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06/14/2024 12:28 PM 

Ashen Wolves

  Full Name: Yuri Leclerc   Aliases: Yuri-bird, Yurikins, Underground Lord, Savage Mockingbird   Birthday: 12th of the Verdant Rain Moon; Imperial Year 1160 (August 12th)   Age: 19–20 (Pre-Timeskip), 25–26 (Post-Timeskip)   Height: 5'7" (171 cm)   Personality: Described as being of crass speech but extremely devoted to the protection of Abyssians, even when it is not easy to tell, it is clear that Yuri is quite sharp-tongued and reserved upon his introduction, dryly teasing his fellow classmates. However, he is also shown to be kind under his rough exterior, and he cares deeply for the safety of those who live in Abyss, due to his upbringing in which he barely survived a plague that killed numerous villagers, thanks to the assistance of an elderly man his family had taken care of.Such caring is why he sides with any nation regardless of route chosen, stating that he doesn't like fighting losing battles and wants to ensure the safety of his people. This is further reflected on how he doesn't stay in the nation he allied with in his solo ending on any route, and always returns to the underground to ensure the prosperity of the Abyssians.Despite his looks, Yuri can be quite frightening when he wants to be, as his reputation as the Savage Mockingbird was established from swindling, participating in illicit markets, and manipulating others for a living in order to help the less fortunate by putting on a charming nature in order to manipulate the more privileged into giving him what he wants, with few daring to cross him.Like Claude, Yuri is an extremely skilled tactician and his personality can catch others off-guard. He always ensures that his tactics will always work as desired, even if it means he has to temporarily betray his allies without making them aware of his plans, and as such, he will often execute them alone, although he does appreciate assistance if offered. Being the boss of a gang of Abyssians, Yuri is also good at keeping secrets, although he will disclose them to those he has complete trust in.Despite being flippant about it, Yuri's honorable spirit makes him think little of himself due to his shady past, even telling a young girl that she should never say she wants to grow up to be like him. This also leads to him being genuinely shamed by the killings that landed him in Abyss, to the point of objecting when Rhea states she'll allow him to leave, only for her to point out that Yuri must live with what he has done. Yuri also holds absolute contempt for Miklan, calling him a slimebag for being a more repugnant criminal than he is along with believing he could run Miklan's gang in a better way.Yuri's roster profile reveals that he has a hatred of singing in public, reflected in a low affinity for attending Choir Practice and disliking being given a Book of Sheet Music as a gift. He is in fact an incredibly talented singer, and is shown in supports with Dorothea that he still will sing for children on occasion. It is revealed that his hatred for singing comes from his time spent in the Imperial capital, as during the peak of Dorothea's popularity as a diva, nobles vying for her "were willing to compromise with an inferior substitute", describing the experience of pleasing the nobles as leaving him feeling "filthy and unlovable".He is quite flirtatious with Byleth at times, though it can be quite difficult to tell whether it is genuine or not. He is also a devout believer of Seiros, as is his mother, and claims to have a habit of praying before any big event ever since he was little.   Backstory:He was born in the year 1160, in a poor town in Western Faerghus. His mother was a prostitute, and the identity of his father is unknown.At some point during his childhood, his family hosted and nursed an elderly man back to health. As a token of gratitude, he taught him how to read and write, the memory of which he kept within a notebook. Some time later, he fell deathly ill to a plague which wiped almost his entire town, but was saved and healed by the same elderly man, who passed away some time later due to natural causes. This chain of events inspired him to obtain his compassionate resolve. Full Name: Balthus von Albrecht   Aliases: King of Grappling   Birthday: 9th of the Blue Sea Moon; Imperial Year 1153 (July 9th)   Age: 26-27 (Pre-Timeskip), 32–33 (Post-Timeskip)   Height: 6'6" (198 cm)   Personality: Rowdy by nature, Balthus is straightforward and non-judgmental, being one of the few to not fuss over things like Lysithea's quirks. He is surprisingly empathetic, as he was close with his younger half-brother and always believed he was better suited to be the head of their family, so he chose to leave in order to make handing his over inheritance that much easier.As the oldest student of the Officer's Academy, Balthus enjoys gambling and drinking, one of the primary reasons of his being in debt, but cannot control his urges to do so. While he may ask people for small loans, most notably Hilda, he never directly asks others to assist him in paying off his debts, as he prefers to resolve them by himself. If someone offers him any sort of aid, and he cannot repay them immediately, he vows to repay such favors someday no matter what.Despite his hearty and careless personality, Balthus can be quite insightful, which is referenced in both his budding talent in Reason, and the fact that he's the only person who can not only keep up with Claude's defensiveness over his past and his prodding, but he even turns it back on him, leaving Claude genuinely indignant and hypocritically upset at Balthus for trying to get a read into his past.Balthus is on good terms with Holst and his younger sister Hilda, despite not being in contact with them for years. He tries his best to take care of Hilda, even well after the timeskip, where he upholds the promise made to Holst years ago before hiding in Abyss. He also respects Holst's combat capabilities, stating that he wouldn't have a chance if he had to fight him. This respect turns into a prominent weakness that Hilda exploits to rein in Balthus' love for gambling and reckless behavior.   