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ɮɛʏօռɖ ɢod�

04/24/2014 03:02 PM 

Reserved #02 (Aiden's Funeral)

You're next bitch. +VS Aiden+Time: 14:45 Location: Grassy fields with rolling hills and scattered streams.Conditions: Passing clouds, 72�FRules: Standard (No mods, autoing, metagaming). General prep count is to be included at the end of every post. If asked for specifics, they will be given. Time Limit: Four days (Since we know Aiden can't keep track of time, failing to meet the deadline will result in a failed response and damage will be taken).Time to die, fucker.

ɮɛʏօռɖ ɢod�

04/24/2014 03:01 PM 

Reserved #01 (Vs Saito)

..+VS Saito+Time: 05:17 Location: Rocky hillsides with scattered marshes.Conditions: Before dawn, foggy (vision obscured beyond 1,320ft), 46�FRules: Standard (No mods, autoing, metagaming). Additional disputes resolved in messages.Time Limit: Seven days (Be kind and give notice if an absence extends beyond last day).Best of luck.


04/16/2014 11:45 PM 

Photo Use Rule

Our advertisers require that our website adheres to their content policy.  Boiled down, their policy is:"Nude, partially nude, pornographic or sexually suggestive images are prohibited." In an effort to comply with their policy we have posted this rule on all pages which allow members to upload and share photos as a reminder.Check your photos here:

