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∞ Ðeath's ℒegacy ∞

06/05/2013 02:29 PM 

Bioline Part 2: A Cherished Past

On her travels, Akito had made many alternations to how she reacted to others. At first she didn't care to make friends or look for a new family to care for. But then she started meeting people, and gradually opened up. Three of the first friends were Sephiroth; Angel of Hell, Blackheart, and Jedah. Akito became friends with all of them, taking up the habit of teasing and annoying the hell out of them for the sheer joy of it. Another she met was Seru-phim Phoenix. They became fast friends. It was during their first battle that Akito missed her old life. The thought, however, was short lived and when she was defeated, Phoenix gave her a gift; a baby phoenix named Aerama. Aerama usually stays hidden on Akito's travels or association with anyone. Soon after meeting Phoenix came Sephiroth Elite, and then to the Jenova cells being awakened within Akito to become one with the Advent race. Two main reasons that Akito had joined the Advents was to belong in a 'Family', and the other being that she had hopes of getting stronger. Indeed, she did get stronger, but only by being defeated by various opponents and making mistakes did she get stronger. A dispute between Jenova and Akito nearly got Akito out of the Advent rank completely when she was in a battle with Sage Yazu. The dispute ended the battle, leaving the victor unknown. Thanks to Sage, Jenova was saved from Akito's evil form's lethal claws when Akito assumed she was being called a traitor. Elite made his appearance and gave Akito two options; leave or fight to the death. At the time, Akito agreed to the first option, disappearing into her own flames she had summoned. However, she did not stay away for very long, coming back in the form of theBeast. Some time after the battle between Akito and Sage, Akito exchanged some words with Jenova. She regained her position in the Advents to help out a brother in need, but she tends to avoid the others. Akito has been in a couple of wars involving the Advents, but none were very promising, but Akito did manage to acquire a few new abilities. She skipped the Belkan War to instead help out aforementioned brother with a mission. Between the time when Akito escaped from Deepground and made her first three friends to the Belkan War, she has fought and trained with her big brothers Sefirosu Oblivion, Sage Yazu, Advent Death, and her friends Phoenix, Blackheart, Jedah, Sephiroth, and Hozumi Kaguya.

