Desuri Vel'Tal ✧ Homicidal Healer on - Desuri Vel'Tal ✧ Homicidal Healer
Multi-para, Serious inquiries only |✧| Seeking long-term detailed stories. |✧| Trigger Warnings |✧| Gore, Sarcasm, Adult Content, Manipulation, Crime.

31 years old


Last Login:
May 18 2024

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Modern ish  (6  photos)
Modern post apocalyptic urban fantasy
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     Desuri Vel'Tal ✧ Homicidal Healer's Details
Verses: Crime, Urban Post-apocalyptic Fantasy, High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Custom, Any, Long-Term, Multi-Arc
Playbys: Custom
Length: Multi Para, Novella
Genre: Crossover, Fantasy, Horror, Psychological, Romance, Supernatural,
Member Since:October 11, 2023

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   Desuri Vel'Tal ✧ Homicidal Healer's Blurbs
About me:
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Who I'd like to meet:
Core Character Data
The Last of her Kin, and the last of her name, A soul seeking soothing on the path of vengeance and violence. A Healing Hand by Birth Twisted into a Terrifying Hand of Torment

The Woman

NAME: Desuri Vel'Tal
NICKNAME: Homicidal Healer, Chaotic Curer, Anti-Hero Angel
AGE: Story dependent (18-29)
RACE: Beast Decedent: Caladrius
BUILD: Hourglass
EYES: Silver eyes, with the Pupil forming a cross: Eyes offer a white light when she uses her powers, mainly visible at night.
HAIR: A light pink color, Which turns white if she uses her powers to much.
ATTIRE CHOICE: Whatever she can find.
Face: A swirl-shaped scar on her left cheek gliding down to her jaw
Back: Whip marks trace her entire back and down the cheeks of her rear.
Front: Various wounds trace her arms legs and hands deep gashes from torture sessions


A Smart yet vengeful woman. She fights with her head more than her hands. She enjoys taunting people, hoping for them to lose their composure. She wants it and thrives on it. She finds people are easy to manipulate with the right motivations; the trick is finding those motivations and using them to your advantage.

She is cruel to those who cross her, savoring the agony of those who earn her ire. Though this is not entirely who she is but a persona she built to protect herself in the lifestyle she was forced into. she is not 100% sure who she is as a person. However, glimpses of it can be seen as she interacts with regular humans, more so the children. She is highly protective of those weaker than herself, a rare trait in a world built on suffering. She is strong and independent. When speaking to her, however, she can come off as sarcastic, with A smart mouth, and a mocking joke never far from the tip of her tongue.

She always seeks an advantage before jumping blindly into battle. She is skilled in controlling her power, keeping under raps She refined it in the many years of having to keep it a secret, and now limits it's use to only a few showboating displays meant to instill terror.


The Vel'Tal family from the power of the Caladrius was said to have fallen into the history books, vanishing without a trace. The royal line of powerful healers at their height prospered, ruling over the mountainous villages. Their country was a destination for many. From around the world, humans, beasts, devils, and monsters would travel to buy the healing elixirs made by the family. Or beseech them directly for assistance from the Avian beasts. Pure white and long tail feathers flowed behind them as they flew above Their realm, diving down to give healing. they could be asked to assist in combat. Ancient people fell behind them the legends of angels born from the tellings of the family in the history books.

A betrayal on the battlefield and a pincer attack upon their castle, the family was overcome and captured by the Arambaru family. Warmongers and brutish, they pose as humans, though no one knows from what beast they are descended. They held the family in chains. Slaves from birth were the fate of the remains of the Caladrius birds, the Vel’Tal family. Bloodline has been tained over the years, now unable to take the avian form, stuck forever within the mortal shell. A new generation the only birth that would be offered, A female child, A curse of the bloodline, the rage of the family blessed into her.

Desuri was born with features not seen in a milina. 40% bloodline purity - Purist in generations.
- Eye holding unusual pupil.
- Blood is Hotpink in color.
- Voice is Melodonic and light.

Healing Bloodline: >Minimal abilities for RP
When applied to open wounds or ingested,
Tears are a coagulant and can slow bleeding
Saliva is laced with antibiotics
Blood is a powerful painkiller.