☠ C H A O T I C | A M B I T I O N�☠

04/16/2014 10:54 PM 

The Death of Fei Hatzis

This is a fight between Hanzo and Fei to the death.Fei lost for two reasons:He was active for the week time limit posted on the group and that both of us agreed to in regisrtation, yet never postedWhen I declare he has timed out, he posts. Yet his attack would not be fast enough to stop Hanzo's THe Link to the full fight is here : following is mainly the IC.,besides me revising the post when Fei could not understand it.You can read him ranting the entire time and talking shit that makes no sense here : who posted while we awaited an appointed judge did so of their own volition,Fei asking for and then denying asking for a judge himself. We still await the leader of the group's Judgement.AuthorMessage[Delete Thread] Showing  1 to 10 of 19 Posts1 2    Next �   Hanzo is selling Fei's head�Send MessageBlock UserPosted:  03/30/2014 This day had been long in the making, the King of the Pirates having recently gained memories of another life lived in an alternate reality; It had revealed to him many details about the people he now had interacted with, their faces and behavior tapping his subconscious mind and unlocking his other recollections. This was known as a Gnosis, an almost-dejavu-like feeling that came from subdued-or alternate-memories. But how could one see the same visions that they did in another dimension? There were two parts to this answer, but first one had to know where Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo came from in this life.Born to average parents in a dark world, his family was murdered by pirates at the age of three while he and the other children were taken as slaves. For seventeen years Hanzo toiled away until the Fateful day that the Arcane Swordsman,Greatest Swordsman Alive, slaughtered the pirates and almost killed Hanzo. He instead decided to train the newly-freed slave, his will to live shown when he never backed down against a sorcerer that his human form obviously had no chance against. That, and his unrefined talent in the ways of the sword: His sensei saw this in their short skirmish, noting that he put up more of a fight than the pirates who had owned his life.For many more years he trained under the tutelage of the Arcane Swordsman, learning basic techniques at first but steadily improving and within five years earning his sensei's approval in becoming an Arcane Sorcerer. Sorcery was the term for magic in his realm, Mana it's source: The Spiritual powers capable of unlocking such ability were stored away,much like the large percentage of the brain humans have a limiter on. Sorcerers also gained eternal youth, the mana maintaining their appearance, and physical aptitude far beyond that of a human being. But these powers, known as Arcane and Divine Sorcery, were often linked to religion. A Holy War decimated Hanzo's home planet of Earth, those who sought power often following what they saw as a higher power. The young swordsman saw no God, and saw nothng to prove that such a truly Divine Being existed- why would the world be this way were he to exist?An Atheist who believed in nothing but his own Ambition to become stronger, Hanzo was informed of how sorcery worked by his master. His response was to flatly deny any religious influence over himself, though he admitted to wanting the power that his teacher could obtain. He had nearly reached the human limits already, and knew he could not become more without sorcery unlocking his full potential. But when the Arcane Swordsman then told him about his defection from the Divine Army and their plansto destroy all in their own Armageddon, he also mentioned how the use of mana could warp the mind and mentally influence beings using it; He was now an Atheist himself, and dabbled in both types of Sorcery without any of the aforementioned mind-altering side effects. Seeing his chance, the student exclaiming his desire for the same thing given similar views on religion- the other performed the 'Baptism Ritual' which began the future pirate's true life.Mana was able to augment physical traits above the already-high potential sorcerers held, and each sorcerer gained a single technique their mana was capable of manifesting into; Their souls determined what the power was to be, Arcane Techniques high in destructive power more often than not. His ability was Arcane Inferno, later discovered in a duel against his sensei: Hanzo could create, control and even become flame because of his fiery nature. He was told this was Naturism Sorcery, a by-product of the full power that with two sorcerers changed the geography of their world forevermore. Excited with this, a twenty-five year old Hanzo now remained at prime physical age and over the next half of a century honed his skills,deciding to use a third blade because of his own ideas of how it could be an advantage.His throat and jaw stronger than the average sorcerer even, the new sorcerer easily learned how to balance himself now that his desire had been fulfilled- he felt like he now had to prove himself to his sensei. The moment came when a man after the title of Arcane Swordsman sought Hanzo's sensei, and was sent to combat him alone. Hanzo quickly found that the thick black blade his foe used halted any kinetic or magical energy it contacted and vanquished it. An anti-energy sword, the man called it, one that was forged by the hearts of one thousand creatures made of countless alloys, this supersword long sought after until he killed the Arcane Sorcerer who had created it.Knowing that his foe couldn't possibly swing the sword if this were true, he simply kicked the hilt in the man's hand during their battle and stabbed him with his own blade-then finishing the battle in moments. He was badly injured, but his opponent was too confident in his own ability and his blade's and failed to view his murderer as an equal. With this, Hanzo took Oniken from the swordsman and kept on with his training, a legendary blade now in his possession! Soon the time came to learn Divine Sorcery as well, and his came in the form of a Golden Aura that required both Arcane and Divine Mana in equal proportions: His master informed him that they shared a legendary Divine Technique, one that could destroy other sorcery and the like with it's ability. He challenged his student to one final duel, to take his title or die within a pyramid he was guardian of. Their fight was fierce, Hanzo finding that the Arcane Swordsman was easily able to get around Oniken and slash with his own legendary blade, Divinity. Running on Divine Mana, the sword cut things as if they had the structural integrity of a sheet of paper- Hanzo still carried a long scar from his right hip to left shoulder, a mark from their first battle and the same weapon. But his power stopped that, his assaults furious and enough to rival his master at this point. But his sensei seemed not to worry- his own power cancelling Hanzo's! He remembered how each time they used their power, it seemed like a battle of will; His Ambition was strong, and each time his desire to now slay the man who freed him from slavery seemed to aid in warding off the invading energies of The Divine AuraHe succeeded in killing the Arcane Swordsman, taking from him both his title and his weapon. But now he sought new meaning in life, his solution to become a pirate. Infatuated with the concept of Chaos , he named his crew the Chaos Pirates, and his Sorcery ,Chaos Sorcery. The blade he soon forged from special alloys that could store mana within itself was also named Kaosu. His journey began by recruiting a powerful crew, and they went about crushing other pirates in their world. They were not conventional pirates: Hanzo's hatred of slavery causing them to do things many would call heroic if not for the men who fell to free others. They fought both the Arcane and the Divine Army for varying reasons, often being targeted because they were in the military territory for one reason or another.As the Chaos Pirates grew in infamy, the Divine Amry labeled them as a major threat. They hired the King of the Pirates and his crew, the Apocalypse Pirates, to destroy their enemy without a connection to the Holy Elders. The King took this contract, he and his men ambushing their targets and decimating the ranks of the Chaos Pirates, the captain locked in a fierce battle with the King as his nakama fell all around him. His hatred and anger unlocked an ability he knew not of- He had a dark ,shadowy aura capable of creating solid illusions to attack with him, but this dark presence was a larger version of himself- the lifelike avatar later named the Deva, it's strength tremendous as it worked together with Hanzo to double his power. He managed to kill the King of the Pirates that day, taking both his title and the Nexus Key:This Key only activated in the hand of the King of Pirates, large and golden in appearance with various gems studding it. It opened portals to other dimensions and locations, though it was random unless one had traveled to the realm already. With this, the user became a pirate not only of this world, but of the multiverse. But first, the king and his sole surviving nakama,his shipwright, had to start anew. They took the pieces of both ships ravaged in battle into Divine Territory, building a massive ship from the remnants of two. He and his nakama also stole the blueprints for an engine of mana and built it from scratch, the engine for their massive vessel large enough to act as a ship of it's own.He spent time afterwards rebuilding his crew and traveling to foreign realms seeking alliances and territory. Along the way, familiar faces cause him to undergo a 'Gnosis' And the reasons why were simple if one knew Hanzo's story. He jumped from world to world with the Nexus Key, and that was a major part. But the true catalyst was the pirate's power. Divine Ambition, the Divine Aura, was an energy that changed upon the user's beliefs. His master had convinced him what his power was, and to this day he knew not of his true potential. His power was able to influence him, though it was the reason why outside influence was so difficult: Because he believed that it was possible to have an alternate life, seeing the same faces triggered these memories. He remembered working for a man who claimed to be rising to power, seeking military aid from the pirate in an alternate reality. Hanzo aided and eventually became part of his family for a short while before learning of his true, malefic nature and leaving the Aerial Dominion of Solaris with revenge on his mind. Fei Hatzis was to die , Hanzo knew that from the scattered memories of another persona. His rage at the man was incredible, and so this version would do what the other pirate didn't and finish the job.He stood now in a clearing lined with short grass for miles on end. A neutral location, one where he would decimate his foe in the field of battle. Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo stood six feet tall, wearing only black jeans, boots and a bandanna and because of this his physique- comparable to a bodybuilder minus his scar- was openly displayed. Looped into his belt were three sheathes; Red and black sheathes on his right hip and a white one on his left, these items held not the weapons. They were in the hands and mouth of the Arcane Swordsman. Oniken, the energy-ignorant twenty-three inch long ebony blade, was held in Hanzo's left hand.Shinsei[Divinity]'s silver, twenty-two inch blade's white handled rested in his right, and the specialized hilt of Kaosu-red in color with imprints like a mouth guard to allow Hanzo to both easily use the blade ,identical to Shinsei, pointing out to his right, as well as drawing from the extra reserve of energy inside.Gray hues faced forward, the golden Nexus Key sitting ten feet behind him. Were the other to kill Hanzo, his titles, swords and the key were his if he saw fit to take them.But the current King thought not of that, his focus on destroying his enemy. As he awaited the one he would duel to the death with, he let Arcane and Divine energies begin to charge within his body and augment his physical abilities until unleashed when he used his sorcery. A sensory awareness of the soul and living things granted with the powers of sorcery, the Captain of the Chaos Pirates sensed for Fei Hatzis to appear so that they could finally end this.His Three Ambitious Blades were drawn, his plans to cut ties and burn bridges quite literal. His anger left from what the Gnosis had given him of his alternate-self's memories  now manifested,though it was just beginning. Though the sun was bright, a shadow seemed to be creeping across Hanzo as he prepared for battle, the aura of the Deva unleashed if only to aid him later in battle. He never underestimated an opponent:All were to be killed by any means necessary. Point And Laugh At Hanzo! Haah!Posted:  03/30/2014 SHEVAT, THREE MONTHS BEFORE THE FALL. "So pal, what are you gonna do about him?  Not the best listener."  TONY STARK.Aerial Defender of Shevat. "Kill him.  He's an insubordinate welp, I've no use for him. AKEMI HATZIS.First Imperial Princess of Shevat.  "Baby cakes, you need to calm down.  Just talk to Hanzo, he'll come around." KARIN IVORY.Lady In Waiting to the Imperial Shevatian Throne. "Please.  There is no talking to him." FEI TOSHIHIDE HATZIS.Basileus of the Floating Principality of Shevat. "Father, you don't think you're being tough on him?"  NAZNEEN HATZIS.Second Imperial Princess of Shevat. "You should listen to your daughter, she is wise beyond her years in diplomacy."  "And what of Akemi?   Is that to say her opinion is the folly of a fool?" "No my love, I meant nothing like that.  It's just that Hanzo is..." "Hanzo always is, Karin.  You two defend him, but he defies me at every turn.  I grow tired of his insubordinance." "Very well baby cakes.  Whatever you decide I will support you, but I am retiring to bed." "I'm following mother.   I don't think this is a positive conversation." "Goodnight, my ladies."  " I too late for all the festivities? You kicking Hanzo or nah?" AVRA HATZIS.Brother to Basileus Hatzis.  Ethereal Sniper of Shevat. "Brother, come sit.  You tell me if he should be excommunicated." "Hey, hey!  Don't involve me in all this.   That's between you and him.   I'll be here if you need me, but I'm not the boss.  You are.   You lead."  LEADERSHIP. s|| It's as much of a curse as it is a blessing, to possess the innate ability to lead.  To be a good leader means you must become a better servant.  Servitude to your people requires a special ability to cater to their needs better than both themselves and any other leader.  If executed successfully, it can be a joyous union of those that believe in your conviction, and your conviction itself.  However if the convictions of the servant and the follower are not congruent, then the union will not hold.  Dissolution will run its' course, and an inevitable parting, no matter how much averted, will transpire.  The degree and intensity of separation is contingent on the nature of the separation itself.  For the Basileus of Shevat and the leader of the Shevatian Flotilla, the issue was control.||s  THE DAY BEFORE.  "What the hell do you mean you're going to do what you want??" "I mean exactly what I said.  I lead the Chaos Pirates, we're in an alliance." HANZO TAKAMITZU.Navy General(?) of the Shevatian Flotilla.  Captain of the Chaos Pirates. "I don't run Shevat as a Principality of Anarchy.  There are rules, and there is order.  One way or another, you're GOING to follow suit." "Please.  Order?  You're just trying to be a dictator and make everyone do what you want."  "That's bullshit and you know it!  More to the point, if it were true, what the hell else is a leader supposed to do?  Aren't you pulling Austin and Fiona to do what YOU want to do?  So let me get this straight.  You want to basically enjoy the perk of this title, and do your own thing anyway." "No, I'm not saying that, but I am saying I lead the Chaos Pirates and if I don't agree with something, you're not going to force me to do it.  I'm gonna do what I want.  If that means I want to run up on someone, I'm gonna do it."  "Fuck this.  I cannot deal with you and your wanton ability to just run off like some rogue assassin in the name of your convenience.  I worked TOO HARD for you to come in here and kick your feet up like I answer to the LIKES OF YOU." "The LIKES OF ME?  Please, get a good look at yourself.  Damn near everyone hates you.  If it wasn't for Karin, your name would be shit anyway." "Get out." "Truth hurts, don't it." "If you don't get out, there's going to be a LOT more hurting than what you're assuming." "Tch.  Fine.  Not worth it anyway."  s|| Two cannot walk together unless they both agree.  A killer and a pacifist will only coexist for so long before a division begins.  Much like one wanting to follow their resolve and the other the same, two people destined to lead must carry on the same way.  Bitter about the matter, Fei called for a meeting with his Imperial Royal Family to decide their fate.  After Karin and Nazneen expressed their sentiment on the matter, Fei was left with Akemi and his brother, along with Tony.  Akemi was sitting in thought next to her father's throne in the Shevatian Throne room.  Avra had kicked his feet up into the right throne seat, lighting a cigarette and ignoring the situation with his normal nonchalant attitude.  Tony was staring out of the leftward bay window in the throne room, the evening sun glistening over his baby blue and chocolate armored suit.  Fei walked over to him, a normally silent follower since a certain incident.||s "Nohman will be back, I'm sure." "..." "Come on, old friend.  Advise a leader on a matter won't you?" "Whatever you decide I'm fine with.  I'll follow you regardless, as you can see.  What I'd like to see for once however, is that you make a decision based on your own conviction, and not some moral standard.  You can't play hero if the universe sees you as a villain.  At one point or another, you'll have to take off that white hat." "Father, he is correct in his rebuttal.  You have to take risks as a leader.  Let us shovel the burden of your moral reception to the realms.  We are here to bury the conspiracy and exalt the results.  Your success will speak for itself, but we cannot soar the skies with dead weight.  We cannot heard a flock of sheep evading the attack of a wolf with a disobedient lamb that refuses to rush to sanctuary."  s||These words weighed heavy on Fei's heart.  He returned to the quarters where his lady in waiting had already returned to slumber.  Disrobing, he stood in his own bedroom window.  A midnight shine gazed into the room like an interrogating detective.  Before long, she'd come behind him, brushing his hair.  After her encouraging him to turn to slumber, he retired for the night.  It was the next day he executed the order that Hanzo be stripped of his title and banned from Shevat.  The Chaos Pirates were mandated to follow their leader in search of a new home and never return to the kingdom again.  Karin and Bunny were saddened by this.  Akemi and Tony were indifferent, but a difficult choice had to be made in the name of the kingdom.  One thing that Fei could not allow, was the ramblings of a rebellious underling to go without consequence.  Hanzo was made an example of for all to see that disobedience would not be tolerated.  It was a dictator's action, but it was needed in the name of a better country.  What no one knew then however, was that this excommunication would begin the first in many series of decisions leading to the political decline of Shevat and the eventual death of Fei Hatzis on the day of his wedding.||s PRESENT DAY SOLARIS."You like sitting there, don't you?" "How am I supposed to feel?  I am king, aren't I?"  ASHFORD HATZIS.Imperial Chancellor of Solaris.  Known by the codename, 'ETHER:DRIVE.' "Yes, you are.  I was only teasing, my son." "Hey, not too much teasing of the royal nephew!   I'd hate to order PT for the whole family!" ALVON HATZIS.Brother of Fei.  Known by the codename, 'ETHER:RECALL.' "Let him pick!  It's good for the young lad!  He needs to be made a little tough for the warmongers out there!"AZAZEL HATZIS.Brother of Fei.  Known by the codename, 'ETHER:SHIFT.' "You guys are too much.  We all know Ash will make a good example for Aviela." "Oh father, you flatter yourself.  Repair functions to Shevat are nearing half completion.  Just wait until I take my place as Basileus Queen." "Ah, the firecracker speaks.  Am I late for the party?" ADARLIC HATZIS.Brother of Fei oddly resembling deceased brother Avra.  Known by the codename, 'ETHER:TRANSFER.' "You've missed little.  Just the bear in here promoting parental violence." REGINA HATZIS.Sister to Fei.  Known by the codename, 'ETHER:FUSE.' "Better an instigator than a mute blowfish.  It's a wonder you can survive out of water." "You try that blowfish comment again, and you'll be wondering how a bear could survive IN water..."  "HEY, OKAY YOU TWO! HA HA, jokesters, the both of you.  So son, how's that new recur-" s|| At that very moment, Fei felt something come over him.  It was a deep shuttering all over his body.  The clear vision of him and his family had now become a rainbow of translucence to the marble white Solarian throne room.  He was being forced into hyperspace via dimensional travel and had no idea how.  Somehow he was being auto forced to head to a destination he knew nothing about.  In the midst of the transfer, Fei was able to channel ether around his body to minimize the turbulent effect on his bodily organs.  The speed at which he was being summoned was too much for even him to grasp full control of.  He was losing thought, losing touch, losing sight.  Everything was a rainbow blur to him, a series of rapidly phasing colors.  Soon, things came to a slowing.  Colors began to construct a real environment once again as he regained his senses, ejected from hyperspace.  A sharp thud landed him onto the ground of the foreign land.  Silence after a warping noise enveloped the area, his thud was followed by another.  He exited hyperspace at about ninety miles an hour.  If not for his reinforced nanofiber suit, he'd have felt quite the bruise from the tumble.  One led to another and to another as he hit the ground four times.  He skipped in the air a considerable distance with each, the last leaving a three foot dent in the dirt beneath him.  Taking a moment to rise, he dusted himself off and looked around.  About fifty feet in the distance south it appeared that an individual was in the distance.  He couldn't make out the identity of him. Looking around, the sun was shining bright and grass had no end to the eye.  His intricately woven Solaris battle garbs were tightly secured to his body as he stretched a bit while standing.   It was then that another shudder rolled over his conscience.  This time he saw that hideous skull, and he knew exactly who it was.  A closer look in the distance zoomed in on the same crooked, slant angle face he'd been annoyed with for so long.  Knowing now the nature of his magical summoning, he extended both his hands forward and charged ether.  It wouldn't take long before flashbacks of his previous life as leader of Shevat began to recant the memories of the enemy before him.   Vague nostalgia instantly became photographic memory as the rage focused on his opponent returned with expedient abandon.  Before his family found him, he would find himself with a gift to return with.||s THE HEAD OF AN IGNORANT JACKASS.Hanzo is selling Fei's head�Send MessageBlock User