Backstory:Balthus' mother is a commoner from Kupala, a very secluded region within Leicester. His father is the leader of the Albrecht clan, a minor noble family from the east of the Alliance. She left Kupala to see the world, and he rescued her from danger; the two fell in love, married and had Balthus, but his mother was loathed by her husband's clansmates due to her lowborn origins so they constantly harassed her. The couple were forced to part ways: Balthus' mother returned to Kupala, and Balthus remained with his paternal family as the heir apparent, even when he did not consider himself cut to be the heir.Some time after the departure of Balthus' mother, Lord Albrecht was forced to marry a local noblewoman who also bore him a son, albeit one with no Crest. Balthus and his younger half-brother were pretty close, but the boy's mother loathed her stepson and was obsessed with her son becoming the heir of the family. All of this was followed by Balthus' own unruly behavior and the discovery of his Crest of Chevalier when he entered the Officer's Academy; his Crest was not supposed to have been passed on to anyone after the failure of the Rite of Rising, so Balthus and Lord Albrecht had lots of problems to keep the secret from the clan. Some time after Balthus' graduation he decided to run away since not only he was harassed by debt collectors and other enemies, he greatly feared that his cruel stepmother would either harm his mother and the Kupalans as revenge against him, take her frustrations on his father, or pit him against his brother.As he ran away from everyone in Leicester, after a bad encounter with bounty hunters near the Bridge of Myrddin he reached the territory of Lysithea's parents in Ordelia. By then, House Ordelia was already dominated by the Empire and could not give him shelter, but they still fed him and helped him escape from his pursuers despite the danger they were in. He has never forgotten the kindness of the Ordelias and hopes to repay them someday, as he explains to Lysithea in their supports.Eventually, Balthus made his way to Abyss, managing to lay low until it was safe to come out again.   Full Name: Constance von Nuvelle   Aliases: N/A   Birthday: 20th of the Lone Moon, Imperial year 1161 (March 20th)   Age: 18-19 (Pre-Timeskip), 23–24 (Post-Timeskip)   Height: 5'5" (164 cm)   Personality: Constance speaks in a domineering, haughty tone, but maintains a scope of politeness and refined speech, being a noble before hiding in Abyss. At times, she can be rude, especially when loudly voicing her aspirations to restore House Nuvelle. Interestingly, Constance also seems to need praise to feel better about herself, as in her victory quotes she demands recognition.Due to the tragedy that befell her house, Constance suffers from dual personality disorder. Her aforementioned personality are her dominant traits when indoors or outdoors during darker hours or overcast days. When she is exposed to sunlight, she is much more lethargic, apathetic, and even self-deprecating. Her tone is much more polite, but always stated in a manner that seems like she is inconveniencing her conversational partner. This trait is also uniquely reflected in gameplay, as her personality exhibited during a given battle depends on the environment in which it's set.Magical research and development are Constance's favorite activities, believing that it is the best (and only) way to restore House Nuvelle and return it to prominence. However, these spells tend to have questionable utility, such as a spell that gives a rainbow hue to tea which, while beautiful, is ultimately useless. Another spell she develops – after an (ironic) suggestion of Yuri to “get down on all fours and lick [the nobles’] boots” in their C support (which she took literally) – would turn leather into licorice, something that earns her bewilderment from Yuri. That said, in most of her endings, her research eventually culminates in restoring House Nuvelle and making it well known across Fódlan.She holds some distaste for the Adrestian Empire as its actions led to her parents' deaths. Though she bears no grudge against Edelgard, even speaking in a friendly manner to her, she coldly dismisses her apologies for her father's actions. However, she admits if she had known about Edelgard being the Flame Emperor, she would have done everything in her power to stop her, even if it stopped her chance at restoring her family. Should Constance be recruited in Crimson Flower, though, she’ll change her viewpoint after admitting to forcing information out of Edelgard.   Backstory:Constance was originally a lady of House Nuvelle, a noble family from the Adrestian Empire that collapsed during the Dagda and Brigid War a few years ago, and is the only survivor. The tragedy that befell House Nuvelle deeply traumatized her, giving her a dual personality disorder that triggers when exposed to direct sunlight, as it reminded her of House Nuvelle's destruction. She is also a childhood friend of Mercedes.She attended the Fhirdiad Royal School of Sorcery and graduated in Year 1177.Following the collapse of House Nuvelle, Constance moved to Abyss, although she hasn't given up on her dream of reviving House Nuvelle, and she is watching vigilantly for a chance to do great things and gain worldwide recognition. Full Name: Hapi   Aliases: Half-Decade Hapi   Birthday: 15th of the Guardian Moon, Imperial year 1159 (January 15th)   Age: 20-21 (Pre-Timeskip), 25–26 (Post-Timeskip)   Height: 169 cm (about 5'7")   Personality: Hapi is a passive girl who does not hide her general apathy to life, tending to hold a disinterested attitude towards everything due to her treatment by Cornelia in her youth. This is in part due to her curse, as Cornelia's experiments on her Crest would cause numerous monsters to arrive. As such, she tries to keep her emotions in check and not sigh as much as possible.Having a rather negative view towards authority and society in general, Hapi is the most cynical among those at the Officer's Academy towards the Church, and its knights in particular, seeing them as self-righteous and only doing good when it's convenient for them, as the Church and Knights of Seiros promised to help fix the curse that had been placed on her when she was rescued by them, only to force her to stay in Abyss "for the greater good" when no solution was able to be found, which she readily acknowledged as truth, but still believes acted as an excuse to make sure that if her powers did hurt someone, it wouldn't be anyone important. She ends up softening her views over time and acknowledges not all of them are bad when the church does truly charitable things (such as taking in the Remire villagers).Unlike her fellow Ashen Wolves, Hapi is very uncomfortable with having to fight the other nations due to how much she dislikes the idea of fighting people she once knew, often pointing out in Crimson Flower that she is not fully onboard with the war, and mainly fights out of belief in Byleth, with her quotes changing to her being more remorseful and having an air of self-justification.Hapi prefers to call other people by nicknames based on what she sees and believes of them. She calls Byleth "Chatterbox", Edelgard is "Eddy", Dimitri is "Didi", Claude is "Claudester", Hubert is "The Bert", Linhardt is "Linny", Ashe is "Freckles", Ignatz is "Iggy", Yuri is "Yuri-bird", Balthus is "B", Constance is "Coco", Catherine is "Cathy", Shamir is "Shammi" and Judith is "Judy".   Backstory:Hapi was born in the hidden village of Timotheos. When she was nine, she ran away, wishing to see the world, leaving her parents behind. While roaming, she was abducted and subjected to magical experiments. As a result, whenever she sighs, monsters are drawn to her.After being freed at age seventeen, Hapi found refuge in a church in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. Three years later, however, she was discovered by the Knights of Seiros, and subsequently relocated to Abyss. She saw her relocation as a betrayal since the Church of Seiros explained that they'd actively help her fix her curse, only to essentially imprison her in Abyss when they were unable to find a cure; this caused her to develop feelings of disdain, distrust, and anger towards the Church and the Knights.  