These are low-level abilities available to Desuri in all Fantasy settings
With a touch of the hand, She restores organic organisms to their optimal health, curing damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, low vitality, and diseases/poisoning. Though the user may potentially heal any form of bodily damage, the patient must be alive, even if hanging by a thin thread, to be healed; once the patient has died, it would transcend healing.

The most devious of abilities in her arsenal, she can shift a wound from one person onto another of her choosing by touching the injury and, within 2 minutes, touching her victim. This uses less power than true healing and costs her less energy to complete. However, she must bear the wound in the interim. If she is not touching both at the same time, both the person being healed and the person receiving the would be alive.

Claw extension
She's a bird in the grand scheme of things. Talons are in her nature she can press this trait forward on her hands and feet to grip or gash. The nails are powerful and can form up to 2 inches long.

Seconday Spells/Skills:

Touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action.

Primal Savagery:
Call upon the rage of her soul and pull power from her ancestors. her teeth grow sharp, and her nails turn into sharp talons, Her speed doubles, and mana wings form upon her back for 10 minutes of carnage.

Avian Communication:
An innate understanding of Avian speech, Desuri can talk to birds, Why anyone would want to talk to a bird is anyone's guess but it is a blessing she was granted.


xThese abilities apply to deep fantasy-rooted stories only.
IE: High Fantasy, Realms of Demons and Deities ect.

HEALING EMPOWERMENT (1-20-minute duration)
Desuri can focus her healing and allow one individual to become stronger faster By offering constant healing to push the body beyond its usual capabilities. Desuri cannot use any other healing spell when this is active, this power draws directly from Desui’s mana locking her down from using any other power, this can only be bast on herself, her eyes will glow icy blue when it’s in use.

BLESSING OF REINFORMENT (1-20-minute duration)
Healing Empowerment can be blessed upon one magical item or person. A light glow will take over the surface of what she had enchanted. She passing her healing on to the another within her sights, her gaze must remain upon them and will glow an icy blue, the recipient will gain a boost. In both speed, endurance, and damage resistance. This is a costly move to her, Every blow that lands costs her directly the wounds struck by the shield instantly transferred upon her person. The shield she creates around them depletes her own mana to offer it.

The ability to flesh where she touches to grow, force bone or ligaments to grow beyond their functional length, press skin to grow over body parts fusing joints together and making it hard to move. A devious practice that she is unable to reverse once it's implemented.

Wing manifestation
Once every 24 hours, she can call forth her wings. The mana required to both summon and recall her wings are extreme and once she calls them out she is stuck with them for a full day. It's annoying. Her wings are 6 feet long and pure white, when summoned, feathers appear behind her ears, and a tail of feathers forms from the small of her back, which helps her stay stabilized in flight and helps with her aerial movement.

Nature of the beast
Speed and senses increase due to beast blood.
Air current Sense When she summons feathers upon her form she can sense air current easily which she uses for flying as well as hunting and tracking.
Flight When she summons her wings She can fly. She is not strong enough to carry anyone with her not even a small child. But she is extraordinarily nimble in the air.


Mana drain: Using her powers requires her to expend her internal magics. When her magic runs low, she must use her life force to continue pressing her powers. This shortens her lifespan, It is the cause of her family's death as King Arambaru who held them forced them to use their powers at an unnatural pace.

Mana drain causes fatigue, making it hard for her to move and stay awake. If she presses herself to far she will pass out, and will remain unconscious until her mana is rebuilt (from 1-10 hours, depending on depletion level)

The first sign of mana drain is the tips of her hair will turn pale, cascading up until it reaches the roots, if this happens, she will sleep for 10 hours and be unable to call upon her powers for three days as they recharge.
Rules and General FAQ
| Urba/ Post-Apocalyptic Fantasy | High Fantasy | Low Fantasy | Custom | Long-Term | Multi-Arc'ed | Detailed Stories of Intrigue


Action/ Adventure
Always up for an action-adventure, She had goals herself that drive her, and they will ALWAYS drive her unless her life changes significantly in the story, which you are welcome to guide the story towards.

