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Space in my hoyo!?

05/02/2024 08:50 PM 

The Stellaron Hunters

  Name: Kafka   Titles:    Character Details: On the Interastral Peace Corporation's wanted list, Kafka's entry only has two things — her name, and a single sentence: "Likes collecting coats."Little is known about this Stellaron Hunter, other than that she is one of Destiny's Slave Elio's most trusted members.In order to achieve Elio's envisioned future, Kafka gets to work.   Character Stories I and II: Story I:"Kafka, female human. Hails from New Babylon of Pteruges-V. Core member of the Stellaron Hunters, the next-in-command of 'Destiny's Slave.' Responsible for the following infractions: The Pier Point Incursion, two counts; The Pier Point Heist; The Trovys Disappearance; The Stellaron events of Jemorse, Bayjhana, Shilla-39C, Ulmora, 7-Midville, Loar-51, and Dro'a; Cyber attacks against Pier Point, four counts; Cyber attacks against Planet Screwllum; Cyber attacks against Herta Space Station; The Jepella Rebellion. Suspected to be related to the following infractions: The Stellaron events of Sich-Lala, Inupeis, Oun-G7, Zukov, Lidovia, Illily, Attouine, Buhayama.Wanted Level: Highest. Dead or alive."- Wanted Order by the Interastral Peace CorporationStory II:"...Due to the investigation's needs, the suspect's basic information is published as follows: Suspect Kafka (Wanted Serial No.: L933012000020002010004), female, outworld individual, age unknown; height about 170 centimeters, average body size. She had been spotted draped with a black jacket and wearing a white collared shirt inside, a pair of tight-fitting dark shorts, purple pantyhose, and a pair of sunglasses on her head.The suspect has been reported to be connected to multiple non-natural disasters occurring on the Luofu in the recent past. She is currently at large, and is now publicly wanted on the Luofu. Any department and unit who detected said suspect are encouraged to contact the local Cloud Knights. At the same time, we encourage the suspect to turn herself in and to not take any chances."— Luofu Wanted Order (revoked)"You won't remember a thing except me."Kafka's Theme------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Blade (Yingxing)   Titles:    Character Details: A swordsman who abandoned his body to become a blade. Birth name unknown.He pledges loyalty to "Destiny's Slave," and possesses a terrifying self-healing ability.Blade wields an ancient sword riddled with cracks, just like his body and his mind.   Character Stories I and II: Story I:The only thing he could sense was a splotch of crimson in his sight and the taste of iron in his mouth. His limbs were unresponsive.— He must have died."Do you remember?"He opened his mouth, lost, his voice as coarse as a savage beast's.The sound from his throat stopped abruptly as the cold, hard object penetrated his torso.Again and again, this repeated for thousands of times.How marvelous. When his muscle fibers tore open, he could hear the tiny sounds of tendons bridging and reconnecting.How marvelous. The monster in his body was being nourished, but he would let it grow into a massive beast.How marvelous. He had already lost all will to life, but his body regenerated without any consideration for his preferences.How marvelous.Before the sword pierced his body once more, he grabbed it with his bare hands and slowly stood up."Do you remember now?"He met the woman's blood-red eyes, his mind still empty.— He was run through by the sword once again."Remember the feeling of death, and bring it to them."Crimson resurfaced in his vision. He stared at the sword that killed him. The blade was broken in half and lying on the ground."Rise, and let me kill you once more."Story II:The only thing he could sense was a splotch of crimson in his sight and the taste of iron in his mouth. His limbs were unresponsive.— He must have died.The black-haired young man shivered violently all over, but still clutched onto the spear in his hands.He had no dragon horns, and his reaction was slightly less mature than he remembered...But he would never forget this spear, these eyes, and how cruelty burst out from beneath the mirror-like emerald calmness.His wounds began to heal. His irises flickered and fixed their gaze at the boy once more.Without hesitation, the boy made another flourish with the spear..."That's it."The one who showed no mercy to enemies - was you.The one who single-handedly buried the beloved - was you.The one who almost led the place called home to its destruction - was also you.He fell down again.The