Chosen Saiyan on - Chosen Saiyan

35 years old

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May 17 2024

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Like most Saiyans from Universe 7, he is somewhat cocky, loves fighting, and will kill in cold blood. But compared to the cold-hearted and simple thoughts of his race, Bardock also happens to possess calm judgment and a measure of humanity. Due to his actions of saving his companions, which is rare for a Saiyan, he is greatly adored among a portion of the low-class warriors.[8] He has a great sense of pride and independence as while most Saiyans have all been tamed by Frieza and his army, even King Vegeta, Bardock is the only one that maintains something of their pure nature and showed a willingness to challenge Frieza

As shown in Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku, he has a very plain view in life. While praised by others as brilliant, Bardock rejects such compliments, believing that he is simply experienced for combat. His loyalty and compassion for his friends and allies was shown so deep that he mourned their respective deaths and vowed to avenge them, particularly Tora who he openly viewed as his best friend. Along with this, he also attempts to warn the other Saiyans that Frieza is coming to destroy Planet Vegeta, and even though they don't listen, he still risks his life to save them all. He has a laid-back and fearless personality as evidenced by him taking responsibility in confronting Frieza alone. He is a highly capable tactician in battle, able to perceive the situation at hand and act accordingly with it, as shown from his ability to out-maneuver Frieza's men. Later, in Dragon Ball: Episode of Bardock, Bardock remains unsociable, he says his name to Berry right after the boy asked him. But he also shows a little bit of stubbornness, when Berry offers him a basket of food and he denies it even being hungry, but soon Bardock starts to accept Berry's persistence and becomes softer with the child. When the Inhabitants of Plant thanked Bardock for Chilled's defeat, Bardock replies with a smile. In the manga, Bardock's personality has some distinct differences. While still a Saiyan soldier at heart with a stern and straightforward approach to things, he was more social as he would warmly greet other Saiyans after arriving in his home world. He showed great care and compassion for his own children, an action he says that is due to Gine's softness rubbing off on him. Initially, Bardock was rather careless and somewhat inconsiderate towards Gine and his children, being gone for several months and missing the birth of Kakarot, something Gine chastises him for, but after seeing his child in-person and naming him, he begins to feel more compassion for his family. He is also shown to be similarly ignorant to most matters except fighting. Later, during the invasion of Planet Cereal, Bardock's growing compassion was shown by his willingness to spare a mother and her child, even working to protect them. In Broly, he stated that it might be that after all the death and destruction he had caused, he felt the fickle urge to actually save something, particularly if that something was judged to be a low level like his son, Kakarot. Upon learning of Frieza's growing fear of the Super Saiyan legend, Bardock quickly comes up with a plan to get Kakarot off the world so he could live. Bardock also displays some heroic qualities as well, as when Frieza launches his Supernova to destroy Planet Vegeta, Bardock flies up to try and stop it, resorting to fighting several of Frieza's minions and then throwing himself in front of it as a last-ditch effort to save his race from extinction.

Maybe it's because I'm constantly fighting, destroying, that I'd actually like to save something for once. Especially someone who is judged to be a lower-class warrior... like my Kakarot.
Novelty seeking Impulsive, exploratory, fickle, excitable, quick-tempered, and extravagant. Associated with addictive behavior.
Psychoticism Psychoticism is a personality pattern typified by aggressiveness and interpersonal hostility. High levels of this trait were believed to be linked to increased vulnerability to psychosis such as schizophrenia.
Obsessionality Persistent, often unwelcome, and frequently disturbing ideas, thoughts, images or emotions, rumination, often inducing an anxious state.
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Bardock's personality has some distinct differences. While still a Saiyan soldier at heart with a stern and straightforward approach to things, he was more social as he would warmly greet other Saiyans after arriving in his home world. He showed great care and compassion for his own children, an action he says that is due to Gine's softness rubbing off on him. Initially, Bardock was rather careless and somewhat inconsiderate towards Gine and his children, being gone for several months and missing the birth of Kakarot, something Gine chastises him for, but after seeing his child in-person and naming him, he begins to feel more compassion for his family. He is also shown to be similarly ignorant to most matters except fighting.


, Bardock's growing compassion was shown by his willingness to spare a mother and her child, even working to protect them. In Broly, he stated that it might be that after all the death and destruction he had caused, he felt the fickle urge to actually save something, particularly if that something was judged to be a low level like his son, Kakarot. Upon learning of Frieza's growing fear of the Super Saiyan legend, Bardock quickly comes up with a plan to get Kakarot off the world so he could live. Bardock also displays some heroic qualities as well, as when Frieza launches his Supernova to destroy Planet Vegeta, Bardock flies up to try and stop it, resorting to fighting several of Frieza's minions and then throwing himself in front of it as a last-ditch effort to save his race from extinction.


