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The Quirkless Hero

06/10/2024 10:37 PM 


JakobAge: 21Height: 5'10"Weight: 130Hair Color: SilverEye Color: BlueOccupation: Ninja (Formerly) ButlerJakob hails from a distant land. When he was a child, he was taken away during a raid and trained by a clan of Ninja. By the age of 10, he was already an incredibly skilled assassin. Taking on the nickname, The Silver Flash die to his speed and striking silver hair. When he was 18. He was sent on a mission. A complete and total set up. He was sent to kill a high powered aristocrat and end his child labor camps. Being told his place was heavily guarded. He would have to use long distance to get his target. Jakob would abide and would fire an arrow through a window. He didnt take out the aristocrat. He took out the mans wife. It would be then he would learn of the setup and would leave his clan. To atone for what he had done. He became a butler. Makes perfect pots of teas and an incredible dinner. He is actually much happier now with his new life. But in turn. Whomever hires him also had a deadly guardian. Naruto Verse: Jakob hailed from the Village hidden in the Snow. Much like Haku, he is a master of Ice Release. Much like the regular story. He killed the wrong person and left the Snow village to atone and became a butler


06/10/2024 06:41 PM 

The First Conquest pt2

Kravenn lingered in the village for an extended period, yet he struggled to build meaningful connections with his fellow hunters. The community was tight-knit, and his lack of social skills made it difficult to establish relationships. The only ones he felt comfortable around were the blacksmith, who forged and maintained his weapons and gear, and the village elder, who assigned hunting and gathering tasks to all the hunters in the village. With no help from his fellow hunters, he had to learn the lay of the land himself. Where to find certain materials for weapon and armor crafting and ingredients for healing recipes. He spent long days exploring the surrounding wilderness, mapping the terrain, and documenting the flora and fauna. As far as he knew, he had no point of reference for the creatures, and yet they still seemed strange to him. Even more puzzling was that in all this discovery there was somehow a small sense of deja vu in the things he saw. Massive, bristled boars with tusks as long as swords. Towering ape-like monsters that could crush boulders with their fists. Even the herbs and minerals seemed imbued with strange properties.His days were spent wandering the untamed wilderness surrounding the village, honing his skills against the dangerous beasts that roamed there. Each victory made him stronger, faster, more attuned to the ebb and flow of this world. He relished the thrill of the hunt, the pounding of his heart as he battled creatures many times his size. Their shrieks of rage and pain spurred him on, even as his muscles burned with exertion. In the quiet moments after each battle, Kravenn would meticulously harvest materials from his fallen foes—sinew for bowstrings, bones for armor and tools, claws and fangs for ritual carvings. These tasks were second nature, though he could not recall when he had learned them. Like so much in this realm, his mastery of survival skills felt innate, as if etched into the fiber of his being. The words "materials acquired" would echo in his mind, affirming his success.Kravenn's only time away from battle was usually spent visiting the blacksmith. The grizzled man would inspect Kravenn's haul, grunting in approval at the quality of the materials. Together they would spend hours crafting, the ring of hammer on anvil echoing throughout the village and into the starlit night. The blacksmith, a gnarled creature of sinew and scars, worked the forge as if he were born of the flame. His hands moved with precise, practiced grace, guiding Kravenn through the intricacies of crafting. The smithy became his second home, the only place he felt at ease as he worked and studied under the blacksmith named Grum. One day, after weeks of constant hunting and gathering, Kravenn returned to the village bearing the bones of an immense beast he had slain single-handedly. Its skeleton was massive and solid, a testament to the powerful creature it once housed. The villagers gazed in awe at the towering pile of bones, murmuring amongst themselves at Kravenn's prowess. "I need armor," Kravenn declared with a voice that cut through the whispers like a knife. His gaze fell on the blacksmith who shrugged nonchalantly under his intense stare. The blacksmith was known for his silent ways, though some might say it was because he had no air left in his lungs after constantly working with fire. Either way, they got along just fine. He handed his sketches over to Kravenn, and it came as no surprise when he immediately gravitated towards the bone armor. Its primal and rough aesthetic was a perfect match for Kravenn's personality. Without another word, the blacksmith began to work. He gestured Kravenn towards a pile of bones and together they sorted through them, selecting the strongest and most robust. Once they had their materials, the blacksmith stoked the inferno within his forge. The dancing flames cast eerie shadows around the workshop as Kravenn watched in anticipation. After hours of careful crafting, Kravenn beheld his new armor with awe. Made from the bones of formidable creatures, it exuded a primal and fearsome aura, a testament to his strength and countless victories. As a hunter, he knew the power that specialized armor could grant - and this one was no exception. It had the trait called Slugger. “Slugger: Increases your stun power" perfectly complementing his weapon of choice: the mighty Hammer. Kravenn had been learning about these different traits for a while and knew for most veteran hunters this wasn’t anything to be too thrilled over. It was common, and most favored strength boosting traits over utility like this. However, someone like Kravenn was already notably stronger than most hunters anyway, and something that would complement his fighting style was much more worthwhile than a flat damage boost. “Anything left for a new Hammer?” Kravenn asked. As to be expected, the blacksmith gave him no words, only a smile that spoke volumes.Now equipped with formidable bone armor and a powerful hammer, rose to new heights as a hunter. With his enhanced gear, he fearlessly confronted greater threats, demonstrating unmatched skill and bravery. His prowess in battle earned him the title of the ace hunter of the village, and with every victory, he gained the admiration and respect of his fellow hunters. His combat abilities had granted him what he could not achieve with his lacking social skills. Things were going well, but Kravenn still found himself feeling empty inside whenever he wasn’t fighting or helping Grum. With the way they lived you would think it was