teen pressed his hand against his own wounds and retreated, until he was no longer in the man's sight."Before I witness your death in person, we will meet again, ███.""When will death come for me? My patience is wearing thin."Blade's Theme------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Silver Wolf   Titles:    Character Details: The universe is just another game to this super hacker.No matter how thorny the defense system, Silver Wolf can crack it with ease. Her hacking battle with Screwllum of the Genius Society has become stuff of legends in the hacking world.How many more levels are there to beat in the universe? Silver Wolf looks forward to finding out   Character Stories I and II: Story I:She toyed with the joystick, day in, day out.A fast food restaurant with only one employee, a basement turned into an arcade hall, several old arcade machines — this was her childhood.She didn't have a legal name or an identity number, only a nickname the proprietress chose for her.She did not have any friends, but she is not lonely.She liked the game of Pong — two lines and a dot of light, the simplest of ball games. She could play it for a whole day.She liked Battle Wheel 32 — eight blocks of different colors on a matrix-drawn sky. There was only one rule: Win, no matter what.She liked Geometric Wars, Odysseus, and Star Cheetah. The score records on these games were filled with astronomical numbers left by other patrons.She toyed with the joystick, day in, day out.Until one day, only one name remained on all of the score records.She set down the joystick and looked around the empty basement.Many people have sought respite in this place, but few stayed behind.Many have left, but few returned.She blinked and turned off the screen.That night, the only employee of the fast food restaurant said goodbye to proprietress, and became the next person to leave.The game called Basement ended that night.Story II:She traveled west through the barren land, arriving at Mount Scrap.She wants to find a job, but was obstructed by her tendency to be a loner.On Punklorde, almost everyone works in teams. Loners usually don't last long.Acquiescing to her situation, she fabricated some virtual partners.Her first one was called Friend. Of course it was.Her second was Demon Lord, inspired by a poster she saw on the streets. In her imagination, it was a veteran who had lost the ability to speak.She suddenly thought this team was too harmonious and lacked realism, so she named the third one Whitecollar and the fourth Servant.Her final one was called Preschool Classmate — there wasn't a special meaning attached to this. She just really ran out of ideas. After much deliberation, she deleted this last person from her list.She stored her "partners" in an intelligent weapon, so she could pompously introduce her sizable team to intermediaries.She got her first job — its risk was as unimaginable as its reward.Maybe she sold herself too well that people believed her, or they just wanted to see this newbie's performance, dead or alive.On Punklorde, almost everyone works in teams. Loners usually don't last long.Those who could last would eventually become legends.After 24 system hours, she walked out of the Slag Gang's base — alone and through the front gate.The intermediary was silent. They looked at her, then at the sky, before turning around to toss a chest full of gold ingots on the ground.The game called Mount Scrap ended that day."Can you let me have some fun this time?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------   Name: Sam (Firefly)   Titles:    Character Details: Sam is a remnant of Glamoth's Iron Cavalry — a genetically engineered warrior that possesses superhuman perception. Some time ago, Elio ordered them and Kafka to find Blade and return with him. Sam was the one who held Blade down while Kafka convinced him to join them. They also went with Blade and Kafka to recruit Silver Wolf.According to Silver Wolf, if a person comes home and turns on the lights, while Kafka and Blade would be sitting on the couch waiting for them, Sam wouldn't even give them the chance to turn on the lights.They later make a return on the Planet of Festivities, challenging a "Galaxy Ranger", a Memokeeper, and the Trailblazer to a fiery fight.Later on in the story, it is revealed that Sam's true identity is Firefly.   Character Stories I and II: Currently none"Fireflies are such magical creatures, aren't they? They may throw themselves at a flame or suddenly grow old, but every night before that, they will shine brighter than the stars."Sam's Theme  