Fire Emblem, Character Info

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06/14/2024 12:13 PM 

Golden Deer

  Full Name: Claude von Riegan   Aliases: Claudester, The Master Tactician, King of Unification   Birthday: 24th of the Blue Sea Moon; Imperial Year 1162 (July 24th)   Age: 17-18 (Pre-Timeskip), 23–24 (Post-Timeskip)   Height: 175cm (about 5'9")   Personality: Claude is described as easygoing at the surface, but has a side that forces others to keep their guard around him. His introduction to Byleth at the Officers Academy emphasizes this as he refrains from divulging any information about himself to his potential professor to give himself a "sense of mystery" and to entice them to choose his house in order to get to know him better. While appearing lazy and casual, he is far more astute than he lets on and is always a few steps ahead of his peers during conversations.He tends to get along with those he interacts with, but his nonchalant attitude to his duties as heir to the Leicester Alliance seems at odds with each other and sometimes frustrates his fellow nobility classmates, namely Lorenz. Despite this, he has a wealth of knowledge of the Alliance's current state of affairs and has enough diplomatic sense to understand the ramifications of certain potential actions of Alliance against the neighboring country of Almyra.He is a cunning strategist, and is particularly skilled at mind games to throw his opponents off. He openly converses with Byleth about a ploy to give his house rivals food poisoning to give his house an advantage in the first mock battle. While he does not do so, he simply stated it to rile up his rivals. He cares greatly for those under his command, valuing their lives and advising them to retreat rather than fight to the death, as shown in Crimson Flower numerous times. He abhors killing, only doing so if completely necessary; his tactics generally rely on incapacitating the enemy. His skills as a tactician have grown significantly after the time-skip that his guise of neutrality intimidates other nations' advisers, such as Hubert, as they know he has ulterior motives in hand.Claude dislikes blind faith in gods, as he prefers to rely on the strength of men. On the other hand, he enjoys archery, long rides, subjects of curiosity, poetry, scheming and organizing feasts.   Backstory:Claude is the heir to House Riegan, the preeminent house of the Leicester Alliance, and the grandson of its leader through his mother, Tiana. Though he was born in Imperial Year 1162, he was not legitimated as heir until Imperial Year 1179, a year before enrolling at the Officers Academy.(Both pre and post timeskip)  Full Name: Lysithea von Ordelia   Aliases: N/A   Birthday: 28th of the Pegasus Moon; Imperial Year 1164 (February 28)   Age: 15-16 (Pre-Timeskip), 20-21 (Post-Timeskip)   Height: 148cm (about 4'10"), 160cm (about 5'3") (Post-timeskip)   Personality: Though hailed as a prodigy, Lysithea is in truth an exceptionally hard-working student who desires to learn every day to improve herself to the maximum of her abilities. She states her skills do not come from natural talent, but merely determination and intense application and dislikes when people refer to her aptitude as merely a natural talent. She seeks to develop her skills as a form of independence so she no longer has to burden her parents, whom she loves dearly.As a result, Lysithea is constantly throwing herself into opportunities to learn as she seeks to make meaningful use of her every waking moment. She is efficient with her time and is annoyed when others waste it, developing impatience with those who provide even a minor inconvenience or hesitation. Her ultimate efforts have resulted in her being the youngest student in the Officer's Academy. As a result, she has a bit of a chip on her shoulder due to her age and dislikes when people treat her like a child, or at the very least she perceives they are doing so. She can be incredibly sharp-tongued when others annoy her or seem to be looking down on her.Though she attempts to act like an adult, Lysithea is terrified of ghosts and can be easily riled up when the subject is brought up. She is extremely fond of sweets, primarily cake, referring to it as "divine essence of the heavens". She treats it as if it was currency, as shown in a conversation with Felix where she gives him some to buy his silence. Try as she might, Lysithea tries to keep this fondness under wraps, but she often surrenders to her fondness and can be coaxed if it's used as an incentive.   Backstory:Lysithea is the eldest daughter and heir to House Ordelia. When she was two years old, her family suffered retribution from the Adrestian Empire for their role in House Hrym's revolt. She is a magical prodigy whose talents developed at an early age.   Full Name: Marianne von Edmund   Aliases: N/A   Birthday: 23rd of the Red Wolf MoonImperial Year 1162 (November 23)   Age: 17-18 (Pre-Timeskip), 23-24 (Post-Timeskip)   Height: 163cm (about 5'4")   Personality: Marianne is one of the most unsociable members of the current students of the Officers Academy. She actively avoids most people as she fears that her presence will bring them misfortune and thus has a gloomy visage, complete with bangs that shadow her eyes and noticeable bags under her eyes. She often finds it hard to talk to others as a result and has spoken so infrequently that there are many students who have never heard her voice before. Even if she does speak, she is hesitant to express herself or her opinions, tending to speak in short statements and will try to detach from the conversation as quickly as she can. Marianne's speech is frequently punctuated by sheepish "um"s and "I'm sorry"s. Soft-spoken, but also polite, she tries to avoid inconveniencing people even in a minor manner. However, her self-deprecation sometimes makes people angry at her, especially short-tempered ones like Leonie.   Backstory:She has a fondness for animals in general as she is often seen conversing with them during her free time. She has a particular affinity for birds and horses, the latter of which has her bond with a horse named Dorte. When exploring the Monastery, Marianne is most commonly found near the stables. She appears to be deeply religious and prays to the Goddess every day.    