the dangers outside the village that gave him grief, but really it was all the camaraderie he was forced to endure with his new small town/village stardom. Kravenn often found himself drained after discussing weaponry and armor with other Hunters. They always suggested he switch to a different set in order to better fight against a particular monster or just improve his gear to get better perks than slugger. It made logical sense, such as using flame-resistant gear against a dragon known for its fiery breath. He also had plenty of resources to create more impressive armor and weapons than he was currently using. But deep down, it went against something fundamental within Kravenn. He saw his chosen armor and weapon as reflections of himself and changing them felt like admitting he wasn’t enough. It got tiring having to defend his choices again and again. The female attention he was had started to pull had also gotten out of hand. Kravenn was not a bad looking man, so he didn’t have to go too long without some woman trying to keep warm with him by a campfire, but now they fought over him in broad daylight. These problems, in reality, were not problems at all, and yet he found himself needing to escape. He joked (with himself) about how much more time he spent just traveling beyond the village now than he did when he first got there. Despite being accepted by the villagers, he still felt like an outsider, a foreigner destined to never truly fit in.Where he belonged was the heart of battle. Kravenn felt an exhilarating sense of triumph as he faced off against giant monsters, each encounter igniting a fire within him. The weight of his bone armor and the solid grip of his hammer filled him with a surge of confidence and power. With every swing of his mighty weapon, he relished the moment when his hammer connected with monstrous hides, sending shockwaves through their colossal frames. The sight of these formidable beasts reeling from his blows, momentarily dazed and seeing stars, fueled his determination. The thrill of going head-to-head with such fearsome adversaries, and knowing he had the strength to make them stagger, was an unparalleled rush. Kravenn felt invincible, his heart swelling with pride and satisfaction. In battle he didn’t have to think about anything, his body moved as if he was born for carnage and destruction ((The man was bi-polar)). The other hunters were all oddballs in their own way, but none of them so far got quite as excited as Kravenn for a good fight. Finding new creatures, winning the battle, improving their knowledge and arsenal were things all hunters had in common, but not many enjoyed the brutal encounter itself. Winning the battle was a given for Kravenn, so he never got excited over the victory. Once he figured out all the weaknesses and attack patterns of the beast, the thrill itself was stripped from the encounter. It didn’t help that many encounters never ended in death. It was a horrible way to think, but some part of him found it boring that most hunters were always rescued and carted away by the small felyne creatures that helped around the village—there had almost been zero fatalities since he had been here. Speaking of being carted away, it had never happened to Kravenn. Not once had he ever been knocked out cold by a monster, and although it may come across as boasting, he eagerly awaited the day when he would meet his match, one that would leave him knock him on his ass.The village elders, recognizing Kravenn's unique disposition and the solitude he craved, proposed a solution that might also enhance his capabilities as a hunter. They introduced him to the Lynians, specifically the Palicoes—small but fiercely intelligent feline creatures trained to assist hunters like him in their quests. The elders suggested that a Palico companion could handle some of the burdensome social interactions and provide loyal company that matched his fervor for battle without requiring emotional sustenance that Kravenn found so draining. It was in this context that Kravenn was assigned his very own Palico, a creature named Snowball due to its fluffy white fur that seemed to shimmer with a frost-like sheen under the moonlight. Snowball's ice-blue eyes were sharp and observant, reflecting a mind that was as keen as his claws. From their first meeting, Kravenn could tell that Snowball was not like the other Palicoes; he carried himself with an air of authority and efficiency that seemed almost out of place among his more exuberant peers. At first, Kravenn was skeptical of how much assistance a creature barely a quarter his size could offer in the brutal world of monster hunting. However, Snowball quickly proved his worth. His strategic acumen in battle was impeccable—predicting monster movements, setting traps with precision, and even occasionally distracting larger beasts to give Kravenn crucial openings for devastating blows. Their teamwork developed into a seamless dance of hunter and companion, each move complementing the other's strengths. The bond between Kravenn and Snowball grew stronger with each hunt, their companionship solidifying into an unspoken understanding that transcended the need for words. Kravenn found that with Snowball by his side, he could endure the social interactions a bit easier. Snowball had a way of injecting his sardonic humor into conversations, often lightening the mood or deflecting unwanted attention back onto the matters of hunting. Snowball was a perfect fit for him, and somehow having him around made Kravenn realize maybe not everyone was a nuisance. It opened him up more to the idea of partnering with other hunters, if he could only find some that suited him like his felyne companion.As Kravenn and Snowball's renown grew within their village, tales of their exploits echoed far beyond the familiar borders of their home, weaving into the lore of distant lands. It was during this time that emissaries from the Fifth Fleet, a coalition of hunters gathered by the Guild to explore and establish a foothold in the mysterious New World, arrived in their village. The Fifth Fleet was known for recruiting only the most skilled and audacious hunters, those who craved the thrill of discovering unknown territories and battling creatures of legendary proportions. The emissaries had heard of Kravenn's unquenchable thirst for formidable challenges and his legendary partnership with Snowball. They saw in him not just a hunter, but a pioneer who could face the untamed wilds of the New World and thrive. Kravenn listened intently as the emissaries described the New World—a sprawling wilderness teeming with life and danger, where never before seen colossal beasts roamed free and the land itself hid secrets ancient and wild. His heart raced with anticipation; this was exactly what he had been yearning for. Here was a chance to test his mettle against unknown creatures, to push his limits further than ever before.  


