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05/17/2024 03:19 PM 

Crest information

Basic Slave Crest   ○  Original crest placement for uncrested slaves: A mana paint is applied to the chest, and mixed into the dye is a drop of the master's blood; the Crest is painted by the slave owner, and a drop of the paint is placed on the scroll of ownership of the slave, binding the pair together officially.    ○  Master exchange process: The original master must draw a complete circle around the slave credit in their blood, releasing the slave and deactivating the Crest. The Crest will turn grey and in a receptive state. New master must place a drop of blood in the center of the Crest. The scroll will automatically update the new name burning into the scroll    ○  Receptive crest state: A master's death, or a masters release will turn the Crest into a receptive state. A dangerous place to be for a slave, the Crest grayed out, a single drop of blood will lock them back into a contract.    Receptive state duration:    The Crest will stay receptive for 3 months. If no new contract is made, the scroll of ownership will shrivel and dust away the Crest, leaving the slave free.        Slave Crest functions. Basic functions of a Slave crest   Auto punishment: A natural penalty of a mana shock for disobedience. Auto entered conditions; 3 lines for Masters to enter personalized conditions.    1. Cannot attack or assault her master while incapacitated/sleeping2. Must obey masters orders within 30 seconds. 3. Moving for more than 2 miles from the master's location without permission. 4. Any Attempts to remove Crest by force5. Cannot contradict master words without permission6. Cannot lie to her master7. Condition left blank for Masters personal preferences. 8. Condition left blank for Masters personal preferences. █████▒▒▒▒▒ 50% Pain for crest disobedience.      An activated punishment: Formed by a snap of the master's fingers while the master is thinking of the slave's name will trigger a mana shock.Pain levels are set upon the acquisition of slaves. █████▒▒▒▒▒ 50% Pain for Crest Activated punishments.        XP Share: This will be set at binding of contract, how much XP is given to the slave and how much XP is given to the master. XP is used to determine leveling and aging in a Demi-human. █████▒▒▒▒▒ 50% Earned XP to Contract holder.    Other Slave Crests: A corrupted Crest happens when someone other than a master tries to remove the Crest and is unsuccessful, or more than one master claims a slave.    Incomplete crest removal: corrupted Crest The slave crest turns blue, and an X runs through the center.    The master will be informed of the attempt via mana pulse and telepathic message. This will alert them their slave has attempted to escape. Their Crest will be locked active indefinitely and allow activation by anyone who offers blood to the Crest. The disobedience consequences are automatically raised to 100%, causing debilitating pain in seconds, and will cause death after 10 minutes of non-compliance.    Multiple masters assigned: share crestSlave crest turns blue.   To assign a partnered master, the current master must draw an X with their blood across the Crest, and each additional master must put a drop of blood in the center of the Crest. Xp share will only apply to the primary master, however any master can activate punishments, and commands will be tied to the same punishments as the original.    Fighting arena crest: battle crestSlave crest turns red.   A master is no longer assigned when a crested slave is sent to the fighting pits.  The slave is bound to battle. The arena crest will force the slave to fight any opponent set to them in the ring and will dictate a pain level for failure to fight. The pain is deactivated once they draw blood from their opponent. Every kill lowers the amount of pain for delays in fighting. The battle crest becomes deactivated once the slave is removed from the fighting arena, entering a receptive state.   The further she gets from the arena's zone the crest slowly fades when reaching 10Miles, it is completely inactive.    Concealed CrestCrest glows white when activated but is invisible most of the time. and is placed by high-level mages an expensive modification. The Crest a high-level one that holds no distance limiter the master scroll of holding can send new orders remotely. The Crest is invisible except when a command is given, or the master speaks the slave's name.     Crest-related Purchasable items:    ○  Crest Guard: A leather shield was worn on the chest of a former slave to prevent accidental blood from falling on the Crest and binding it to another. The item is illegal, though some areas sell them, and the handy can undoubtedly make them themselves.    ○  Assessment Crystals: Assessment crystals can be bought to check the stats of slaves that are not your own. They are sold and rented mostly at or during slave auctions or sales. These crystals only work with creatures who wear a slave crest.    ○  Crest cleanse elixir: Crest cleanse elixir requires a drop of blood from the original master to activate, and once poured over a slave's, Crest will lift the slave crest curse. If the wrong drop of blood or no blood is used, the Crest will become corrupted. The elixir is expensive and rare due to the plant that is used with it being over-harvested in years past, as well as the murdering of masters by slave families to free family members; getting your hands on a bottle requires a royal seal and permission, or bottomless pockets in the black market. 