His loyalty and compassion for his friends and allies was shown so deep that he mourned their respective deaths and vowed to avenge them, particularly Tora who he openly viewed as his best friend. Along with this, he also attempts to warn the other Saiyans that Frieza is coming to destroy Planet Vegeta, and even though they don't listen, he still risks his life to save them all. He has a laid-back and fearless personality as evidenced by him taking responsibility in confronting Frieza alone. He is a highly capable tactician in battle, able to perceive the situation at hand and act accordingly with it, as shown from his ability to out-maneuver Frieza's men.


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As noted by Raditz and Frieza, Bardock bears a striking resemblance to Goku: he is a tall man of muscular built with black hair. His hair is unkempt with three bangs hanging to the right of his forehead and two hanging to the left. His hair also stands up in the front with five spikes and four in the back. Unlike his younger son, he has a tanner skin tone, and his eyes are more defined and sterner, much like his elder son. Arguably his most distinctive trait is the long thick, rough scar running down his left cheek. Like most Universe 7 Saiyans, he has a long prehensile tail with brown fur which generally keeps secured around his waist akin to a belt. He wears a dark blue and green Battle Armor, dark blue combat pants, long red armbands with matching leg warmers, a green Scouter on his left eye, and black and green boots. Later, Bardock adopts Tora's blood-soaked armband as a headband when he fights Team Dodoria on Planet Meat, which he retains when he attempts to kill Frieza. In Dragon Ball Minus: The Departure of the Fated Child and Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Bardock wears beige Battle Armor with rectangular shoulder pads and his boots are white with beige tips instead of black with green tips and does not have the red shin guards. His arm bands are blue instead of red. Bardock has no headband of any kind. The scar on his check is smoother and x shaped. He also has an additional thin scar running horizontally across his right bicep. His tail is also draped more loosely around his hips.

In Dragon Ball Online, Bardock wears a black and golden armor with a strap around his neck, his pants are black instead of dark blue and he wears dark armbands along with the older ones, and dark leggings along with the older ones as well, features provided by the Time Breakers. Additionally, while being controlled he wears a Mask, with the Time Breakers symbol on its forehead. While at this state, he is referred to as the Masked Man, Time Breaker Bardock or Masked Saiyan.

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Bardock (バーダック Bādakku) is a low-class Saiyan warrior, the husband of Gine, and the father of Raditz and Goku. He makes his debut as the titular protagonist of the 1990 TV special Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku. Bardock's childhood until his early years in adulthood is unknown, but he is shown to lead his own squad into battle, and they are very successful in accomplishing their assignments. He is an adept fighter and a devoted Saiyan Army soldier under the Frieza Force until he realizes his tyrannical boss plans to annihilate the Saiyan race.
Bold Italic Emphasize Underline strike strong standout

Not long after Frieza took command of the Frieza Force, Bardock was dispatched along with other Saiyans to Planet Cereal in order to lay waste to it as Great Apes, decimating the population and leaving Granolah as the sole, unknown survivor. This came from Bardock witnessing Granolah as a child with his mother. Seeing Kakarot and Gine in this situation, Bardock opted to spare them and lied to Leek that he was looking for survivors. He detected life in the mountains and hid them with Monaito. Despite these efforts, they were found by the Heeters, who mercilessly killed Granolah's mother. Bardock managed to help Granolah and Monaito briefly escape, but he was soon stopped by Gas, leading the two to fight. Gas mocks Bardock about the Saiyans about their imminent destruction, confusing Bardock.

After Gas unleashes a portion of his instincts, Bardock finds himself completely on the back foot. During their battle Monaito summons Toronbo and tries to send Bardock back to Planet Vegeta, but Bardock refuses, not wanting to run from the fight. When Monaito asks what wish Bardock would like, Bardock states that he just wants his sons to thrive. Gas then proceeds to beat Bardock further, tearing his tail off. Gas throws a spear at Bardock to finish him, but it is intercepted by Monaito. This enrages Gas into using his full power before knocking Monaito away and grabbing Bardock by the neck. Bardock manages to escape the hold knocks Gas away. When Gas asks him why he is fighting, Bardock responds by saying that in a life-or-death battle, victory is all that matters, and he simply fights when there is an enemy to beat.