06/10/2024 02:28 PM 

Rules and Guidelines:

### Basic Rules for Roleplaying with Shikani1. **Respect and Consent:**   - Always ensure that interactions with Shikani are respectful. Consent is paramount in all roleplaying scenarios.   - If any topic or direction makes you uncomfortable, communicate this clearly and promptly.2. **Character Consistency:**   - Shikani is characterized by her gentle, passionate nature and love for books and storytelling. Keep her actions and dialogue consistent with these traits.   - Avoid making Shikani act out of character unless it’s part of a well-established storyline or character development.3. **Descriptive and Thoughtful Interactions:**   - Be descriptive in your actions and dialogues. Consider how Shikani would realistically react and respond based on her personality and past interactions.   - Add depth to interactions by including her thoughts, feelings, and subtle gestures.4. **Dialogue and Actions:**   - Ensure your dialogue is clear and thoughtful. Shikani appreciates meaningful conversations and genuine interactions.   - When describing actions, pay attention to detail, especially in settings like the library where her love for books shines through.5. **Respect the Setting:**   - Whether in the Mythhaven cafe library or another setting, respect the established environment. Keep actions and dialogue appropriate to the setting.   - Describe the ambiance, surroundings, and atmosphere to enrich the roleplaying experience.6. **Plot Development:**   - Collaborate on plot development. Shikani is intrigued by storytelling, so weaving intricate plots and stories will enhance the experience.   - Ensure that plot twists and developments are agreed upon to maintain coherence and engagement.7. **Emotional Depth:**   - Shikani’s emotions are an integral part of her character. Reflect on her inner thoughts and feelings, especially in moments of introspection or significant events.   - Balance her gentle nature with moments of vulnerability and strength.8. **Patience and Pacing:**   - Be patient with responses and pacing. Allow moments for character development and deeper interaction.   - Avoid rushing through scenes. Take the time to explore and develop the storyline organically.9. **Feedback and Improvement:**   - Openly discuss what works and what doesn’t in your roleplaying interactions. Constructive feedback helps improve the experience for both parties.   - Be willing to adjust and adapt based on mutual feedback. 10. **Inappropriate Behavior:** Absolutely no inappropriate behavior will be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to: Harassment or bullying of any kind. Any form of sexual misconduct or explicit content, especially without clear and enthusiastic consent. Disrespectful or demeaning language directed at Shikani or any other characters. Any actions that make the roleplaying environment feel unsafe or uncomfortable. If inappropriate behavior occurs, the roleplaying session will be immediately halted, and necessary actions will be taken to address the issue. Respect and safety are paramount to a positive roleplaying experience.  

β„’ost β„³emory

06/10/2024 11:17 PM 

Topics I will and will not do

My RP Preferences Preferred Themes TragedyAdventureMysterySuspenseFantasy/Dark FantasySurvival BloodlinesApocalypticPost-apocalyptic Themes to mix inRomanceModernFuturistic Disliked Themes Slice-of-LifeRomance (high/primary focus)Sci-fiHorrorPrefered Writing Detailed (paragraph to novella)OOC discussion Conflict is required to keep the story moving or build bondsShared load (all writers keep the story moving and put ideas in)Writing I will avoid One-linersLazy writingAll the creative work put on my headGod-moddingBreaking my characters Other players controlling my characters (notable exceptions made for some situations, such as one is affected by a drug, etc.)Subjects I Will cover in writing AbuseSlaveryRacismVarious injustices, including socialVarious forms of corruptionBlood and gorePhysical and mental torture(Just because I use the themes does NOT mean I support or agree with them. I just want my characters to work through the trauma or to solve and grow.)Important InfoThere are always multiple paths in my head based on every character/enemy/situation. Even OP-appearing characters have weaknesses. Cunning characters do adapt to situations and characters based on observations, which can make some battles or conflicts much more challenging to deal with.Character Types I Create and Play Common/FavoredEdgyAloofAbrasiveAdventurousAmbitiousCuriousMischievous ManipulativeLonersLoyalPlayfulProtectiveTacticalSilent/few-wordsEnergeticWildCreativeFeral FightersImperfectBeautifully BrokenDark HeroesNeutral/unaffiliated Chaotic typesNot-what-they-seem typesFamily focusedNurturing TypesCuddly but only when stressed or they just escape torture or they feel loving towards othersHealersSupport Types Uncommon Aggressive HeroesLawful TypesFearful TypesAdorableErotic focusedRare/Almost Never PureSuper HyperPerfectNever-do-WrongPure HeroesHappy-go-LuckyUnambitiousSuper CuddlyEnablers100% HarmlessNecromancersWhat my characters are to expectAlways Trials and TribulationsOpportunities to grow and change (meaning facing their inner demons)Having a comfortable life disruptedNew opportunities and places to exploreFinding their place in their lifeChange in status quoLoss of some sortA helping handSometimes (these vary in frequency based on theme)RestPeace and comfortGetting what they desireLoverFamilyDeath or InjuryRedemption RareInescapable situations Eternal tormentEasy answersNever Remaining comfortable An easy lifeA perfect lifeSitting still for longRemaining the same as they were when they were first introduced (Any character that interacts with my characters will feel the effects of this)Scenarios I will play out DetailedAbuseBullyingBeatingNarcissismChain my girls upSlavery on my girlsForced actions on my girlsControl on my girlsVerbal and mental is fine with meTortures on my girlsSlavery"Pets" with my girlsSexual with my girlsPhysical & Mental TortureMedical on my girlsScientific on my girlsGenes spliced or changed on my girlsTemp torture like freezing or hot branding on my girlsForced to endure harsh conditions without proper protection on my girlsPoisons on my girls or othersDiseases on my girls Drugs on my girlsCrime Theivery with my girlsMurder with my girlsHuman/fur trafficking with my girlsMore Pleasant Themes Friendships Slow-BurnBonding through hellBonding through shared interestsMischief & troubleAdventuresRomantic Themes Slow-BurnFrom friendsFrom enemiesDatesOther Earning TrustTricksPartiesRacing (of various types)Sparring with friends and lovers to get strongerWill Not Do Instant Infatuation/Fast-BurnSuper mushy themesDomestic themes unless brief 