☠ C H A O T I C | A M B I T I O N�☠

04/16/2014 06:37 PM 

Feilure : The Death of Fei Hatzis

<***** width="728" height="90" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px; visibility: visible !important;">AniRoleplay.comPeople ☆HomeMail  ▼Profile ▼People ▼More ▼My AccountSign OutInboxCommentsFriend RequestsSent MailAddress BookMy ProfileEdit ProfileMy BlogMy GroupsMy CommentsMy FavoritesMy LayoutsMy PhotosMy VideosOnlineBrowseMy FriendsTop FriendsBulletinsFind FriendsRolePlay SearchInvite FriendsAlbumsBlogsGroupsForumsVideosGamesMy FavoritesMy BulletinsProfile LayoutsKnowing GodGroups CenterGroups HomeMy GroupsCreate GroupSearch GroupNew GroupsAdvertisement<***** width="160" height="600" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="aswift_1" name="aswift_1" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;">Group ForumBack to GroupBack to ForumAuthorMessage[Delete Thread] Showing  1 to 10 of 15 Posts1 2    Next �   C H A O T I C | A M B I T I O N�Send MessageBlock UserPosted:  03/30/2014 This day had been long in the making, the King of the Pirates having recently gained memories of another life lived in an alternate reality; It had revealed to him many details about the people he now had interacted with, their faces and behavior tapping his subconscious mind and unlocking his other recollections. This was known as a Gnosis, an almost-dejavu-like feeling that came from subdued-or alternate-memories. But how could one see the same visions that they did in another dimension? There were two parts to this answer, but first one had to know where Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo came from in this life.Born to average parents in a dark world, his family was murdered by pirates at the age of three while he and the other children were taken as slaves. For seventeen years Hanzo toiled away until the Fateful day that the Arcane Swordsman,Greatest Swordsman Alive, slaughtered the pirates and almost killed Hanzo. He instead decided to train the newly-freed slave, his will to live shown when he never backed down against a sorcerer that his human form obviously had no chance against. That, and his unrefined talent in the ways of the sword: His sensei saw this in their short skirmish, noting that he put up more of a fight than the pirates who had owned his life.For many more years he trained under the tutelage of the Arcane Swordsman, learning basic techniques at first but steadily improving and within five years earning his sensei's approval in becoming an Arcane Sorcerer. Sorcery was the term for magic in his realm, Mana it's source: The Spiritual powers capable of unlocking such ability were stored away,much like the large percentage of the brain humans have a limiter on. Sorcerers also gained eternal youth, the mana maintaining their appearance, and physical aptitude far beyond that of a human being. But these powers, known as Arcane and Divine Sorcery, were often linked to religion. A Holy War decimated Hanzo's home planet of Earth, those who sought power often following what they saw as a higher power. The young swordsman saw no God, and saw nothng to prove that such a truly Divine Being existed- why would the world be this way were he to exist?An Atheist who believed in nothing but his own Ambition to become stronger, Hanzo was informed of how sorcery worked by his master. His response was to flatly deny any religious influence over himself, though he admitted to wanting the power that his teacher could obtain. He had nearly reached the human limits already, and knew he could not become more without sorcery unlocking his full potential. But when the Arcane Swordsman then told him about his defection from the Divine Army and their plans to destroy all in their own Armageddon, he also mentioned how the use of mana could warp the mind and mentally influence beings using it; He was now an Atheist himself, and dabbled in both types of Sorcery without any of the aforementioned mind-altering side effects. Seeing his chance, the student exclaiming his desire for the same thing given similar views on religion- the other performed the 'Baptism Ritual' which began the future pirate's true life.Mana was able to augment physical traits above the already-high potential sorcerers held, and each sorcerer gained a single technique their mana was capable of manifesting into; Their souls determined what the power was to be, Arcane Techniques high in destructive power more often than not. His ability was Arcane Inferno, later discovered in a duel against his sensei: Hanzo could create, control and even become flame because of his fiery nature. He was told this was Naturism Sorcery, a by-product of the full power that with two sorcerers changed the geography of their world forevermore. Excited with this, a twenty-five year old Hanzo now remained at prime physical age and over the next half of a century honed his skills,deciding to use a third blade because of his own ideas of how it could be an advantage.His throat and jaw stronger than the average sorcerer even, the new sorcerer easily learned how to balance himself now that his desire had been fulfilled- he felt like he now had to prove himself to his sensei. The moment came when a man after the title of Arcane Swordsman sought Hanzo's sensei, and was sent to combat him alone. Hanzo quickly found that the thick black blade his foe used halted any kinetic or magical energy it contacted and vanquished it. An anti-energy sword, the man called it, one that was forged by the hearts of one thousand creatures made of countless alloys, this supersword long sought after until he killed the Arcane Sorcerer who had created it.Knowing that his foe couldn't possibly swing the sword if this were true, he simply kicked the hilt in the man's hand during their battle and stabbed him with his own blade-then finishing the battle in moments. He was badly injured, but his opponent was too confident in his own ability and his blade's and failed to view his murderer as an equal. With this, Hanzo took Oniken from the swordsman and kept on with his training, a legendary blade now in his possession! Soon the time came to learn Divine Sorcery as well, and his came in the form of a Golden Aura that required both Arcane and Divine Mana in equal proportions: His master informed him that they shared a legendary Divine Technique, one that could destroy other sorcery and the like with it's ability. He challenged his student to one final duel, to take his title or die within a pyramid he was guardian of. Their fight was fierce, Hanzo finding that the Arcane Swordsman was easily able to get around Oniken and slash with his own legendary blade, Divinity. Running on Divine Mana, the sword cut things as if they had the structural integrity of a sheet of paper- Hanzo still carried a long scar from his right hip to left shoulder, a mark from their first battle and the same weapon. But his power stopped that, his assaults furious and enough to rival his master at this point. But his sensei seemed not to worry- his own power cancelling Hanzo's! He remembered how each time they used their power, it seemed like a battle of will; His Ambition was strong, and each time his desire to now slay the man who freed him from slavery seemed to aid in warding off the invading energies of The Divine AuraHe succeeded in killing the Arcane Swordsman, taking from him both his title and his weapon. But now he sought new meaning in life, his solution to become a pirate. Infatuated with the concept of Chaos , he named his crew the Chaos Pirates, and his Sorcery ,Chaos Sorcery. The blade he soon forged from special alloys that could store mana within itself was also named Kaosu. His journey began by recruiting a powerful crew, and they went about crushing other pirates in their world. They were not conventional pirates: Hanzo's hatred of slavery causing them to do things many would call heroic if not for the men who fell to free others. They fought both the Arcane and the Divine Army for varying reasons, often being targeted because they were in the military territory for one reason or another.As the Chaos Pirates grew in infamy, the Divine Amry labeled them as a major threat. They hired the King of the Pirates and his crew, the Apocalypse Pirates, to destroy their enemy without a connection to the Holy Elders. The King took this contract, he and his men ambushing their targets and decimating the ranks of the Chaos Pirates, the captain locked in a fierce battle with the King as his nakama fell all around him. His hatred and anger unlocked an ability he knew not of- He had a dark ,shadowy aura capable of creating solid illusions to attack with him, but this dark presence was a larger version of himself- the lifelike avatar later named the Deva, it's strength tremendous as it worked together with Hanzo to double his power. He managed to kill the King of the Pirates that day, taking both his title and the Nexus Key:This Key only activated in the hand of the King of Pirates, large and golden in appearance with various gems studding it. It opened portals to other dimensions and locations, though it was random unless one had traveled to the realm already. With this, the user became a pirate not only of this world, but of the multiverse. But first, the king and his sole surviving nakama,his shipwright, had to start anew. They took the pieces of both ships ravaged in battle into Divine Territory, building a massive ship from the remnants of two. He and his nakama also stole the blueprints for an engine of mana and built it from scratch, the engine for their massive vessel large enough to act as a ship of it's own.He spent time afterwards rebuilding his crew and traveling to foreign realms seeking alliances and territory. Along the way, familiar faces cause him to undergo a 'Gnosis' And the reasons why were simple if one knew Hanzo's story. He jumped from world to world with the Nexus Key, and that was a major part. But the true catalyst was the pirate's power. Divine Ambition, the Divine Aura, was an energy that changed upon the user's beliefs. His master had convinced him what his power was, and to this day he knew not of his true potential. His power was able to influence him, though it was the reason why outside influence was so difficult: Because he believed that it was possible to have an alternate life, seeing the same faces triggered these memories. He remembered working for a man who claimed to be rising to power, seeking military aid from the pirate in an alternate reality. Hanzo aided and eventually became part of his family for a short while before learning of his true, malefic nature and leaving the Aerial Dominion of Solaris with revenge on his mind. Fei Hatzis was to die , Hanzo knew that from the scattered memories of another persona. His rage at the man was incredible, and so this version would do what the other pirate didn't and finish the job.He stood now in a clearing lined with short grass for miles on end. A neutral location, one where he would decimate his foe in the field of battle. Takamitzu 'Denja' Hanzo stood six feet tall, wearing only black jeans, boots and a bandanna and because of this his physique- comparable to a bodybuilder minus his scar- was openly displayed. Looped into his belt were three sheathes; Red and black sheathes on his right hip and a white one on his left, these items held not the weapons. They were in the hands and mouth of the Arcane Swordsman. Oniken, the energy-ignorant twenty-three inch long ebony blade, was held in Hanzo's left hand.Shinsei[Divinity]'s silver, twenty-two inch blade's white handled rested in his right, and the specialized hilt of Kaosu-red in color with imprints like a mouth guard to allow Hanzo to both easily use the blade ,identical to Shinsei, pointing out to his right, as well as drawing from the extra reserve of energy inside.Gray hues faced forward, the golden Nexus Key sitting ten feet behind him. Were the other to kill Hanzo, his titles, swords and the key were his if he saw fit to take them.But the current King thought not of that, his focus on destroying his enemy. As he awaited the one he would duel to the death with, he let Arcane and Divine energies begin to charge within his body and augment his physical abilities until unleashed when he used his sorcery. A sensory awareness of the soul and living things granted with the powers of sorcery, the Captain of the Chaos Pirates sensed for Fei Hatzis to appear so that they could finally end this.His Three Ambitious Blades were drawn, his plans to cut ties and burn bridges quite literal. His anger left from what the Gnosis had given him of his alternate-self's memories  now manifested,though it was just beginning. Though the sun was bright, a shadow seemed to be creeping across Hanzo as he prepared for battle, the aura of the Deva unleashed if only to aid him later in battle. He never underestimated an opponent:All were to be killed by any means necessary. Deez Hoes Ain't Loyal.Posted:  03/30/2014 SHEVAT, THREE MONTHS BEFORE THE FALL. "So pal, what are you gonna do about him?  Not the best listener."  TONY STARK.Aerial Defender of Shevat. "Kill him.  He's an insubordinate welp, I've no use for him. AKEMI HATZIS.First Imperial Princess of Shevat.  "Baby cakes, you need to calm down.  Just talk to Hanzo, he'll come around." KARIN IVORY.Lady In Waiting to the Imperial Shevatian Throne. "Please.  There is no talking to him." FEI TOSHIHIDE HATZIS.Basileus of the Floating Principality of Shevat. "Father, you don't think you're being tough on him?"  NAZNEEN HATZIS.Second Imperial Princess of Shevat. 


