplay. We can do adult things in roleplay, but I like story with that. 5. No lolis or shota. No exceptions. My character might have no badonka donks, but she is a full adult. Any school settings therefor will be college.6. Do not send adult pics of characters without consent. I have impersonal socials to reach out to if you'd like offsite roleplays. Just ask.7. I might not of thoughts of all rules, but this is the just of them. If something crosses a boundary that I didn't express in the rules I will let it be known. If you get upset with this you do not have to roleplay with me. You are free to not interact with me.8. Lastly I'm an adult. I have a life outside of roleplays and am chronically ill. It's okay to check in if I'm taking a while. But please do not spam me or degrade me because I'm taking long. I'm trying. Roleplay is for fun.

𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔.

03/20/2024 08:58 PM 

⁺ . ✧ 𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒔.

+ GENSHIN IMPACT   A distributor of medicines to the Church of Favonius. The "Angel of Mondstadt" is known not only for their floral, herbal, and medicinal expertise but also considered an exceptional healer despite being neither a member of the clergy or possessing a vision of their own. They are rumored to hail from far beyond the city of Mondstadt but in truth, Adrian's origins lie within the realm of Celestia itself.   Medical achievements aside, they're just a totally normal Mondstadt NPC that can be found in the church during the daytime. Occasionally, they will travel abroad to places where their healing services are requested. Adrian's home is located in Starfell Valley, a small mansion surrounded by acres of garden. Various plants from various regions are grown here and supplied to the church to be made into an assortment of medicines. Their mansion was originally a clinic hundreds of years ago when the Cataclysm and Durin's invasion took a heavy toll on Mondstadt's population. To this day, Adrian treats their home as a safe space for those who seek refuge. Unknown to most, Adrian's birthplace was Khaenri'ah where they were adopted by a kind woman raised alongside other orphans. At the age of ten, a messenger of Celestia approaches Adrian, true name Azael. They are made to recall their divinity and prepare for the task set out for them. With the gods' gaze unable to peer into the godless nation, Adrian acts as a spy, becoming the eyes and ears that monitor its civilization throughout the ages. Adrian eventually takes on the guise of a dancer to blend seamlessly into society. On the day Celestia wages war against Khaenri'ah, Azael is among the soldiers who must uphold the Heavenly Principles. But when those principles suddenly threaten to destroy everything and everyone they've grown to love, Adrian ultimately chooses to betray their fellow gods. After helping what few survivors they can to escape, Adrian narrowly escapes the battle and is presumed dead by Celestia. In truth, they're left to wander Teyvat in search of a new home. Eventually settling in Mondstadt, Adrian dedicates their life to helping and healing as many souls as possible in an attempt to atone for Celestia's sins. Visual references: Mondstadt, Khaenri'ah, Celestia.   + GENSHIN / FATUI   The head recruiter of the Fatui since its formation. After the loss of Khaenri'ah and their loved ones, Adrian joins forces with the Cryo Archon to ensure another tragedy never occurs again. Lady Saint-Clair travels frequently across Teyvat, scouting for suitable soldiers and allies powerful enough to one day stand against the heavens.Referred to as the Tsaritsa's Holy Messenger, the only thing that's known for certain is that they both hold and wield great power. Other times, they are referred to as a saint or Saint of Snezhnaya as they've been known to provide miraculous healing to Snezhnayan soldiers and civilians alike.   Demeanor: More distant from humanity but hasn't forgotten their love for them. Poised and reserved, mysterious but benevolent. Seemingly detached with strangers but can show a more warm, affectionate, and playful side with those they've grown close to. Calls the Harbingers by their full titles like an angry mom when they're upset, e.g. "Il Dottore the Second, you get back here this instant!" Tartag is probably their fave but change my mind.   + HONKAI: STAR RAIL   An Emanator of Abundance, capable of not only sharing a consciousness with all plantlife but also wielding it as a weapon. Adrian is a florist who collects and sells species from all over the universe in their shop House of Blossoms. Once highly regarded for their work in the field of biology and medicine, they continue to travel whenever their services are requested.   A florist who shares a special connection with flora. They are a resident of Limbo, a planet which houses a climate ideal for a wide variety of plant species. Here, Adrian owns a shop named House of Blossoms where they collect and sell flowers from across the universe. By the register is a large potted plant who can move and talk via telecommunication. His name is Francis and he's been placed in the shop rather than their home because he enjoys the liveliness (and also freaking people out, go team chaotic). Francis is not for sale. Adrian is capable of tapping into the consciousness of plants; sensing their needs, emotions, recalling memories of the plants and land surrounding it. They're also capable of controlling and wielding them as weapons; extending vines to attack or shield, releasing toxic substances, firing needle like projectiles. They are of an unknown and ageless species, left at their adoptive mother's doorstep as a baby hundreds of years ago by the current point in the story. Adrian is almost always seen wearing various flowers in their hair. A previous Intelligentsia Guild member, attended Astral Ecology School. Once used their vast knowledge of plants and biology to help develop revolutionary medicines. Now simply works as a florist, but still travels when their services are requested. Adrian's home is a small mansion surrounded by acres of garden and a greenhouse. The outer plants act as a security system as they are poisonous but are only activated on Adrian's command. Has a rocky relationship with the IPC due to the interference in their business and the corporation's 'greedy' tendencies. Possibly threatened to kill a member and use their remains as fertilizer. Twice. Demeanor: Graceful albeit a bit more untamed beneath the surface, not unlike the nature they share a deep connection to. More chaotic neutral tendencies. Their patience for bullsh*t is unapologetically low. In that sense, Adrian can be seen as blunt or intimating at times but they're no less warm and tender to those in need of it.   + FINAL FANTASY VII   A Turk who wields a scythe, pushed to follow in their uncle's footsteps and work their way up Shinra's ranks. Charming and sociable, Adrian is more often assigned to diplomatic affairs. Once an orphan, they as well as Shinra possess no knowledge of their Ancient roots until their powers are discovered during a later mission. Adrian will go AWOL in fear of experimentation but post-game, can be convinced to rejoin Shinra in their efforts to repair the planet.   Fun Fact #1: Second member of the Zack Fair fan club. Fun Fact #2: Used to work at the Honey Bee Inn, against their uncle's wishes.