Fire Emblem, Character Info

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06/13/2024 11:28 PM 


All I wanna do is surf and live it upAll I wanna do is skate, don't give a f***All I wanna do is rage and never sleepI'd rather get laid than countin' sheepAll I wanna do is f***, never fall in loveBut I'm way too drunk, can't get it upAll I wanna do is cry, smoke a lot of weedSkate only half pikes till my left foot bleedsAll I wanna do is toke and drink a fifthYou call it a joke, I call it a giftI wanna play guitar and turn it upI wanna steal a car and blow it upI don't give a f***Never gonnaI don't give a f***All I wanna do is sleep, stop having funForgot how to read, forgot the sunAnd when you looked at me, said here take this, I woke up 'cause life's a ri-ri-ri-ri-riskI don't give a f***Never gonnaI don't give a f***Never gonna     FIDLAR  - "idgaf

FIDLAR, doing me, whatever, music sharing, lyrics, no fuqs given


06/13/2024 07:54 PM 


-mana manipulation -ki manipulation -Spirit magic-4 elemental principles magic -Lava magic magic-expert craftsmanship-master swordsmanship-Enhanced speed/strength/agility/durability -expert tactical mindset-master weapon user 


06/12/2024 07:21 PM 

Hashira Notes!

some notes for guidance! • I'm very busy in real life, so โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹please respect my time and do not hassle me.• Mitsuri although in the series seeks tseeksd a husband - canonically Obanai Iguro, Which I honor that and will only ship with a close trusted friend but! Otherwise, no shipping at all. If I see or sensed anyone trying to, you'll be removed. the Mun is taken in real life! Do NOT push that boundary or line. - I'll add more when i think of some! 

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06/12/2024 12:43 PM 

Few Rules :)

1) The most imporant rule of all. This is a roleplaying site. I am here to ROLEPLAY.I am not here to listen to "Real Life Drama" or "My Mental Ilness" or "My social Enxiety" e.c.t.I respect everyone's issues but in a roleplaying site we come to ESCAPE real life. So Keep this out2) I have respect for the lgbtq blah blah blah people but not force it on me.Just because the fandom tries to force Jayce X Viktor stories doesn't mean that it's right. It's beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jayce is Straight and will remain so3) Please do not be like "I have discord, Talk to me on discord e.c.t" . Yes, you have discordGood for you...I don't and will never do. And if you simply add me so you can have more discord people you might as well just delete me. I value stories, not discord chitty chat4) Speaking of chitty chat...OOC is acceptable, Obviously...we discuss OOC and it'svery important to have an OOC bond together. However, as you might have already understood OOC has limits and i would prefer to minimized it in favor of a RP answer.5)Banter and Stream comments are acceptable and I love doing banter at least upto the point that banter shadows the main story. I prefer the main story6)You add me or I add you, I will always send greeting :) But be talkative. If i see thatDespite my greeting and all the conversation that will follow, you won't be talkative or collaborateinto creating a story I will delete you7)I always give 1 month to people to reply to me, After 1 month i send a warning message.24 hours after the warning if I don't receive a reply then I delete people cause i consider them mute 8)I roleplay multi para but i am willing to try to do less or more depending on people's choices, BUTUnder no circumstances will I accept semi or one line for stories9) I will return to the whole talkative part again because Despite stating it, many people will oversee matter who adds who...when we discuss story PLEASE be talkative. Stop this nonsense of "Sounds cool " Ok" "Sure" "yes" "good idea" "You start" LIKE STOP IT...STEP IN...This story is made for 2 people. You can't just let one person create the entire story and you just be like"ok sure" . COMMUNICATE Those rules will do for now. I am sorry if by reading this you might consider me a D*ck.


06/11/2024 10:51 PM 

Demon Lord Revenge AU

As a half-demon, half-human breed, Kuro was kicked out of her demon tribe as a baby and abandoned on the river. She was found by a martial artist, who took her in, despite them knowing right from the start that she was a demon- thanks to those red eyes of hers.A demon who was raised among humans- she was raised to be a very kind and gentle person and told what was right and wrong, and that the strong should protect the weak. She was trained to be a hero, using her immense strength for the greater good.Eventually, the other kids found out she was a demon and singled out. In a fit of fury and rage, her bully didn't live to regret it- she killed him with her bare hands. Upon realizing what she's done, no amount of apologizing would amend this. Her family tried to protect her, but she was eventually banned from the village and told never to return.She spent five years reflecting on what she's done, while at the same time, training in the wilderness. At age 14, she decided to finally come back to her village despite being banished, wanting to try one last time to see if she could repent for her sins.Only to find... Her village burnt to the ground. She arrived just in time to see the demon army march off, hundreds of demons marching off in the distance. She ran into the dojo, just in time to see the dozens of bodies littered all over the ground, seeing her ex-mentor lying on the ground dying. She ran up to him with tears running down her face and simply asked him... “Who did this to you?”“The demon lord.”He told her, before he added that she should not get involved with this war because she's not a human. But she was not listening, running out of the dojo, it became her mission to kill the demon lord.She chased after the demon army, eventually making it to the next town they were pillaging, just in time to watch them kill the men and capture the woman and children to be slaves. It was here where she was reminded briefly to not be consumed by her rage, as she watched those slaves suffer. There would be no point in any of this if she didn't save them.She ultimately failed to save them, getting beaten to a pulp and swatted like a fly, but lucky for her they just left her on the ground, thinking she was dead. Frustrated by how weak she was, she retreated to the icy plains in the north and resumed her training. She trained vigorously on her own for a full year, before she resumed her quest, beginning her journey.