04/13/2014 09:58 PM 

Do's and Don'ts of Role play / Golden Age

The following post is a reference. The original text was written by The Genocidal Monster and can be found at this address: is all about communication on and off field. Off field before a roleplay begins, both players SHOULD know where they want the roleplay to head. Off Field: Are you roleplaying for a fight? Are you roleplaying to progress a story? Or are you roleplaying just to see who is better at killing? These conversations are great preventers of future disputes over the roleplay. If these conversations are not put into place before a roleplay, problems will more than likely occur. Take for example a person who is roleplaying to fight. If they meet a person who just wants one hit kills, then disputes over fairness will occur.On Field: Legibility is important. If you can't convey what you mean, reword it or simple remove it from your post all together. Any questionable things in a post will always slow down a roleplay. Remember, you have several hours to look over your work before you submit it. This gives you plenty of time to look over your post, or even send it to friends to make sure it makes sense.Roleplaying is all about smarts. Roleplaying is truly a game of chess. Always educate yourself as much as you can on a subject. Whether it's learning the science behind an element, studying an anime/cartoon, real world fighting, or simply just observing other roleplayers. Knowledge is always your most powerful ability.Do's for Fighting"Keep it simple stupid". Never try to describe a movement that is too difficult for you. By attempting to do so, it will just cause confusion. Over time, everyone gets better at explanations, but you should never dive into something you aren't ready for. An example is say you want to perform a complex set of movements. If you aren't ready to do it, your post would look like loosely connected words. Always go for the simpliest move you can do to avoid OOC conversations.Never depend on abilities. There is a common trend among roleplayers to add to your character to make them more powerful. It is always better to be really good at something, than be decent at a lot. What I mean by this is that is say you have a character who can control five different elements. Face value they look very powerful, but if you are going against someone who has spent years just perfecting water play...then more than likely they will defeat you. A great example was shown in the show "The Legend Of Korra" on episode three. For those that don't know, Korra at this time has mastered Earth, Water, and Fire. However, when she came up against people who were pure close combat with no elemental abilities, she lost. (Link ). The moral of the story, don't add abilities, but rather subtract and build your character from there.Transformations should be avoided for newer roleplayers. In all honesty, performing transformations legally can be a very complicated and sticky process that takes years of roleplaying to know what should be considered fair.Don'ts for FightingDon't ever assume you are better than someone else. The moment you do, arrogance becomes your biggest enemy and the roleplays biggest enemy.Always assume you can do better and take criticism to heart. Listen to peoples opinions, and even if you don't agree with them, accept that people have a right to them.Always keep a cool head and keep yourself emotionally distance from a roleplay. The moment you get emotionally involved, the roleplay becomes too personal and issues can start.Don't forget that roleplay is meant to be fun. If it feels like a chore or a hassle, then step away. No one can make you roleplay and do something you don't want to.____________________________( hasn't been used correctly since the original T1E made cross genre a big no no. T1 is simply a guideline of rules to follow to create the most fair fight possible. However, it is a glorified excuse to be a one hit kill wonderlust. By having to write every essential detail in your opener, you learn to write as sneaky as possible to say what you have to without your opponent knowing what you are talking about. This creates certain problems in itself. The first is obviously the misuse of misdirection. Most bitching in fights this way come from someone thinking they are typing something completely obvious, but in all honesty is so far of a stretch it has to be open for debate. The other problem it creates is a dangerous game of chess. At first glance a game of chess sounds fun, but the true extent eliminates story in a fight. By having to hide what you are saying, you have to constantly try and outsmart your opponent. By doing this, you plant cheap tricks here and there in an attempt to win the fight as easily as possible. This leads to fights concluding earlier than one may like by the fact that the whole fight, in real time, lasted only ten seconds. The most effective way to use T1 is to discuss beforehand what kind of fight you would like to have. Are you looking to prove who is the better fighter in tactics, hand to hand, skill, or are you just looking for a fun sparring match for story purposes?T-1 Golden Age rule set with examples; original text can be found here: Do not god modd; follow the limitation of powers.Explaination: RP is not about power; it's about skill. Don't simply hand your character so many powers and abilities with so much power that he or she becomes akin to God. Try to stick as closely to your core cannon as possible, and simply do more with what your character already has available to him or her. God modding is not simply attempting to control your opponent's character; it's packing your own character with so much that he becomes a literal god, impervious to damage and capable of doing almost anything. Also, certain powers should be avoided; these powers include but or not limited to: time control, unlimited use of portals, telepathy/mind control, control over all the elements, immortality/invulnerability.Example:Wrong:-A goddess who can control time and also has the power to control her opponents.-A DBZ character who controls his/her own dimension and/or is master of all the elements.Right:-A goddess who has a number of acceptable powers.-A DBZ character who has gained the limited use of one element.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Interactions are turn-based.Explaination: Interactions between two RP characters in the T1 format are turn-based, meaning each RPer takes turns making posts. Whether it's a simple conversation or a heated battle, all RPers must give the other RPers a chance to respond. Unless otherwise determined at the beginning of a battle, it is assumed that each RPer has an unlimited amount of time in which to make his or her post, though this should not be abused to the point of never responding. Each turn is over after the second RPer has made his post. Please note that in situations where there are more than one RPer present in a battl, a clear structure for who posts in what order should be made. In a conversation between numerous RPers, the RP does not always have to be turn based, particularly if one RPer present is inactive or expresses that his or her character wishes to be more observational than conversational.Example:Wrong:First RPer: I throw a punch at you and laughFirst RPer: How do you like that?! I then throw a second punch at you, hitting you in the face.Right:First RPer: I throw a punch at you and laughh.Second RPer: I dodge your punch and smirk. That the best you got?!First RPer: I throw a second punch at you. Not even close!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3) Separate speech and action in a clear manner.Explaination: RP posts should be written in a clear manner, and separating action from speech feeds into this. When your actions and speech are bled into each other, it can become difficult to figure out what exactly is going on. It is each RPers responsibility to make each of his or her posts understandable. Typically, it is best to put actions in one of these forms: brackets [[]], dashes --, collons ::::, or stars **. It recomended that you do not use qoutation marks (""), as they are often used for speech and can thus become confusing when used for multiple purposes. It is not required to put your speech in qoutation marks as long as you keep your speech clearly separated, but it is suggested.Example:Wrong:I run at you and then throw a punch at you. So how do you like that?! I hit you again and laugh. Too easy!Right;-I run at you and then throw a punch at you- "So how do you like that?!?!" -I hit you again and laugh- "Too easy!"[[I run at you and then throw a punch at you.]] So how do you like that?!?! [[I hit you again and laugh.]] Too easy!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) Use third-person narration when performing actions.Explaination: When you RP, you're pretending to be a character. This isn't your real self; this is a character you're writing about, and thus saying you're doing something is incorrect; the character you're RPing as is the one doing something. When you perform actions, refer to both your character and your opponent's character by their names or by titles, or simply as "he/she/it" or "his foe/opponent".Example:Wrong:-I run at you and hit you in the face- Take that!-I run at Billy and hit him in the face- Take that!-Bob runs at you and hits you in the face- Take that!Right:-Bob runs at Billy and hits him in the face- Take that!