Bardock's Saiyan Power activates, allowing him to push past his limits and defeat Gas with Final Spirit Cannon. Drained of energy, Bardock falls to the ground. Bardock proceeds to tell Elec, who came to retrieve Gas, that he thought they were loyal to Frieza. Elec explains that in business, you don't show all your hands and then proceeds to mock Bardock and the rest of the Saiyans for not realizing what Frieza was planning. Instead of elaborating, he shoots Bardock in the shoulder, causing him to fall off a cliff into a forest below. Elec shoots the area where he landed several more time before leaving. Bardock, having survived, is found by Monaito, but his scouter is broken. He soon left the planet and returned home, where Gine tended to him. Not long later, he joined Leek on a mission.

The time will come when, with elation, you will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror, and each will smile at the other's welcome

Integer a lacinia quam. Cras ut dolor ac neque pharetra lobortis. Morbi venenatis elit a ante bibendum placerat. Nunc sit amet libero condimentum, congue massa fermentum, feugiat neque. Proin ut nunc facilisis lacus bibendum congue sit amet at nunc. Maecenas pulvinar efficitur tellus aliquet volutpat. Etiam posuere diam a erat sollicitudin varius. Nulla eu leo vestibulum, convallis risus at, consectetur mauris. Sed nec mattis turpis. Phasellus scelerisque sed metus sed pretium. Etiam luctus in dolor id scelerisque. Nulla at metus metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras eu velit nec erat maximus fermentum. Mauris vitae vestibulum dolor. Integer scelerisque vel eros a tempus. Phasellus rutrum eu urna feugiat condimentum. Quisque tempor sit amet nunc vitae tincidunt. Aliquam eu lacus quam. Etiam justo eros, tempor a lorem consequat, aliquam tristique lacus. Nullam vel justo tempus lorem ullamcorper rutrum. Suspendisse nec facilisis urna. Aenean augue urna, malesuada sed condimentum a, efficitur in nisl. Quisque lectus metus, porta nec quam id, ultricies tincidunt metus. Nulla condimentum scelerisque ligula, sed porta dolor varius ac. Nam auctor elit euismod molestie venenatis. Nunc accumsan erat at semper pretium.

Maecenas sollicitudin justo est, a laoreet nisl ullamcorper id. Nullam vitae ligula non felis elementum efficitur. Morbi augue urna, porta ac posuere non, scelerisque non nisl. Nullam pretium diam vel nibh pellentesque gravida. Sed tincidunt mi id massa iaculis, et fermentum massa maximus. Suspendisse placerat blandit aliquam. Nulla porttitor metus metus, eu rutrum dui ullamcorper et. Nulla cursus nunc ut orci egestas, eget lacinia nisi lacinia. Pellentesque viverra risus et convallis blandit. Mauris eros erat, pellentesque et aliquet non, accumsan non sem. Nullam et nibh lacus. Donec in sodales erat, sit amet sagittis lectus. Curabitur elementum lacus eget nunc rutrum varius. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam convallis cursus nulla et maximus. Aliquam eget faucibus felis, eu fringilla magna.


In the Funimation dub of Bardock - The Father of Goku, after returning from Kanassa and having his wounds healed, Bardock is said to have a power level close to 10,000 and was expected to surpass King Vegeta in due time (Who, according to Vegeta himself, has a power level of under 18,000). He is able to defeat four of Frieza's elite soldiers at the same time after they ganged up on him before being blasted away by Dodoria's Energy Cannon. Later, despite being heavily wounded, Bardock forces his way through dozens of Frieza's troops on his own in an effort to reach Frieza's ship, which he does successfully and without any effort. What-if scenarios In Episode of Bardock, after surviving Frieza's Supernova and being sent to the past, Bardock is seen defeating Toobi and Cabira, two soldiers of Chilled's army, with extreme ease. After achieving the Super Saiyan transformation, Bardock is able to defeat Chilled, Frieza's ancestor who eventually died of the injuries he sustained while fighting Super Saiyan Bardock. Statements by authors and guidebooks It was stated by Akira Toriyama that Bardock was one of the strongest low-class warriors but was not strong enough to be considered a mid-class warrior (which implies that his power was below Nappa's and possibly his eldest son Raditz, who was considered powerful and brutal enough to be classified as mid-class soldier, albeit on the low end of the mid-class similar to how his father was on the high-end of the low-class). Bardock was also strong enough to protect Gine several times and other members of his group whenever they were caught in danger.

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     Chosen Saiyan's Details
Characters: Bardock
Verses: Dragon ball, Naruto
Member Since:May 03, 2024

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