Star Rail, Character Information, HSR

Sarah Lynn

05/02/2024 07:19 PM 

Sarah Lynn

Name: Sarah Lynn Age: 31Height: 5'4Birthday year: 1984As a troubled thirty-year-old pop star, Sarah Lynn appeared on the surface to be selfish, hedonistic, reckless, and self-centered, acting like a bratty teenager.In the episode Prickly-Muffin, she makes a public scene in a furniture store by stabbing herself with a bayonet and defecating on a sofa. She also trashed BoJack's home while throwing wild parties and constantly took advantage of him.She was often seen on her phone and was pretty irresponsible with her actions, such as in Prickly-Muffin when she had holes drilled in BoJack's wall for "a cocaine sex booth.” She also set his ottoman on fire without any motive whatsoever.Other appearances show her acting erratically. Sarah Lynn was constantly seen taking drugs such as cocaine or drinking heavily in public. She is also seen crushing up a handful of pills and snorting them, or inhaling spray paint fumes with a paper bag. Besides her drug addiction, she is seen driving recklessly, as she painted her toenails on the steering wheel.However, Sarah Lynn was lonely, troubled, and was obviously suffering from substance abuse. Most of the people in her life only wanted to be around her because they had an agenda or wanted something out of her. She was concerned about what people thought of her and did anything she could for attention and validation. As she told BoJack in That's Too Much, Man!, she wears her normal shirt because the company who made it paid her to, she says she didn’t even need the money, she was just glad someone still cared about her. The high she got from drugs gave her pleasure, and the only reason she tried going sober was to intensify her high once she went back to drugs again.Sarah Lynn was quite intelligent and had a strong passion for architecture. She dreamed of being an architect her whole life, but this dream was not achieved due to being forced into a life of fame and substance abuse at a young age. At several points in the series, she uses architecture terminology and demonstrates her knowledge on the subject.She doesn’t look back on aspects of her fame highly, questioning how her being on the show wasn’t child labor, since she was three and didn’t understand what she was getting into, and admitting how disgusting it is that every day she gets messages from male fans telling her she was the first girl they masturbated to.Flashbacks to both her childhood and preteen years on the set of Horsin' Around shows her as an extroverted and happy child, however she did not have good parental figures, as her mother was a controlling stage parent who forced her into show business and shot down any of her dreams that were not related to fame (such as her dreams of being an architect). Her stepfather was a bear and a "photographer," and it is implied he sexually abused her as Sarah Lynn "knows what bear fur tastes like," as mentioned in Still Broken. He also home-schooled her, which isolated her from kids her own age.The later seasons of Horsin' Around show Joelle openly showed resentment towards her, because of her popularity getting her more screen time, and rejected her attempts at friendship. In the present Sarah Lynn returns this, acting hostile towards her by insulting her weight and trying to attack her.She looked up to BoJack off-screen as a father figure, even idolizing him to an extent, and flashbacks indicate that Sarah Lynn's self-destructive behavior is in part the result of BoJack neglecting, and negatively influencing her as a child, as he would with many other women in his life, and even right up until her untimely death. At the tender age of six, BoJack told her "The most important thing is, you've got to give the people what they want. Even if it kills you, even if it empties you out until there's nothing left to empty. No matter what happens, no matter how much it hurts, you don't stop dancing, and you don't stop smiling, and you give those people what they want."Later, in 2007, BoJack visits her after one of her concerts. She is initially excited to see him, and while they talk, Sarah Lynn shows how stressful her fame is and how everyone around her is only there to get something out of her. Unfortunately, BoJack reveals that he only showed up because he wanted her to be on his new show, which saddens her and furthers reinforces the idea that people in her life are always going to use her. This ultimately sends her over the edge, and for the next few years, she turns to destructive behavior just for attention.BoJack was also responsible for the first time she got drunk, at the age of ten, due to leaving his vodka in a water bottle sitting in his dressing room where she was getting her hair cut, he had sex with her when they were both drunk, and when she was sober for almost nine months he took advantage of the fact she was very ready to go off the wagon and went on a bender with her, that led to her death.Sarah Lynn occasionally showed signs of being a kind, smart, and thoughtful person. She did care about the people close to her, like BoJack, but had difficulty showing it.Her last words were "I wanna be an architect."

character info, bojack horseman, sarah lynn, roleplay

Ninja Naomi Hale

05/02/2024 04:08 PM 

Ninja Naomi

My name is Naomi Hale and I am a jonin ninja of the leaf village, they call me the Dead Ninja for a reason. I am highly skilled in blood jutsu's, reanimating corpses and taking over the human organ system. However im the quiet type...not one for socializing but am very protective over my children. If your interested in a storyline let me know. Im open to mains and AU's for the Boruto Verses and I write multipara/novella. 

