
Last Login:
April 6th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 32
Sign: Capricorn
Signup Date:
April 28, 2023


04/28/2023 10:47 PM 

The Elf's backstory (if anyone cares).

Name: Akai Debonea Kage Age: 29 (?)
Race: Elven Shapeshifter
Likes: Sweets, Anime, Wine and occasionally some light reading.
Dislikes: Bitter & Spicy things, Horror movies and Beer.

History: The last surviving member of his clan, the Vermilion Elves, Akai is the sole heir of his clan's secret techniques of shapeshifting. Thus, he is able to not only transform his DNA structure on a molecular level, but he can even shapeshift various parts of his body simultaneously at will. He is limited on his scope of what he can transform to only by his imagination, as long as there is a DNA structure to rightfully replicate. If he so chooses to, he could transform in to something as complex and mythical such as a Gryphon, or he could even transform in to another person, like the President of the United States.

It was because of these very same abilities that his fellow clan of Elves were brutally hunted and slain by powerful government bodies, who feared what their clan could accomplish if they decided to align themselves with any political element. All their people wanted to do was to live in peace unbothered by any human elements, left to their own devices; but it was this very same naivety that led to their undoing. Their once peaceful race was viciously slaughtered and subjugated to inhumane lab experiments for the sole few who would barely cling to life. Akai was fortunate enough to make it out of the gruesome battlefield alive and in one piece thanks to the help of his grandfather's sacrifice.

Ever since then the elf boy has traveled to various places and continents as he has lived on the run from both government forces and hired mafia alike, in fear of what his powers could bring upon the world. And through these experiences he has truly learned how grotesque and two-faced humanity could be, and also how unnaturally kind humanity could be. He has learned how to not so quickly judge a book by its cover, but to also not be caught off-guard when he is just as easily betrayed. Honed with the skills he has crafted from his clan and the wisdom he has gained in his travels, Akai continues to traverse these plains in search of an easy life, hopeful to revive his long, lost clan of shapeshifters someday in earnest.


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