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06/11/2024 05:51 PM 


TW: Aspyixation, Torture, Bibilical Guilt, Loss Killmichael, Mississippi.His hometown. All he'd known for all his life and something that was basically in his blood, coursing through his veins with every pump of his heavy heart. It was such a small town; they had two streetlights, a handful of police officers, and a motel that was notoriously known for more than bedbugs. There was something about this place; it took roots deep into your soul and kept people here. It'd kept Mama here, no matter how much she dreamt of leaving. She very well may have, but she had a baby on her hip. A ten-minute horizontal tango in the back of his Pa's truck produced the very shackles that weighed her down here. That confirmed she'd live, hate, and die here. She never tried to show it, but not so much to her son. She didn't have to because Rusty had eyes like everyone else in this small town. They could see that she never quite reached her lines despite her Southern hospitality, like at her waitressing job. The gray hairs flourished when she was barely out of high school--17 years old. Alone, a single mother, and having to pull herself up by her bootstraps so the baby could eat—it was admirably sad. She held her head up high; bright orange hair, like someone had set fire to some kindling with the same untamed nature to it, framed her head, which was something that showed like a beacon on her. Mama was humble and kind, but he knew she was sad. Even when his earliest memories of her were of singing his praises or reading him the Bible before bed."We is blessed, Rus. Highly favored in da Lawd. We got each otha' and that's all I could ask for. I love ya, son.""Look at my boy! He's amazin', isn't he?"She was lying, he knew, but it was nice to hear her try to lie to him. To spare his feelings that he had been the collar around his mother's neck to drag her to Killmichael, Mississippi. No one wanted to be here, not even the residents who had built up tradition here. It was why the very first thing he'd done when she'd died was bury her far from here. He wouldn't let her rot here, become the land, and be built on like she'd been her whole life.Oh, she wasn't his good boy anymore, either. He reckoned she was turning over in her grave watching what her son did, the boy she'd given up so much of her own hopes and dreams.  The Biblical teachings did little to shape him. Instead, they sat in his belly like acid that seeped into his body bit by bit. Solemn, shameful reminders that he was a sinner. That he was tainted and now all alone in this world.  Mama would be heartbroken to see him now.The sharp scent of Earth hit his nostrils, drawing him back from old memories; he glanced down at the knee at the back of the man's neck. He kept his face pushed deep into the thick mud, nearly asphyxiating him before yanking the man's head up. He gasped, still swallowing clods of worm-ridden dirt as Rusty yanked back at the man's scalp. A heavy sigh on his lips.  This was one of those jobs that he could hear Mama's voice:"Do unto otha's ya want done unto ya, Rus! Dont' be a biscuit!"A quick reprimand for mistreating his fellow Christians, like this poor sap that was caught hoping his loyalty to his Boss would save him. It wouldn't, unfortunately, and he felt they both were coming to realize that."Ya thinkin' a talkin', yet?""P-Please let me go I--""....Mama always said...we came from dirt..." He murmured, chestnut hues looking to the thicket of wood that encased them like a wooden cage. It was eerie quiet aside from the sputtering of the man beneath him, trying to speak before Rusty shoved his head back down into the mud. The victim's hands clawed back at the dirt, only sinking further in, constantly digging themselves, stirring more mud. It filled their nostrils and gapping mouth, through it all they gaspedf to that sweet taste of fresh air that Rusty refused to give. If Mama was right, and....she always was, right? Then why wasn't he good? It was like it wasn't ever in his DNA. Sometimes, he'd think it was his father's DNA, something in his genetics that just made him so good at being bad. "We came from dirt. We have to swallow it." The thrashing lessened. Muddy nails scratched at his wrists before the body went still. 


06/11/2024 05:02 PM 

Character Info

age: 15Powers/Abilities:Demon Strength: her physical strength far surpasses that of a regular human.Stockpile Strength: She can increase the power of her punches and kicks even further using stockpiling magic, which can hypothetically build up her power, multiplying the power of her strikes rapidly. But, it comes at a great cost and puts a heavy strain on her body. She can control where she uses this on her body, which will turn red, and become so hot that her skin is burning to the touch. When she releases all this energy, steam releases from her body from the immense heat. If she uses this to much, she will eventually just pass out from the heat.Regeneration: she can regenerate non-fatal wounds.Heat Resistance: Due to her demon herritatge, she is somewhat resistant to heat.Weaknesses:-Holy spells hurt her a lot, and she cant go in churches or simular monuments protected by gods.-Water magic, if stronger then her heat, can  make her unable to use  her stockpile power.


06/11/2024 03:43 PM 


Despite his status as the ruler of all of Hell, Lucifer possesses a grandiose and dramatic nature, acting very over-the-top in most situations. He switches between being silly and theatrical and awkward and melancholic. Like Charlie, Lucifer is ambitious in his beliefs. Lucifer was an idealistic dreamer whose desire to gift humankind with free will led to the accidental creation of Hell and the subsequent banishment of it caused him to give up his dreams. After he and Lilith separated, Lucifer went into isolation and fell into depression. He coped by crafting and hoarding tons of rubber ducks, spending years in his home. This obsession also causes him to become estranged from his daughter, to the point where he barely calls her at all and thinks she does not want to talk to him. Lucifer is often times careless and doesn't think about what he says, even appearing clueless at times. For example, when confronting Adam, Lucifer misworded a verbal threat as an innuendo instead and smiled proudly afterward, and when Charlie corrects him, he forgets what he said. In his first meeting with Vaggie, he calls her "Maggie" right after being told her name. Additionally, even with his monumental position, he is rather socially awkward, for example, trying to connect with Charlie by excitedly bringing up that they both like girls. However, he is not afraid to fight or get violent, as shown when he fearlessly battles Adam and beats him up violently. In the process, he is unafraid to act cocky and successfully irritate Adam by reminding him about his failure with Lilith, as well as suggesting he slept with Eve. Lucifer shows more intimidation prowess when he orders Lute to "take her 'little friends' and go home". Even so, he adds "please" politely, showing his generally refined manner. As a father, he falls short of expectations. Although he loves Charlie dearly, he seems to be preoccupied with his own problems. He rarely calls her, and when he does, it's usually because he's bored or needs something. When Charlie reached out to him for help in setting up a meeting with Heaven, he was thrilled to hear from her. However, he couldn't recall where she was or what she was doing, even though she had shared her passion project, the Hazbin Hotel, with him months ago. He also wasn't aware that Charlie was dating someone, or that she was attracted to women. This indicates that, despite his love for Charlie, he doesn't communicate with her and hasn't built up a relationship with her, though it was shown that Lucifer was much closer to Charlie in her childhood, even being the one that inspired her to pursue her dreams and passions, only becoming more distant in Charlieโ€™s adulthood. While he is the King of Hell, Lucifer hardly rules over his subjects and leaves them to their own devices. As a result, his name (and, by extension, Charlie) carries little weight. While the denizens of Hell recognize that he is a powerful force to be reckoned with, they seem to know that little, if anything, would make him show up. Lucifer dislikes the Sinners of Hell and describes them as "violent, destructive psychopaths, hellbent on causing as much pain and destruction as possible". According to him, they are all "the worst" he does not believe they can be redeemed and he cares little for what happens to them. Despite his disapproval of Sinners, Lucifer hints that he regrets his role in ever giving them free will due to what they had done with it and the consequences that came from this. Although he understands his daughter's interest in rehabilitating Sinners, Lucifer is cynical about the idea of trying to save any of them, as he attempted to redeem sinners in the past, stating that Charlie doesn't know when he tried this all before, and that his dreams were too hard to defend. Since Heaven was so unwilling to listen to him in the past, he does not want Charlie to go through the same thing. However, she still manages to convince him to arrange a meeting in Heaven for her and Vaggie, which helps Lucifer regain faith in her plans. Lucifer is fiercely protective of Charlie, as seen when he threatens her bodyguards, Razzle and Dazzle, that they had better been doing their job protecting her. Later, when Alastor began rubbing in his failings to be a proper, supportive father to Charlie and her dreams and implying he had taken Lucifer's place as Charlie's father figure, Lucifer displayed jealousy toward Alastor, whom he began to see as a rival for Charlie's affection and became insecure about his father-daughter bond with her. In "The Show Must Go On", he arrived late, but joined the fight against Adam and the Exorcists, helping Charlie defeat them. This protective nature is shown again when at one point, Adam tries to strike both Lucifer and Charlie from behind for them to block his blow and send him flying into the dirt. Dropping the mocking attitude he had previously given to Adam during their fight, Lucifer then proceeds to angrily berate Adam for threatening him and Charlie before beating him within an inch of his life, only stopping at Charlie's insistence.