05/17/2024 03:18 PM 


PlayabiltyI have broken the Cannon (and some change of fates points into Fates), Which are all joinable plot points that may (or may not) help us build a story again. We do NOT Have to use these jumping points. They are suggestions, nothing more, and some will be added and changed as time goes on.I am ALWAYS willing to discuss, and there are also a few opening blanks in my blogs if you just want to roll into it.I will also accept relevant random starts so long as they are functional. If they are not I will reach out. .(Fate 1) lvl 6Alone in the cage, she suffered the fever that would have killed her, gaining. Four levels, putting her at level 6. The child sits alone in her cell as she did before, underweight and ragged. She waits for a buyer. She appears 5 years old.(Fate 2) lvl 8A fight with another child tossed in her cage forced her to fight for the meager food offerings. The pair struggled together for months until the blond fox demi-human was purchased, leaving Raphtalia alone again. The struggles for food pressed the girl's level from 6 to 8. She now appears 10 years old(Fate 3) lvl 9It's been a long while now. The slaver, sure this child was not going to sell and is a waste of space, has decided to sell her at a discount at the next fair.(Fate 4) Lvl 11She didn't sell at the fair. A beating followed that left her body broken and bruised. She was left with the fair owner, a monster of a man, aware of what she was and how she levels, who started throwing her in cages with monsters and forcing her to fight for entertainment.(Fate 5) Lvl 14The fights have gone well. The raccoon dog draws a crowd with her battles. A surprise as she was not supposed to survive all of them. She is becoming a slave of the blade. Though some offers to buy her, or even jus rent her, have started to come in.(Fate 6) Lvl 16Raphtalia has suffered much and survived it all. She still holds to the second enslaver; no one has bought her, though a few have rented her for the night. The fights are often now, she has been moved to a monster pit. She is drawing a large audience now.(Fate 7) lvl 20A powerful warrior, She fights with speed and efficiency her skills with the blade is traveling. She is a lovely woman who is often painted with other beasts' blood. She is given some privileges now and allowed to wander the pits. The slave crest won't let her leave anyway.(Fate 8) lvl 25The waves have become a problem. The heroes are struggling, calling upon adventurers, warriors, and even battle slaves like Raphtalia to help with the one arriving soon. Raphtalia is called to the front lines, and the Slave crest ownership is transferred to a military commander.(Fate 9) Lvl 29The waves have stopped. A curse upon the land and a giant turtle wanders, crushing villages easily. Called again, Raphtalia battles the spirit turtle. Joining the small party that ventures within. She pairs well with the group, leaving her home realm and being pulled into another.-Warning Season 2 Spoilers - (Fate 10) lvl 1Child again, a prison locks her down with some of the party and a new hero. She is weak, though she will work hard to regain her levels, much to her irritation.(Fate 11) lvl 10Escaping the prison was not so simple. She was separated from he group she arrived with after the portal rejected her. Imprisoned, she is bound again in a new world she doesn't understand. Alone once more, she is transported to a new hell.(Fate 12) lvl 11With the help of others in the cargo hold, Raphtalia could break free of the transport and, much like the others caught, ran. She would not be caught again, she decided.(Fate 13) lvl 50She made it to the city. A scene was unfolding as someone was becoming a hero. Hiding in the crowd, she watched. As a familiar face, the same who had been at the portal that rejected her. To her surprise, the blade chose her, appearing in her hand when he reached for it. The blade was too large for her, and the crowd turned against her. She ran. Her body changed as she moved. Pain danced through her. Her Slave crest burning off.   -I will only post what is in the anime if you want to discuss further plot points. It will be in private. I will not post light novel or Manga information publically I am a nice person, after all- 