18+Mistress Mayleen seeking lover ♈

05/02/2024 09:51 PM 

Mayleen likes

Femboys 100% Omegas 100% Submisive men 90% Switch men 50% Dominate men 100% Older men 100% Younger men 35% unless over 18 the rating higher Furries 100% Animals or creatures 200000% Aliens 900000% Submissive women 100% Dominate women 35% unless connection it will be 90% Intersex 300%


05/02/2024 04:34 PM 

The Space Witch

Name: Rachel RothNick Name(s): Rae-Rae, The Unkindness, Witch of Darkness/SpaceAlias(es): Raven, Destroyer of Worlds, The HeraticAge: 16-29 depending on the RPSpecies: Half-Demon hybridHair color: Black and purpleEyes: Black or red (When she uses her darker powers) sexuality: Bisexual Gender: FemaleRelationship Status: Single (Multi- LI) 


05/02/2024 02:30 PM 

Rules (please read and follow)

I wanted to mention I'm not new on here, in fact I had an amazing original character I've had for many years and due to losing muse to my longest original character due to unecessary drama I made a whole new character. You may or not know me, but I have been around on and off for sometime. I'm slowly making a return to roleplay, please bare with me but I do have a few basic rules I'd like for everyone to follow  I'm not here for a relationship outside of roleplay, I gave someone a chance it didn't end well and I'm still overcoming the last relationship. I only need friendship at the moment, please do not push to be with the lady behind Nicolette.   Romance and erotica is not required by any means, just because I put up romance as a genre it doesn't mean my character is going to be boned easily. That will have to be earned, don't like that? Boo hoo go ahead and cry to someone who gives a f***. I'm a reasonable gal, and I am very friendly.   Nicolette comes off as a bitch and rude, the female behind the screen is friendly. If I need to tone her down I will, but I will not change the way Nicolette is or change my character, if you don't like my character or her information there's the delete button for a reason.   One liner roleplays are not accepted unless it's out of character, I want to be able to roleplay with people that wants to do an exciting crime or slice of life kind of roleplay. If you assume this is pure smut, you came to the wrong place. There's plenty more puss on here this character will not give it up easily xD  Anyone under the age of eighteen years old will be denied, I would prefer to have people that are twenty years or older. I don't want to encounter with minors and get into trouble, please be respectful.   Don't rush for a reply or pester for one, I have a life outside of here. My job is not to reply to everyone 24/7, I have two children and I work quite a bit. Be patient with me, and I promise we can have a fun roleplay going.   I'm not interested in futanari's, I've tried women that packed extra in the past and it didn't feel right. It especially wasn't my cup of tea, I will not change my mind. I prefer women to be full on woman and men to be men, I don't mind being friends with Futas and Femboy's just know nothing will happen not sorry.   Golden showers, Scat, Incest, or anyone underage is denied and not accepted. Do not be disrespectful or push your luck.   I have discord, if you would like to chat and roleplay on there let me know! I could use more friends, and I'm trying to find distractions from my depression. Feel free to ask for my username ^^  My character is not interested in a relationship, and I don't have the mentality to handle one. I'm enjoying the single life, we can have a good exciting roleplay but my character will not ship with anyone or be forced to be with someone. Disrespect this, you will be deleted. 

' 𝑙𝑖𝑙 𝑓𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟.ᐟ

05/02/2024 03:10 AM 

˓* rules.

