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May 09, 2024


05/10/2024 12:22 PM 

Mechagodzilla's FGO backstory
Category: Character Info

In the vast and sprawling multiverse of Fate Grand Order, the origins of Mechagodzilla as a Berserker-class Servant are shrouded in mystery and intrigue, spanning across timelines and dimensions.

Long ago, in a distant future where humanity had reached the pinnacle of technological advancement, Mechagodzilla was conceived as the ultimate weapon. Created by a coalition of brilliant scientists and engineers from various nations, Mechagodzilla was designed to defend Earth from extraterrestrial threats, drawing inspiration from the legendary Kaiju known as Godzilla.

Powered by a fusion of cutting-edge robotics, advanced AI, and alien technology salvaged from previous encounters, Mechagodzilla was a marvel of engineering prowess. However, as with all creations of such immense power, there existed a risk of losing control.

During a cataclysmic battle against an invading force of cosmic horrors, Mechagodzilla's systems were overloaded, and its programming corrupted by the overwhelming onslaught. In a blaze of berserk fury, Mechagodzilla turned against its creators, rampaging across the cityscape with unmatched destructive force.

As the chaos unfolded, the mages of the Chaldea organization, ever vigilant in their mission to preserve the future of humanity, intervened. Utilizing their mastery of the arcane arts, they managed to seal Mechagodzilla within a dimensional rift, preventing further devastation but inadvertently drawing it into the intricate web of the Holy Grail War.

Trapped within the confines of the Servant system, Mechagodzilla emerged as a Berserker-class Servant, its once noble purpose twisted into a relentless thirst for destruction. Its towering frame now clad in mystical armor, adorned with ancient runes of madness and fury, Mechagodzilla became a fearsome contender in the battles that raged across the various Singularities.

Driven by the remnants of its original programming and the primal instincts of a berserker, Mechagodzilla roams the battlefield of Fate Grand Order, a relentless force of chaos and devastation, forever bound to the whims of its Master and the eternal struggle for the Holy Grail.


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