∞ Ðeath's ℒegacy ∞

06/05/2013 02:22 PM 

Bioline Part 1: Humanity and a New Beginning

Seven years ago, known as Sonya then, Akito had been anything but a normal pre-teen even then. She had often been silent and never really bothered with anyone unless they were friends or family. She rarely got into any fights with anyone, and trusted no one but family or friends. The part of her non-normal pre-teen life was that she had an unnatural attraction to the dark, preferably when the moon was visible. It didn't matter if it was full or not; only a small sliver visible contented her as she would walk around at night. A favorite thing of hers while walking around was to scare people out of their minds with weird animal noises that sounded nothing like a human but the real thing. At these times she would pretend she was a character from a fantasy book, movie, or game. After all, they weren't real... Right? In one night, everything changed dramatically for Sonya... and her view of life. In a few months she would have been 13, a true teenager. This was the time they decided to take her and to condemn her to a life of Hell. She was just getting back from one of her nightly strolls about the neighborhood when a scream penetrated her victorious thoughts on scaring a few people from a nearby abandoned mall parking lot. Her mother's scream. Not even bothering to open the gate, Sonya had cleared the four foot fence surrounding her house and raced inside the house through the back door. A weak cry came from upstairs, and Sonya bolted up the stairs without much thought to her own safety. When she finally reached her parents' room, she stopped dead in her tracks in shock. The door was wide open, revealing three masked burly men and a whole lot of blood. What had stopped her dead was that the blood staining the carpet, bed, and a bit of the walls was her parents' recently slain bodies. The man closest to the door suddenly found himself being attacked. Surprisingly, a swift kick to the groin put him out of the fight almost immediately. However, the other two were warned, and within seconds had her under control by knocking her out. Soon after, the three men took her to and through the Shin-Ra building and entered Deepground, with the means of getting extra pay at having brought another guinea pig. From that moment on for six long years, Akito remained in Deepground to be experimented on with doses of Jenova cells. During these six long years is when Sonya, now known as Akito because of the name change the mad scientist who experimented on her gave her, began to distrust everyone except for a trainer named Seth. It was Seth who helped her to open up a little. To her, he was the only friend in that hated place she considered Hell. It was Akito's sixth year when the results of the experimentations finally kicked in and took effect. She had just got done with an advanced training session with Seth when she felt the first slice of pain to transforming. Thinking that she was merely sick, Akito went to her room and went to lay down for a few when pain seized her completely and she fell, writhing, to the floor. The first change took about twenty minutes to complete a transformation of utter, painful hell that was worse beyond the experiments themselves. Through the pain, Akito could feel her body going through the change. The bone structure of her human self seemed to melt and reform. The spine, leg and arm bones elongated so that if she were to stand up on all fours, Akito would stand at 7' 3" easily. Her skull and jaw stretched to that of a muzzle. Tendons, muscle, and skin stretched to keep the new bone structure covered as it grew. Deadly sharp fangs and claws sprouted from humanoid teeth and nails. A four in a half foot length of spine pushed its way from the tight curl of the human tail bone, instantly being covered with thick muscle and skin. As her skull changed shape, her view as a human vanished to be replaced with a very keen predatory sense of hearing, smell, touch, and sight. Her eyes turned from an amber to a pitch black with a steel colored band marking where the pupil was. Within the last minute of the transformation process, short, velvet-like blood red fur spread across Akito's new body. For a few more minutes she lay panting, the pain finally receding from her body. After the minutes passed, she got to her feet a bit shakily and noticed that she felt quite at home walking around on all fours. She looked over her own shoulder to glance at the whip-like tail and the blood red color of her fur. Akito walked over to the mirror hanging on the wall above her dresser on the far side of her medium-sized room. She had to bend her head down low to see her reflection in the mirror. Looking into the mirror, Akito jumped back, stumbling onto her bed in the process from startling herself by her own reflection. She went back to the mirror cautiously, hardly believing what she was seeing. In the mirror, her steel banded black eyes stared back at her. Not even an inch of all her teeth were covered by her top lip, and when she lifted the little bit of flesh covering the roots of her teeth a devil-looking dog creature seemed to snarl at her worse than when the flesh covered the teeth roots. While growling at her own reflection, Akito noticed the single silver loop in her left tattered looking ear. For some reason it held a significance, but Akito couldn't guess what that significance was. The Beast's mind suddenly flared without warning, taking over Akito's mind. It wanted revenge. And it wanted out of its cage to freedom. The Beast focused its thoughts on the three men who had murdered her family. Akito tried to control the Beast, but it moved her new found body without her consent, ripped the door off its hinges a little too easily than Akito had hoped, and loped down the hall to the main lab where Akito knew where the three men would be. The creature hesitated at the many censored door to the lab and then it shredded through it with little difficulty with its nails and teeth. The next couple of minutes were jumbled and confused as the Beast took total control over Akito and annihilated every living thing in the lab, including the three men who captured Akito in the beginning. Computers and tanks were smashed, wires ripped apart, bodies spilled blood rapidly, and shots from the DG soldiers who appeared to stop the Beast. This only succeeded in enraging it further, destroying the lab door completely as it lunged through the door again to decimate some very unfortunate soldiers on the other side. The Beast ran towards Deepground's only entrance and exit, destroying everything in its path. This was the creature's plan of escape to get its host to the surface to survive. And it succeeded in executing that plan. Even to this day, Akito can not call up those last moments of memory. The only thing she remembered is waking up in a side street of Midgar in her human form.