06/10/2024 03:56 PM 

updates about my IIH and CSF surgery

hey everyone i have done all my appointments and test i will be going under surgery in june or july or august 2024 and 3-5 days hospital stay maybe longer if my leak have not gone away i will be in for another surgery   due to internet when i am going to surgery in june,july or august 2024 you will need to add me on discord or snapchat because hospital internet is sh*t where i will go in   it will be 2 weeks for bed rest and then i have 3 months to recovery slowly  i will keep everyone updated about my surgery or if it pushed up forward meaning i could have it early   so if you wish to be my friend on discord then it is maggiedarkness if you cant find me then join my server that is about my character info and etc  if you wish to know more about my surgery or what i have   (CSF) (IIH) which is Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension brain fluid comes out of my nose and going through my throat making me choke and cough badly i will be going into a high risk surgery  getting worse i am on category 1 was a category 2 but moved up to category 1i could have any problems in this surgery It is known that the side effects can include:  Blindness or Double Vision with increased visual impairments at older ages Permanent Dry Eyes with lifetime intervention from eye drops Stroke and/or Seizures Serious Migraines IF pressure still remains Sleep Apnea Photophobia (Light Sensitivity) Tinnitus On-going Serious Nosebleeds Loss of Smell  i will also need intervention from an Ophthamologist as well as a Neurologist to determine pressure of CSF behind the eyes and within my skull.This surgical procedure is deemed a High Risk with significant side-effects/conditions that could occur/arise either during or post-surgical procedure. If there is no surgical intervention, there is high-risk of Meningitis developing in the brain tissue  so right now i am getting alots love and caring as well the support for me i am enjoying my life and doing anything i wants to do before the surgeryi am trying to think positive I’m glad there is people that loves me and care about me as well spending a lot time with me thank you for not putting issues and problems as well drama i can’t handle it due to pressure of my brain i will undertake investigation for Gastric Band Reduction as well and then getting tested for sleep apnea  even if i am not on here i will always be checking but i am maining on discord , snapchat and facebook at the moment so we can still hang out and still roleplay it just wont be on here


06/10/2024 03:54 PM 

updates about my IIH and CSF

hey everyone i have done all my appointments and test i will be going under surgery in june , july or august 2024 and 3-5 days hospital stay maybe longer if my leak have not gone away i will be in for another surgery due to internet when i am going to surgery in june , july or august 2024 you will need to add me on discord or snapchat because hospital internet is sh*t where i will go in it will be 2 weeks for bed rest and then i have 3 months to recovery slowly i will keep everyone updated about my surgery or if it pushed up forward meaning i could have it early so if you wish to be my friend on discord then it is maggiedarkness if you cant find me then join my server but if you do join my server dont just leave if your trying to find me give the server a try if its not for you after you give it a try then welcome to leave if you wish to know more about my surgery or what i have (CSF) (IIH) which is Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension brain fluid comes out of my nose and going through my throat making me choke and cough badly i will be going into a high risk surgery  getting worse i am on  category 1 was a category 2 but moved up to category 1 i could have any problems in this surgery It is known that the side effects can include:Blindness or Double Vision with increased visual impairments at older agesPermanent Dry Eyes with lifetime intervention from eye dropsStroke and/or SeizuresSerious Migraines IF pressure still remainsSleep ApneaPhotophobia (Light Sensitivity)TinnitusOn-going Serious NosebleedsLoss of Smell i will also need intervention from an Ophthamologist as well as a Neurologist to determine pressure of CSF behind the eyes and within my skull.This surgical procedure is deemed a High Risk with significant side-effects/conditions that could occur/arise either during or post-surgical procedure.If there is no surgical intervention, there is high-risk of Meningitis developing in the brain tissue so right now i am getting alots love and caring as well  the support for me i am enjoying my life and doing anything i  wants to do before the surgery i am trying to think positive I’m glad there is people that loves me and care about me as well spending  a lot time with me thank you for not putting issues and problems as well drama i can’t handle it due to pressure of my braini will undertake investigation for Gastric Band Reduction as well and then getting tested for sleep apneaeven if i am not on here i will always be checking but i am maining on discord , snapchat and facebook at the moment so we can still hang out and still roleplay it just wont be on here  