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5) Do not auto, or perform any other act which controls your opponent's character.Explaination: Autoing is the act of announcing that your attack hits your opponent automatically, hence the name "auto". An auto can be anything from a regular punch to a lazer beam to the effects of magic. Attacks may only hit automatically if your opponent fails to respond to it in his or her next post, as any attacks you make that your opponent does not respond to are assumed to have hit and their full effect taken. Also, at no point may your character determine anything at all about your opponent's character, whether it's announcing your opponent's physical condition (ie, bleeding or becoming poisoned) or whether it's announcing their emotional or mental state (ie, surprised or angry). You may hint at these things as polite suggestions or by means of explaining your purpose, but you may in no way state them as fact.Examples:Wrong:-Bob hits Billy, causing blood to gush from his nose--Bob jumps towards Billy, causing him to be surprised and making him fall down-Correct:-Bob throws a punch at Billy, hoping to hit his nose--Bob jumps towards Billy, hoping to surprise him and possibly make him fall down---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6) Use sub-calculated damage rather than calculated damage when launching an attack.Explaination: When you make an attack, it is both customary and pragmatic to describe the attack and it's desired effect, but you should not state the effect outright; merely provide suggestions. Stating that an attack will disable, burn, cut, or send your opponent flying is calculated damage, where you determine for yourself what your attack will do. This is wrong; it's up to your opponent to determine the actual effect of the attack. Instead, use sub-calculated damage, where you provide a basic review of what you hope to accomplish with your attack as well as possible effects should the attack connect. This way, you are not determining what your opponent's character does, but you provide your opponent with something to work off of, too keep things running smoothly and quickly.Example:Wrong:-Bob powers up and aims a powerful blast at Billy's chest. This blast soars through the air at high speeds and if it hits, it will cause Billy to be burned and sent flying backwards and into a tree.-Right:-Bob powers up and aims a powerful blast at Billy's chest. This blast soars through the air at high speeds, thus giving it a higher chance of connecting. Should it connect, this blast could possibly pack enough power to produce a burn of some sort where it strikes, as well as possibly send Billy flying backwards if he was not prepaired for it. If Billy is hit and sent backwards, there is the possiblity of him crashing into a tree.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7) For each of your posts, you should both respond and attack.Explaination: Each time you post in an RP battle, you should respond to your opponent's previous post. Do not simply ignore what your opponent said and/or did in his/her previous post. If an attack was made, you must show your character's reaction to it even if you choose to allow it to hit or you choose to dodge it completely. If you do not do this, your opponent can assume that the attack hit, and make mention of it on his/her next turn. And when you respond to your opponent's post, actually provide some detail on it. Do not simply state that it hit or missed. Describe, in a logical manner, how you dodged or blocked the attack if it missed, or describe the actual effects of the connecting attack if it connected with you. If you choose to take a hit, be sure to allow your character some damage; don't simply shrug everything off all the time. Upon responding to your opponents post, it is then customary to make an attack or attacks of your own. Remember, be sure to be descriptive in this, should you choose to do so. However, there is no rule stating you have to attack each turn; you can feel free to simply react to your opponents attack, but this is usually not the case.Example:Wrong:First RPer: -Bob throws a punch at Billy, attempting to hit him in the jaw and possibly causng it harm. Afterwards, he would jump backwards and sneer- How do you like that, Billy?!Second RPer: -Billy would jump at Bob and attempt to knee him in the stomache, attempting to leave him breathless- You suck, Bob!Right:First RPer: -Bob throws a punch at Billy, attempting to hit him in the jaw and possibly causng it harm. Afterwards, he would jump backwards and sneer- How do you like that, Billy?!Second RPer -Bob's punch towards Billy's jaw connects, and Billy his moved backwards as he feels a surge of pain throughout his face. Growling in pain and anger, Billy would then jump at Bob and attempt to knee him in the stomache, attempting to leave him breathless- You suck, Bob!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8) Use correct spelling, grammar, and sentence structure.Explaination: RP is a world of words, and as such, your posts should be treated with the same amount of thought and attention as you would use for homework. Posts that are sloppy and filled with mistakes can be hard to read and understand, and take away from the RP experience. Shortcuts such as "u" for "you" and "4" for "for" should also be avoided, as they unprofessional and annoying. Also, using proper sentences can create an easy flow of reading. If a post is one long sentence, without breaks, or is simply a combination of sentence fragments, this can lead to confusion and both stalls and inhibits RP. It is each RPer's responsibility to make sure his or her posts are clearly understandable. It only takes a few extra moments to do so, and it can make things so much easier.Examples:Wrong:-Bob jumps back 2 ecsepa Billy's attack and then runs striahgt 4 Billy- U r dead!-Bob is hurt but he don't care he just runs 4 Billy and when he gets close he throws a puch and it misses but then he laughs and throws more punches when he's donw he tries to kick Billy then he runs away climbs a tree and laughs down at Billy and then he shoots at him with his gun-Right:-Bob jumps backwards to escape Bily's attack and then runs straight for Billy- You are dead!-Bob is hurt, but he doesn't care; he just runs towards Billy, and when he get's close, he throws a punch. It misses, but Bob laughs and simply throws more. When he's done, he tries to kick Billy, and then runs away to climb a tree. Upon doing so, he laughs down at Billy and then shoots him with his gun---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9) Be descriptive and use detail for both your character and your attacks.Explaination: T1 RP is all about in-depth roleplay. Providing vivid descriptions is a part of this. Do not simple state the name of an attack, or use a minimal amount of description for what you are trying to accomplish. State how your attack works, what it looks like, where it is aimed, what it is supposed to do, etc. And don't simply do this for your attacks; also spend some time describing your character. What does he/she look like, where is he/she, how does he/she feel, what is he/she trying to accomplish, what's going on in his/her mind, etc. The more descriptive you are, the more in-depth and interesting your posts become. However, do not simply state the same facts over and over again simply to provide more information. Refrain from using repetative variation; that is, don't simply state the same thing again and again in a different way.Example:Wrong:-Bob throws a punch at Billy-Right:-Bob becomes angered by Billy's treatment of him, and soon it becomes too much. Enraged, Bob launches himself at Billy, throwing a stiff right hook aimed towards Billy's jaw in an attempt to silence Billy. Bob hopes to connect this punch and possibly cause some pain for Billy, and as he attacks him, Bob grins a wicked smile of anticipation and joy for having finally struck back.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10) Use paragraph structures for your posts.Explaination: If your posts are long, fracture your post into numerous, sensible paragraphs. Do not simply have one long, huge paragraph. Attempt to limit one attack or response to each paragraph. This makes long posts easy to read and follow. Long, descriptive posts may be the aim of T1 RP, but if it's confusing or cluttered, it loses it's respectability.Example:Wrong:-As Billy took a swing at him, Bob would jump backwards, putting distance between himself and Billy. Billy's punch would sail through the air harmlessly, as Bob was now out of Billy's reach; and as it was only one punch, Bob did not have to do more to dodge his opponents assault. Bob would then launch himself at his opponent, rage evident upon his face. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and now that the battle was here, Bob was ready. Billy was going to go down this time; Bob was going to make sure of it.- Here I come, Billy! -Bob would throw a punch at his opponent as he crashed into him, attempting to use his momentum to add force to his blow. He aimed this punch for the bridge of Billy's nose, attempting to hit him right between the eyes; if this was to connect, it could possibly injure Billy's nose, as well as produce some possible vision problems that would make the rest of Bob's attacks more likely to succeed. Bob hoped that this attack would prove effective, but if not, he was not concerned. Upon making this punch, Bob would then move into an offensive position where he would then throw a series of punches straight for Billy's gut, attempting to use his body as a punching bag. Each punch was swift and hard, and those that connected could possibly cause Billy to lose his breath. Too many connecting punches could prove to be quite harmful. If Bob's earlier punch had succeeded, and the effect he had been aiming for achieved, he would be more likely to connect with a lot of these subsequent punches.-Right:-As Billy took a swing at him, Bob would jump backwards, putting distance between himself and Billy. Billy's punch would sail through the air harmlessly, as Bob was now out of Billy's reach; and as it was only one punch, Bob did not have to do more to dodge his opponents assault. Bob would then launch himself at his opponent, rage evident upon his face. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and now that the battle was here, Bob was ready. Billy was going to go down this time; Bob was going to make sure of it.-"Here I come, Billy!"-Bob would throw a punch at his opponent as he crashed into him, attempting to use his momentum to add force to his blow. He aimed this punch for the bridge of Billy's nose, attempting to hit him right between the eyes; if this was to connect, it could possibly injure Billy's nose, as well as produce some possible vision problems that would make the rest of Bob's attacks more likely to succeed. Bob hoped that this attack would prove effective, but if not, he was not concerned. Upon making this punch, Bob would then move into an offensive position where he would then throw a series of punches straight for Billy's gut, attempting to use his body as a punching bag. Each punch was swift and hard, and those that connected could possibly cause Billy to lose his breath. Too many connecting punches could prove to be quite harmful. If Bob's earlier punch had succeeded, and the effect he had been aiming for achieved, he would be more likely to connect with a lot of these subsequent punches.-Uriah