06/11/2024 10:51 PM 

Genshin verse

Full name: Vil SchoenheitGender: Gender fluidAge: 18Romantic orientation: PanromanticSexual orientation: PansexualBirthday: April 9thNation: FontaineVision: DendroConstellation: PulcherrimaAffiliation: Fontaine, Opera Epiclese Vil's been raised by his father, who is an extremely famous actor and goes by the stage name Eric Venue. Possibly inspired by his father, Vil started acting from a young age, taking on roles in school dramas, and eventually moving on to the big stage. But Vil was always casted as the role of the villain or the bully, which started to bother Vil early on in his acting career. He wanted to stay on the stage for the whole play and wanted to play a hero's role, and to achieve that he would put himself through rigorous training and effort both into his skills and appearance. Yet he was never chosen for anything but a villain's role, which left him feeling frustrated. Despite his building negative feelings, Vil never stopped putting in the effort or giving up his hope as he was growing up. Perhaps one day, he can be the hero. One can only hope.

โ—† ๐š๐ง๐ญ๐ž ๐ฎ๐ฉ.

06/11/2024 06:59 PM 

i lupi neri.

the way i lupi neri operates is similar to the cosa nostra, from their hierarchy down to the code. however, unlike the cosa nostra, the lucania clan entirely operates as a literal family business, where the firstborn son is trained as early as possible to inherit the position of the don once he passes. another thing unique to the lucanias is that each capo has something they specialize in, such as salvatore handling all things related to money laundering and loan sharking.despite being a group of outcasts themselves, they still appeal to street thugs trying to get by. the famiglia is particularly welcoming towards the outcasts of society, may they be hybrids like themselves or humans, man or woman. as long as they abide by the ten commandments, they will be treated like family.nepotism is definitely at play, favoring the relatives of the don over others. however, should it ever happen that no eligible son can inherit the don's position, a worthy successor will be chosen even if they are not related by blood. though it should be noted such a thing has not once occurred in the long line of the lucania's rich history, and will only executed if the worst case scenario happens.the activities of the famiglia include, but are not limited to: protection racketeering, extortion, vote buying, narcotrafficking, bid rigging, loan sharking, kidnapping and murder. hierarchy: associates: they are not part of the famiglia, but rather anyone who teams up with them in a criminal enterprise of some kind. they can range from crooked cops and drug dealers to politicians and money laundering bankers. soldiers: soldiers are lowly grunt workers at the bottom of the hierarchy doing the dirty work. they handle all sorts of errands such as deliveries, picking up cash, and executing orders and missions assigned to them by their respective capo. they are generally happy to stick out their necks in hopes of having their loyalty to the famiglia acknowledged. caporegime: usually abbreviated to capo, they are the captain of their respective division. they make sure operations go smoothly, managing their group of soldiers and settling potential conflict among their men. they typically report to the don or the sottocapo directly. currently, there are three capos active in the lucania famiglia, each managing their own groups of soldiers. as mentioned before, each capo has something they specialize in, though they are not above helping each other out should the need arise.  sottocapo: the sottocapo, or underboss, is the second-in-command in the famiglia's hierarchy. they act as the stand-in for the don should he be unable to act out his duties due to health issues or other means. often, the sottocapo is specifically groomed for takeover as in the volatile world of mafiosi, death can come at any given moment. the sottocapo is also responsible for managing the finances of the famiglia, as well as mentoring the junior members to help them rise through the ranks. the don: the capofamiglia, boss of the organization sitting at the apex of the hierarchy. he oversees the famiglia's activities and make decisions on their behalf. through him, connections to other organizations are made. he negotiates and settles disputes among the famiglia while also ensuring their safety. the consigliere:  the consigliere serves as a trusted advisor to the boss, and is responsible for providing guidance and counsel on all matters related to the operation of the group. he also he also serves as a liaison between the don and other members of the famiglia. the ten commandments:these rules are to be treated with the utmost respect. they are the code that keeps the famiglia running. violating any of these rules will resort in a swift execution.1. never be seen with cops.2. never look at the wives of friends. treat wives with respect.3. do not visit pubs or clubs. 4. it is your duty to be always available for the famiglia at any given time. no exceptions.5. humans are prohibited from disrespecting hybrids and calling them any slurs or insults. 6. do not kill other men of honor unless absolutely necessary. 7. when asked for information, you must always answer truthfully.8. do not steal from other men of honor, or in general, anyone.9. you must keep quiet about the affairs of the famiglia to outsiders.10. you cannot be made into the famiglia if you: - are not born sicilian/italian,- have close relatives working as law enforcers,- have two-timing relatives, - behave badly and/or hold no moral values. 