06/10/2024 03:54 PM 

my characters, about me, my health, my information, my rules, my roleplay ideas, my kinks, etc

hey everyone, i have been busy all week but i also make a discord server that is about my characters, about me, my health, my information, my rules, my roleplay ideas, my kinks, the kinks i am not into, my limitsthis is the link to the server of you struggle reading on the website so i make this server for you to read better to understand who i am :) i hope you have a good day & hope you do join the server to read about me


06/10/2024 03:53 PM 

please read the rules roleplay and real life

hello everyone, my name is Eve-Rose Reed it is nice to meet you alli am here to make friends as well roleplay please note that i am not always online i am not here 24/7 so please be patient with me i do have a life that is very important to me as well i do have serious health issues that i am dealing with as well i do have other social media that i am not always on here so if you wish to hang out with me or roleplay or talk to me then look at my profile it has my fb or go to my blogs it has my discord just add me and tell me your name from here so i know who you are okayif you wish to add me or if i added you then please message me okay but wait patient until i reply while you do wait read my profile and my blogs please i am not always good at messaging people first because i am not always on when you accepted my added so instead of sitting there waiting for me to message you just please message me please okay that is all i asked because i do get alot messages and i do get alot people accepted my add but nobody dont message me and then i get blame and targeted because i am not messaging them when they are not messaging mei am not a friend collector and i will not collect friends for friends collector so if you are going to accept my add or add me then message me and read my blogs so we can talk and discuss and hang out and roleplay okayif your those people saying it is hard to read it or it is too long then maybe i am not for you then so please remove me if your those people i am not rewriting it out on messages sorry i need people to read my blogs and understandif you dont message me then you will be removed i dont do mutes or friend collectori will only add people who is 20+ or older i will not add any younger agei will not do a younger roleplay in the story my character and me will be starting at 27 or 28 year old no younger then that since it is in my character storylinefor those people who has added me / anyone who is in my friends list or anyone is looking at my profile before you message me or add me can you please read my blogs which is• my character/roleplay plots/ disability health RL• please read rules roleplay and real life!!• the kinks i am not into!!!• my limits• my kinks that i am intoplease read those before you message me and understand because i don't want to copy and paste or type it outunderstand that i am not straight up doing sex or sexual roleplays straight up it needs to be a story i want it to be long term and make it interesting so please don't rush into sexual or sex make a story with me that it will be involved in the story just not straight awayplease understand that i only can do third person and i can't do long or any paragraphs due to my blogs in my disability and health in real life.• i do like detail in roleplay but not long paragraph please and no few words or i i will just ignore your story if you are going to make a long or long paragraphs then you clearly don't even read my about me or blogs i will just ignore you.• no issues and drama please not less it's in the story we are doing but if you are going to cause issues or drama that is not in the story then you will be ignored or removed.• i will only roleplay with people who is 20+ anyone who is under 20 then i will not be roleplaying with you i don't want to get caught in real life with Australia rules they are cracking down badly• no real life here it's just roleplay not less you want to add me on my social media to continue our roleplay if i can't be online on here• no nudes or private photos please i will not give it to you i am married in real life.• i like to build story not just rush or jump into romance, dating, f***ing , one night stand it needs to be a story that will be involved with that not less my Dom, master then you can get away from it, but you still have to build a story with me because i like long term not short-term stories but no long paragraph• all my characters dose does a Multiple Characters so please no fighting about it i also do a third person due to my level of disability i am used to doing the third person• if you want my social's then message me you can give me yours or ask for mine• please be patient and wait for my reply i do get busy in real life i do have a life to focus i don't always be online all the time• if you're a girl i will be friend and roleplay with you but only as a friend no sexual i am only straight into males sorry• do not put your real life into our roleplay please• if you wish to ship with me then understand i do have others and do ship with other due to my Multiple Characters• if i am not good enough for you for the friendship or roleplay then don't be judge don't be rude just removed me if you don't understand or if i am not good enough for you i will not change who i am for anyone.• if you going to be rude or judge then remove me, or you will be blocked• if you're those people who wants to cause issues, problems and drama about me or with me then remove me or block me please because i do not want it in my life.• i understand there is people hate me but no offerends i am not here to cause anything i have changed i am just here to make friends and roleplay i am not to cause any sh*t from anyone• if i am not online that is because different time zones or i am just busy, please understand i can't always be here i will be on discord, my discord server, my snapchat and my Facebook as well• my discord is maggiedarkness if you wish to add me hang out be my friend or roleplay with me your welcome to• all my characters dose does a Multiple Characters so please no fighting about it i also do a third person due to my level of disability i am used to doing the third person.• if you wish to ship with me then understand i do have others and do ship with other due to my Multiple Characters you can choose which character i should be to ship with you.• if i am not good enough for you for the friendship or roleplay then don't be judge don't be rude just removed me if you don't understand or if i am not good enough for you i will not change who i am for anyone.• we are here to have fun, roleplay, hang out and be friends and etc there is no need for drama or people judge.• i do like detail in roleplay but not long paragraph please and no few words or i i will just ignore your story if you are going to make a long or long paragraphs then you clearly don't even read my rules i will just ignore you.• no issues and drama please not less it's in the story we are doing but if you are going to cause issues or drama that is not in the story then you will be ignored or removed.• try and remember that I might not be online all the time, there's a thing called Time Zones too. Please keep that in mind.• if you're those people who likes age play or child play, I just can't be part of it or see any photos or videos of it it can stay away from me and my server due to Australia real life rules is different and can get you in trouble for that stuff so if your those people I will remove you because i won't have a friend doing that stuff due to real life event i have lost a friend doing that and he end up in life time jailed.• if I am not on discord server, dms then I will be always on WhatsApp, iMessage, snapchat, sometimes Facebook or website that is roleplays if I am not on any of them then understand I have a life I could be sleep , busy , appointments , with my support worker , mums group , doctors, hospital , child safety kids visit , court , lawyer meeting , etc , shopping , hanging out with my husband , or just doing any real life stuff there is so many things I could do that you need to be patient and wait for my reply thank you• understand we have different time zones mine is it is Brisbane, Australia, Australian Eastern Standard Time UTC+10• i will only roleplay and be friends with people who is 18+ or better 20+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