𝕯emonic 𝕮hronicles

09/26/2019 11:07 PM 

Project Eve

Name:Evangeline "Eve" Kyuubi  Alias: Prototype 00918 Age: Unknown "Appears 18" Status: Single Orientation: Straight Info: Eve appeared one day out of nowhere wearing nothing at all and tackled the young Raziel who was barely understanding his Time powers at the time calling the 15 year old father something that shocked him then freaked him out since he had never even had a girlfriend or the time for one. He took her to his apartment (Not by choice) and got her some of clothe and asked her questions and thats when he noticed three important things number one the girl had no memory except that he some how was her father, She was speaking in Atlantean which meant she was not arround human much or at all and last that it all meant she was from some future where he was her father. He felt lost he could barely take care of himself to take care of her but the problem was soon fixed she dissapeared right in front of his eyes. Like him at a time in his life she was time traveling as her emotions went haywire it wasnt until a few years later that he once again came across her (she tackled him and called him father yet again) she was the same Eve with memories of that first encounter she told him her name and that she would say with him forever until her other self was finally born. But the truth of the matter was that Eve was not a normal Kyuubi for that matter she was not really Raziel's daughter, when Sakura met the child she noticed it fast but still had her doubts a quick D.N.A Scan Revealed that Her D.N,A was a perfect match to Raziels.. too perfect which meant only one thing she was a clone of Raziel what its called an imperfect clone because she was a girl. Sakura never informed Raziel of this since it gave him hope of one day having his own family and he seem Happy so she lied and said she was his daughter but that his mate was probably not born yet which was why she couldnt say who it was. Eve is very naive, like a small child she gets easily amused and easily bored but she is also quick to learn, she keeps away from most kyuubi members only going wherever Raziel goes it was this way she Met Zhane who became Uncle Zhane as far as she was concerned and later on Met Keisha whom she admires and although Keisha's way of talking tends to confuse and fluster her she loves Lust Fairy like if she was her Big sister...She does keep away from her when Thanatos is around she never liked him.Eve has grown into her powers still not knowing the truth of what she is after having been captured and experimented on she had no choice but to let go of some of her childish ways as she had witnessed Raziel Violent powers and feared one day she do the same as him and not wanting to hurt anyone even if they deserve it as her father would say she opted to better herself.She soon was able to learn more about her time powers not only from observing and listening to Zhane on the matter but because her Mother Akemi Homura was adamant she learned specially once her brother was born something that confused her as she was expecting her younger self to be born.Homura then explained to her that Perhaps in this time line she was just going to be born because she was already there something that was both hard for her but also meant she would still be around to make memories with a brother she originally did not seem to know.Although she does not feel a connection with Homura like she does with Raziel and her brother Orion she loves the woman very much so regardless of time lines or blood connections for her Homura is her mother simple as that

нмя [ʞ]iттen

06/02/2013 08:41 PM 

The Meeting

As Ayami sat there in the bar, watching the others talk to one another about the usual things. Such as turf wars, or how someone had bad mouthed HOMRA. Though that was mostly what Misaki talked about. How he had kicked some person's ass for bad mouthing HOMRA.  Just thinking about that made a soft laugh escape the sky blue haired female's lips as she leaned back on the couch as she sat there watching them. Though when she had felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, she couldn't help but to pull it out and look to the text message that had been sent to her.Her eyes narrowed slightly due to the one that had actually texted her. Saruhiko. She was exactly expecting him to text her back, nor reply to the voice mail that she had left him before the others came back from whatever they were doing. Blue oculars continued to stare at the text message that he had left her and she couldn't help but to stifle a chuckle as she glanced up from her phone over to Misaki.Ayami knew damn well that if Misaki knew that she was going to go meet up with Saruhiko, well he'd throw a fit and more than likely go off to find him. "Hm.." looking back to the text message, she looked to the one part that held Misaki's name in it. From: (---)Saru.I have no interest of returning to that dirty place, 'the bar.' Instead, you should meet up with me,in the center of town by the second large television.And while you are at it, bring Misaki with you. We've much to discuss.After re-reading the text message, she quickly tapped the screen before sending a reply back to him;Heh.. That sounds like a good place to meet up.. I'll be there... and... I'll bring Misaki along with me. As soon as she sent the reply back to him, Ayami stood up from the couch. Stretching as she did before walking over to the bar as she looked to Izumo for a moment before looking to Misaki."Hey.... Yata.." keeping her eyes upon the chestnut colored haired male she quickly grabbed onto his arm and started leading him out of the bar. "We'll be back Izumo~! I just got a message that someone was bad mouthing us again~" she said as she glanced over to the bartender for a moment only to turn her gaze ahead of her. Ayami knew well enough that if she had simply used that excuse then Yata wouldn't question where she was dragging him off to.Hell, she was sure that if she had simply said that she was going to go and kick someone's ass for bad mouthing HOMRA then the skater would more than likely follow after her without any questions. He did love kicking others asses when it came to HOMRA.{Posting Order;AyamiMisakiSaru } 