06/10/2024 11:49 PM 

Rules and Regulations

IntroductionI'll be ooc here, which means actually friendly! Thank you for your interest. I'm currently obsessed with the Vees and Vox is my current chew toy. I look forward to interacting with anyone who wants to play.RulesReally, it's all general stuff. Don't be a d*ck. Understand that we all have a life. I will never try to ghost anyone, but I have a lot of health issues. If you drop me, I'll just take it like that. I'd prefer if you just aren't feeling it you talk to me, but I won't die if ghosted. I dont have limits (except one), but let me know if you do. My big thing is that I panic if I see real life pictures of spiders. So don't show me those. In text, I can handle anything. I like to stretch my imagination. I'm mainly here to play a character, but I'm good with side chats too. VoxI have a lot of thoughts on this man and the rest of the Vees, but I'm willing to talk through head canons and the like for anything. I'm an avid Staticmoth shipper. I can play other characters. I prefer playing with canon characters, but don't mind anyone who also adds in an OC. I love playing platonic relationships. Exploring Vox's relationship with Velvette or Alastor platonically gives me life.I'll add more to this later. (It's been a while since I've been on a roleplay site.)


The Quirkless Hero

06/10/2024 10:37 PM 


JakobAge: 21Height: 5'10"Weight: 130Hair Color: SilverEye Color: BlueOccupation: Ninja (Formerly) ButlerJakob hails from a distant land. When he was a child, he was taken away during a raid and trained by a clan of Ninja. By the age of 10, he was already an incredibly skilled assassin. Taking on the nickname, The Silver Flash die to his speed and striking silver hair. When he was 18. He was sent on a mission. A complete and total set up. He was sent to kill a high powered aristocrat and end his child labor camps. Being told his place was heavily guarded. He would have to use long distance to get his target. Jakob would abide and would fire an arrow through a window. He didnt take out the aristocrat. He took out the mans wife. It would be then he would learn of the setup and would leave his clan. To atone for what he had done. He became a butler. Makes perfect pots of teas and an incredible dinner. He is actually much happier now with his new life. But in turn. Whomever hires him also had a deadly guardian. Naruto Verse: Jakob hailed from the Village hidden in the Snow. Much like Haku, he is a master of Ice Release. Much like the regular story. He killed the wrong person and left the Snow village to atone and became a butler