Cosmic Sage

04/09/2014 11:12 PM 

Ibuki Satomi Senju

Name: Ibuki Satomi SenjuAge: UnknownHeight: 6ftWeight: 300 lbsEyes: EmeraldHair: Auburn with white stripeHome:UnknownFather: Souske SenjuMother: Kokoro UzumakiRecords of Ibuki's birth had been lost with the destruction of the Uzumaki clan. However she was the daughter if the first arranged marriage of the Senju and Uzumaki alliance.  She was a very skilled shinobi specializing in Earth and Wind ninjutsu though her Sage training with the Great Mountain Turtle.  It was her training with her which helped her develop her own signature Kekkei Genkai and Kekkei Touta of Quake release and Corrosive Release respectively. However she had trouble controlling the power of her Kekkei Touta and when training as a Sage her power backfired, sealing her within Crystal Stasis.Part of the training with the Great Moutain Turtle Genkoku caused a unique mutation within her body which converted her entire skeletal stucture to an organic carbon based metal. To her surprise with it she could hear the vibrations of the earth itself which gave her a unique love for nature and keeping balance.Ibuki's entire Jutsu move list learned over her several hundred year life span. Though she spent many years solidified in Crystal Stasis she was able to perfect her Kekkei Touta and Sage Techniques while in Crystal Form by listening to the Voice of Earth. The only thing new she learned is her taijutsu style which was  developed under the guidance of the Monks of the Grey Lotus.Earth Release Jutsu- Earth Release; Rising Temple Wall:-Earth Release; Head Hunter Jutsu:-Earth Release; Snake Trap Binding:-Earth Release; Stone Cannon Formation:-Earth Release; Mud Clone Jutsu:-Earth Release; Mountain Castle Fortress:-Earth Release; Ogre Spear:-Earth Release; Graveyard of the Blood Lord:-Earth Release; Chameleon Movement:-Earth Release; Veil of Stone:-Earth Release; Needle Veil: -Earth Release; Rising Hand of the Old Gods:-Earth Release; Rock Arrow:Wind Release Jutsu-Wind Release; Vacuum Sphere Prison:-Wind Release; Pressure Cannon Shot:-Wind Release; Sky Dragon Feasting:-Wind Release; Heavenly Palm of the Destroyer:Water Release Jutsu:-Water Release; Water Wall Jutsu:-Water Release; Exploding Water Shockwaves:-Water Release; Water Prison Jutsu:-Water Release; Spiral Hunting Fang:Quake Release Jutsu-Quake Release; Earth Crushing Wind:-Quake Release; Erupting Gravity Well:-Quake Release; Tectonic Tsunami:-Quake Release; Impact Armor:-Quake Release; Air Wall:-Quake Release; Solid Step:-Quake Style Taijutsu; Shattering Fist:Corrosion Release Jutsu-Corrosion Release; Emerald Sea:-Corrosion Release; Dead World:Sage Techniques-Sage Art, Alteration Technique; ______ Scale:-Sage Art, Nature Communion:-Sage Art, From Water to Earth:Summoning Jutsu; Grand Mountain Tortoise Banquet 

𝕯emonic 𝕮hronicles

10/15/2014 11:53 PM 

The Light Prince


03/27/2014 11:10 PM 

Writer Style

The Exotic Bliss "No Restriction" Rough Draft She ran her fingers through her wet hair as her hips moved sexually against the beat, the instruments that played on her stereo system flowed in such harmony that her waist began to rotate in a sexual circular motion.   The blissful sound triggered every nerve in her skin as she stepped to the left and gradually to the right. "You will make me scream louder...." she would repeat the lyrics in such excitement as if she was caught in her own trance.  Her six inch stilettos clicked lightly on the wooden floor as she crouch down and slide her hands forward.   Her back arched in perfection as her long light brunette hair hung over her face, her knees on the floor and her round firm buttocks was cocked upwards in the opposite direction.  A thin fabric covered her passion fruit while her rear was exposed for the world to see.  She turned to her side and than laid on her back while her heels were pressed on the floor prompting her into a position that  allowed anyone to get a good view. She parted her legs sexually while her right hand  was rested above her head and the other had trailed down her black laced see through bra. Each movement with her finger tips went with the beat and stopped once she had reached her final destination.   She pat her womanhood softly before closing her legs slowly and it a swift movement she was standing on her two feet, she stepped back placing her hand on a silver exotic pole.  She leaned against it as both her hands went above her head while she looked towards her audience. Her eyes shown no emotion but the desire to please and in one quick act her body lift upwards allowing herself to hold herself on the pole with such strength.  She brought her legs upwards using her right leg to curl against the pole releasing her hands while her opposite leg stretch freely and she began to twirl in a perfect a motion.    Her body moved like a spider while she rotated her leg movement until her thighs held a strong grip to the pole and had her arms out before leaning back and using her left hand to pull herself free and form the splits.  She released her hold while gravity pulled her down in such a speed that she held her hand tight catching her from touching the ground before gradually lowering her feet down on the floor and letting go of the pole.  A small smile formed her lips as she made her way towards one particular guest. The cold sweat dripping off his face was not from excitement or arousal  but fright, he fidget in movement while his wrist were strongly tied against the head of the chair.    "Pl-please don't--don't it was Derrick... he told me to kill those f***ers I swear to god I do not have nothing"  His voice was jumpy and filled with stutter while his  eyes widen hearing the barrel of the gun being pushed into it's pallet.  "F-f***!" He yelled watching this anonymous female stand before him.   She rest the tip of her gun on his jaw while she took a seat on his lap parting her legs and moving her left free hand to his hair yanking it back while he stared at the ceiling.  "Your going to f***ing kill me for that p**sy hole!" The saliva escaped his mouth as it dripped on the corner of his lip but he could only hear lever of the safety clip being pulled.    The pistol once again being pressed against his cheek and she had only leaned in to his earlobe exhaling her warm breathe into his ear. "You were something special.... but you failed to keep your end of the bargain" She informed him having to lean back and placed the barrel of her gun forcefully into his mouth. The man began to wiggle around and she pulled the trigger. The bullet blew out the back of neck, his tissues and tight ligaments splattered on the floor while his eyes stared at her and she only smile leaning in and kissing his  forehead softly.   This imaginative past was her present future while she stood in front of an audience and sang through the microphone as if she had lost her soul. Her vocals felt pain while she hit the words with such sorrow the young crowd would jump for glory as if they were lost in their own world as well.   She sang the cover of Evanescence bring me back to life as she fell to her knees, " Bring me back to life" her voice would echo while the crowd would cheer on and the band began to beat down their drums and the guitarist  would go into his solo act.  The atmosphere was so tight that the fire alarm went off and water sprayed down on the crowd.     "Froozeeen inside without your toucccchhh without your loveeee" Her voice echo while she thrown her head back allowing her hair  to whip backwards as she stood forward and finally she dropped the mic. She took a step back to stand beside the guitarist while his fingers ripped through the cords in fire as waves of his music in skills blew out the room. Once it was over everyone was screaming and the lead artist quickly disappeared through the back of the stage. She walked into crowded people as one girl grabbed her hand, "Hotomi oh my god that was f***ing crazy!"   Hotomi lifeless eyes finally took focus as she made a small smile.   Her pupils would flicker a bright emerald green before going back hazel and she place her arm around the girls arm pulling her into a sexual kiss. Their lips smacking against one another with such excitement the two were lost into their own worlds if it was not for her the girl's friend that broke them apart. 'Woah save that for the dance floor" he would pull the two of them...  


03/27/2014 06:13 PM 

Harley Quinn: Bioshock Profile

Place Holder.