ミ★ 𝗡𝗬𝗘𝗢𝗡𝙧𝙪𝙨𝙝

03/19/2024 02:47 PM 

Mun Notes.

[☆彡] HC heavy! Her history is entirely mine, I've no idea what RT had in mind for her, but I am sticking to what I had HC'd in the past and the manners she'd likely have developed from it. Also, I've taken some liberties with Atleasian culture to better fit Neon. This includes prejudice against faunus kind and Atlas Academy.[ミ★] I'm all for dark themes within reason! No Grimdark just for the sake of some edgy bullsh*t. Sexual violence is a no-go, piss off with that.[☆彡] 1.Banter 2.Improvised starters 3.Discussions 4.Copy/Paste Starters in that order. OOC will be limited as I am here to write, though if you want to rant about how much wasted potential RWBY has then I can make an exception! Generic greetings will be 100% ignored. If you're on my list, you can assume I want to roleplay with you.[ミ★] I do play favorites, I'm sorry but not? I don't want this to feel like a chore so I'll likely respond to things I enjoy.

Charlotte~Charlie~ Morningstar 21+

03/19/2024 09:32 PM 

Raven Santiago

Raven Santiago  Name: Raven SantiagoAge: 23Species: DemonGender:FemaleOrientation: BisexualBirthday: October 30thZodiac Sign: SagittariusHeight: 5'3Weight: 170lbsBloodtype: O  Raven is the cousin of Millie. She now lives with both Millie and Moxxie due to her parents not being able to handle her and there was some physical abuse as to the reason why she was very hostile towards her parents. So for that being the cause, it is the reason why Raven now resides with her cousin Millie and her husband Moxxie. Ravens parents thought that having her living with Millie would put her back on the right track by also helping her find employment so she was productive. Raven knew that wasn't it, they just wanted to be rid of her but she wasn't too mad as she disliked both her parents very much for being physically abusive towards her. Having her now living with her cousin, Millie went out of her way to speak to Blitzo, which wasn't an easy task at all since he was a bit difficult to deal with. He was difficult since he was adament on not taking on anymore new hires as he was happy with the team he had at the moment. It did take days for him to even consider her when one day she had showed up at the agency to bring lunch to both Millie and Moxxie as she realized they didn't take anything with them to eat. Blitzo entirely changed his opposition on hiring anybody new when he seen Raven and hired her on the spot which did catch her off guard but it made both Millie and Moxxie excited as they had been trying for days to change his mind. Now she was apart of the the team, apart of I.M.P. There were times when they had important jobs and Blitzo would sometimes just goof off and flirt with Raven which she paid no mind too as she rolled her eyes at him and tries her best to ignore him but she knew he had good qualities about him, she noticed he tried getting people to like him so seeing this she gave him some slack.Raven was begining to to have a better life now that she was living in the city with her cousins than she did when she was living with her own parents. Her parents weren't as loving or caring like Millies. Raven had always wished that she lived with her aunt and uncle (millies parents) as they were actually great and loving parents as hers were horrible to her. She was abused growing up, so it was the reason she turned rebellious with them as she got older. Raven was also close to murdering them when they had shipped her off to Millies and Moxxies instead of just raising her right. Both of them knew her story and what she had went through in life and were more than willing to take her in and have Raven live with them as they knew she would do better with them and she would be safer.Even though Loona isn't too fond of Millie and Moxxie, she actually likes Raven as they get along pretty well, they have both bonded over their love of music and would sometimes sneak off together so they both could smoke and get high together. 

original character, Information, Helluva Boss

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