05/17/2024 03:17 PM 

Breed information

Breed information:  Raphtalia's Official classification is:  Demi-human - raccoon-dog (Tanuki)  • Demi-human • Societal standing:Viewed by most civilized societies as sub-human, close to monsters than to man. They are often discriminated against, only able to get low-paying jobs, and often sold into slavery if caught committing crimes or even being in the wrong place at the wrong time.   Subtypes:Demi-humans come in all sorts: foxes, wolves, cats, tigers, dragons, elephants oger, and so many more. Native to a single country, in others, they are seen as exotic and expensive, while in their own country, they are considered garbage and of the lowest value.  Aging:The age with XP. Battle, knowledge, and recovery from injury all allow a demi-human to gain XP. Years do not matter to a Demi-human. Time is irrelevant to them. Only by leveling can they age. Though on the brink of death, they can sell XP to the Deathbringer. Setting the demi-human back levels depending on injury amount. Even to the point of aging them back once more.    • Raccoon-dog sub information:  • ○  Diet: A canine-type creature, the Tanuki is carnivorous mainly, though it will eat greens, insects, and fruit if no meat is available. A Tanuki that is leveling will require more food, and more often as their growing body requires additional nutrients.  ○  Habitat:Tanuki's are not a common type of Demi-human. They live in the eastern forests, are reclusive, keep to their villages, and rarely stray except to join a mate's home. ○  Breeding and Parenting:Demi-humans come of breeding age only by leveling.During pregnancy, the Tanuki will eat more than usual and will suffer an XP drain as their child grows.Tanuki's specifically have one to two children at once and are highly protective of that child, even sacrificing their own lives to protect them. The maternal instincts of a Tanuki is powerful.  ○  Senses:Hearing: The Tuniki's ears are rounded and fluffy, and for all of it's cuteness it also serves the function of giving the tanuki enhanced hearing, able to swivel 360 each, giving her a surround sound of the area. Enhanced and focus able she can hear 4x as well as a human. Vision: Almond-shaped pink eyes glow gold at night. This is a cute feature that gives her not only decent daylight vision but perfect night vision, drawing even minimal light into her eyes to allow her to see just as well at night as a human can in mid-day. Smell: A button nose resting in the middle of her fine features wriggles lightly as she takes in a deep breath sniffing the air and smelling items with twice as much sensitivity as a human nose. Taste: A sensitive tongue she can taste poison, decay, and mold to distinguish edible food from inedible before consuming them. Touch: Her thick furry tail, the dense fur can feel wind movements and is sensitive to touch. She can use it to tell wind direction.  

Crimson Midnight

05/16/2024 08:01 PM 

Why I don't have discord

So most of the ani rpiers try to add me on discord and unlike most I don't use it really. Briefly did 5 maybe 6 years ago but not anymore. The one thing you should know is that the day I use it and ask for your discord? Is the day I am leaving ani. So until that day? I'm not leaving..


05/16/2024 02:23 PM 


Here is my Discord if you're more active there than here.Discord: roxasatlas

Decieved S̶a̶g̶e̶ Blood Knight

05/15/2024 05:16 PM 


2: due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others.Give people the respect you would like to be shown.  That being said, some of y'all show no f***ing basic respect or civility and yet demand more you've shown to others, but FOR YOU.  Then there's the ones of you who go crawling back to people who "attack" you, but you just wait a couple days/weeks/months before crawling back.  You have no reason to cry about it if someone doesn't show you respect.  YOU lack respect for yourself so there's no way you'd get any because do not even respect yourself enough to keep that person cut off.   If someone encourages you to commit suicide and you get mad at the person then delete them, don't.f***ing.add.them.back.keep.them.gone. The fact they encouraged you to do so should speak volumes to you.  If someone encourages others in their circle which you find out through mutuals to spread things about you, delete AND block the people spreading things about you, especially when the person who is giving out the information decided to throw things you told them in confidence, in.your.face.  You shouldn't abide by that and keep them gone as well.   Grow a spine and stand up for yourself, don't let some idiot especially in roleplay disrespect you in these kind of manners(examples).  You are allowed to block and keep people who you have multiple mutuals with blocked.  Don't let people try to pressure you into unblocking someone like that exampled above.  They should respect your choice in keeping people like that blocked, especially if they SAW what transpired.  If they chose to justify or excuse what was done, block/remove them too.That being said, don't feel bad blocking someone who did something like exampled to you and don't let others guilt you into feeling bad.  They did it to themself and on other sites, either one of those actions would've been grounds for an instant ban, but especially the encouraging one.And to the boneheads who'll assume this is in character related, no.  This is OOC related as pertaining to the site.  I've seen this across multiple sites, but Ani is where i've seen those two examples especially the most.  If you feel like this over in character stuff, you might need a bit of a break from roleplay.