�Gekido no Tenshi� Shinobu

05/29/2013 05:19 PM 

The Angel of Rage vs. The god of Irateness.

Simple rulesNo AutoingNo God ModingNo Power ModingMay the fight be fair. Good Luck 

�Gekido no Tenshi� Shinobu

05/27/2013 05:27 PM 

Gekido no Tenshi vs. Castiel

RulesNo AutoingNo God ModdingNo Power Modding

�Gekido no Tenshi� Shinobu

05/25/2013 09:05 PM 


I am not much for rules, however there are a few I will go by.Fighting:*I am starting a new thing where I only fight in blogs. I am trying to make a form of a comeback from several years of not doing much. However, I think it would be fun to display my fights no matter how rusty they may be.*No autoing*No god moding*No power modingGeneral:*Its simple, dont piss me off we get along.*If you dont reply within several days I might either send you a message wondering what happened or just simply delete.*Try and be para to multi para, I see no reason why I would bother myself with something so boring as a one liner.


05/20/2013 11:19 PM 


1. Hello there, hope to RP soon. 2. I'm not asking for the whole "you-add-you-send-the-starter" bit, at least talk or say 'Hello' and we can discuss a storyline. If I randomly feel like deleting people and I see no reason to keep you, you'll be deleted without a second thought.3. I'm up for any type of RP; They tend to get very gorey too with Nice's line of work. For sexual RPs, hey, if it happens, it happens, babe. Don't come straight up with sex. 4. I normally RP Multi-Para or Novella, I'll accept anything, BUT one-liners. GTFO with that shizz. 5.I edit pictures sporadically, so if you end up in one...;D I just thought of you while editing it. Think of it as a compliment.  Also, don't steal the pictures. Just ask and I might still have the original laying around.6. Don't steal Nice. You could try and RP as her, but I don't think you'd do her any justice. 8. Hehehe...I didn't put a seven. 9.That's pretty much it. Don't be a douche, unless it's your character, and we should get along nicely.

Castiel (Taken by Temari)

05/20/2013 10:03 PM 

My RP and Profile rules.

Okay here are my Profile and RP rules1) Once you add me or I add you please reply with a comment within the next few days or I will delete you. 2) I do any kind of rp. Just let me know what type you wanna do before we begin. If you ask for multi-para and beyond be warned I am still working on my multi-para rping skills so it might take a while. 3) I might not reply for a little while sometimes so if we are in the middle of a rp just hold tight and I will reply as soon as possible. 4) When we do try to rp just ask me and we can talk about the details as we go along, or if you want to map a storyline ahead of time then let me know. 5) Whatever happens in the rp, stays in the rp unless you ask me in ooc or vice versa. For now these are my simple rules. Please leave a comment stating that you have read and understand these rules. Thank you. 

翡翠 NightFire 蜘蛛

05/20/2013 06:19 PM 

Character Information

this is a link to my character's information, it's updated as needed.

Riley nara

05/18/2013 06:39 PM 


1. Have Fun2. No Godmodding if the roleplay involves battling.3. I vary from one-liner rps to paragraph Role plays, hopefully if could help out.4. Please no Drama.Thank you - The Anime Time Lord

River Moonlight

05/17/2013 10:45 PM 

My rules.