Horror/ Psychological

There is always a psychological element when I am writing. I will include her mental state, thoughts and considerations from time to time. I love detail. With a Sadomasochist .. horror can always be right around the corner, you have been warned if you are squeamish about blood and gore let me know.

Slice of life

I love writing about interpersonal relationships, the way the emotions and mannerisms of those around them rub off on others. The ins and outs of day-to-day life and the humdrum of living around others. Some people find this part of a story boring and skip to the core action sequences. I however love to get to know the characters as who they are, and how they interact calmly, and how those events play into the more dramatic parts of a story.

Not every story needs romance or will end up with romance. In fact very few will lead this way. It is built not magically appearing.  
Natural/Slow-built Romance Desuri doesn't understand love It will take a while for her to learn what that is, and what to do with it. Her emotions are withdrawn from years of isolation and having to keep absolute control over herself. She can learn but one will have to work for it in the story. Realism. It may not happen in all stories. The characters actually have to click and get along in such a deep way. If they don't, the romance won't happen.

Playability, Story Timelines.
Desuri's Stories can be picked up at any time if you find a point you would like to jump in and go.
"I want to step in here and see what I can do"
Ask I am all for backbuilding or changing her fate.into a tale that is just ours. 

Ability scale.
Modification of character. Yes, I do play modified versions to fit my fellow writers characters' abilities. I do not seek her to be an OP immortal goddess in any story, I want a story, so depending on what we build she will be adjusted to match, If you want to know what I have adjusted for our story just ask, I keep a log of my stories and adjustments made and can give it to you so you know what version you are working with.

I also adjusted her history and past slightly to match the time frame of the story/ my writing partner a bit, after all our story is a combination of our minds, and thus is unique. 


2-8 Paragraphs - 1 Paragraph is at least 5 full sentences.
 I will not accept anything less; there just isn't enough to respond to.
I can be persuaded to do more...

I will not change my character for you
Her personality is hers, Her powers are hers, her appearance is hers. They will not change to fit your wants. I will change them to best suit the story, and we can discuss those, but it will not be a complete change to WHO she is just what she can do and some of her lore. 
Though character development will play a role, She can change over the course of a story but you gotta earn it.

Discussions and Starters.
Discussions are a two-way street
 I expect you to have read over at least the basics of my profile, as I have no doubt read ALL of yours. I expect only to have to carry 60% of the planning. I am not the only one writing so if a discussion becomes like pulling teeth, I will just stop responding, assuming you are not interested.

I am pretty open when it comes to Intro's
I have no issues writing starters
 I have no issues accepting Relevant Insta-Starters.
Relevant: Meaning logically joinable for Desuri
I love discussions and detail.
Be honest, and we will be fine. I am open-minded with whom I write, When I request people, It's usually because I have an Idea in mind for a story and want to pitch it on that note;

I am a Lurker. 
I will inspect profiles before I add them a couple of times, to read over profile information if it isn't a private profile.
I will only add if what I can see is engaging enough to draw my attention otherwise, sadly, I will wait for the private profile to make the first move. I assume if your profile is private you want more control over who you add and I will respect that. 

Actions have consequences
I write with realism, so she will react, and remember what you do to her, and how you treat her, and it will affect the long-term story.


I am most active for 1-2 days a week. I pop on often but am not always available for messages.
Rushing me helps no one.

Adding and Accepting adds
I am a horrible person, I add people and only really contact them once I have some idea's to put forth for a story between us, I find a pointless message to be annoying a "Hi thanks for the add, glad to meet you hope to hear from you soon" is an obnoxious message to get as it goes nowhere. I do not send those. I will send some suggestions of possible stories which are my first thoughts, so we can build from there. It's just my preference so I may not contact you for a few days after adding. 

Yes, I do them on occasion, No I do not count stream banter as a storyline.
I am usually on stream when I cannot actively write the multi-paragraph replies that fill my inbox. 

Online and not replying? Let's be adults here, We all have other things going on, this is a hobby not a job. Let's cool out the jets. If you are waiting more than a week then start to throw a hizzy. Until then if you pester then you will be thrown to the back of the reply line. Because odds are if I am not replying there is a reason. Either I am strategizing, working on other things, or the like. We all do it.  