05/15/2024 04:51 PM 

Lilac's Family Lore

Lily 'The Flash of Death', or 'The Pale Calamity'A powerful dragon, The Flash of Death was known for not only her great speed, but also the heat of her powerful fire breath. It burned with such intensity, that it easily melted rocks and metal, and could even burn through the hide of other dragons, some even say witnessing it even melting through entire mountains. Combined with her terrifying swiftness, she could completely decimate and dissintegrate those that could appose her and be gone within a Flash, leaving not but ash behind.Stormclaw, 'The Unending Maelstrom'A terrifying dragon, he held no mercy or remorse for anyone that would dare attack him, so much so that he would even seek vengeance and retaliation against not only his attackers, but their family, and their homelands. And with him, he would bring an unending storm, of white hot lighting striking everything and everything, great surging flood waters, and tornado-force winds, the devistation tearing everything and leaving only ruin and death in its wake. He would also readily kill and devour other dragons who would even try to approach him, and even devour their bones.Venom, 'Whisperer of the End'Venom is Stormclaw's uncle, and therefor Lilac's Great Uncle. When Lilac was born, he saw her as an impure 'runt' that needed to be Cleansed, only for Stormclaw to nearly tear him apart and banish him from his lair. Venom greatly resents his nephew and grand-niece for this, and relishes the day when he can take his revenge. He has earned his nickname due to his acrid, poisonous breath, that when breathed in will dissolve his victims from the inside-out, and even if they manage to escape, they will still rot from the inside because of infection and die of a terrible illness. He is a follower of Tiamat, and devotes himself to her fanatically.

Poisonous Pretty Boy

05/15/2024 01:15 PM 


Modern Cain LaRue was the son of a wealthy family. He hated the strict life, and wanted more in life. So, he ran away. He took enough money to get himself an apartment, and survive until he found a job. Currently, he hasn't found any such job, as he hasn't had the opportunity to build any skills required. Traveler Wanting more, Cain opted to leave the Reborn Region, and travel to other regions. What he's searching for, he doesn't know. But he's sure he'll recognize it when he finds it. Gym Leader After some soul searching and talking with Aya, Cain decides to return to the Byxbysion Wasteland to become the poison gym leader again.


05/15/2024 12:50 PM 

I.M.P -ish Guidelines

   GUIDELINES: 🔥    [My guidelines are simple and non negotiable. Violate my sh*t and you're done.]1- I prefer to stay in character. I will talk about the series, our characters, all that fun stuff, but I won't talk about other writers in a bad way. Your issues are YOURS keep the negative sh*t away from me. Block and move on. I can't stress that enough.2- I'm multi ship with the hope to single ship down the line. Ships are not my primary focus though. Blitzo isn't the type to fall in love easily if at all. He will push away, he will try to f*** it all up.3- I come and go as I please. I expect the same from anyone I write with. Basic communication is preffered, but if you lose interest or want to take some steps back, I get it and won't judge you.4- My writing length varies. I won't always match you, and you don't have to match me. Banter is always welcomed, so are discussions, and random starters.5- Respect me. I'll respect you. Ask before you assume, and if you feel like we ain't vibing leave quietly.6- Dark themes will always apply. The series is dark and mature. Don't even bother interacting if you're gonna bitch about mature content.


05/15/2024 12:49 PM 

Just another night -- ft Veronika Mayday

Just another night. Another night of getting f***ed out of his mind in every way imaginable. Good times don't last, do they? Of course they f***in' don't.That's why he was walking away now. They had partied at Ozzie's and it was time to go. "Don't f***ing walk away from me, Blitz! You get back here!!" Her voice rang in his ears like alarm bells as she stormed out after him outside of the club. Damn did he just wish she would shut the f*** up. The tone in her words was nothing short of loathsome. He tried to walk away, but f*** it was never that easy. There was the sound of glass shattering, which was accompanied by a sharp shooting pain in the back of his skull as a bottle hit the back of his head. Stopping in his tracks, back to the crazy bitch who threw it, he sighed, closed his eyes, and balled his fist at his sides. "You're such a p**sy! Always running away. What the f*** ---" Her drunken words fell in slurred waves, and he was tired of hearing them. A sharp turn in haste, and he faced her with eyes that narrowed with disgust both for her and himself."Listen, bitch. You don't f***ing get it. This is what I do. I f*** up! You knew before you f***ed around with me what it was gonna be. I guess you thought you could change me, huh?! Like I wasn't born for this sh*t. This bottom-feeding bullsh*t. "pride" What kinda joke is that, anyway? What the f*** do I have to be proud of?!... Go ahead and hate me if you wanna 'cause I can promise you there ain't any amount of hate that will ever surpass how much I hate myself. Now leave me the f*** alone. GET F***ED!" ... His words spilled from his mouth like spewing vomit. He couldn't stop them or take them back if he tried. It was up for debate on which was worse. The fact that he said them, or the fact that he meant them. The look on Verosika's face, as her expression dropped from anger to hurt, was enough to let it sink in.  It all sank in. "Vero --" He started but was quickly cut off by the swift raise of her hand. "No. You know what, Blitz ... I think I do finally get it. Do you hate yourself? Good. You should. Hell didn't f*** you. You f***ed yourself up. Nobody will ever love you, because everytime they try YOU play the sh*tty "poor me" card. You make sure that you f*** it up real good. Even when you don't have to. THAT is why you WILL die alone..."Her words trailed and lingered leaving him standing there wide-eyed in shock. He had no choice now but to digest them with the sinking realization ... That she was right. What the hell could he say to it? Nothing. So he took the venom laced in them and let it stew in both his mind and heart. It was her who walked away now, and he didn't say anything else or try to stop her.