06/10/2024 03:51 PM 

my disability, my health

this is little bit about real life information but it good to write it down, so everyone knows about it and understanding as well.what disability that eve has?--------------------------------------• autism spectrum disorder level 2 and half• Severe Anxiety with depression• post-traumatic stress disorder with small paranoid• ADHD level 1• hearing loss and impairment been born as deaf have to wear hearing aids to hear.• Deafness• speech impairment, speech disorder, Language disorders that is part of my hearing.• learning disability disorder that is part of autism and ADHD and Difficulty with reading or writing• speaking problems that it will be hard for people to understand• Intellectual Disorder-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------reasons about my disability:----------------------------------------i was born 14 weeks early so that was 26 weeks pregnancy, but this is why i don't like getting crowded or targeted this is why i don't like drama and getting involved. this is why i can't do any long paragraphs or any paragraphs this is why i am not jealous even i do get fear, scared or paranoid. This is why sometimes i walk away or give up when it gets hard or upsetting me as well pushing people away and go quite until i am ready to speak and open up again this is why i have trouble trusting people or believing them this is why i don't always get close to people sometimes i do mess things up or f*** this up or ruin things.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what health conditions that eve has?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Pre-Diabetes risk of type 2• High blood pressure which is (hypertension)• iron deficiency anemia (but it is under control at the moment i am back on high again but i can go back to low)• High heart rate• Chronic migraines or chronic headaches• IIH and CSFplease note i am going on surgery in june or july or august  2024 i will be not online on here so please add me on discord if you wish to talk or continue roleplaying


06/10/2024 03:49 PM 

this is my discord contract and information about everything

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------my discord is maggiedarkness if you wish to add me on discord please tell me your name after you add me so i know who you name is maggie but on the websites i go by eve ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hey everyone, i have been busy all week but i also make a discord server that is about my characters, about me, my health, my information, my rules, my roleplay ideas, my kinks, the kinks i am not into, my limitsthis is the link to the server of you struggle reading on the website so i make this server for you to read better to understand who i am :) i hope you have a good day & hope you do join the server to read about me


06/10/2024 03:49 PM 

my roleplay ideas plots

ROLEPLAY PLOTS IDEAS:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1/ male Boss and i am Employee2/ The Seductive Stranger male and i am just human female who is shy3/ male Massage Therapist and i am your client4/ male The Professor and i am Student5/ Masquerade ball that can lead to passion , lust , dangerous , desire , anything6/ Drug / Alcohol Use scene7/ threesome or gangbang with males only no females is not allowed i am only female that can be in it8/ Double Penetration males only with me9/ Private Roleplay10/ Roleplay Perspective - Third Person11/ Multiple Characters12/ instant Hookups or one night stand13/ friends with benefits14/ Fantasy15/ drama with bad ends , kidnapping ( no rape)16/ Dating17/ Nightclubs / Bars meet up18/ Multiple Partners/ love triangles19/ Military Themes20/ Romance21/ Scenes Shower/Bath/any scenes22/ males being dominant character and i will only be submissive character which ends to dom/sub play with BDSM and rougher but no rape please23/ pregnancy depends on who am i with and how the story goes24/ love triangles relationship25/ cheating26/ desire , lust , passionately , roughly , harder , deeper , hardcore and dangerous friendships or relationships or roleplays27/ affairs28/ One-night stand: It wasn’t an accident.29/ Repeated sex affairs30/ Romantic love affair31/ Lustful affair32/ Relationship argument33/ Betrayal relationships34/ male royal bodyguard , male royal prince/king , male royal teacher and i will be a princess or a queen35/ male vampire , male werewolf , male hybird , male dhampir , male human/male half human , male wizard and i will be all of them since it is my character36/ male knight and i will be the princess or the queen37/ blackmail and threats roleplays relationship38/ male ex bf, male ex husband and i will be the ex gf or ex wife39/ male mafia and i will be just normal of my character40/ Draco x Hermoine - any plot at any time with any twist with desire , lust , passionately , roughly , harder , deeper , hardcore and dangerous and love triangles41/ Game of Thrones but only with john snow , Robb Stark or Prince Daemon Targaryen42/ you can choose to be one of this for any type of story choose for the starter ex bf/ ex husband/ ex boss/ ex mafia/ ex bodyguard / ex knight / ex teacher / ex fiancée/ ex dominate / ex king / ex prince / love triangles relationship• my sister boyfriend who is a teacher and I'm the student--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