guidelines. we all hate 'em but it's sometimes needed to explain stuff. hope these aren't too long. sorry! ;-; ❛ out of character.   out of character, i'm a female over the age of twenty one & from the uk. been writing for like ten plus years in various verses (supernatural, gotham, etc). i'm always down to chat to new people so please, don't feel like you can't just strike up a conversation with me. friendly mun! health & life does affect my times to be on here, tuesday - thursday are my busy days so please be patient. i will update people on the feed when i'm unusually busy. other times, i simply just want to spend time gaming. discord will be given if asked, i don't usually give it out publicly due to prior encounters.   ❛ character.   whilst i'm working on my profile, i'll just briefly say it here - there will be more in depth on her layout. alyson seimura dove is a character created for the my hero academia verse. when dove was six, she was brought to japan by her father and her grandfather to be put into the hpsc. what they didn't mention is that she was being trained up to be a replacement for hawks incase he went rogue or something happened to him due to her similar quirk. when she was older, she found out that fact and safe to say, she was more than pissed off before running away from home and abandoning the organisation.   ❛ drama.   honestly? i simply don't need it in my life. i'm here to write, edit and meet new people. i know what the verse is like - been here since early last year, keep me out of whatever stuff is happening.   ❛ relationSHIPS.   always up for finding mains for dove, i'd love to fill up my connection spots at some point. in terms of actual shipping, i usually leave that down to storylines and how it unfolds personally. also depends on me and the other writer. nsfw stuff is between ship partner(s) (not sure if im a multi yet) and that's it.   ❛ patience.   i can't stress this enough, if you can't wait a few days for a reply, please don't stay. i'm also one of the most patient people you can meet. i understand people have lives so, please give me the same in return. if i'm taking longer than a week to do a reply, i will let said person know personally. sometimes things unexpectedly crop up that can't be helped.   ❛ storylines / writing.   up for all things you can throw at me, do not send me weird things. random starters that aren't ero themed are fine, you send me anything that's themed like that, i'll delete straight away. no questions asked. banter is always welcome around here. i'm up to date with both the manga and anime.   ❛ trigger warnings.   i'm just going to place this here so it's out in the open and i don't have to keep mentioning it. character's backstory isn't exactly pleasant, especially her childhood. it mentions ab*se (hitting etc, nothing sexual) and just awful parenting. so if that is triggering to you, i'd advise you not to read. i do not bring it up in storylines unless discussed - i do however write it in my drabbles sometimes. i always put a trigger warning beforehand.  


05/01/2024 08:23 PM 


I will NOT do anything lewd while playing BBS, KH1, or KH2 versions of Kairi. KH3 is a grey area. But if lewd does happen, I'm going to assume it's post KH3 and she'll be portrayed as being 19-21. I also have an AU Kairi that I'm working on as well. If you're interested just ask.  Don't be a jerk. I understand some characters are aloof, rude, and just not pleasant people. But when I'm talking to you OoC, don't do it. I'm being nice to you so I want the same kindness in return.  I will not subject Kairi to every Sora and bend to his will. Canon or not, Kairi doesn't need to be with every Sora.  I absolutely love crossovers. If you don't know how to get your character to mine, just let me know. I will gladly help you figure things out or have Kairi travel to your world.  Do NOT tell me how to portray Kairi. Everyone has their own percecption of the character. I wouldn't judge how you portray yours, so show me the same kindness in return.  I LOVE mirrors!!! If another Kairi wants to plot something out I'm all for it. Dont be afraid. 


05/01/2024 06:55 PM 

Current mood:  apathetic

1. Don't be an a**hole.2. Look to number one.3. Don't rush perfection. 4. No drama/ minors / creepers. 5. No one liners unless we are just getting things rollin'.6. Don't start things you can't undo. 7. Don't steal anything. 8. Don't god-mode. 9. Put effort into your posts. I don't want to be the only one coming up with ideas (this has happened MORE than once).10. Be literate. I can't stand people who use "text-talk" While writing an obviously literate storyline. 11. Don't ask for personal information such as but not limited to ; my real name, phone numbers, email addresses, discord, physical home addresses, etc.12. If you're not into erotica, that's fine, but don't be an ass about it and blow up on me if you are not into that kind of thing. Kindly delete me if you're not into it and be on your mary way. 13. I mostly do romance and erotica roleplays. Again, if that's not your thing, cool, I ain't judging'14. No drama. I hate drama-starters and thosse who stir the "pot" so to speak. DO NOT DO IT.15. Minors will be deleted if I find out you are one of them you will get a lecture and be blocked.16. I am not a pedophile. I am 35 and looking for a good time since I have recently found myself to be single. 17. Multi-ship LI until further notice; no drama that way. Please do not ask me for a realtionship that is exclusive. 18. Please read the damn rules that are up here. I didn't write them for my health. Perhaps just my sanity. 19. Obey the rules, and sign when you're done. 20. Don't make this a chore. I like writing, but if it becomes anything other than "fun" I will stop.