05/15/2024 12:46 PM 

Star crossed --

Why is it so f***ing hard? That's a stupid question now, isn't it? My whole life has been filled with "hard" or is that just now? Because every single thing up until this f***ing point fails in comparison. You're the song in the back of my mind that lulls me to sleep. You're the dull ache in my black heart that longs to be loved. You're always there, even when you aren't. For the life of me, I can't understand why. Are my verbal lashings not enough to deter you? Knowing the sh*t you like in bed, I guess I shouldn't be to surprised, should I?It never dawned on me until just recently, just who you were, and that this whole time I was wrong about you. I was way off f***ing mark, man. I guess I always had it stuck in the back of my brain that you were just some high and mighty, stuck-up blue blood. A good for everything, f***ing around with a good for nothing like me just for sport. Because you could, and you knew you had the power to do it because I needed something from you. Maybe it's why I couldn't wrap my mind around your stupid feelings ...Christ on a stick they aren't stupid. I'm f***ing stupid. You called me for help, and I blew you off.It wasn't until I saw those beautiful feathers being whisked away right in front of my eyes ...  I didn't need to see it all to know. I finally f***ing got it. You can get hurt. You were hurt, and I didn't so sh*t about it. It shouldn't have been Moxxie and Millie. It should have been me. You've given me whatever I wanted, but the one thing I never had was always unobtainable to me until that day. I couldn't go see you, I didn't want to see you like that. I couldn't see you like that knowing that ... You were only like that because of me. I could have saved you but I chose to f*** up instead, I always f*** up. I was never as terrified as I was that day. The day I almost realized too f***ing late, how much I --- nah. It's not for me. That feeling can't be for someone like me.It doesn't matter if I'm with you or not. You're destined for greatness, and I'm just a lower classed loser, bred to eat sh*t. You sang about giving me a choice, and I guess you thought you were giving me freedom, but darling ... It's me who should set you free. You hold the whole galaxy at your fingertips. The stardust that lingers betwix your feathers could never measure up to the ethereal beauty of not only your lineage but your heart. You deserve better, someone who will rush to your aid. You need that soul that is so in tune with yours, that you won't ever have to call for help. You certainly don't need a son of a bitch like me, who's to scared of their own feelings to be there for you when you need them the most.         

The Quirkless Hero

05/14/2024 08:29 PM 

Keaton Loire

Name: Keaton LoireAge: 18Species: Wolf FaunusSemblance: Transformation Height: 6'0" (Transformed: 8'0")Weight: 165 lbs (Transformed: 425 lbs)Hair Color: Black with a white streakEye Color: RedNotable Faunus Traits: Wolf Ears and a TailKeaton Loire is the son if Ezekiel Loire. The original founder of the White Fang. Back when the Fang was founded. It was made as a peaceful protest group seeking equality between Humans and Faunuskind. As a kid, Keaton was friends with two people. A young girl named Blake Belladonna, and a boy named Adam Taurus. Keaton was quite infatuated with Blake, however he noticed that she seemed to have her eyes on Adam. This was pretty heartbreaking to him. But his losses wouldnt end there. Years later, now young teens, Adam would have a meeting with Ezekiel, but the meeting wouldnt end civilly. Adam would unleash his semblance and slays Ezekiel, but as he did. Keaton walked into the room. Witnessing his father being slain. This would trigget Keatons semblance to activate, causing his first transformation. He would rush to attack Adam. Tanking blows from Adams blade, taking some battle damage, but Keaton kept the attack going, with a mighty blow, he sent Adam flying through a concrete wall and nearly killed him. Keaton wanted to end him, but Adams followers would jump him. Attacking relentlessly. Since he hadnt had a full grasp on his Semblance yet, he would make a retreat and ran away from the fang. He would go into hiding, knowing the Fang wanted him dead. ​​​​​  

Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak

05/14/2024 01:19 PM 

Possible Plotlines I'd like to explore.
Current mood:  excited

[ Writers Note ] After the events of KOF Maximum Impact 2 I'd like to think that Alba started picking up a lot of traits that his younger brother had while maintaining his own traits. In this case Alba previously would be reserved and stick to himself but after the second tournament. Alba would be more inclined to be more proactive versus being reactive. This is mostly because while he is not aware of what Jivatma had done to both brothers ( Merged their consciousness ) its happening regardless.Mood: chill Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak @AlbaMeiraThis allows me to explore the aspect of Alba's identity as Judeim without having to necessarily portray him as the Golden Haired Warrior unless the story calls for it. I also RP Alba independent ->Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak @AlbaMeiraof the [Al][Lu] Ship. Yeah do I want [Al][Lu] I heavily favor that ship but I realized there is a MASSIVE amount of directions I can take Alba in that does not necessarily require his canonical ship.Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak @AlbaMeiraLike I could explore stories involving Alba getting used to his powers as Judeim. I could explore Alba running into new people who say "Oh yeah I know about your past." Just to lead him astray ->Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak @AlbaMeirabe it NESTS or Orochi's Clan or any outside OC or Crossover threat. So yeah this is why I'm confident in being the only Maximum Impact Roleplayer still active it's because I know how to make it work.Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak @AlbaMeiraOne story I had in mind that I really wanted to write for Alba was one where Alba would meet one such person ( Who lies about his past innocently in order to get him on their side. ) Through dealing with that entire storyline Alba would ultimately understand that while he does not know about his otherworldy past it's not about his past but more so about how you live your life in the present.I.E: Character Development and Growth through Unintended means. [It's pretty f***ing genius.]Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak @AlbaMeiraAnother storyline is where the Hakkeshu would go out of their way to try to recruit Alba through various means like Goenitz could try to sway him over to their cause via Religious means adding lies here and there about his past like Jivatma did in MI2. The others could employ their own means to try to convince him that Judeim's original will was their will. While types like Ryuji wouldn't give a sh*t because he dosent give a sh*t about Orochi in general.Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak @AlbaMeiraAs for a story involving the [Al][Lu] concept since her original goal was for Alba to live his life as a human since he does not understand his original will as Judeim anymore. She could literally tell him a version of his past that is more suited to her where Jivatma had told one that was more suited to the needs of Addes. Through this Alba would learn more about his true past & come out with a greater understanding of himself and what Judeim's will was as a force for good rather than evil.Alba Meira™ The Devil Of Daybreak @AlbaMeiraThe final concept I have in mind for Alba would be that the person he meets next is an actual member of Addes outside of Jivatma who could further explain that Alba should be with their forces rather than being against them. Since Southtown was originally under their control if Alba was with them then it would be business as usual. What would be in it for Alba? Details about his past as Judeim. Ideally it could be anybody from any of the other syndicates or Fate himself. 

Possible SNK Roleplay Concepts

The Resistance MCRP

05/14/2024 12:01 PM 

Max Cash

Maximus Cash, or Max to his friends, was a fighter pilot and test pilot for the feline airforce until he retired after the death of his copilot James "Razor" Furlong. Max opened up a autogarage called "Fast Katz" like he and James had talked about. Max spends his days working in the shop, and his nights working out, nightly jogs, and reading a book at a local coffeehouse on Tuesday nights. Max is a warm, friendly fellow to all he interacts with, but as far as friends go, he doesn't really have any.

The Resistance MCRP

05/14/2024 09:39 PM 


Xero is an evil speedster hedgehog from a universe that no longer exists. He is an energy vampire and power junkie. Xero wants to be the most powerful being in any universe and he travels through universes with the power of his Shadow Emerald (his universe's Master Emerald). Though he finds most beings to be weak, Xero has formed alliances with other evil beings to reach his overall goals. Xero hates Sonic the Hedgehog, all he stands for, and all whom love him. Xero has fangs to which if he uses on you will drain your power more the longer he bites you. Xero also has claws that if they cut you will eventually make you weak feeling and dazed if you're cut enough, or deeply enough.

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