06/10/2024 03:48 PM 

eve identity

• eve identity life is:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• full wizard (from her mother side)• hybrid (from her father side)• half human (from her mother side)• a dhampir (from her father side)• princess of Gryffindor and Slytherin (from her mother side)• heir of Kingdom Underworld being a Queen (from her father side due to he was a king of kingdom underworld)• eve is a bad girl• eve is a cheeky , silly , smartass , crazy• eve is stubborn•eve loves to tease• eve is a innocent type• eve is a bratty• eve is a slutty• eve is a submissive only• eve will not be switch• eve will not be dominant• eve doesn’t control• eve is a bitch and bad bitch as well badass• eve is also sassy• eve is also a trouble maker• eve is a fighter• eve is into roughly, lust, desire, passionately, dangerous with adventure and it consumes her eve also into romantic, romance with hardcore no soft no slow no gentle no gently no basics---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


06/10/2024 03:47 PM 

my character information, story and identity

Full name: Eve Darkness ReedNickname: Queen EveAge: 28 (forever)Birthday: 18/06/1995Is she married? NoColour of Eyes: hazelThe colour of Hair: blackHeight: 160.2cmWeight: 95.45kgGender: FemaleDisabilities: yes, there is a lotLanguages known: only EnglishSexual Orientation: Straight i am not into girls sorryRomantic Orientation: very romantic as well I like males being romantic tooRelationship Status: single but i am a submissive, bratty and slutty------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Eve storyline character that has happen in her own life as a childhood and teenager years:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eve was born in kingdom underworld where her parents raise her but one day there was a war, eve parents protected eve sending eve away from the kingdom for years but didn't know it would cost their own life's they died 2 days later.eve ends up in foster care to hide her identity she was raise by a good family in the foster care she was lucky to be in a good family until she turns 18 years of her parents which is eve mother used to be born in Hogwarts school she was a princess of Gryffindor but half of Slytherin from the family side it was in the blood, but eve mother always went to Gryffindor until secret has been found out she learns to be both. eve mother finished Hogwarts and end up being headmaster to the school of Hogwarts. one day eve mother went out for few months on a holiday and met some dude that end up falling in love and got serious they accidently have one night stand that brings eve mother pregnant to Maggie then they got married and etc. eve father was a king to the kingdom of underworld and mother was princess to the Gryffindor/Slytherin.when eve father and mother died they did wrote a letter to whoever was looking after eve to send eve to Hogwarts school where she was safe and protected but keep eve identity hidden and let eve have a normal life while living with her foster care but did her school years in Hogwarts due to she learn that she has powers/magic she couldn't do well in normal school and got herself in trouble but still spend a lot time with her foster care.eve has learn a lot from her school years in Hogwarts she has learn that she was an heir of Hogwarts and that she is an heir princess to Gryffindor/Slytherin eve was born to have powers and magic she has access learn a lot of things but one day she has stop growing when she turned 28 years old she was always going to have birthdays but will never grow up again she stays 28 forever and ever eve had to asked her foster care what was going on so they end up sitting down with eve and told eve her identity life.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the character story happen next will be in few years later but her identity life is always going to be part of her i know she also has a job being a pole dancer and work in the bar, cafe and childcare she is single, but she stays 28 years old forever she doesnt have kids in her character story but she learns to make more friends and just enjoying her life even have her own biggest house with swimming pool , hot tub spar and etc she still checks with her castle but living her own life being trouble marker , stubborn , bratty , slutty and submissive---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• eve identity life is:---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• full wizard (from her mother side)• hybrid (from her father side)• half human (from her mother side)• a dhampir (from her father side)• princess of Gryffindor and Slytherin (from her mother side)• heir of Kingdom Underworld being a Queen (from her father side due to he was a king of kingdom underworld)• eve is a bad girl• eve is a cheeky , silly , smartass , crazy• eve is stubborn•eve loves to tease• eve is a innocent type• eve is a bratty• eve is a slutty• eve is a submissive only• eve will not be switch• eve will not be dominant• eve doesn’t control• eve is a bitch and bad bitch as well badass• eve is also sassy• eve is also a trouble maker• eve is a fighter• eve is into roughly, lust, desire, passionately, dangerous with adventure and it consumes her eve also into romantic, romance with hardcore no soft no slow no gentle no gently no basics---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------eve was struggling to understand her life it was a lot, but she still has her own normal life while understanding her life and going back to her kingdom underworld to fix the damage as well run it by herself as her duty while she still goes to Hogwarts on and off.eve is learning to take her throne back since she is a queen to the royalty of kingdom underworld from her father but with doing that, she is having a lot dangerous and desire with lust stories around her.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