05/01/2024 05:34 PM 


 This is a preniup. I _____ concent to having fun with Sasuke Uchiha and know that I am WILLINGLY going through having sex with his character so that there will be NO CONFUSION throughout the roleplays and no confusion about rules and anti-erotica roleplayers. If you do not like erotica then do not add me in the first place and tell me I'm wrong for writing erotica.I do not like people who go around telling people they're doing the wrong thing when honestly they do it because they enjoy it and it works for them. Sasuke is a 35 year old business man and works for a car company as the CEO of the company he works for. He is NOT a shinobi like in the series.Please read this memo so you can get a glimpse of how I write Sasuke. It will be an off the wall AU version of him. He likes to have sex with his co-workers and blackmails them with having sex in his office, and has often been caught once or twice and has had law-suits over the issue. However, this does not mean Sasuke doesn't still have fun every once in a while with a cute bar tender down the street or a stripper or two in his free time. What can we say? We're both single, and ready to mingle. So, get ready and have some fun! Unbutton those shirts, and get your panties out of a wad and come join us! : ) 


05/01/2024 12:43 PM 


Bio: A being that embodies the concept of imagination and fiction. Fabrication Install: The ability that allows Nemo to become the /dreamer/ of any reality. With this, anything that Nemo imagines can happen in reality. Anything he can imagine, it happens. Reality and what is /real/ becomes unreal and 'illusive', making him a formidable foe to go up against.

⠀ᴮᴬᴺᴳ ★ 𝗕𝗔𝗡𝗚 .ᐟ

05/01/2024 07:50 PM 


01. mun is 25+ and will not interact with minors.02. i can dish out replies within a day or a month, there's no in between. my work schedule tends to change spontaneously. i don't care about being a "mute" or any deadlines for replies. if you can't wait, kindly move along. no hard feelings.03. spontaneous banter and starters are heavily preferred. i'm sorry, but discussions just don't do it for me anymore.04. dead dove: do not eat. there can be themes not for the faint of heart. if there's anything you're uncomfortable with, feel free to reach out and tell me.05. in terms of shipping, it's not my priority but i welcome it when things lead up to it. i'm strictly multi ship to keep things from getting messy.06. discord is unavailable for the timebeing. i prefer keeping my writing on the site only.

18+Mistress Mayleen seeking lover ♈

04/30/2024 09:27 PM 


1. No drama bull sh*t 2. No mutes no one liners 3.  No trolls or bullies 4. I am blind I won't do pucuations no grammar police 5. I am busy in real life 6. If you want my discord ask but I am never on it 7. I won't change my character for you 8 let me know if you want her sub or Dom Dom is packing extra 

18+Mistress Mayleen seeking lover ♈

04/29/2024 08:57 PM 

Real mayleen not dead  : Facebook as proof  check I'm always active !!! 

Modern Day Monster Hunter

04/29/2024 08:05 PM 


Austin wasn't always a monster Hunter. sh*t right? But he only discovered that creatures of the night existed just last year. It all happened when he took on a job as a camp counselor for the summer. Towards the end of summer, the camp became a hot bed for the occult. Vampires, werewolves, ghosts, demons...all these creatures seemed to come out suddenly. Austin thinks to some quick thinking and another hunter that came to their aid, they were able to drive off the attackers. Normally Austin would wipe his hands clean of the paranormal...that is until he saw just how much he would get paid per job. Then he apply to become a hunter.From then on, Austin became a hunter. Buying a crossbow as well as other weapons as tools. He would even vet his friends George and Kelly involved and split the pay between the three of them should the job be big enough and it pays well. Quickly he amassed more money than he knew what to do with. He soon moved out of the sh*tty neighborhood he used to live in and bought a sizable home in Texas. Located just outside of Richmond city limits. Soon after he bought an RV so that he could take jobs all around the country. When hunting gigs were slow, he worked as a Private Investigator.


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