Yes, I do have one, No I am not at this point handing it out. Will I in the future probably, but right now It will be handed out individually. 

I will not join your discord group, unless we have written together for a fair amount of time, discord groups take focus away from core writing and I like my core writing so I prefer to ensure it's worth it. (rude but.. I'm not here to lie to ya) 


I read ALL profiles. When accepting:
You heard me, All of them. My first message (if I added you) may be a little tardy as I do not greet until I have a Roleplay story pitch to offer with my first contact, I don't believe in just popping in empty-handed. It wastes your time and mine. I like to send functional messages. 

I reserve the right to remove you. 
if your account is over 2 months old with WIP or Under CO, or nothing, as your primary information with not even basic character Data. 
 I expect at least a skeleton of a character built, name, age, breed, personality, job, maybe? I rough idea of who I will be dealing with so that I can have some sort of concept of what kind of story to pitch! 

Put some effort into your character. It not only helps people build a story with you, it also helps showcase your writing skills. It's people's first glance at what YOU can do and who YOU are! Use it! 

Discussions have dissolved into nothing more than me pitching ideas and having to play twenty questions to find common ground with you, and the conversation is going nowhere.
I will assume you are not interested in writing after one warning and I will delete yo
Sorry, I don't want to do all the heavy lifting for plotting. 

Roleplaying is a story we build in lockstep with each other, if we do not meld well enough to talk OOC to each other there is no chance we could Dance together well enough to build a story that will survive. 

 I am Selective
This account is more focused on actual WRITING and creativity. I am looking for people who can challenge me, my hold on my character, and my character's hold on herself and push the story with me into a deep, intricate tale of pleasure, pain, joy, and anguish that spans several arcs and bonds built between the characters, and the realm we mutually create. 

Friendships beyond the tale
I am a friendly person, I do enjoy chit-chatting OOC, and the ilk, I am also happy to plan out the next arcs in stories or talk about the show you started watching recently. It's not needed, but know Though Desuri is manipulative and calculating, her writer is not usually so cold. Her actions and behaviors belong to the character, not the writer. I am but a slave to her personality when I assume it to build a story with people. (AKA It's not my fault blame her)


Writers Objectives

I am seeking an escape, I want to be able to sink my soul and mind into another world and weave words of wonder and splendor with others. I want stories that wake me in the middle of the night going. "Ah f*** that's the perfect response" Sending me dashing for my computer to send the reply. I know it's work an effort to find writers who can ignite such a fire, and I hope, I dream, and I crave to find some here. Burn the images of our tale into my mind and force my brain into a tormented tornado of twisted thoughts that send my hands flying across the keyboard in a whirlwind of passion for the tale. 

Final Note:

I hope that wasn't too scary of a read, I know there are a lot of rules here, but they are here for a reason, and that reason is people. I have been writing for a few years now and have learned in that time the kind of people whom I do and do not work well with, these rules exist not only so you can censor me from your friends list if I am not your cup of tea, but also as notification that I am here to write.  Are all these set in stone? ah hell nah. But I doubt anyone read far enough to realize that. 

Anywho I do hope you have many wonderful tales, even if they are not with me. 
          Desuri The homicidal healer

The Core history
A world our own.
High Fantasy, Low Fantasy, Custom world builds. Urban fantasy and so much more! I love building complex tales. I have little limits for writing so please don't be fearful of hitting me up with your idea.

The Birth of a Monster

Born unwanted, a forced pregnancy one of many but she was a sucess. She was expected to use her powers as soon as they came in, and they tested her every week. To see when it did, Starting when she was three. She watched as her mother suffered. Wearing herself out as she was forced to heal or transfer wounds to people as they screamed. The woman was broken; She never said a word to her daughter and didn’t even bother to name her. One of only two of her kind left. They lived together but her mother's mind was gone. She in truth was alone, years passed, and in turn, so did her mother.  She was the only child, the last of her bloodline. The entire family's powers were bestowed upon her when she was only 7 years old.