03/27/2014 05:23 PM 

Harley Quinn: inFAMOUS Profile


Prince AJ(Retired)

03/24/2014 08:51 PM 

Current mood:  contemplative

So Jeff Lulwut a.k.a. Zenta the Pony segregating homophobic admin of Role Play Nation wants to segregate MLP roleplayers and has targeted me and Kim and accounts associated with us. NOW if you are against bigotry and segregation of any kind, write him at the following and yes this is his REAL home address.Jeff Lulwut3201 Reynolds Drive NWHuntsville, Alabama, USA 35810

C O S M I C ℳother�

03/24/2014 02:39 PM 

Guidelines ||READ||

|�| NC-17, Gore, Masochism, Sadism, etc. Don't like it? Go elsewhere. |�| I have eleven years of experience when it comes to roleplaying. I am no noob, and expect to be treated with respect.|�| If I delete you, then it was for a reason. If you want a reason, then I shall be as blunt as possible. If you have a problem with that, then go cry to your Mother. My reasons are my own, and more than likely I have become bored of you. Simple.|�| I am open to any and all kinds of genre, so long as we discuss a storyline before hand.|�| Do not ask me for edits. I do edit, but only when the mood strikes me. Unless you are a friend that I know personally and for several years, you may ask.|�| My character is single, and I plan to keep it that way for as long as possible.|�| If I am slow in responding an rp, I will inform you or either publicly in my status or in bulletins.|�| Quality over quantity. I do approve of that saying, but I do expect a little more out of you than just three paragraphs.|�| Grammar! Enough said. |�| My character is evil. Being who she is, she can go for whatever side in whatever party that is at hand. In the end, she only works for herself and whatever is convenient for her.|�| As I said before, I demand respect as you are to be respected. If I receive in my inbox or comments "I'm going to kill you.", then you just lost my respect. I see that everywhere, and find that to be the most annoying and stupidest thing on the planet. |�| Don't ask me about my religious beliefs. Just because my character is Satanic, doesn't give you the right to assume that I am.|�| I do not like random starters. Storylines must be discussed beforehand. If you add me, then you are to speak to me or at least acknowledge me. I am no number. If I add you, I will acknowledge you.If you understand, then sign your name at the bottom. If you yourself have a rules blog, then I will also sign my name.� Queen Cole Satan

Guardian Coven.{MCRP}

03/23/2014 02:53 PM 

God Of Darkness

Erebus the God of darkness was born from the sea of Chaos, he rules over the Dark and Shadows,Master of the Beast Tenebrae he seldom interacts with the lives of mortals or other immortals for that matter. That was until many years ago when he fell compelled to draw a couple of Children under his reign. Those children were Shin and Lyn Kyuubi. They had  every pull to darkness that he could hope for, he sent Tenebrae to claim them as Knights of the Darkness order and so the twins became the pawns in the mortal realm he desired. But as he watched them he got more and more interested in Lyn and her hardships.Eventually he decided she would be the one to rule alongside him in the Darkness and proclaimed that she would be his woman, of course she was not one to just roll over and accept but that was what drew him to her and although she protests she is his  and the future mother of his Heirs.


03/12/2014 12:40 PM 

Characters History

Name:   Hotomi Matsumoto Formally discovered now as  Hotomi Seaki Age:  20 (Human Appearance)   Gender:  Female   Height:  5'3   Weight :  130lbs   Village:   KitaKami  Or is it?   Occupation:  Student Or is it?   Species:  Appears Human but Half Demon (Up to you to find out)   Hair Color:  Light Brunette~Before her awakening~ Dark Black/Purple ~After her awakening~   Eye Color:  Hazel~Before awakening~ Golden, Ash Amber ~After awakening~   Personality:  Humble, Straight forward, Emotional, up lifting, little clumsy and shy, when she gets angry she hostile, rational, she will fight you and do what's necessary to keep herself away from anyone close.    Sexual Preference:  Pansexual   Current Relationship Status: Zack Drakon-Deceased Single If your brave enough to tame her   Likes/Dislikes:  Up to you to find out    Some of her now Awaken Abilities: Mystic eyes- This ability enchants here with an alluring power to make anyone strength and will power paralyzed, whether you are a mage, demon or simple human. The eyes of this goddess will weaken your ability and submit yourself to her unwillingly.  (P.S. she will not know the full capabilities of the eyes she has been born with... so the effect it will do will soften your soul and heart... it be a matter of time before you feel the sudden power it can portray) Kisu ten no- This abilitiy is unwillingly controled by her... if she endure massive damage her demonic side will kick in and go to the immediate source of someone in an emotional state and kiss will have be shockingly passionate for her injuries to heal and even then this ability happens on a rare case (P.S Once out of this trance she will not remember a thing so prepare for the consequences) Weapons:  ~Before her awakening~  Any type of guns, she has two 9mm that are designed to kill her opponents that are human and not.  ~After her awakening~ Special Weapon Move:   Death Heat once these weapons combined one another a spiritual attack with blast out from its barrel killing everything on site.  This attack must only be used in a life or death situation, it takes out a lot of energy and will create my character to lose part of her sanity.  Wave Shot is another attack; bullets will shoot like a machine gun of over 100 demonic shots to eliminate her opponent with ease.    With her katana blades the special moves have not been emerged yet...   History:   Her history of her demonic side is unknown to her, in a unfortunate case she does not understand the full capabilities of her skills that are within her demonic blood. However, she notice in several different occasions dramatic outburst will occur where she would kill everything on site. In addition to this her physical speed is abnormal to the human eye as well as her flexibility. She has noted that throughout her history electrical waves pulsate throughout her body but nothing has truly identify  what she truly is. In her human childhood days she was adopted and raised in a village in the upper north part of Japan called KitaKami. This village on the outside seemed very peaceful and quiet. Strangely this village contained dark and forbidden secrets and on her sixteenth birthday she entered a temple that was forbidden for children to see.  Her eyes took notice firsthand on what these villagers do in this town.  This is where she discovers the death of several humans and demons alike slaughtered and murdered for innocent people to perform rituals  inside this village to survive.It was told that in order to have happiness and peace these innocent victims needed to be sacrificed in the temple for the gods as well as bring back the dead and fight demonic creatures.  Hurt and confused she left her adopted home town to travel around the world fighting many people from different origins and species that she thought was needed to be executed out of this life time. In her benefit she was able to master mercenary equipment using modern technology and gain knowledge from training through multiple sensai's she encountered throughout her traveling journey.  In order to keep herself off the raider she has been using multiple ways to keep herself occupied and not notice, using varies passports, student indemnifications forms, sin cards and any possible governmental ID. She remains hidden from the society and will appear as a student even though she is a hired assassin.   To emerge the truth after countless hidden agendas and many secrets...    One truth has been known...   Her entire life was a lie.   Now it's up to you to figure out what her truth is   ======================================================================= Side Characters "These characters are people who occasionally will pop up through out my protagonist story line which all have connection to her past, present and now future" P.S "If your interested in rping with one of these characters I do not mind Keep in mind all of them will have a connection to my main character  So in better terms you will get a little background tip about my hidden character"    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (One Of his revealing transformations) Name:   Cloud Seaki   Gender:   Male   Height:    6 ft   Age:   19 (human years) Species (Up to you to find out)   Eye Color:   Light violet that changes crystal blue   Connection  to Protagonist:    Up to find out ;)   Sexual Interest:    Pansexual    History: Cloud Seaki demonic history is unknown to the modern era but in this past he was raised well with suitable parents. He strive to be successful like his father and wanted to wield all of his demonic capabilities. Unfortunately one brutal night he went away and return seeing his father lying down deceased. Confused and lost he flee from the land he was raised where he began to learn the real life of surviving. Cloud knows exactly what has happened between him and Hotomi Matsumoto and has gone under the terms that she does not exist. Until now... his past only involves him being in brutal training to become the best of the best while finding the person who murder his father. Although his search has given him countless set backs he has now joined an organization that will help him find what he looking for. The question remains if he is really prepared to know the truth?   +++++++ Name:    Sandra Kentre    Gender:    Female    Age:    20 (in human years)   Height:   5'2ft   Species:    1 half Angel 1 half Animal- you gotta find out ;)   Eye Color:   Blue then turns crimson Red   Connection to the Protagonist: Up to you to find out ;)   Sexual Interest:   Heterosexual   History:   In the modern era she occasionally watches over Hotomi as she makes decisions in her life. Without letting her know that she is around she kept tabs on her. Until they would finally meet again... knowing by choice that Hotomi does not remember who she is. She became a persistent female to bother her in every way possible and occasionally helps her find out the truth. Her current past life was very trouble some she was banished by the Gods by her mother lustful behavior and was forced to live on earth to live a human life.  You see in this type of realm Gods had angels to watch over the world to keep order but when one may breech and fall in love with not only a possible human but a creature that is a beast?    There is consequence and these were set upon the child the mother bare. The youngest flesh out of another this young woman had to learn the basic of survival and even though her mother did her best to guide her to the right path. Her mother was suffering, she was longing to return back to the kingdom of holy gates.  Unable to accept this she hung herself right before Sandra eyes leaving her a note stating she would be a stronger then she was. Sandra life had become flipped upside at this point; she had questioned and she was searching for some answers. But one thing she discovered and that was a sibling... a older sibling that occasionally popped into her life to show her guidance.    

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