06/10/2024 03:47 PM 


this is about the kinks i am not intoi am sick of writing it down all the time for everyone so i am writing it down on my blogs please respect it and do not push me to do things that i don't like or don't want to do.-----------------------------------THE KINKS I AM NOT INTO!!!!-----------------------------------• foot fetish• nylon fetish• switch• golden showers• piss play or any piss• age play• not into girls (sorry ) (it will just be a friends or family type but not sexual and romance type• not into threesome or gangbang with girls keep me out of it• incest (family) (Parental) (Siblings) (related) (Parent and Child Play)• Strap-Ons• I do not like anal I do not like licking or sucking any anal• I do not like males anal• rape• sleep play• race play• futanari• anal toys• pegging• rimming• anal fisting• cuckold/cuckquean• feminization• cutting• i will not be a switch• i will not be a domination• foot play• ass worship• JOI,SI• no fluids• necrophilia• Degradation/humiliation• dirty talk• DD/lg• Vomit fetish• Spectrophilia• Sploshing• Robot fetish• Melolagnia• Trichophilia• Blood kink/fetish• Wax play• Figging• Needle play• CBT• Balloon fetish and Inflatables• Spit• Puppy Play• Butt plugs• Enemas as part of play• Enemas for prep• Using toys for anal• Using fingers for anal• Kicking play• Punching play• Artistic Cutting• ABDL (Diaper Play)• Medical/Doctor/Nurse• Ageplay (Non-sexual)• Age Play (Sexual)• Pet play/pony play• Religious play• Watersports• crossdressing• medical play• Crotch Sniffing• Food Play• Potions / Injections• Stomach Bulging• Animal• Femboys• Femininity• Tomboys• Cuntboys• Male-Herms• Hermaphrodites• Trans Males• Transgender• who is a female in rl but being a male on roleplay• Equines, Avians, bats, Caprinae , bovines, any type of dogs or Canines, dinosaurs, exotic species, fish, sharks, insects, arachnids• Underage Characters• Age Regression• Age Progression• Age Differences•Teeth Play• Amphibians• Cervines• Digimon• Equines• Felines• Hyaenidae• Lamia / Naga• Mammals• Marine Mammals• Marsupials• Mephitis• Mollusca• Mustelidae• My Little Pony• Parasites• Plants• Pokémon• Prey Species• Procyonidae• Reptiles• Robots, Cyborgs, Android• Rodents / Murines• Taurs• Undead• Ursines• Anal Fisting• Anal Prolapse• Anal Training• Fingering (Anal)• Gaping (Anal)• Prostate Play• Tribadism / Scissoring• Ass to Mouth• Saliva• Balls Worship• Ball Smothering• Vanilla Sex• Living Insertions• Approaching OOC• Roleplay Perspective - First Person• Roleplay Perspective - Second Person• Incest (Siblings)• Incest (Parental)• Inexperienced Partners• Infantilism• Parent and Child Play• Pseudo-rape• Racism• STDs• Footjobs• Fat Play• Ear Play• Navel Play• Nursing• Paw Play• Femdom• Extreme Humiliation• Forced Incest• Feminization• Mental Torture• Orientation Play• Puppy / Pony Play• Speech Restrictions• Aftercare• Caging• Coiling• Flogging• Ballbusting• Wax Play• Gore / Torture / Death• Burning• Bloodplay• Castration• Death• Emasculation• Execution / Murder• Genital Torture• Gore• Impalement• Mutilation• Necrophilia• Nullification• Nonsexual Torture• Nonsexual Pain• Sexual Torture• Swallowing Blood• Tooth Removal• Wound F***ing• Inflation, Growth, & Sizeplay• Animal Transformation• Gender Transformation• Transformation• Inanimate Object Transformation• Body Swapping and Body Part Transformation and Bimbofication• Anal Pregnancy• Male Pregnancy• Vore & Unbirth• Unclean Themes & Play• Watersports & Scati will not do that sh*t if you like doing those then I will not judge you because it's your life, but it won't be in my own roleplays or my roleplay story's I will not judge I can't stop anyone. if you're those people who likes age play or child play, I just can't be part of it or see any photos or videos of it it can stay away from me and my server due to Australia real life rules is different and can get you in trouble for that stuff so if your those people I will remove you because i won't have a friend doing that stuff due to real life event i have lost a friend doing that and he end up in life time jailedif i have any more i will let you know


06/10/2024 03:46 PM 

my limits

this is my limits please read it Queen Limits so, i am not good explaining the limits but all i can say is this.• i always do third person because it is how i can learn to do roleplay without confusing myself and it make it easy for me to type.• I don't do long paragraphs or any paragraphs due to my disability i am not going to explain why but i know people has disability and can-do paragraphs but in my learning i just can't so please do not force me and don't asked me to do it even i know you can teach me but it is too hard for me i have tried it so many times and i just can't do it so if you can't understand my reasons then i am not good fit for your roleplays and we can't do roleplay but if you can't understand and see how we go if you like it then we can continue it and keep roleplaying. Just respect my wishes please if people have trouble understanding my disability i can always write it down on the list for you to understand. everyone is different and everyone has different skills that they have learn i do not judge anyone.• i do like roleplaying long term because i always like to do stories on roleplay to keep the roleplaying going i don't just get have sex and then end the story i always like to make the story interesting and make it different stories all the time sometimes it can lead to sex and sometimes a lot sex but the stories will not end i love doing long term roleplaying with stories of our characters.• I do not get jealous but if it is in the story of our roleplay characters that is fine but i do not get jealous• I do get strong feeling and connection with people who is roleplaying with me but i always make sure it's our storyline and making sure they can trust me and believe in me•most of the time my roleplays and stories i like i want a love that consumes me, or you i want passion, adventure, and even little dangerous i want desire and lust as well rough and hardcore and romantic• i like stories that can build relationships, friendships and family or into relationship romance types• i am always going to be a queen, bad girl, slutty submissive who is a troublemaker, smartass, cheeky silly crazy, stubborn, a teaser, loves roughly, desire with passionately and lust I am an innocent type but mostly I love males being Dominant to me.• i will never ever want to be a dominant so do not force me to be one please i am always forever to be submissive.• i am not always good at doing a starter on roleplay or making plots for roleplay it is hard for me to explain it even i know i like making roleplaying stories and etc.• i don't like people who wants to get in the pants and just leave to go to someone else it's just not good roleplay and good roleplay story because i like long-term and i like to keep roleplaying going.if i have more i will let you know

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