06/10/2024 06:41 PM 

The First Conquest pt2

Kravenn lingered in the village for an extended period, yet he struggled to build meaningful connections with his fellow hunters. The community was tight-knit, and his lack of social skills made it difficult to establish relationships. The only ones he felt comfortable around were the blacksmith, who forged and maintained his weapons and gear, and the village elder, who assigned hunting and gathering tasks to all the hunters in the village. With no help from his fellow hunters, he had to learn the lay of the land himself. Where to find certain materials for weapon and armor crafting and ingredients for healing recipes. He spent long days exploring the surrounding wilderness, mapping the terrain, and documenting the flora and fauna. As far as he knew, he had no point of reference for the creatures, and yet they still seemed strange to him. Even more puzzling was that in all this discovery there was somehow a small sense of deja vu in the things he saw. Massive, bristled boars with tusks as long as swords. Towering ape-like monsters that could crush boulders with their fists. Even the herbs and minerals seemed imbued with strange properties.His days were spent wandering the untamed wilderness surrounding the village, honing his skills against the dangerous beasts that roamed there. Each victory made him stronger, faster, more attuned to the ebb and flow of this world. He relished the thrill of the hunt, the pounding of his heart as he battled creatures many times his size. Their shrieks of rage and pain spurred him on, even as his muscles burned with exertion. In the quiet moments after each battle, Kravenn would meticulously harvest materials from his fallen foes—sinew for bowstrings, bones for armor and tools, claws and fangs for ritual carvings. These tasks were second nature, though he could not recall when he had learned them. Like so much in this realm, his mastery of survival skills felt innate, as if etched into the fiber of his being. The words "materials acquired" would echo in his mind, affirming his success.Kravenn's only time away from battle was usually spent visiting the blacksmith. The grizzled man would inspect Kravenn's haul, grunting in approval at the quality of the materials. Together they would spend hours crafting, the ring of hammer on anvil echoing throughout the village and into the starlit night. The blacksmith, a gnarled creature of sinew and scars, worked the forge as if he were born of the flame. His hands moved with precise, practiced grace, guiding Kravenn through the intricacies of crafting. The smithy became his second home, the only place he felt at ease as he worked and studied under the blacksmith named Grum. One day, after weeks of constant hunting and gathering, Kravenn returned to the village bearing the bones of an immense beast he had slain single-handedly. Its skeleton was massive and solid, a testament to the powerful creature it once housed. The villagers gazed in awe at the towering pile of bones, murmuring amongst themselves at Kravenn's prowess. "I need armor," Kravenn declared with a voice that cut through the whispers like a knife. His gaze fell on the blacksmith who shrugged nonchalantly under his intense stare. The blacksmith was known for his silent ways, though some might say it was because he had no air left in his lungs after constantly working with fire. Either way, they got along just fine. He handed his sketches over to Kravenn, and it came as no surprise when he immediately gravitated towards the bone armor. Its primal and rough aesthetic was a perfect match for Kravenn's personality. Without another word, the blacksmith began to work. He gestured Kravenn towards a pile of bones and together they sorted through them, selecting the strongest and most robust. Once they had their materials, the blacksmith stoked the inferno within his forge. The dancing flames cast eerie shadows around the workshop as Kravenn watched in anticipation. After hours of careful crafting, Kravenn beheld his new armor with awe. Made from the bones of formidable creatures, it exuded a primal and fearsome aura, a testament to his strength and countless victories. As a hunter, he knew the power that specialized armor could grant - and this one was no exception. It had the trait called Slugger. “Slugger: Increases your stun power" perfectly complementing his weapon of choice: the mighty Hammer. Kravenn had been learning about these different traits for a while and knew for most veteran hunters this wasn’t anything to be too thrilled over. It was common, and most favored strength boosting traits over utility like this. However, someone like Kravenn was already notably stronger than most hunters anyway, and something that would complement his fighting style was much more worthwhile than a flat damage boost. “Anything left for a new Hammer?” Kravenn asked. As to be expected, the blacksmith gave him no words, only a smile that spoke volumes.Now equipped with formidable bone armor and a powerful hammer, rose to new heights as a hunter. With his enhanced gear, he fearlessly confronted greater threats, demonstrating unmatched skill and bravery. His prowess in battle earned him the title of the ace hunter of the village, and with every victory, he gained the admiration and respect of his fellow hunters. His combat abilities had granted him what he could not achieve with his lacking social skills. Things were going well, but Kravenn still found himself feeling empty inside whenever he wasn’t fighting or helping Grum. With the way they lived you would think it was the dangers outside the village that gave him grief, but really it was all the camaraderie he was forced to endure with his new small town/village stardom. Kravenn often found himself drained after discussing weaponry and armor with other Hunters. They always suggested he switch to a different set in order to better fight against a particular monster or just improve his gear to get better perks than slugger. It made logical sense, such as using flame-resistant gear against a dragon known for its fiery breath. He also had plenty of resources to create more impressive armor and weapons than he was currently using. But deep down, it went against something fundamental within Kravenn. He saw his chosen armor and weapon as reflections of himself and changing them felt like admitting he wasn’t enough. It got tiring having to defend his choices again and again. The female attention he was had started to pull had also gotten out of hand. Kravenn was not a bad looking man, so he didn’t have to go too long without some woman trying to keep warm with him by a campfire, but now they fought over him in broad daylight. These problems, in reality, were not problems at all, and yet he found himself needing to escape. He joked (with himself) about how much more time he spent just traveling beyond the village now than he did when he first got there. Despite being accepted by the villagers, he still felt like an outsider, a foreigner destined to never truly fit in.Where he belonged was the heart of battle. Kravenn felt an exhilarating sense of triumph as he faced off against giant monsters, each encounter igniting a fire within him. The weight of his bone armor and the solid grip of his hammer filled him with a surge of confidence and power. With every swing of his mighty weapon, he relished the moment when his hammer connected with monstrous hides, sending shockwaves through their colossal frames. The sight of these formidable beasts reeling from his blows, momentarily dazed and seeing stars, fueled his determination. The thrill of going head-to-head with such fearsome adversaries, and knowing he had the strength to make them stagger, was an unparalleled rush. Kravenn felt invincible, his heart swelling with pride and satisfaction. In battle he didn’t have to think about anything, his body moved as if he was born for carnage and destruction ((The man was bi-polar)). The other hunters were all oddballs in their own way, but none of them so far got quite as excited as Kravenn for a good fight. Finding new creatures, winning the battle, improving their knowledge and arsenal were things all hunters had in common, but not many enjoyed the brutal encounter itself. Winning the battle was a given for Kravenn, so he never got excited over the victory. Once he figured out all the weaknesses and attack patterns of the beast, the thrill itself was stripped from the encounter. It didn’t help that many encounters never ended in death. It was a horrible way to think, but some part of him found it boring that most hunters were always rescued and carted away by the small felyne creatures that helped around the village—there had almost been zero fatalities since he had been here. Speaking of being carted away, it had never happened to Kravenn. Not once had he ever been knocked out cold by a monster, and although it may come across as boasting, he eagerly awaited the day when he would meet his match, one that would leave him knock him on his ass.The village elders, recognizing Kravenn's unique disposition and the solitude he craved, proposed a solution that might also enhance his capabilities as a hunter. They introduced him to the Lynians, specifically the Palicoes—small but fiercely intelligent feline creatures trained to assist hunters like him in their quests. The elders suggested that a Palico companion could handle some of the burdensome social interactions and provide loyal company that matched his fervor for battle without requiring emotional sustenance that Kravenn found so draining. It was in this context that Kravenn was assigned his very own Palico, a creature named Snowball due to its fluffy white fur that seemed to shimmer with a frost-like sheen under the moonlight. Snowball's ice-blue eyes were sharp and observant, reflecting a mind that was as keen as his claws. From their first meeting, Kravenn could tell that Snowball was not like the other Palicoes; he carried himself with an air of authority and efficiency that seemed almost out of place among his more exuberant peers. At first, Kravenn was skeptical of how much assistance a creature barely a quarter his size could offer in the brutal world of monster hunting. However, Snowball quickly proved his worth. His strategic acumen in battle was impeccable—predicting monster movements, setting traps with precision, and even occasionally distracting larger beasts to give Kravenn crucial openings for devastating blows. Their teamwork developed into a seamless dance of hunter and companion, each move complementing the other's strengths. The bond between Kravenn and Snowball grew stronger with each hunt, their companionship solidifying into an unspoken understanding that transcended the need for words. Kravenn found that with Snowball by his side, he could endure the social interactions a bit easier. Snowball had a way of injecting his sardonic humor into conversations, often lightening the mood or deflecting unwanted attention back onto the matters of hunting. Snowball was a perfect fit for him, and somehow having him around made Kravenn realize maybe not everyone was a nuisance. It opened him up more to the idea of partnering with other hunters, if he could only find some that suited him like his felyne companion.As Kravenn and Snowball's renown grew within their village, tales of their exploits echoed far beyond the familiar borders of their home, weaving into the lore of distant lands. It was during this time that emissaries from the Fifth Fleet, a coalition of hunters gathered by the Guild to explore and establish a foothold in the mysterious New World, arrived in their village. The Fifth Fleet was known for recruiting only the most skilled and audacious hunters, those who craved the thrill of discovering unknown territories and battling creatures of legendary proportions. The emissaries had heard of Kravenn's unquenchable thirst for formidable challenges and his legendary partnership with Snowball. They saw in him not just a hunter, but a pioneer who could face the untamed wilds of the New World and thrive. Kravenn listened intently as the emissaries described the New World—a sprawling wilderness teeming with life and danger, where never before seen colossal beasts roamed free and the land itself hid secrets ancient and wild. His heart raced with anticipation; this was exactly what he had been yearning for. Here was a chance to test his mettle against unknown creatures, to push his limits further than ever before.  

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