She, however, swore never to use it so long as she was a a caged bird. A strong will was born into her. She holds the strongest connection to the great bird of healing in eons.To show what she could do. No beatings, not torture could make her. She was stubborn.  A strength born into her the vengeance of her line

Child of the Cells

She hadn't noticed how much support she had from not being in the cells alone. Her mother gone, the only company she had was the various people who came through to be interrogated. Bound in the cells across from her. Though rarely they spoke to her. A child who was covered in blood and bruises. Her screams melded with theirs every day when the cells were visited. No matter how much they hurt her, she always abstained from showing her powers even to help herself. She didn't want to end up like her mother, her mind tainted by memories of others of her kin who lost their lives in her very cell.

She refused to show her powers. not when they whipped her bloody, leaving her back a mess of scars over the years, Not when they started going slower, cutting gashes into her skin, then flaying her skin until her screams came only as pained whimpers from exhaustion. For years more, her sobs and cries could be heard, her voice melodic even in pain. The master of her home, the tormentor of her kind visited on her tenth birthday. Angry he wanted to see for himself a blade in hand. He gripped her jaw eyes seething with rage, slicing in a curl. and down her jaw. She quivered but refused to scream waiting to cry until he had left. her form beaten and her face bloody he left her only when the guards told him of a guest, giving him something else to focus on.

By the time she turned fifteen, Her hatred grew within her, and a new use for her power developed. She learned to hurt people with her healing. The only kind of power she would use. King Arambaru wouldn't have her healing, but his minions would feel

The internal injuries on her body transferred to them, where they couldn't prove she did it. A twisted punishment that alleviated some of the damage to her. Rumors quickly spread. She soon found herself even more isolated. No one touched her. No one dared. No one spoke to her, no one struck her, a life of nothing but Isolation. Loneliness festered within her. She was bored. A part of her missed the beatings, missing being around people even if it was only for pain. She only got contact when food and water were thrown into the cell for her, just enough to keep her alive. She was the cursed beast no one could decide what to do with, nothing more.

Eventually, her dismal loneliness finally relented. It was decided that she would never awaken to the healing powers of her kind. The fountain of rejuvenation had run dry, and he ordered her brought before him to face his judgment. He decided before the council and his esteemed guests. What would become of this pointless creature that no longer held any value.

A Whole New World

Desuri faces a new challenge: how to live in the world, how to survive amongst people, after living her entire life in shackles locked away alone. Even the touch of sunlight on her skin was so foreign to the woman. She faces an uphill battle to understand the realms of man, beast, monster, fantasy, and lore. She is the first of her family in generations to be under the stars, and she will not give up this chance easily. She had worked hard and suffered greatly to get here, and she would make the most of it, regardless of who gets in her way. She is not skilled at keeping a low profile but will do what she can.

She is short and slender, her form anything but intimidating she wanders, inserting herself for the people against the many gangs. Enjoying the pleasure of turning the pains of the people back on them. Watching them squirm and scream in pain for once. A deep pleasure found in causing pain, in being the thorn on the side of those who felt they owned the people of this world. She wouldn’t tolerate it. She couldn't change her past, but she could change someone else's future.

The Path of Conquest

Time was something she had in spades and goodness would she use it to gain power. until she was ready to claim her revenge to move against the people who ruined her family, to tear down everything they hold dear brick by brick until the king was left with nothing but a forlorn grasp on a broken kingdom before she would come for him. She would train and get strong. She no longer bothers to hide. She wants him to know she is coming, bounties abound for her head, and the fights to stay alive only add to her strength. Her skills grow more advanced, and she learns new uses of her powers. She applied herself to growing connections and powerful allies she could turn to when it was time for her to make her move. She dancing between titles and duties. ever moving up. Ever moving towards her goal. A long life bestowed upon her she would use it, her mana build-up had extended her life, no longer unnaturally drained as her kin, she could live 500 years Though she would seek her vengeance in under 20

It took time, and many fights, misery, and damage rested along her path. Many people crossed, friends earned, lovers come and gone. She had come from a nobody kept in chains, her name meaning trash in of itself. To now, she was carving a name for herself in history. She would be a force to be reckoned with, Working her way to getting a name, gaining title, and earning favor amongst royals much to the Ire of the lord who seeks her head. Assassination attempts in the hundreds of corpses returned in pieces to the place she once called home.

