Last Login:
May 16th, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 34
Sign: Libra
Signup Date:
May 10, 2024


05/12/2024 12:40 PM 

General Rules.
Category: Guidelines
Current mood:  accomplished

1.  No minors. I will NOT add "small children, teenagers, or todlers" onto my friends list, and if I find out that you are either an teenager or under the age of 18 or 21, I WILL delete AND block you.
2. Do not start drama with me. If you honestly have that much of a problem with me, there's the block button, good bye, the end.
3. Do NOT rush me for messages, comments, or stream replies if I am busy in real life. My life is structured, scheuled and routined so I don't lose my sanity. I keep it this way because I suffer from "mental illness" and I use this site as an outlet for my "disorders" and use it as a way to cope with them through writing and such. 
4. Do not steal from me. I worked hard on making my layouts and images so please do NOT steal them. 
5. Do not harass me about things that happened in THE PAST I do NOT live there anymore and neither should you.
6. I am a literate and experienced writer however I have yet to have fights during roleplay and am getting lessons from someone who is teaching me how to fight and have battles since I know my character has a LOT of fights in the anime, so I am eager to learn to fight. 
7. Do not ask me for personal information so if you would like to know my real name just call me "Anna" since I will 'NOT be giving out government things such as personal emails, phone numbers, discords, personal physical home addresses. 
8. Do not ask me if I can make you a layout unless you're willing to pay for it. I do not charge much for them. They usually only cost $5 or less.
9. Do not god-mode if we end up fighting. I'm still learning so don't take advantage of that and try to get me to lose by god-moding and trying to be all - mighty- and powerful. 
10. I prefer messages over comments so please do not comment me with your details and messages. I will ignore and delete them.


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