1. First of all, no bullying and Abusing in/out of character those who do will be deleted and blocked from my profile. 2.If you wish to have  sex with my charas, please keep in mind that sex is something you do out of love. And don't fall in love with the girl behind the charas. 3. If I don't reply to your rp or comment right away it either means that I'm editing, helping my mom with house chores, or I'm feeling lazy. We all have our lazy days people ! 4. Please don't send me one word rps, that has happened to me before in the past and I find them really boring. 5. I can do one-liners, semi-lit, and semi-para make sure that you keep them simple cuz I get confused sometimes. 6. I'm a nice person so if your nice to me I'll be nice to you back. 7. I will let you know if I put up more charas or added some more rules on the stream, that way everyone can see it. 8. When I rp I like to have fun and be creative, so if you're not having fun or if you lack creativity let me know and I will think of something to spice things up.  

★вιg ѕнσт!

05/17/2013 02:47 PM 

Team Big Shot! vs Team Chunny

Team Big Shot! - Terry Bogard, Hal Jordan, Noel KreissTeam Chunny - Chun Li, Vergil, Zero

River Moonlight

05/16/2013 09:18 PM 

Single and taken charas.

Name: AliceAge: Unknown Race:ButterflySexual orientation: StraightSingle or taken: SinglePic:Name: LunaAge: Unknown Race:wolfSexual orientation: StraightSingle or taken: SinglePic:Name: RavenAge: Unknown Race:WolfSexual orientation: StraightSingle or taken: singlePic:Name:KagomeAge: Unknown Race:MermaidSexual orientation: gaySingle or taken: singlePic:Name:RoseAge: 17Race:VampireSexual orientation: gaySingle or taken: singlePic:Name: JadeAge: 15Race:HumanSexual orientation:straightSingle or taken: singlePic:Name: Sakura FantasiaAge: 18Hight: 5ft 8inWeight: 102Body type: SlimStatus: singleSexual Orientation: Straight. Virgin Yes/No: YesLikes: Naps under a shaded tree, soft music, having fun eating deer meat. Dislikes: People who thinks she stupid, asking stupid questions, bullies, abuse, and raping. Turn on's: Boys with red blood eyes that know how to turn a girl on. Turn off's: being alone or forgotten====================================Bio: Unknown Pic:Name: Amy BluestoneAge: 16Hight: 5.2Weight: 101Body type: SlimStatus: Single at the momentSexual Orientation: straightVirgin Yes/No: YesLikes: Naps under shaded tree, soft music, having fun, and eating sweets.Dislikes: People who thinks she stupid, asking stupid questions, bullies, abuse, and raping. Turn on's: Flowers, cute furry animals, walks on the beach, and watching the stars in the sky at night. Turn off's: People who treat her like dirt. ====================================Bio: Unknown Pic:Name: KiraAge:14Sex: FemaleRace: Bunny Sexual Orientation: biRelationship Statue. singlePic: Name: NickyAge: maybe 15 or 16Sex:FemaleRace:NekoSexual Orientation:StraightRelationship Status: singlePic: Name: ThornAge: 15Sex:FemaleRace: ButterflySexual Orientation:gayRelationship Status: SinglePic: Name: LilacAge: 16Sex:FemaleRace: FairySexual Orientation:StraightRelationship Status: singlePic: Name:StarAge: maybe 16 or 17Race: VampireSexual Orientation: UnknownRelationship Status: singlePic:Name: SnowAge:17Race: WitchSexual Orientation: biRelationship Status:singlePic:Name:ScarletAge: 15Race:nekoSex:femaleSexual Orientation: straightRelationship Status: singlePic:Name: SangoAge:16Sex: FemaleRace: Angel Sexual Orientation: UnknownRelationship Statue. SinglePic:

Kazikli Voyvoda

06/15/2016 04:17 PM 

Multi Para Example (female version)

In case you're wondering just what my style is like,here is one of my more recent threads with 

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