Born in chains, beaten and bloody, fought from the bottom, leaving a path of blood in my wake. Finally, she was ready and killed the lords who held my family for generations. Their home is now mine, Their slaves my subjects, their subjects living under my thumb. Some call me a warlord, others a tyrant, but most importantly, now I am in charge, and I will rule with an iron fist. This nation is mine now; I will see it succeed.

Criminal activity, Aggression, Drug, Abuse, Foul Language, Violence, child abuse, Torture, Adult-Content, Blood, and Distressing Themes.
Approach with caution

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a cool fool.


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Resolute Rebel

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Desuri Vel'Tal ✧ Homicidal Healer's Friends Comments
Displaying 7 of 7 Comments (View All | Add Comment)
ᴛʜe ᴍᴀᴅ ᴅᴏɢ - 豪殺

Nov 24th 2023 - 11:29 PM

Hello friend, thank you for accepting my friend request. Pleasure to meet you, I go by many names but most perfer to call me Senou or some form of that or another. Call me however you wish as long as it isn't too insulting now. I would very much enjoy discussing a storyline or two if you are willing. I'll make sure to take a peek and read up on any information you have kindly provided on your profile to help ease us along. Thank you again for your time, hopefully we can chat more soon.
Ciao for now~

Nov 3rd 2023 - 2:42 PM

Eyes remain unwavering & focused like hellish beads, targetting hers with a deceptively neutral expression, save for the faintest edge at his lips suggesting a perpetual smile. There was a thick veil between her & his private thoughts, that much she could ascertain from his poise & manner of speaking: 

"Usually, I have people to do that for me... When necessary." 

A light up tilt of his chin. 
"Things are less messy this way, sweet'eart.."

Oct 27th 2023 - 8:56 PM


It amused him that she would think so, but he couldnn't blame her for the assumption. A wry smile permeated his dapper features, listening. "No, darling. Merely curious about your methods. And now, I see..." 

A voracious crusader, he would surmise. "You make your own justice, is that right?" He began musing out loud. "But right & wrong are a matter of perspective. How do you discern the two? Who is to say you aren't the villain in other's stories?" 

The man gave her a scoff. 

"To trouble yourself with one side of the pendulum will land you nowhere."

Oct 27th 2023 - 6:39 PM

"Tell me, chérie: what compels you to spread violence wherever you go..?" 

Eyes curiously hone upon her & her expression...
ŤHE 103rd

Oct 16th 2023 - 7:52 PM

Sure what you have in mind for a storyline?
♚ •αlpнa кιngριn.

Oct 15th 2023 - 1:14 PM

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||{There Can Only Be One King!:}||~
Red = Spanish
"“"A'ight, shut up and listen up. You wandered that ass into this hood with all the confidence in the world.
Don't think sh*t gonna be sweet because yo' ass fat and your face pretty. That's gonna get you but so far.
First off, Welcome to the hood. Where sh*t ain't nice and yo' feelin's would get hurt.
So leave that at the 'doe.'{Door.} You don't know what could happen here, the types of f***in events or incidents tht take place.
Yours truly, runs this whole operation that's goin' on here. And you seem like the hardheaded type.
Just my luck. If you could lay low and shut up, things can go smooth with your own cut on sh*t. Llámame neblina. Empecemos con la mierda.".

||- Hello, Sorry for the rudeness or intimidation I may have caused. Was just tryin’ to keep my characters personality in it so you could how he is first hand.
Hope it ain’t too much, if it is I’ll tone it down. If I’m not using (||-), then I am going to be in character. And I like to be in character most of the time. ! So please don’t take offense to the words of Dante Primo. It’s only Roleplay, of course. ^^ -||

Llámame neblina. Empecemos con la mierda. = call me Haze Let's start with the sh*t.

ŤHE 103rd

Oct 15th 2023 - 11:21 AM

Thanks for the add
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